Choose your character

Only 1 can be your ally. The rest are coming to kill you.

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The mask


Goku, the only one who would defeat Superman

The mask

Superman bcuz he’s fucking superman

this list is so fucking unbalanced holy shit
Also the question sucks. the obvious choice is Deadpool because any other scenario and he wouldn't ever stop trying to kill you because he can not die.

Superman is the correct choice.
But I'll choose Ganondorf.


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Gonna have to go with the guy who saves the universe on a yearly basis. Supes it is.

>Superman can die
>Deadpool canonically physically can not die
BTW Deadpool ended up regenerating after Hulk pulverised him.

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spotted the retard

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The Mask is the only correct choice and it's not even a meme

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UI Goku destroys Superman easily, so I pick him.

sorry i ddint know wolverine died in the comics, drop him down to s tier with hulk and mewtwo

>pic is jim carrey
this implies it is jim carrey mask we are reviewing.

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You've got a fucking reality warper in your shitty list retard
The mask wins every single matchup

And yet Batman can still find a way to beat him you fucking retard

Even fucking then theres no reason he wont just cuban pete the others into ignoring him and his protectee.

Also Goku has canon asspull powers.
If he isn't strong enough than within a few hours he will be.

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mask or deadpool.

not sure why rorshach there, he's not even super intelligent like batman.

>Superman just lazers him from 2 kilometers away

I'm gonna be honest cuz I was confused why he was here too, I had to google "Rorschach superpowers" to confirm I wasn't the retarded one.
>Like most characters in Watchmen, Rorschach has no obvious "superpowers". He merely has his strong will, peak-human physical strength, and finely-honed sense of timing and precision.Like most characters in Watchmen, Rorschach has no obvious "superpowers". He merely has his strong will, peak-human physical strength, and finely-honed sense of timing and precision.

You guys do know that Batman is on the list right?

He can come up with a plan to beat all of them. He already has one to beat the fuck out of Superman. He already did it and made Superman grovel like a stupid bitch.

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Dude he'll just loony toons it.
The mask isn't even much of a favorite of mine but the dude is effectively a cpurt jester for gods. He'll scream and turn to ashes like a cartoon then pick himself back up and continue to play around with everyone.

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This. Batman’s greatest strength is his plot armor. Superman and the Mask stand no chance against him.

>Batwank is still a thing
Jesus christ I swear half the people who say hes there favourite supe don't even fucking read his stories.

>The rest are coming to kill you.
Then I'm dead unless maybe with the mask. Having an invincible hero isn't going to help me if there's 8 more attacking me. My only chance would be if my ally could hide me.

Ok that’s cool and all but Superman could just toss him into the sun.