Heya there Yea Forums! Didn't see you there! J was just wondering if anyone wanted a big Delicious Bowl of Grandma Brownies Chocolate Chunker Wunker Bunkers, Now with even Bigger Chunks of Chocolate Chunks!
Heya there Yea Forums! Didn't see you there! J was just wondering if anyone wanted a big Delicious Bowl of Grandma...
What game?
>hey this video is quite interesting and informati-
No I don't want your big Delicious Bowl of Grandma Brownies Chocolate Chunker Wunker Bunkers, Now with even Bigger Chunks of Chocolate Chunks!, we are talking about vidya not big Delicious Bowl of Grandma Brownies Chocolate Chunker Wunker Bunkers, Now with even Bigger Chunks of Chocolate Chunks!
his videos are pretty well done but I don't find them funny in the slightest.
Every time.
This character's been kind of annoying lately, but his edit of that Sonic trailer is legit amazing and he has excellent taste in fat bat tat porn.
>his new Sonic video
God, he makes animating look so easy. How the fuck does he do it?
>tfw I immediately recognized almost every piece of rouge art that flashed on the screen
>Ruins your entire webseries
>mfw Goofball porn
Is that burnbot shit still going on?
I hate how Max is so insecure that he has to create a character to preemptively call him wrong, fat and stupid. He obviously puts a lot of thought into his videos and essays about whatever nonsense he wants to talk about, it's annoying that he has to immediately invalidate any of it by calling it bad, so that the big meanies on the internet don't actually think he CARES about anything.
It's okay to care about cartoons and movies, Max. It's okay to think critically about story-telling and film.
Tried sitting through that one about Apu, but his rhetoric was weak and his points fundamentally validated the viewpoints he was out to combat.
And it wasn't funny.
>Goofball porn
excuse me what
got my respect but he could do better in certain areas
That's just part of his humor, and he executes it well because he really knows how to insert deep cuts into dialogue. Creating an uncomfortable atmosphere is his forte.
he peaked during pony.mov times and hasnt really reached that point since then
>mfw burnbot porn
>assholes turning a fictional character into a stereotype insult doesn't make the character or its creator responsible for that
made sense to me
WGJFK was different because it wasn't really his direct voice as much as it was a cartoonified version of himself. Brain Dump is very much his opinions. Why does he have to shit on his own opinions right after explaining them? What does that add
As he said himself, it's the only thing he's good at
why doesn't he just go ahead and work for a studio
His main point was "I don't personally find him to be a stereotype so he's not one", and at that point you're arguing by degrees. The second he included that, the entire video may as well ended there, because he already validated the idea of "well if something IS a stereotype, it should be removed from a comedic work", and from there it's just a case of who can point out the most racially motivated points.
The point should've been "it doesn't matter if a stereotype is being used for comedy, remotely, go blow it out your ass". If you engage with an idea you validate it. This is rhetoric 101.
This post inspired me to go onto my back porch. I'll see you cunts later.
His work portfolio might turn people off. Though [AS] should give him a shot. Justin Roiland got a job, afterall
>His work portfolio might turn people off.
We live in a world with Big Mouth, man.
Apparently he's black/greylisted from a lot of studios due to "personality issues" and vague race jokes in the past. There was a whole twitter witchhunt in the wake of a popularity surge that I didn't keep track of.
it's good, a Roger Rabbit type movie with Sonic would be pretty neat ngl
>burnbot porn
You don't wanna fuck a ghost?
Not my proudest fap
>Made by one dude
>Looks better than a movie made by a giant $200 billion company
Time, effort and a pinch of passion
I haven't seen that guy in like a year. Did he stop uploading?
Did he die?
>His main point was "I don't personally find him to be a stereotype so he's not one"
That's not what he said tho, like at all.
He just posted like a week ago
He's been animating before more people on this site were born
I wish he would post Yea Forums again
I really like this post
Don't need to when you're getting a good amount from patreon
Those were different times, user. Back when people wouldn't go ape shit for calling a Banana by it's incorrect pronounce or something.
holy fuck, this so much
the whole video just falls apart at that moment
He got blacklisted for drawing Steven Universe dressed as a jew
Is Max Gilardi Yea Forums approved?
too edgy
I think it might just be a joke, user
I really don't think it's that deep
>the last picture it stops on says HONK HONK over her titties
I miss cereal.
I wanna suck that ghost off
Did someone JUST say Grandma Brownie's Chocolate Chunker Wunker Bunkers, now with even BIGGER Chunks of Chocolate Chunks?
I hate how MOST "reviewers" nowadays have this self-deprecating cynicism humor.
you make a 30 minute video thoroughly examining a body of work and then undermine yourself at the last minute with a "who cares/get a life nerd" strawman.
I want to do stuff to June's butt