No Man's Sky

Appereantly this game has done a complete 180. I have no idea what it is about, is it an RPG? Is it worth picking up while it's on 50% discount on Steam?

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I got bored of it after 2 hours, just go buy MHW if you dont have it yet

Not an rpg at all
Its a resource collecting exploration game (read:grindfest)
With base building and basic terrain manipulation.
But the draw of it for me is VR, it is really cool to explore in VR. It has multiplayer, it has story progression. It has animal husbandry and mounting.
The grinding is pretty fun with the new update. Not limited in storage like older versions

If you want something to play casually while listening to music or podcasts, and you got friends to explore with, it's fun.
If you have vr absolutely buy it. Worth it for the ship flying alone, and the immersion.
If you want a traditional game experience don't buy it.

People hate it cause they want a traditional game, but if you understand what it is, form your own opinion of it, that's how you know if it's worth it. Cause 10 people will tell you its shit and another 10 will say it's the best thing ever, cause it's so different than most other games, and really polarizing.

It's literally a wagie simulator.

These sort of post amuse me.

>the game is best when you aren't really playing it, but rather using it as a glorified stress ball whilst watching Joe rogan.

>the game isn't very good as a game, but if you go into it knowing that it will suck, you won't be disappointed.

>oh, and it's great in vr

I can understand the vr showcase aspect, but literally EVERY Vr game is immersive. That's sort of the point of vr.

its a shitty minecraft ripoff without any of its charm

its literally the exact same thing as Minecraft and other survival sandboxes but because it had a rocky start its being criticized more harshly for problems that literally all survival sandboxes have. Name all the problems with NMS and you'll discover every other survival sandbox has the same problems, but people praise the others and shit on NMS cause they're still butthurt about the lies.

1. Any jrpg is like that too though. Mimecraft is like that, tons of games are good to casually kick back to while listening to stuff, and I appreciate finding good games that fit the criteria, cause I don't always wanna be engrossed in some frantic complex action game.
2. It doesn't suck. If it sucks then so does every simulator ever made. It's an alien world simulator, with a ton of features that extend it's complexity and add depth to your interaction. It's more like you have to go into it thinking of it as a simulator with a lot of interaction.
3. Not every VR game is immersive. I played superhot and thought "yeah its a fun arcadey shooter" but I played this and felt like I was actually exploring, building, and interacting. That's immersion, and most VR games fucking SUCK at interactivity. At best they let you shoot, walk, and that's it. This let's you build, fly, drive, swim, interact with real players and explore worlds with them, while building bases, hunting monsters, etc.
It's WAY more immersive than every other playstation VR game

>People hate it cause they want a traditional game

People hate it because promises of "trillions of unique planets, durrr" turned out to mean "trillions of palette-swapped copy/paste jobs" and no multiplayer whatsoever.

It has multiplayer

Yea Forums got btfo'd by this game pretty hard. I wouldnt listen to the majority of the negative comments on here since they're mostly uninformed.
However, all it is is a comfy space minecraft with alot of the time being spent material grinding and building. Theres a story and a goal, but its mostly just a "gather this" and "go look at this" types of things with lots of text.

>hunting monsters
Im a shameless NMS shill, but lets not get ahead of ourselves.

I've played it since it came out and NOW IT WON'T FUCKING START ANYMORE

Anyone know what VCRedist it needs, or something T___T I'm quite sad...

Dont do it the recent update fuck up the game hard

>any JRPG
>a game with a story
>kick back and relax listening to music and chill

Don't be fooled, I played this game about 7-8 months ago before this update. It seems pretty cool at first, but it becomes pretty clear the monotonous grind is ALL there is, not a means to an end.
You're doing the exact same boring shit at hour 30-40 as you are in the first hour of the game.

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>telling him not to buy one shitty game and instead buy another shitty game

The core gameplay is still boring and awful

Most jrpgs have weak as fuck stories and are 90% battles

Whoever told you that is either lying or a shill.

It's still shit and will always be shit.

Regardless of the lies and cut features it's a boring game at its core. No amount of polishing will ever change that. The people saying it has turned around are morons who bought the game and need to convince themselves that it's turned around because they can't admit they got conned. I was dumb enough to buy it and I'll give it to you straight. I was a moron who got conned and it will never be a good game.

>Reddit spacing

Big yikes from me, amigo