Fucked up future

>fucked up future
>rampant homosexuality and degeneracy
This game is kinda redpilled if you ask me

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>it's another "let's complain about degenerancy while jacking off to Radiohead doujins and using cropped bitches agehaoing on twitter" episode

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funny because you're the only one complaining right now

personally, I would love the future to be full of rampant degeneracy. then people would quit bitching about who else is doing what and having a good time. No nationalists, no racists, no bigots, no Christian Fundies screaming about who is going to Hell... there will still be inequality, and classism, but at least people won't be pitching hate because someone else is enjoying life

i think it's the other way around, if there arent degenerates there wouldn't be nationalists, bigots and christian fundies.

I think it's actually intended to be the opposite. Everything in the world is so fucked up that nobody gives a shit who is getting buttfucked or who has a porn doll in their closet. Sadly, even the real world can't live up to this ideal, because the reason the world is getting so fucked is precisely because everybody is putting so much energy into liberating sex dolls as opposed to actually accomplishing anything.

>fucked up future
>rampant homosexuality and degeneracy
uh, isn't that now?

>wtf just let me spread disease and rape dogs in peace, I'm just enjoying life

Just post the mega link already

It's a game that has writing only a mother or a gamer would love.

I hope you aimed for getting everyone drunk, op.

Sounds like what white women do currently

>hey bro, I just want to be me and be free to do what I enjoy
>Oh well GOD will send you DISEASE for touching a butt so keep away from SIN and ignore yourself! Become like everybody else so that GOD can be happy!
Also, raping dogs gets into furry territory and even cyberpunk considers that fucked up.

Sounds like the exact opposite of an ideal world.
No degeneracy+no classism/inequality is a utopia.

What a hilarious misunderstanding of human nature. Also it's hilarious to me caring about your people/country is what you consider evil and not murder, rape, terrorism, and shit like that.

Why is it that LE REDPILLED ALPHA CONSERVATIVES latch onto cyberpunk so hard? Every thread about something belonging to this genre is met with a sea of mental gymnastics. No, it's not an post ironic right-wing statement about degeneracy ruining society. It's a genre about freaks and rejects smashing the state. It's punk.

Not even for a minute saying you aren't allowed to like it if you're a /pol/ type, but have you considered that the genre might not be for you?

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Can I at least say nigger?

>Oh well GOD will send you DISEASE for touching a butt
>acting like that's a strawman and doesn't actually happen

That post didn’t mention religion or god at all. Stop inventing boogeymen to justify degenerate behavior.

I'm atheist.

It’s not about smashing the state at all. The entire point is that the state always wins until it collapses on itself due to corruption. The common man is so far removed from agency and power, it’s about just straight up survival or lucking into a big score to escape their situation.

It's not degenerate enough

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>every cyberpunk property out there shows how fucked up people are in every aspect of their lives
>No dude you totally don't get it they're the heroes who smash the man who has been depicted as selling this very culture to them!
Nah nigger. It's not even 'right wing', because a lot of the shit that goes on in a cyberpunk society wasn't supported by the left wing either back when the genre was invented.

Gay men act like cheap whores because they're all pushed into the same small, underground groups where they are encouraged to act like cheap whores. Lesbians don't go around spreading disease, so there's obviously nothing wrong with homosex that causes or enables STDs. And no, random buttsex doesn't spontaneously generate them either. It's more likely to transmit but that requires one partner or the other to actually have the disease.

Let gay men just be openly gay and normal and they wouldn't be any more likely to contact STDs than any other horny twink in the world.

The major driving idea that homosex promotes STDs are the church claiming that it's a punishment from God, or from studies showing that all these gay dudes get pushed into the same group. It's hardly a strawman when it's a major source of those claims. And no, a screencap of a seriously mentally disturbed person who thinks that AIDS is like being pregnant does not imply that gays are any more mentally disabled than any other crazy from any other group.

>My problems are everyone else's fault
Whatever happened to personal responsibility? Also I'm not even the person talking to you earlier, but how the fuck did you compress all the horrible dehumanizing shit that goes on into cyberpunk that gets called degenerate into 'gays'? It's on an entirely different level from gay sex, idiot.

>Let gay men just be openly gay and normal and they wouldn't be any more likely to contact STDs than any other horny twink in the world.

The fact that the act doesn’t lead to pregnancy naturally results in more promiscuity and the biological tearing of tissues means the spread of diseases is increased exponentially.

Literally what the fuck are you talking about.

Man jews fucking suck

I understand where you're coming from, but most all cyberpunk literature pits the protagonists against authority. There's an element of what you're talking about obviously, but it's usually on the back burner. Cyberpunk isn't this super depressing "nightwalk a e s t h e t i c" bullshit kids seem to think it is. It's actually quite optimistic and rock & roll most of the time.

Name some that you are talking about. Because I’m basing mine off Blade Runner, Shadowrun, Altered Carbon, Ghost in the Shell, and Neuromancer.

What has the sunshine and rock and roll you are talking about?

I've been on the internet for more than one day. "Spread disease" does not mean that people are running around trying to infect others with chickenpox or injecting them with anthrax. There is pretty much only one thing that "degenerates" "spreading disease" refers to in discussions these days, and it's not about wearing those coughing masks while preparing food.

I'm not talking about any of the other cyberpunk aspects when I'm specifically referring directly to a post about "let me spread disease in peace" and the other thing mentioned in the post (dog rape) I specifically dismissed as not relevant, or at least not something I was going to discuss.


Oh, so your argument is founded on projecting your own presumptions onto your opponent? You are shit at this.

u fookin wot

The protagonist of Neuromancer is a methhead who fucks a different hooker every night. Even after he is surgically made immune to amphetamines, he finds a way to get off his head. This is mostly played for laughs and isn't brought up much. Doesn't sound very "anti-degeneracy" to me.

You do know that you, as a writer, do not necessarily support every action of your written characters, right? This is one of the most annoying confusions of reality and fiction I see people make. Beyond that, you do know that these same aspects of dystopia you see as negative can be played for comedy at the same time, right? Have you never watched, say, Idiocracy for example?

I remember this and it was kino

>Blade Runner
Not cyberpunk.
The posterchild of what I'm talking about, so I'm not sure why you're citing this.
>Altered Carbon
Panders to people who mistakenly misinterpret the genre, like you.
>Ghost in the Shell
This is just dystopic sci-fi.
>and Neuromancer
Neuromancer is a campy action thriller with a bit of existential AI stuff at the end. I also don't think you've read it.

It was made here so it makes sense.

just found my wank material for the night

Oh, so you are a moron. I was worried there was some kind of seminal work I was missing, nope you are just a contrarian faggot.

>You do know X, right?
Morning Reddit. Thank you for intentionally misrepresenting my point. If Gibson (who i'll point out, is the SJW boogieman given human form) wanted to point out how much of a degenerate Case was for taking drugs, it would've been added upon later and not dismissed almost entirely. He takes drugs and fucks whores because the author wanted to make him brooding, cool and rebellious in a schoolboy kind of way.

>ur dum
Thanks for conceding. I'm not a contrarian by the way, I actually enjoy most of the properties you listed quite a bit.

Interesting take. I thought it was due to his “job” so to speak alienating him from normal human interaction as well as improving his performance. I didn’t think it made him cool, or brooding, or anything besides socially retarded.

Or he wanted to show that his protagonist was morally fucked up in some ways to get across the tone. I don't know. You can't know. We don't know. Stop presuming his intent, you retard, you have no more psychic insight into his mind than anyone else, so don't base your argument on knowing what he was thinking. There's a reason why I used another example where we do know the intended message to counter the idea behind your claim, rather than trying to read Gibson's mind.

>in a schoolboy kind of way
As in, being a social outcast who wears big coats, smokes a lot and "nobody understands, man".

Shadowrun is the poster child for systemic breakdown from the system, where you get it’s the opposite is beyond me. GitS is absolutely cyberpunk, it’s just presented from the point of view from the state. Altered Carbon has a rebellion to smash the state that fails, not much to read differently unless you mean the much worse subsequent novels. Please give actual examples instead of just “nuh uh”.

>Or he wanted to show that his protagonist was morally fucked up in some ways to get across the tone
Stop presuming his intent, you retard.

I think you are interpreting things a little liberally here. Most of that seems in line with someone that spends more of their time “online” in a dystopic future. Idk, I think you are inflecting shonen tropes where they don’t exist.

This game was boring and a lot of the characters were unlikable pieces of shit

>The idiot can't understand context
How about you read the next sentence? Let me quote it for you:
>I don't know
Meaning, that was just a random alternative explanation thrown out there to show how arbitrary your personal interpretation was. I then go on to criticize treating such presumptions as the author's actual intent rather than your own personal take. Are you really so fucking illiterate? I'm not using technical terminology here, or writing an essay.

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So it's pretty obvious the VA-11HALL-A's world is just Venezuelan but "cyberpunk" right?

Pretty pale skinned for Venezuela desu.

>Complaining about other people having one-night stands
As if you wouldn't jump at the chance of sleeping with a 3/10

You're right. Let's never try to gleam the author's intent from anything we read ever because there's a chance it might not be 100% correct.

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I wouldn't sleep with anybody if I didn't plan on having a long term relationship with them

>I am desperate and so all others must be as well

Wrong, its a fucking dysptopia. Cyber punk is what happens to society once every single one of its pillars falls apart. No one has a reason to exist, there's no community trust, and society atomizes into nothingness. It's a perfect description of what happens in the absence of our traditional lifestyles - Teddy K style. Left wing retards are dumb enough to celebrate this dystopia as something we should actually celebrate. You can't raise children in a secure nuclear family in a cyber punk world, its simply the last stage before total collapse. It was always a warning.

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You can try, but you certainly shouldn't try to present your personal interpretation as fact like you did.

>Blade Runner
>Not cyberpunk
>"Dystopic sci-fi" as if that's not incredibly broad
You're that stupid fucker that thinks Roy Batty wasn't smashing the state and that genres can't blend at all, I remember you.

>Christians are bad
>better not complain about muslims

>>"Dystopic sci-fi" as if that's not incredibly broad
Calling every vaguely moody sci-fi universe "cyberpunk" is also incredibly broad.

When society collapses theres always someone who wants to restore balance but no one ever intends for soceity to collapse and it only happens because of ignorance
No one except truly mentally ill people who are entirely self destructive would want soceity as a whole to collapse

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You just now realized user? Pretty much every girl is a sex worker or a whore, everyone is doing drugs, and guys are cucks. If you try to have a masculine hobby the Jews will turn people against you for liking it or subvert your hobby to extract your shekels from you.

kill yourself kike/femoid

That's a lot of waffle for not much point.
>Left wing retards are dumb enough to celebrate this dystopia as something we should actually celebrate
I've genuinely never seen anyone try to argue that a cyberpunk world is desirable outside of perverse self-insertion.

It's made by people suffering an actual dystopia of course it would be redpilled.

>homosexuality more apparent because they've entered a society that isn't dependent on organic matter so humans are free to fulfill the pleasures as seen fit

Fixed it for you, the true redpill is the one where mankind is most free

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What if the core of society is rotten and there is no longer any civil method of removing said rot? Anarchist feelings like you see in some cyberpunk come from the idea that normal people are completely powerless to change society, so the only thing that can be done is to topple it.

We certainly can't, we'll get called imperialists again.

Those people are extremists and would see people hurt in order to bring what they see fit to the for front. They are no different than the power structures they rail against, they just lack agency/power. This is a common theme.

Then what should people do, user? The idea behind democracy is that people can change society through votes, but not all governments are democratic. In cyberpunk, regardless of any window dressing otherwise, the government is an oligarchy, often a corporate oligarchy. Normal people have no political power at all, democracy if tit exists is meaningless. How then, should they fix things, if you do not consider violence a solution and the democratic system has been subverted? There's a reason you don't play an honest citizen in cyberpunk.

I don't think I did that. I simply backed my points up with an example. Why is that a crime?

You didn't back it up with an example of the politics of cyberpunk, you posted an example of degenerate behavior in a protagonist then made a claim as to the author's intent behind having him act that way. A baseless one with little argument.

This is why the Shadowrun games are intriguing, as you can use espionage, bribery, and media corruption to initiate change outside of violence. And it’s usually more effective as well as interesting.

>Shadowrun is the poster child for systemic breakdown from the system, where you get it’s the opposite is beyond me
That isn't what we were talking about at all. Shadowrun is fun tongue-in-cheek heavy metal bullshit, which was my point.

Let me guess kid, your English teacher started the school year off with Brave New World and you're missing the point.

That relies on the PCs gaining and subverting power though their actions. More or less, it relies on you either getting on top or gaining power over those on top. Even then, you're very unlikely to be able to stop a single dragon, let alone all of them, who are the real power behind all of this. Wouldn't really consider it a very realistic scenario either, which is important because I'm talking about the feelings real people have that they put into cyberpunk.

>hey bro, I just want to be me and be free to do what I enjoy

What if i happen to be a psychopath and enjoy killing people like you? Would that be okay?

Then talk about how it is sunshine and rock n roll, because the books for the setting state there isn’t a happy ending for Runners, who are the ones “smashing the state”. And even they aren’t, they doing it to make a living between the war of corruption between power structures. It’s tongue-in-cheek, but so is Terry Gillam’s Brazil for example, but it isn’t sunshine.

In a realistic scenario there isn’t anything you can do but be a slave.

Cyberpunk is about the hedonism before the total collapse. There are no themes of "saving" or "restoring" society, just simply escaping or making the best of a bad situation. That's why there's this subconscious connection between the hedonism and the collapse, we know deep down that these two things are connected. To me, cyber punk has always been more of a warning of where we are headed then a celebration of how awesome and liberating the future is going to be. Its fucking nihilistic and everyone is doing anything that can give them an ounce of pleasure before they're blotted out.

You are the only person to use the word "sunshine" in this conversation. It's "rock & roll" in the way that a power-metal album cover is "rock & roll". I feel like you may have just misread or misunderstood my post.

Exactly, that's why people get anarchist ideas and fantasize about destroying the state. That's the only way they could ever possible remove its corruption, by starting over. And this gets projected into cyberpunk when they make/play such settings.

>but at least people won't be pitching hate because someone else is enjoying life
Oh you stupid fucking asshole, just look at all the social justice faggots and tell me they won't be inventing new microaggressions to be outraged over. They're 100x worse than any christian boogeyman people like you complain about.

Yeah, i'm sure every person you just mentioned is the problem here.

Smh anyone who has visited /d/ knows this doesn't work at all. Once degeneracy is the norm in a culture, degenerates form a hierarchy.

35 years into the future and you'll probably be a card-carrying member of the Futa Lovers Union, but you'll still show up for the Five Minutes Hate to lynch some gurofags and scatfags for being "degenerates" who don't use "normal porn".

There’s a thread on resetera about Ion Fury, and someone suggest they not use hate speech but speak decently to one another while they speak out about the developers.

The majority of the thread is now people telling that posting to fuck off. What I’m suggesting is, you are wrong.

>Everything we love has been accomplished
>What a nightmare

I am a retard.

Once that is achieved, what’s left to fight? Without the fight what your beliefs? Are you now the power? Who fights against you? Now the descent starts. Now it is a nightmare.

>lefties love corporations and the 1%
Are you well?

>entire society forgoes responsibility in favour of wanton pleasure-seeking
>all stability and social structure crumbles and society falls apart
Thanks Rabbi

>The Jews WANT everyone to hate tge government even though they control tge government!
>To stop them we must give undying loyalty to our government so we can stop the Jews that control the government!

What you posted makes no sense in context. Maybe try rephrasing without meme-ing so hard.

I agree

>Guy didn't mention the Jews
>He thinks this is a dichotomy between sucking off governments and corporations
>Or between 'everything is allowed' and 'nothing is allowed'

>but you'll still show up for the Five Minutes Hate to lynch some gurofags and scatfags for being "degenerates" who don't use "normal porn".

>Didn't mention jews
>thanks rabbi

>VA11HA11A's dev is a massive commie

that's just your interpretation
feel personally attacked?

Is he? You would guess being Venezuelan and getting out would vaccinate you against that gay shit pretty hard

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Do you not know what a rabbi is?

some middle eastern name?

I'll let you google it and find out yourself.

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>literally anything I don't like and can't be bothered to educate myself
>IT'S DA EBIL J000000Z
Why is /pol/shittery not a permaban at this point

/pol/ppets are cancer, what else is new?

He isn't, nobody from venezuela except those involved in the corrupt goverment support communism or any form of political movement derivated from Marx

When due process fails us, we really do live in a world of terror.

what did they mean by this

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It's not a game.

How would that be worse than the hierarchy we have now where billionaire pedophiles look down on all of us

>Yea Forums likes this SJW VN because it has Yea Forums memes in it
how quaint

Germans have Farming Simulator, let me have depressed alcoholic simulator.

Don't you have some dailies to run

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Farming Sim has actual gameplay.
Clicking "Next" is not gameplay.
It's a VN with interactivity.


stop talking about this trash

What piece of enlightenment have you brought for us today, brother?

Man venezuelans are the least SJW on this planet

That would be Hungary.

>Trannies and Homos are fine when they are in my epic meme game

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Yes, commies are the biggest SJWs

Man we literally salute each other "What's up my nigger" on the street without someone batting an eye or calling us racist
Chavistas aren't human beings

>dude people should just be able to do what they want lmao

this is how rome fell

11/10 bait

This is just Katawa Shoujo 2, except it has less fans, so it's even worse

made me kek

Don't compare this shit to Katawa Shoujo

And all the girls are literal whores.

>Once degeneracy is the norm in a culture, degenerates form a hierarchy.
This. The genie is out of the bottle.

despite having no gameplay, it has decent worldbuilding and atmosphere, and makes me wish there was an actual game in this fictional place that its created
Your ignorance astounds me.

And the third world will eventually grow strong and annihilate us, starting the cycle all over again

“World building” is the most onions word ever when it comes to video games, it is pseudo-content.

>And the third world will eventually grow strong and annihilate us
lel no. Their corruption and failure are eternal. It'll be China that dominates next, not a bunch of spics or muds beheading each other.

>Expecting cyberpunk shit to not be full of degenerate shit
Daily reminder that our ancestors had the same view yet here we are basking on it


Cyberpunk is supposed to be dystopic, how do you look at this shit and think "yep, that's a good future"

What range should I get for a torque wrench?

It's already happening. Almost every western capital is overrun already.

yeah Katawa Shoujo is better than this garbage.
At least there's no faggot pandering

And? Being overrun will drag those places down into the dirt, not lift up the scum invading.

I wish I could remember how the quote went, something along the lines of "everyone WANTS to be broke and gay now, it's trendy and cool and directionless teens and 20s love it". So you have a game about a layabout slut who can't afford to pay their rent and the "player" can easily inject their ship ideas onto her and they eat it up

What? Cyberpunk is supposed to be full of it. It’s the fall of Rome. The extravagance leads to hedonism which leads to dystopia. That’s the pill.

If every girl is a whore, then no girl is.

That’s not how that works. They don’t suddenly gain chastity by process of elimination.

You play the bartender though, the whores are your customers who you listen to do they buy drinks.

You're a retard Syndrome, the supers will be the ones with the strongest or most useful superpowers.

>Radiohead doujins
The band?

You all have your Jill plushies next to you in bed, right Yea Forums?

I will never understand how being a faggot became trendy, you see them and the only thing you can think is how repulsive they are. I'm not trolling either, it makes me gag.

Based. Lmao at the butthurt kiddos that replied before me

>he doesn't know
Absolute pleb.

People all want to be special, especially after they become an adult and realize that they aren't so special after all, so then they latch onto any facet of their identity that could conceivably make them different or interesting in the Hope's that they get lifted up on some pedestal. It would be funny, but it's gotten out of hand.

kys, this "game" was shit and not cyberpunk. It only got popular because delusional waifufags who will eat everything.

You get to be a trophy wife for your hot rich friend, I don't see how that's even a bad thing.

As long as they are clean I don't care how many dicks have been there. Not trying to wife a slut but that doesn't mean you can't fuck them.

There is one true root of all the evils and suffering in the universe. God must be killed, for the future of our souls.


Being so non-discerning his how you end up with the type to cry rape because you made them mad.

There’s nothing to be had from meaningless sex, just poor choices you pay for later in life. Opportunity cost.

>I don't care how many dicks have been there
you don't care, but they do. You're getting constantly sized up to their previous partners

something something do what thou will

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Yeah, but it's mutual. Girls eat themselves alive over your previous. You can honestly use their rampant jealousy and insecurities to manipulate the fuck out of them. Flirt with an ex right in front of her face? She gets pissy as hell, but will probably fuck you better than she ever has that night.

>Oh user, that's horrible, how can you be like that

First thing, women literally are asking for it. If she doesn't have some television style drama in her life, then she gets bored. Secondly, if you think the innocent female gender is above wicked spiteful manipulation, then you have a wildly skewed vision of girls.

>You can honestly use their rampant jealousy and insecurities to manipulate the fuck out of them.
yeah no, they'll turn that around and just say your dick is small or go bang a taller guy, there are no social advantages over women in the information age. There was a time you could use these things against them but now they can just open up anything on their phone and have 5-10 guys all trying to get her pussy she can use against you.

Report to the nearest suicide booth now and off yourself racist scum.

Wait, what is this? Link? Source? That's not in the real game I'm guessing?

I’m sure this works in your head, but women don’t have an instinct to want to stay loyal like males do. They cheat at a higher percentage than males. She’ll just cut and run.

What alternate reality do you live in?

They care far more than you [should]. If you don't care about them there's literally nothing they can do to affect you. We're talking about random women not you're fucking wife.

>They cheat at a higher percentage than males
there are literally no negative side effects to it for them so why wouldn't they. Aint no point in any of it so if you can get some take it but don't put any money down on em


If you think about it, hate has been amplified exactly because a group of uptight progressives could not tolerate people having fun in unsanctioned/problematic ways, so they do their march through the institutions disenfranchising anyone who isn't on their side.
If we don't get our sexual and other problematic themes in media without hassle, then you don't get to be a man in a dress without hassle. You don't get to demand validation. Fuck you.

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>Yeah no
You're wrong. I'm nothing special, and have made this work before. Sure she COULD put herself out there to recieve the first dick to come along, but despite the current agenda pushing girls to be sluts (to act like men) biology still gives them pushback. Know what girls like better than a guy who's taller, or has a bigger dick? A guy that can capture the attention of more women. It's infinitely more attractive to women, despite what your Jewish overlords try to convince you with poorly acted porn.

>A guy that can capture the attention of more women
they like ATTENTION, and they can get attention by opening their phone now. To them men are brief and expendable because they always have backups now

Get help retard or kill yourself

>but women don’t have an instinct to want to stay loyal like males do
Hello incel

>Now a bunch of shitposters on Yea Forums are gonna pretend to be gigachads with women and give us all a lecture on negging while arguing with another group of shitposters bitchposting about how women are all evil

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