Why does everyone hate her again

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Because she's a self-righteous bitch.

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I love her so much

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no tits

Killed my Dad.

fags who blindly follow a church in real life get mad that she challenges a fictional one


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Because I hate white women

Incel pandering

Yea Forums hates female character with actual personality and prefer shitty blank slates like a Runescape Avatar or Samus.

>has a personality
>it's shit

I want her to strangle me with her legs

>cute anime girl cover for an incel school shooter
even the japs are mocking you losers

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Brainlets who don't understand her motives because they either skipped BE or mashed A

Her feet odor can down a whole room!

Cause she is Hitler

She's significantly worse than the other two main lords. The only thing that she does right is start a war which ends up being the catalyst for change in the entire continent. Her entire crests campaign is based off of getting her getting punked by the slithering fucks, which either Claude directly BTFOs or Dimitri completely sidesteps and deals with by accident.

She'd be just as hated if she was a guy, and there were several similar characters that are just as hated.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

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what about the part where she wants everyone to be treated as equal and remove status titles of commoner and nobility, along with removal of reliance on crests?
Claude didnt sidestep shit on accident. they were directly told by Hubert where to go to start solving the actual problem

>She wanted everyone to be treated as equals
By starting a meritocracy which by nature will not treat everyone as equals and will quickly fall into negative practices and usurped by the nobles AGAIN in a few generations

>Remove the status of titles of commoner and nobility
Replaced with the titles of Talented/Worthy and Untalented/Unworthy

>Removal on reliance of crest
Which were never the route cause of any real problem, just a fucking symptom and those in power will find new things to rely on. Like those lovely nukes her Slitherer friends will no doubt provide or she'll "confiscate"

She's a bloody tyrant used pretty words to hide her actual goal of domination. The only reason she even retires is that she's got nothing left she wants to conquer

she is the first person I've passed Galeforce to and she's using it so well

because VICTORY OR DEATH somehow is really really terrible when a girl does it

>Replaced with the titles of Talented/Worthy and Untalented/Unworthy
what's wrong with this? if you're not the right person for the job, why are you here?

> Untalented
What is hard work? Oh wait you need a crest to do the heavy lifting now do you?
> Tyrant with a goal of domination
In most endings she relinquishes power and don't even want to rule. One where she actually does is with Lysithea.
> Replaces crestless struggle with "untalented" struggle
The fact you wrote this down is by itself very retarded. Anyone would take something that is achievable through hard work by everyone rather than "right of birth/blood"

they're just mad she's not 100% good

because she is a woman

She's a power hungry genocidal maniac with delusions of grandeur.