Is it, dare I say, Yea Forums's GOTY?

Is it, dare I say, Yea Forums's GOTY?

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it’s sad to say but this game is in my top 10 favorite game. my goty most likely.

Probably not. I quite like it but it is flawed, surely there would have been better games this year.

we're still not in fall, and its competing with DMC5 and Sekiro so far

all of which don't suffer from having the the fucking monastery which should've been gutted after the time-skip

Nearly every map is a big open field and it's too easy even on Hard/Classic.

Just becuase switch doesnt have games, doesnt mean you can call your shitty games good.

>new switch game comes out
>"of c-course everyone's buying it and seem to love it! The switch has no games! Right b-bros? Can I get a wojak and a b-b-b-based?"
>next month arrives
>new switch game comes out
>w-well what do you expect? Of course ninet-t-t-t-endies love it are buying it. The switch has no games!!!!

Rinse and repeat

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it's great but it's missing things that would make it amazing.

>In year where DMC returned
>In a year where Sekiro was a very pleasant surprise.
Never ever, even if it had some pretty good calls in a fallen series.

for example. The first half of the game is boring as hell. And unbearably long. Only the second half is interesting.

DMC5 exists

it also would have been nice if each path had a more unique first half of the game but it is still pretty good

Easily so far, I'm waiting for Outerworlds and Astral Chain but so far easily in my opinion. Haven't had that fun in a game in 10 years

Interesting you say that, because I feel like it dragged in the final act. Not the story, mind you, but the core gameplay loop. By endgame you are so overpowered it makes the maps downright unfun.


god he looks so stupid upside down like that

Resident Evil 2 Remake > Fire Emblem Three Houses

Both really good.

I agree, but are we really giving GOTY to remakes now? Is that really the state of gaming in 2019?

I don't care if something is a remake, I only care if something is good.

And Fuck Devil May Cry. It's gay.

acting like a faggot ironically still makes you a faggot

I enjoyed RE2Make more, but FE3H is a solid game.