Is a 144hz monitor worth it for gaming? Some say you don't notice it all moving from 60 hz...

Is a 144hz monitor worth it for gaming? Some say you don't notice it all moving from 60 hz. Others say they have become a ''epic pro gamer'' within a day because of it and others say you dont notice it until you swap back to a 60 hz monitor again.

So what is the general consensus here? Is it worth upgrading to one?

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It's worth it and definitely noticeable, but only if you're actually hitting framerates to make use of it. It's been proven time and again, too. I'd bet money that the people who say they don't notice a different aren't hitting more than 70 frames per second max in their games.

Try playing something like Quake Live with a 60hz

huge disadvantage

My friend actually said he didnt notice it at all when he got one. A few days later i came over to his place and noticed his Windows refresh rate was still set at 60hz. I bet there are more clueless people like that out there.

>being friends with low IQ people

Yup. There are even people like big twitch streamers whose living is literally playing video games on the internet who don't actually know how it works and are too lazy to take the 10 seconds to google search it, so they just say there's no difference and that they wasted their money.

he's primarily a console gamer and clueless when it comes to PC hardware. The type of person who would buy a gaming pc with 128 GB ram because higher numbers = better

Yes, they're amazing. Going back to a 60Hz is painful.

I will never forget going to 144hz when I built my first pc from console gaming. Going back to 60 is like unbearable for any shooter.

I'm pretty decent at online FPS, my soft cap that I've noticed is about 95hz. Anything over that is barely even noticeable to me. But more important than that is your frame rate. There is no point getting a 144hz monitor if you cannot consistently push 120+fps in the online FPS games you play.

Also I think 60hz is still completely fine if you have a monitor with low input lag and good image quality. As long as you have vsync OFF and are getting 100+fps you still get the benefit of lower input lag (the higher your FPS the lower your input latency). Most 144hz monitors have shit image quality unless you opt for the handful of actually decent but more expensive 1440p144hz IPS/VA from Pixio, LG, and Dell. I still play too many different types of games that to me benefit far better from having much better image quality over slightly improved motion clarity and slightly improved response. But if you don't care about having good image quality and you only play shooters than 144hz+ is the smart choice.

>Going back to a 60Hz is painful.

I wouldn't call it painful it's just more obvious than before how much smoother 144hz really is when you've been adjusted to it for a while. But honestly it really doesn't take that long to adjust back to 60hz as long as your monitor has low input lag. The worst is going from a 144hz monitor back to an older 60hz TV with like 40ms lag.

I hate that with monitors you always have to sacrifice something.
>Get TN panel
>extremely fast but shit colors and everything else
>Get IPS
>Really nice popping colors and angles but IPS glow + shit contrast
>get VA
>Decent colors and nice contrast but black smearing/ghosting even on the higher end panels and shit imput lag for the most part.

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I'm in my 30s and thought 144hz was a meme for ages. I got a 1440p/144hz oc'd to 165hz monitor and it's the best thing ever.

Does responsiveness make or break your playing experience, are you playing at a skill level or attempting to reach a point of competitive play that actually warrants the investment of a high refresh rate screen?

People have already mentioned what tradeoffs you'll probably be making unless you're trying to spend 4000 on a panel that does it all.

It's definitely noticable but
>going back to 60hz is impossible
is a meme. I have 3 monitors, one 165hz and 2 60hz. Going from one to another was annoying at first but after dealing with it for a week or so both become perfectly usable.

you can OC 144 hz monitors or is a g sync module or something?

I feel your pain, I'm super OCD about displays. Monitors and TVs today are both absolutely terrible with QC and panel lottery, you could buy 4 of the same exact model monitor and 1 would be okay, 2 would have dead pixels, and 1 would have horrible BLB/flashlighting. I got really lucky with a manufacturer refurbished Dell S2419nx, it's 1080p@60hz SDR but it's top of the line in that category, almost zero BLB and the semi-gloss screen finish, colors, and contrast are superb for IPS. I can't tell you over the last 3 years how many fucking displays I've had to return because of dead pixels or inexcusable amounts of BLB or uniformity issues. It makes me so hesitant to upgrade.

Wait for OLED to get cheap or wait for dual layer LCD's to come out.

Or their graphics card cant handle more than 144 fps

I have an ASUS p-something and it's g-sync and can be overclocked to 165. I'm pretty sure you can OC anything with hardmods, though, but I just hit a button and it goes to 165

>I'm pretty sure you can OC anything with hardmods

You can only OC a monitor through your GPU control panel or through other software like CRU, and even then only some monitors can OC. There is no physical modification you can do to make your monitor have a higher refresh rate. Most 144hz freesync panels are actually natively 165hz but they clockdown to enable freesync which otherwise doesn't work at 165hz.

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>Some say you don't notice it all moving from 60 hz.
Only retards that forgot to change the refresh rate to 144 hz or used an HDMI-1 cable.

>Some say you don't notice it all moving from 60 hz

Those people are literally retarded.

Yes it is. Especially if you play FPS games. I’m using a 240hz monitor (which is overkill) and when I jumped from 60fps to 140fps+ the difference was insane. It’s easier to track and aim in game. Now if I play anything on 60fps I feel gimped.

how was the jump from 140 to 240 btw? Im wondering i should pull the trigger for a while now.

1440p 144hz is the current sweetspot for gaming

If you have a beast pc that can handle 150+fps in game then go for it. Mine usually hovers around 140-160fps so I can’t say for sure.


4K/60Hz is okay too, if you play a lot of games that aren't optimized to go above 60fps like quite a few Japanese games or older games.

Well i mostly play shit thats not really demanding like Quake Champions, CSGO, TF2 and Overwatch
I usually get 200-300 fps in those games but im wondering if it's big enough jump from 144 hz to spend hundreds of dollars on.

>144fps is only beneficial for shooters

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Not him but I'm assuming you play at 1080p with that fps. I don't think 240hz is that noticeable myself. I have a 1080p 240hz one and a 1440p 144hz monitor and i really prefer the extra resolution over the 100 hz bump. I'd say a 1080p to a 1440p monitor is much more of upgrade and with that fps on 1080p you can easily handle it.

>go back to 1080p
>too blurry and jaggy

>go back to 60fps
>too choppy/janky

>go back to 1080p AND 60 hz

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The problem is that most affordable 144hz panels have trash image quality whether TN or VA (especially shitty curved ones that almost always have terrible backlight problems), so in the majority of cases you're trading good image quality just so you can have a potential slight edge in online FPS games. Not worth it unless all you do 24/7 is play online shooters. You will feel like an idiot trying to watch a movie or enjoy a singleplayer game when you're staring at washed out colors and gray blacks.


Who the fuck even uses PC monitors anymore? Just use a 1080p/120hz TV like a normal human being

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144hz monitors are only good for video games. 4K monitors are good for both video games and everything else you do on a computer.

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why do they all wear glasses?

Sōybōys are very "correct" outside of their internet echo chambers, they're the kind of people who get regular check-ups because their mothers tell them to and doctors being the Jews they are will always tell you to glasses, drugs or shrink time at the slightest sign of non-perfect eyesight, non-perfect health and non-perfect mental state, so they get glasses because their mom and the doctor said so

Great argument

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Yes, it is.
It is a huge difference from 60hz. I wouldn't "Buy" a monitor for it but I got a VG248QE off craigslist for $100. So. It was worth it to me.
I wouldnt upgrade to it if i could do it again because it honestly ruins 60hz games for you.
like 30hz and 24hz games like bloodborne are unplayable now. it sucks.

I know that feeling. I honestly cant enjoy games that have a 60 fps cap with no way to unlock it.

>A few days later i came over to his place and noticed his Windows refresh rate was still set at 60hz
This is the case with so many people. I've had morons brag about their high frame rates to me, yet they had no clue it didn't matter because their monitor was only 60hz.

Will a 120hz TV look smoother than a 60hz monitor? Excuse the brainlet question.

>A few days later i came over to his place and noticed his Windows refresh rate was still set at 60hz
This happened to two of my friends IRL as well

its not nearly as much of a change from 60 to 144
truly diminishing retruns
but still worth doing

t. has a 144hz flat panel but still plays quakeworld on a 240hz crt at 640x480

yeah even just moving your desktop around feels better. like mouse poijnter and windows and shit
all of those games are quite demanding at certain resolutions. enj

Nobody cared who I was until I put on the glasses

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60fps is fine for games on pc or console. 30fps locked with proper motion blur and frame pacing and a controller is also fine if it's a slower paced game, it only gets dodgy if you're trying to use something as fast and accurate as a mouse at 30hz. If you truly can't enjoy a game just because it's locked to 60fps then you're just as retarded as the assholes claiming 30fps games are more ""CINEMATIC"". Of course 144hz is better than 60hz, but not even close to the degree that 60hz is better than 30hz, and even then 30hz under the proper circumstances is still playable with a controller.

If you don't immediately notice the difference on your desktop alone, you're doing it wrong.

Day n night difference, but only if your rig can keep it up

I am that kinda clueless
Do I have to do anything else? I've enabled it on Windows, in steam, and in individual games where I can find it.

sounds like the majority of Yea Forums

90% of TVs that claim "120hz" are only 60hz. If you want a true 120hz TV you need to confirm it on forums where people know their stuff or check RTINGs. Some 2017+ Sony 4K TV's are true 120hz and the Samsung RU8000's are also true 120hz, I'm sure there are a few more models that do 120hz but I don't know them.

A modern decent quality 60hz monitor should still have less input lag than any 120hz TV though so games will feel more responsive on the monitor, even if it's just by a little bit, but yes 120hz looks smoother than 60hz. Also any TV that has a true 120hz panel will have motion interpolation options that will make movies and games look even smoother but at the cost of much higher input lag.

>in steam

Steam has no refresh rate option. Just make sure in Windows resolution settings that your refresh is at 144hz and in each game go to video options and it should already default to 144hz, if not change it, also obviously disable VSYNC in online FPS, it adds input lag.

I’m sitting here thinking the jump from 30 to 60 was amazing.
I can’t imagine the day I’m able build a PC and run 144hz.

you're probably using an incompatible cable

If you have an old PC CRT give 640x480 160Hz or 800x600 120Hz a try

I don't notice it
Freesync/Gsync are definitely worth it though

>I'm an absolute retard
>please spend money

How do you derive that from my post at all

>post retarded shit
>how am I retarded

CRTs especially today have their share of issues and cons, but if you get a good one that can do 95hz+ at 800x600 or higher it's fun to mess around with. CRTs beat LCD in motion, I'm not an expert on them but the way they refresh the screen works completely differently than LCDs and it's much better. As a result I swear that 95hz on a CRT feels and looks just as good if not better than 144hz on LCD.

thats mostly because input lag is non existant on a CRT.

it only matters in input lag.

it's very noticeable and nice, but you get used to it

my friend bitches that he cant read fast attacks in mordhau because hes on 60hz
meanwhile he also claims i have every advantage and can trivially read every attack he does because im on 144hz


standard DVI does not support 120hz or 144hz. You need dual-link DVI to get 144hz. It also depends on the monitor, I think there are some monitors out there that are picky and you can only achieve 144hz through Display Port.


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The difference is so glaringly obvious that if you can't see it you're literally blind.

CRT or die

you will regret it, just focus on the type of panel, buy TN 1080p/60hz for videogames and IPS to watch movies, anime, tv shows and so on, I have a TN as my main "do it all" monitor which I use for videogames and shitposting in the middle and two IPS for entertainment on each side, one is 1080p/60hz tv monitor(tv, netflix and stuff) and the other one is a 2k/60hz monitor(to fit in more stuff to monitor my PC, streaming stuff or something I don't want on my main monitor, 60fps looks real enough, 120fps looks "too real" for me

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I could tell the boomer sip burp at the end of your post

which size are your monitors?

ya herd well, *sip*

all 24"

Boomers are based, Zoomers are not.

Anyone who says there isn't a difference is either trolling or retarded. Yes there is a difference.

Still waiting for 144hz IPS for less than 300 usd.

I got mine for 350 like two years ago or more.

I got mine in 1996 or even earlier for 350

You're not allowed to pretend you're a boomer unless you're already content with your CRT monitor.

Still the best.

I'm doing 96Hz at 1920x1200 right now, don't undercut CRTs like that.

Why are all the

It's absolutely worth it not only for the frame rates but for getting rid of screen tear.

>Accidentally ordered one with 75hz
I've never even heard of 75hz being used, is it bad or does no one talk about it because the difference from 60 to 75 isn't noticable

What did you want to order instead? 60?

>eyes are so bad can't tell the difference between 1440 and 1080 at all
based shit genetics desu

free sync g sync hello?

Yes, my ancient monitor broke and I needed a new affordable one. My monitor was so old it did not even support hdmi and hat like 5ms lag so the thing I bought is an upgrade in any scenario. I'm just wondering if 75hz can cause some issues since a few games have their FPS capped at 60 which would probably look shit. I'd imagine that in online games I'd benefit from it a little so it's a double edged sword

Which is gonna be in pretty much any 144hz monitor you buy these days.

nice reading comprehension there champ

I only found it noticeable in online FPS games when you have to do 90 degree flicks and 180 degree turns. It makes that a hell of a lot smoother.
It's also just a smoother first person shooter experience in a way that's hard to quantify.
Unless you're buying for a multiplayer first person shooter I wouldn't bother with it personally.

>so dumb you think you need 1440 graphics
You kids are now required to play only games from the mid 90s and before for two years, and watch only DVD quality movies. One day you'll learn your HD shit is just a stupid fucking pile of shit that doesn't add anything to games, TV, movies, or anything else.

You notice it. You don't get better. If anything it makes you worse.

That's you.


Doesn’t really make you better at anything. 144 frames just feels better to play with

Most game servers are sub 60tic so it doesn't really matter for "Pro Gaming"
It's nice for 1P shit though.

He's not totally wrong though.

>this thread

Yea Forums is so full of tech illiterate retards holy fuck

I have a 144hz monitor and that's my opinion, don't make me respond in kind with retarded wojak warfare.



And you aren't, faggot?

>ability to have quicker reaction time due to increased smoothness
>doesn't make you better

stop being garbage

No. I know for one, that 144fps helps with plenty of games outside of shooters, like racing games, GTA and clones, TPS, fighting games, and flight games like AC among several others.

also DMC /Mgr etc etc

>tfw made the mistake of buying a 144hz monitor since I play esports competitively
>tfw can't go back to normal gaming anymore
it hurts bros...

What do you even play with those monitors? ASS CREED?

>Brother spends all his money on a 4K television
>Won't shut up about how great everything looks in 4K
>Everything he watches is 1080p

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34" curved 1440p ultrawide 144hz freesync ips

cant go back now. from now on every single monitor needs ATLEAST those stats. thats kind of a problem with monitors, you dont want to downgrade after you tasted something good.
Iam scared my next monitor might cost me 2000€.

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Honestly, I see no difference between 60 hz and 144 hz. My monitor shows me how much FPS I get so it's not that it's not working; it's just that the difference is imperceptible.


sorry for your retardation

skimmed this thread and came to post this

Ideally you'd stop lying on the internet about things. Maybe help someone else save some money.

yeah and whats the problem here?
fucking retard

>buys a fucking LG monitor
>falls for two retarded memes
>calling others retarded

Ideally you should get your eyes and brain checked for major problems.

still dont know whats the meme here.
you are just spouting random meme garbage, how can I take your shit serious.

just give me ONE reason why curved, lg monitors (have no problem with mine), 144hz are memes?

Do you own research, you clueless retard.

I did thats why I bought the monitor.
still waiting for your arguments. you cant just say "look it up", thats not how it works lol

>I did that's why I bought this cheaply made garbage from a company with horrendous customer service

You're literally a brainless zoomer.

ah now I see whats up.
you are just poor.
cope an shit, thats how it is.

I hope you are enjoying ur 24" 1080 60hz tn monitor :)

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falling for ultra wide was bad enough, but curved nonsense as well?
you've really outdone yourself by even buying cheap chinkshit to top it all off

nice selfie >:)

I'd sooner buy a budget brand like ACO over LG and they're terrible panels.

I sometimes forget that the average 4chin user is like 16yo and doesnt have any money.
nvm dude, its getting really boring here.

weekend Yea Forums gets dumber every year

>poorfag deflection

nice projection you actual teen faggot
if you had any money you'd have bought a good brand



I need sleep.
Also, LG only makes decent aircons.

I tired 144hz monitor but going to TN panel after years of using IPS panel was really disgusting, and it seems like every monitor these days has shitty stands that are stuck in one position(or you can tilt it five degrees) so I returned it. I'd say having 1ms response time made more difference than 144hz(my ips monitor is 75hz with 5-6ms response time).

He's probably talking about the Acer Predator. It's got an 'overclock' from 144hz to 165hz that's achieved via the built-in menus on the screen. It's partly meme marketing, but also done that way because 165hz mode on that panel introduces some response rate delay.