You cannot debate this.
You cannot debate this
ME3 is better than ME2.
Don’t fucking (You) me.
why is hashtag fe on there twice?
Because it's the worst game in two series.
Dragon Quarter is the best in the series.
Now fuck off, you disgust me.
>Battlefront III
It didn’t even fucking release
>when X and Y exist
It's that bad.
I agree
How is FFTA worse than FFTA2?
>FFVIII instead of XV
>Ruby instead of X/Y
XV is a worse Final Fantasy than VIII, though to be fair I think this image was made before it came out
I think this image was also made during the backlash period after its re-reveal. I'm not familiar enough with SMT, so I won't comment there, but I'll hold that Shadow Dragon is the weakest Fire Emblem
>Chrono Cross
Weird inclusion, since the "franchise" is basically only two games, unless you count Radical Dreamers. If that's the case, then Radical Dreamers is worse.
>Ruby Version
There's an entire board on this site dedicated to furry porn and arguing over which Pokemon game's the worst one, so no comment
Ass Creed Unity is worse than III.
ORAS is worse than Ruby/Sapphire.
Star Fox Zero is worse than Adventures.
Other than that, either I don't care or agree.
>no DMC2
DMC2 was bad, sure, DmC was offensive to the series itself
>3 instead of Andromeda
>06 instead of pretty much any Sonic game post that minus Generations
>Battlefront 3 never even came out, you mongoloid
>RE6 instead of Survivor, way to try to fit in you retard poser
>Partners in Time instead of any of the games in that series that came out after
Replace Adventures of Link with Zelda 1
both are better than andromeda
This and Sun and Moon
DmC is more fun to play than DMC2. It's objectively a better game. You literally can't dispute this.
Survivor instead of Gaiden. Way to go poser.
>AoL worse than Wind Waker
>Ruby worse than Pearl
>Tactics Advance worse than A2
>any KH game good
Nice joke list clown boi
Resident Evil 6 is a masterpiece and Homecoming is better than the one with the rain
other than that you are correct
>those when Sword and Shield are coming out
gaiden is actually fun and Barry is always a plus
Andromeda was an ugly buggy mess and 3 was an all around better "game", but 3 shattered peoples good will towards the series. It's the reason that ME franchise is essentially ruined for a fair amount of people and likely directly contributed to Andromeda not performing as well as it could have despite its many flaws.
I never had a problem with 3’s ending. I think the retarded “live, marry Tali and have lots of babies” ending that all these autists wanted is fucking retarded.
And I think red is an equally shitty color mostly picked by people who just want Shep to live since it fully buys into the reapers retard logic and spits in the face of a core part of the story. Point is neither your opinion or mine are particularly common sentiments.
>FF8 instead of FF15
>ORAS is worse than Ruby/Sapphire.
How? I get that people think it's worse than Emerald, but what do the original R/S have that ORAS doesn't?
XY is like HGSS compared to S&M.
Crono Cross doesn't belong up there, in that it's actually good. And the "series" is only 2 games
Synthesis is the best ending. The EC was basically “look here, you stupid fuck, this is the good ending. Your fan “theories” (denial) are fucking retarded.”
why do you keep on spamming the old version?
OP's version was made before XV came out in it's unfinished state
Even then it's still wrong because 13, 13-3, 12, 10-2, 1, 2, 3, and 5 are all worse than 8.
Final Fantasy 9 is worse than 8
Silent Hill Downpour is worse than Home Coming
That is all.
Not only is that the literal best, but it's nowhere fucking near the worst. V wins that, easily
I get that the joke with #FE being on there twice is that it's supposed to be the worse FE and worst SMT game but it's not SMT nor is it FE so the joke falls flat.
OP's is so fucking bad, even for an old version. Some of those shouldn't have been there to begin with
M&L Partners in Time
>alien mushroom invasion
Cool and unique mario story
>with babies
>not DMC2
Come on now
>Federation Force and the CDI Zelda Games.
Ff8 not 7 KYS
>FF8 instead of 2
Fucking based
#FE what series... cross over between 2.
>Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 5
>Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
>Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect:Andromeda
>Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 4
>Metal Gear Solid 2
>not V
kill yourself
>why do you keep on spamming the old version?
To trigger you, idiot.
For the last time, DMC2 is vastly worse than DmC. DmC is a mediocre game, but it's a complete game with passable combat (albeit notably worse than every mainline DMC except 2) dragged down by awful visual design and laughably bad story. 2 was a game cobbled together from a smattering of assets in 4 fucking months and it absolutely shows; there are games so bad they're worth playing for a laugh, and DMC2 is worse than them to the extent that you can't even have a good time ironically. It's just plain not good in anyway other than its music, a few character designs, and like one good cutscene. If those aesthetics weren't there to attempt to prop up the garbage gameplay (and Trish wasn't an unlockable character that plays like 1 Dante which is almost worth playing the game with, almost) then the game would be a straight-up 0/10.
How does it feel to be a complete idiot?
>#FE what series... cross over between 2.
it's a crossover, meaning it can count for both
>Defending DmC
0/10. It's a reboot that was so bad it brought the original series back
You really are a dead set moron.
I suspect his reasoning is that "DMC2 plays like shit, but wasn't made by someone with contempt for the series and the people who like it." This is largely because DMC2 was not really made at all, and is more of a polished beta sold before a single tester's complaints about balance or fun were heard.
One for Fire Emblem, and one for MegaTen
I'm not defending DmC, I'm highlighting how bad DMC2 is. DmC is a 4/10 game and even Definitive Edition with all of its gameplay improvements, story changes to make it slightly less awful, and all the DLC from the original release put on the disc, it's a 6/10 on its best day. DMC2 is a 2 or 3/10 game, and those few points are from its music and how cool Lucia & Arius look. Even vanilla DMC4, a blatantly unfinished game, is a 7/10 at worst.
That "new" version is just as fucking bad. Both you and OP should stop ever posting them altogether
>x and y
>when diamond and pearl exist
While I agree with you, I chose the easier target
II exists.
Ja-HEEZUS christ. Let's not even debate if it's better than 1 or 3. There's no question that it's better than 4, 5 and Peace Walker.
>There's no question that it's better than 4
4 had its moments, but it was a huge disappointment. Not nearly as much as 5, of course, but it was no question the lowest point in the series when it came out.
>Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 3
>Still has KotoR
If you really to avoid admitting that the finished game with the coherent plot is superior, you can always just put TOR up there.
4 is the worst MGS by far
DmC is bad but its gameplay is at least fun, 2's isn't
What was wrong with RE3?
Diablo 3 is Missing.
Same for the last Sim City.
Links adventure is better then the CDI games or phantom hourglass.
And ruby/sapphire is better then a few of the spin off titles
I'd argue that X & Y, despite it's flaws, was still "Fun"
It still had gameplay as the priority unlike S & M, and while it was linear, it's not really it's fault but B&Ws, and even then you could blame those games linearity on the backlash of morons who couldn't navigate Sinnoh.
Plus it had improved on the amount of catchable pokemon from B&W and B&W2.
And most of it's shortcomings could have been addressed with a Pokemon Z, but Gamefreak couldn't think of a way to split it into 2 games, so we never got it and got the conclusion in the Anime.
But to answer the question of the worst, that's kind of difficult.
If we're talking contentwise then I would also say R&S, but a lot of it's shortcomings were fixed in Emerald, so if a games flaws were fixed in the upper version which is basically an updated version of the two games, it would be weird to cal them out, like a bad game that got patched later on. Same with D&P, Pacing was abysmal and the game wasn't sound hardware-wise being ridiculously slow, but both were fixed in Platinum.
Also, if we're separating remakes from the originals, ORAS is definitely the worst by far.
But SM was just boring and USUM addressed none of the previous games shortcomings aside from a bit more endgame content.
But, as others are saying, SS is looking to become the worst, and i'm gonna assume the upper version(s) isn't going to fix anything either.
Is Full Frontal Assault worse than All 4 One?
>Assassins Creed 3 should be replaced with Odyssey or Origins
Other than that this is correct
Zelda 2 is far from the worst
>Zelda 2
I could, very easily.
thief 4 to this day remains a crime against humanity. I'd give anything to find out what went so wrong during it's development