I was skeptical at first, I figured this would be another case of a garbage video by a normalfag who knows nothing about Persona 5, and the ridiculous length reminded me of that awful 3-4 hour ORAS video which was fucking garbage, but Cvit brought up several of the same gripes I had with the game
Persona 5: Style Over Substance
Other urls found in this thread:
get your own opinions instead of parroting youtubers' opinions, zoomer.
How do you need five fucking hours for this?
Who?? Use your own brain to make judgments instead of being validated by a literal who's opinion.
How about you stop listening to e-celebs, play the game and make your own thoughts yourself?
>you can't share an opinion with someone else!!!
five hours just to say it lacks LGTB characters
Persona 5 is a fine game, and fuck matosis wannabes.
>needing irrelevant youtubers cucks to tell you what your opinions are
You are an NPC.
Please stop making this thread.
>t. SNOYfags/first persona game was 5
I said he brought up the same fucking gripes I had with the game, imagine being this much of a fucking drone
this,excluding the please part,fuck off OP
>saying snoy in a persona thread
You can't think for yourself. Drone
This kind of video was past due honestly, as autistic as the video length is.
imagine creating and editing a 5 hour video and only getting 6k views
Woah. I can't believe an actually good post came out of this thread.
Get your own opinions instead of parroting the top comment from the previous thread, zoomer
Holy shit 5 hours
Based Ampharos poster
Is that supposed to be his hitbox?
>social link
>character about to overcome their own problems
great writing
also every antagonist after kamoshida sucks balls
How will OP recover from this?
>5 fucking hours
Sorry Cvit, I like your content but I ain't watching 5 hours of I dont like popular thing.
I bet this is the chud who made the video lmao. Opinions? Someone please think for me!!!
tl;dw for you fags: Dissection of every single confidant from Rank 1-10, the entire main story and how it peaked at Kamoshida
Basically, everything Yea Forums has been saying since it came out.
>Basically, everything Yea Forums has been saying since they didn't get the switch port they begged for.
Next time you feel sick, don't go to the doctor to get a diagnosis. Stop parroting someone else's opinion. Form your own diagnosis.
No one cares about your console war shit nigger. P5 has had critics since before the Switch was announced.
>5 hours
I don't care what you have to say
If it takes you 5 hours to say it, you aren't worth listening to
>5 hours to talk about the first couple hours of the game and a handful of shallow side stories
Jesus Christ
and how the stealth mechanics are shit, and most of the party members are useless, guns useless, and how to cheese the game
Ever heard what of what a persuasive argument is?
He talks about the whole story.
Wow, that video sounds pretty bad.
>social link
>character about to overcome their own problems
I mean, if we're gonna go down that road, in the previous 2 games you fix a lot of people's deep-seated emotional baggage with cheap platitudes. If anything magicking away their problems is more probable because if you worked them through their issues that easy, their issues really weren't that big a deal to begin with.
>the entire main story and how it peaked at Kamoshida
I have never understood why Kamoshida is considered the peak. I agree that some of the bosses like the yakuza guy are just plain bad, but Madarame was a good villain and Yusuke had lots of real personal reasons to hate him after realizing what he did. Haru's dad was weak as an antagonist but at the same time the team was manipulated into going after him much like Sae. I would say Futaba's palaces was one of the best.
>and how to cheese the game
I hate to be that guy but, as long as a game allows customization of some form, the game can be easily cheesed. Even Darkest Dungeon, a game built on how hard it is, regularly has the community create "unbeatable" class comboes that shitstomp the entire gamer to the point that the devs have to nerf it in response.
He talks about the whole story, though he emphasises that it shit the bed after Kamoshida and never quite recovered, how it contradicts its own themes, the disconnect between character development in S Links and the main story etc.
Just remember Yea Forums, you can agree or disagree with the opinions of a reviewer/essayist all you want, but you should never let someone else's opinion on a game cause you to stop enjoying it.
That still doesn't justify the runtime
Lmao all these complaints about the video length. Im not watching that shit either but the people crying about the video, thats exactly the problem with p5. ITS BLOATED AS FUCK AND LIKE 30 HOURS LONGER THAN IT SHOULD BE. PERSONA 3/4 ARE FINE CAUSE THEYRE 60-70 HOURS NOT 120 FUCK
How the fuck is anyone supposed to watch this video? Dude says there's spoilers for:
>Persona 3
>Persona 4
>Persona 5
>SMT 3
>SMT 4
>Metal Gear Solid 4 (?)
Dude's carving out quite the fucking niche. You'd have to have played 6 long ass fucking games to completion (unless you don't care about spoilers) and sit your ass down for 5 fucking hours before you could enjoy this fucking video.
>the disconnect between character development in S Links and the main story
That's easy to explain, they probably had different writers.
How much time should be spend per arc and how much on a Confidant in your opinion?
>120 hours
How slow at the game are you? I'm on playthrough 3 and I'm only at 160 hours, and I went out of my way to 100% S-Links and the compendium in playthrough 2.
He's not wrong, but the game is still fun.
His main issue being that the game gets so much praise from casuals who don't really play JRPGs is not an issue with the game but with the audience.
megaten fans are pretty autistic anyway so unless you're only a personafag you've probably played them all by now
>You'd have to have played 6 long ass fucking games to completio
so you're saying persona 5 fags are complete fucking casuals who don't play games and only picked it up because it's new and popular?
stop the fucking presses
I listen to the voices and explore because i dont have down syndrome adhd like you. Playing p3/4 normally gave me 60-80 hours. Playing p5 like i played 3/4 nearly doubles that. And its all spent on boring fucking cutscenes just crying if the targets heart will change and whining how boring their trips are. Its a lame fucking game
>no spoilers for P1/2
No more than necessary.
I extremely doubt that there is absolutely no wasted time in those five hours
I've beat Persona Revelations, 3, 5, SMT Strange Journey, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, and MGS 4. I don't see how pointing out the requirements to watching this video is pretty fucking insane is a casual's complaint.
Fuck off, retard.
>I listen to the voices and explore
So did I on the first playthrough, I still got through it in less than 90 hours and still had time to minmax the fuck out of joker so he beat the final boss effortlessly.
The trick is to use a guide
The guy is right. Funny how nobody is debunking him.
I don't need to debunk him because if his goal is to make me stop loving the game, he has already failed, nothing can do that.
>Persona 5 gets announced years back
>All red
>themes about going against society
>oh cool, it seems way darker than 4 and will hopefully be more like 2 or 3 tonally
>maybe Sho Minazuki is a character because red
>dude we heard you liked persona 4 so we just redid it with a shitty Adachi clone lmao and the Senator from Metal Gear Rising
Bad writing, bland turn-based combat with no challenge, fake platforming with no jump trajectory controls because they're just one-button prompts with no timing or execution, fake stealth, most cliche and overused anime tropes, underwhelming ending, very tame and forgettable music by Meguro standards.
>literal who YouTuber
>Persona 3
>60-70 hours
post the image where Sony called 3/4s of their userbase literal fags
>P5 has had critics since before the Switch was announced.
what a coincidence, nintensharts were insisting it would be a wii u/3ds exclusive before the switch was announced.
doctors speak from a position of authority. pompous pseudointellectual gaming youtubers do not.
Let's be real, there's not much to compare when it comes to 1 vs 5 because they're so fundamentally different.
I honestly don't even recognize this series anymore. What started as a grim, deep, twisted Alice in Wonderland-esque adventure ft. SMT demons has now become a animu waifu harem cesspool for the most unsophisticated palettes lurking the gaming market.
This series is so far removed from what it initially set out to be. It went from "face your inner self and be aware of your own flaws and negative thoughts " to "face other people's inner selves and punish them wrong think". It has gotten so disgustingly shallow and all the villains play as strawmen to make up for the already weak premise
It doesn't help that nusona fags encourage the bajillion spinoffs to fuck up the storylines even more, I really love this series and the lore and the symbolism but I just hate what it's become. It's just another Final Fantasy now.
It's closer to 80 hours for just the main story, but P4 is definitely shorter.
>shilling a five hour video game essay
>shilling a five hour video game essay from a literal who
Kill yourself, you nigger. At least you put some more effort into your OP this time.
who is civit and why should i give a rats ass
who the fuck watches a 5 hour review video
Yes and then Wii U fags killed themselves when NX was confirmed to be coming soon. The people saying Kamoshida was the peak was people who actually played the game from start to finish, myself included.
Mauler fans
replace useless with "doesnt fit my min maxing autism".
i swapped around and used every characters, and guns had their use, especially harus which does a fuckton
It should not take 5 hours to say “style over substance”.
>The people saying Kamoshida was the peak was people who actually played the game from start to finish
Yeah, he says it right in the title.
Whatever complains you have, whatever shit you want to fling, it doesn't change that Persona 5 is one of the best games available right now, period.
Does it have flaws? Hell yes it does. Every game has flaws. Doom is full of bugs and terrible levels, and it's held up as one of the most important and still best games ever. Does that mean the game isn't a fucking phenomenal game that's a ton of fun to play and is worth checking out?
Fuck so-called 'critics' that want to make a name for themselves tearing down something popular by constantly repeating well-known, obvious as balls points over and over again as if shouting B-BUT THIS LEVEL WAS BAD has anything to do with the overall experience.
make an actual thread with a subject to discuss and have thoughts over and provide some reasoning of your own
that is what I think
Why are long games bad again? If you like a game wouldn’t you want it to go on forever?
Beta P5 made me realize that P5 is probably the #1 most wasted potential in vidya.
just looks like japanese GTA
5 hours is too short for them.
>No spoilers for p1 and 2 as well
Already tells you enough about the quality of this video, as if being 5 fucking hours long wasn't already enough for you.
OP you seem desperate to shill this video so answer my two questions:
Has he played every mainline Persona game?
Has he played at least several SMT games?
As opposed to all those reviewers giving it 10/10 on Metacritic who didn't play past Madarame. I guess a lot of people dropped the game at Okumura though since that's the absolute nadir of the game. Don't get the wrong idea, I liked P5, not my favourite megaten by any means but still pretty solid and I hope Royal improves on the story on a more than superficial level. I'm not holding my breath though, hopefully the design for some of the weaker palaces is fixed at least.
>awful 3-4 hour ORAS
its 6 hours long and I'm going to watch it again on 3 devices after whitelisting the page so he gets the ad revenue I denied him the last two times I watched it.
You are a fool, a faggot, and a plebe. You aint my nigga please don't ever post here ever again.
5 hours to explain that this game is not as comfy as Persona 4? unbelievable.
That really isn't saying much, there aren't many good games coming out these days.
people who actually played the game know it peaks at sae's palace. people who didn't have latched on to the le epic maymay that "it's only good during kamoshida's arc."
I played the game and had fun.
Why the fuck would I listen to some guy talk for 5 hours about how he didn't?
>Persona 5 is style over substanc-
That webm is just style though. What are you trying to prove?
>If you like a game wouldn’t you want it to go on forever?
The longer a game is, the more likely it'll be that the content is going to be shallow to make up for how much content there is.
My hundreds of hours in Skyrim will never be as engaging or memorable as the 12-ish hours it takes to beat Catherine.
Games with smaller scopes have the benefit of being able to give the content more care and attention, because there's less of it to worry about.
All the best games are on that end of the spectrum.
Imagine how Chrono Trigger would feel if it had to stretch itself over 50+ hours instead of the 20 it spends now.
Imagine being a faggot and wrong.
Imagine being wrong by and hour and 15 minutes.
What fucking point does he need 6 other games to prove a point about 1 game? Please either do not watch this shit or ensure you are blocking ad revenue.
imagine blindly defending a game like this, stop being a delusional fanboy, it's pathetic, especially if you're defending Persona 5 of all things
I can almost see your overweight fatlus pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark
also nice redditspacing
>"face other people's inner selves and punish them wrong think".
You what? I mean, yes, that's literally what you do, but it's not the point. Persona 5 is all about facing your true self and not letting others stray you from your own path. It's just not literally facing yourself, like Maki and Pandora or the Shadow selves. Just about all of the resolutions of the story comes from characters learning to stand on their own for themselves, even if they needed some help along the way to do that.
And it's less twisted and macabre, but it's not like Persona 1 was free of using anime cliches.
Man, i've watched that ORAS vid multiple times. It's great to have as something running in the background.
Imagine being this much of an autistic contrarian.
> one of the best games available right now
>MFW I watched (read: listened) to the whole thing
this t b h
>being surprised that a JRPG has a lot of cutscenes
Yeah what of it?
>style over substance
>the game peaks at kamoshida
>persona 4 was better
based exhaustive lookers
dilating zoomer tranny faggots
This includes boss fights
>best games of all time
3rd and 5th palaces are shit, little character development beyond social links that don't carry over to the main game, babby-tier difficulty and casualization, cringy teenage wish fulfillment plot
Strange Journey and the SMT shit all over Persona 5. Walter was a better character than anyone in that game.
If there's any argument for being against illegal immigrants, just look at what happened to the persona fanbase after p4 and p5 attracted a bunch of obnoxious weebs that cheered for the dancing shit, the 10 different animes with the same shitty quality, and now the shitty dynasty warriors spin off. If you say "uh no I don't think this isn't a good direction for the series to take" you get called a sour puss or frowned upon for not wanting to see You Narukami dance with Hatsune Miku. FUCK fanbases and FUCK nusona fags.
Sae is my favourite in terms of Palace design actually. Though I think the Kamoshida arc had stronger writing.
You people who subscribe to youtubers are losers.
Imagine needing to watch a 5 hour video to know Persona sucks.
Rhythm games are fun though
I unironically accept rhythm game spinoffs of any franchise on principle because the genre is the very embodiment of fun
>after p4 and p5
*after p3
nice try
P3 is the patrician's choice.
God Persona 3 fanboys are pathetic. You didn't even know Persona existed until 3.
Doesn't include confidants.
Watched the whole thing, didn't give a fuck. >Opinions changed: 0
P3/P4/P5 have way more common with each other than they do with P1/P2. P4 and P5 are practically reskins of P3. P1 and P2 are dungeoncrawler JRPGs with psychological themes, P3/P4/P5 are visual novels with occasional hyper-simple dungeon crawling.
You're one of the "illegal immigrants" you're complaining about.
Odd, that should've greentexted even if on the same line. What a strange formatting error.
OP is a obsessed fag.
illegal immigrants? you mean new people that discovered your secret club/game series.
I have play persona 5 3 fucking times and never in a fucking second think it peaked on Kamoshida. Thats a fucking bullshit meme Yea Forums pull out of his ass.
Kamoshida palace is shit, gets drag out by the tutorials, the only character i give a shit for is Ryuji and Kamoshida is a fucking joke if you are playing with Japanese Dub.
I would say the game peaked in the casino and Futaba palace in terms of plot
Dungeron wise despite all the shit kaneshiro palace is fucking good, the casino is also a good dungeron.
I don't need a e-celeb who thinks 5 hours its necesary to prove a point, also the style shit it's the reason why grinding fun to the point normalfags like it, if you consider this a bad point you are a retard, probably that faggot e-celeb like persona 3 combat mechanicsm
>and Kamoshida is a fucking joke if you are playing with Japanese Dub.
I had not heard him in Japanese until I played PQ2 and man, that is not a voice one finds intimidating.
Maybe it's because none of us are going to watch a 5 hour video to debunk somebody.
casino>pyramid>museum>bank>castle>ship>space port
>You didn't even know Persona existed until 3.
How is that bad? P3FES came out just at the end of PS2's life and there was a JRPG drought since Square died.
Meanwhile P1 and P2 were overshadowed by superior JRPGs in their times and for good reason. They didn't bring anything new to the table, most zoomers in Yea Forums think they look original but most games and animes in the 90s had the same aesthetic and edgy elements.
If your favorites are 1 and 2 = cringe
If it's 3 = based AND redpilled
If it's 4 or 5 = just based
How did they drop the ball so fucking hard with the space dungeon?
I will not take the opinion of somebody who makes a 5 hour critique video seriously. It just shows that their complains are irrelevant, because any complaints you could levy against any work ever created would not take 5 hours to convey.
Thank uncle Dante, you've never lead my astray
p3fags are so pathetic, it's hilarious. newsflash: you don't get to gatekeep. you ARE the newfags.
you are the people who pushed the meme that the series "started" with your shitty game, even though the p2 duology was better in every way - and atlus actually listened to you faggots.
you are the waifufags who forgave a boring story, terrible pacing, and the worst dungeon in the history of gaming because the game had aigis and fuuka in it.
you praise a game where the sentence "the power of friendship surges in you!" literally flashes up on screen, a game that also features a hot springs scene and introduced the dating-sim elements, while criticizing 4 and 5 for having too many anime tropes.
fuck off with your bullshit, p3 zoomers. you aren't "hardcore oldfags" for joining a series halfway through.
Those air lock dungeons are the worst fucking thing ever. Plus it’s theme is shit.
>the same exact thread from earlier
>the same exact first post from that thread
Simply amazing how much repeats on here.
Because it's pic related, it just keeps going and going and going. It even outright lies to you by having the party say "we're almost there" only to find out SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER, there's still a third of the dungeon left and you weren't even close.
based. fuck nusona
based jack frostbro
>making a five-fucking-hour-long vid to bitch about a chinese video game
and i thought i didn't have a life
game is really good. style is very important in a visual medium like video games
>he saved the thumbnail from the last thread OP
>defending the first 2 entries just because p3chads shit on 4 and 5
>"I don't like this game becuse its liked by people who don't like JRPGs"
Same type of retardation than people who say they don't like Evangelion because it's watched by zoomers on Netflix
No it's more fitting to /m/ hating eva or TTGL because it's loved by people who don't like mecha.
>chuuni byouki simulator for 15 year olds isn't very deep
who knew
This, if this game don't have style it would be persona 4 combat system again
Persona 5 unironically peaked turn based combat and it's in a big part thanks to the style, as a rpgfag the only other time i do battles for fun was in Pokémon gen 5 and sometimes in persona Q2
Shut the actual fuck up retard bitch.
P1 and P2 are some of the most OVERRATED pieces of media that get more praised than deserve because we live in an era when a bunch of newfags have been deluded into to think that simply being on is a viture in of its self
The series clearly peaked with 3 if I were to make like list it would go like this
This but
in reality, it's 2 > 5 > 1 > 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>> 3.
They did actually. In fact, the S Links have a variety of writers, which probably explains why some are great and others are retarded.
Shut the fuck up P2cumguzzler. No one likes your games. The only reason why people remember your shitty ass games is because of glasses Hitler.
You know, you're right. *laughing*
I listened to Mauler's stupid long star wars stuff mostly while I worked. something for my brain to focus on while I washed the dishes. It is a overly long autistic-tier analysis of EVERYTHING in the movie.
Not to say he's wrong, overall he makes a sound argument for his viewpoints when you put the lens on each and every part of the movie. It's just stupidly time consuming and nobody has time for that...except someone who has enough weaponized autism in them to actually analyze it, like him.
I kinda assume this video is the same, but I don't know. ATM, I honestly don't have the time to watch and I haven't beaten P5 yet. So avoiding spoiler-town
You're not a true Mauler fan, until you watch his 10 hour Hbomberguy rebuttal.
people remember 2 for the god-tier writing, characters and atmosphere.
people remember 3 for BABYBABYBABY, MAI WAIFU, and the mc getting turned into a door with the power of friendship.
Then I don't know what the guy expected. Of course it wasn't all going to tie together when everyone is doing their own thing and the game necesitates that you can beat it without doing any S-Links. This shit only works when everything is written by one guy that's a control freak and doesn't compromise.
nobody remembers p2, actually.
How is it that Personafags have somehow managed to become even more obnoxious and insecure than SMTfags, literally how?
>people remember 2 for the god-tier writing, characters and atmosphere.
Style is substance in a visual medium retard
>people remember 2
gonna have to stop you right there, m9.
Another P2clown. You faggots are worse than P4fags.
SMTchads have never been obnoxious and insecure. We revel in our patriciandom.
I think one of my gripes about P5 is that you can't really look at the villains and be "oh shit, yeah I get it. I can understand what made him turn out this way and why this character is evil."
They made the villains one dimensional and I guess it's fine but it definitely does hurt it compared to the others.
SMT never had a bad game so they don't have to be insecure.
>i don't know what the guy expected
A cohesive narrative that brings all parts of the game together instead of introducing and abandoning character elements on a whim? Maybe Atlus shouldn't hire 20 writers for different parts of the game.
I don't know if I have that in me. Work's cracked down on headphone use, and If I use them while working as I normally do my menial dishwashing for hours on end, I'll risk being fired.
Aka, I actually have to find time to watch a 10 hour video and I don't.
I see you guys are still at it
I fucking hate youtubers who try to get attention by taking way too long to review something.
If you need 5 hours to explain why something is good / bad whereas you can explain why its the opposite within a few minutes, I'm much more intended to believe its good than I am intended to believe its bad from an outsiders perspective
I felt this way with these:
and I feel absolutely no different with this. Any video game essay is already pathetic and if you can't get your points down within around 20 minutes max, what's the fucking point. Brevity is the soul of wit.
Also based
you can understand sae to an extent
>A cohesive narrative that brings all parts of the game together instead of introducing and abandoning character elements on a whim?
Again, that only works out when one guy is writing everything.
>SMT never had a bad game
If you have to call yourself "patrician" you're almost definitely insecure.
No one ever played it thus no one can ever tell us if it's bad or not.
If there was justice on this board, you and OP would get big red letters.
Shut it SMTNigger
>SMT never had a bad ga-
How would a super-long review like this get attention? Just look at this thread; if anything it drives normie viewers away and only people genuinely interested in the subject matter would stick around. Viewer retention is a big thing and video length plays a huge part in that.
People who make 5 hour long reviews are the chads of YouTube who don't give a fuck about stats or algorithms and just want to state their full-fledged opinions.
Videogames are an interactive medium retard
>what made him turn out this way
He even says in the video, some people are just assholes. He uses Adachi as a way of saying it's not bad to have a game revolve around the fact that the villain is just a prick. He uses Futaba's uncle to show that him having no motivation beyond being a douchebag was never the issue, more that the other characters were idiots in his presence.
>SMT never had a bad game
>Tfw can't find this thread because the Yea Forums archive got deleted
I guess. At that point though Akechi was leading them into a trap. Sae wasn't "really" a villain but a setup. I see your point though. Madarame was interesting because I felt like they wanted to show a shade of grey but they ultimately decided not to go that route. It's weird because you never really see him evil out in the real world and just nice and strict out there.
Kaneshiro was one dimensional
Futaba was another exception.
Shido was one dimensional.
Akechi was weird because while he is an Adachi-expy, you couldn't really relate to him compared to Adachi.
5 hours? It took me 3 seconds to reach that conclusion
>5 hours
Me? I don't get it.
shut your mouth
>SMT never had a bad game
the more smt games i play the more i realize atlus peaked with the playstation 2 and smt 3 specifically.
>Akechi was weird because while he is an Adachi-expy
no he isn't. he's jun 2.0.
You can get Akechi because he’s exactly like you, but without confidants. He can use the velvet room and he was just alone when he got his powers.
Yup, fireden deleted the Yea Forums archive. All my bookmarked threads... gone
Note: I didn't watch the video.
Yes, some people are assholes but all assholes are the heroes of their own stories. I felt it would have added something P5 needed if we can get a glimpse on why the villains where they're at.
Shido could just have a justice boner and he becomes corrupt to ultimately get rid of evil.
Madarame could have underwent some struggles over being poor and that's why he'll steal other's people works just to become rich.
I'd also like to say that I enjoyed Persona 5. One of my favorite games this year. I just wasn't in love with the story as much as the others. It just felt what you see is what you get.
Nocturne is definitive SMT writing/gameplay
>almost no characterization, everyone eventually just gets reduced to being a representaiton of their alignment
>dungeons are just giant hallways with some treasure rooms
>combat every 5 steps with enemies that love to use cheap tactics
>all other story beats in the game will stop once you reach the point of PICK A SIDE MOTHERFUCKER
>MC is a blank slate by design and stays that way the whole game
>all strategies end up boiling down to spamming the best move once you actually get it
If you don't like Nocturne, you don't like SMT period
I played some of it and it's not that bad actually, the combat system is nice and there's lots of content. I quit when IAP became pretty much mandatory but it wasn't an incompetent game
>SMT never had a bad game
hi guys, got a new update to my card fan game: akuma battle
Did it not sit right with their core values or something
In 8 hours 6k views is a lot you retard.
Is this similar to that autist that made that "it's no masterpiece" video?
It helps to be invested in the subject matter
>Make a thread shilling your own autistic youtube video
>It gets over 200 replies
What a sad state of affairs
>nearly five hours
Sweet jesus learn how to make good essays.
Yea Forums was just too fast for them to handle. Too many shitposting threads were created, so they just cut the plug.
The antagonists act the way they do because of Yaldabaoth influence. When you get this very simple fact all the complaints about "the villains are not relatable enough" go away
I feel like most of the complaints about P5 are people trying to find something in the game that isn't there. Just like those arguing about Kanji and Naoto gender issues in P4 while in fact those character are just terribly written.
That's not what I'm talking about user.
With Adachi, you can relate to a japanese worker getting pushed a little too much over the edge. I can't relate at all to Akechi with his motivations being MY DAD DIDNT LOVE ME SO HE THREW ME AWAY BUT ILL SHOW HIM. May relate to other people, but it didn't have the "oh yeah, I understand" moment for me.
There's no way of knowing. Fireden is unique in that the admin is completely anonymous and impossible to contact.
It might be temporary, who knows. Either way it's gone, without warning, and there's no backup download available.
This. Don't read books either. Form your own stories. Don't look at paintings either. Form your own images in your head. Don't read speeches from orators. Don't read history. Don't listen to music.
ok but why /VG
You kind of see where they became assholes. It's implied Kaneshiro and Okumura were so money hungry because they grew up poor. Kamoshida just let glory go to his head because he won an olympic medal and he started to become narcissistic. etc.
Now I'm sad.
As I said before, yes that's perfectly fine but it definitely makes the game weaker in retrospect.
I keep saying this shit game is overhyped as fuck. even the spoilerd muh fee fees kids from P4 have a better way of shorting things out. this retarded "revolution that doesn change anything" is a excuse to not do an actual critique of societal rules of the game (obviously japanese society)
god fucking damn it it pisses me on how much P5 managed to get away with.
while the SLinks in the previous 2 games had plain dialogue. they still were better than HOLY SHIT DUDE. TIME FOR A MEMORY WIPE LMAO. Many of the SLinks in 5 will still not fix the damn issues the characters went through and shit can backfire real fucking hard in the future
P3 still has the best SLinks thanks to how laid back and chill they are handled.
Also the english text sometimes is worse than early 2000s shitty fansubs
I can’t relate to Adachi because he just killed because he was bored. That shouldn’t be who the final boss is.
Top kek
IV had a very different focus on this and IVA doubled down
Plus, SJR gave way more things to the cast itself, so no, it makes no sense to say "if you dont like nocturne, you dont like smt"
Maybe 15 years ago, idk
We'll never go back to the first month of release where we could have actual threads about this game, will we? Ever since then it has been a cycle of "this game will be ported to another system soon, haha sonyfags" to "it was shit anyways" and this fucking cycle has repeated like 10 times since.
imagine being so much of a zoomer that you compare some e-celeb's five-hour rant about a video game to books, paintings and history.
You can kinda imply it yeah, but there never was that landing moment that made you think "this person is another human being, he's flawed and we need to change his ways." instead it was more "THIS GUY IS EVIL, WE CONFIRMED IT LETS GET HIM GUYS."
He was pissed off at society. He hated that despite working hard, his accomplishments weren't noticed compared to other people who deemed as losers/slackers. I definitely related to that feeling a lot more, but I understand that I'm at fault for thinking that way. Adachi bottles it up and just snaps then decides to just fuck with everyone because fuck society.
I remember back then people were a bit disappointed in the ending. You'll be deemed a sheep if you think that way now though. Thanks P5fags.
What accomplishments? He hid in Junes so he could slack off. Plus he was just shit at his job in general.
If you genuinely want to discuss this game, you would have posted the highlighted opinions instead of just posting a screencap along with the faggots yt channel like some shill.
I don't remember that at all, maybe it's because I got the game 5 days early so I was ahead of the curve and the only people I could really talk to were the people who played it in japanese.
Kamoshida is trapped in his past and clings on to the glory of his olympiad days for dear life because that's all he has, much like the highschool football quarterback whose life peaked in highschool and has been downhill since.
Madarame steals the works of others to become rich because he devoted his life to art only to be utterly talentless, meaning that without theft his life was wasted
Whatshisface is just a yakuza asshole. No one has ever defended his characterization or dungeon, he was just an excuse to get Makoto on the team.
Wakaba is just Futaba's mental image of her gone out of control
Okumura grew up with nothing so he's obsessed with success, to the point that he doesn't realize he's exhausting his employees. Also, you were tricked into going after him by the bad guys, he really wasn't THAT bad.
Sae is Naoto pre-issues fixed, but grown up and more jaded. She thinks she has to be a cold-hearted bitch to get anywhere in the jp legal system
Shido is just a typical corrupt politician. Everything is power to him, everyone is a tool to use. That's not really characterization more as it is pointing out that these people actually exist and are writing our laws right now.
The Demiurge is...the Demiurge, the fuck do you want? He's doing what he's supposed to do, it's just his job on this plane of existence.
There were definitely complaints but ironically none of those complaints are the ones shitposters bring up
When an American believes they reach galaxy brain status, this is what they create. I hope that your lineage has taught you to be a more reserved individual.
>I can’t relate to Adachi because he just killed because he was bored.
I mean if I killed people that would probably be my motivation. Though I'd stick to people society wouldn't miss like hobos to avoid getting caught.
I think the ending of P5 was meant to be slightly anticimatic. The Phantom Thieves got rid of the Yaldabaoth menace but it didn't change society precisely because you can't change society by magic.
You keep saying shitposters, but people seem to legit try to bring discussion into it only for you p5fags to just dismiss it. It's honestly a bit annoying. Ask yourself maybe if you're the real shitposter.
Stop shilling your video faggot
Like hell am I watching a 5 hour video, but at least someone is using that phrase correctly for fucking once.
>Nigger who made a 5 hour video thinks people should be expected to listen to him
tl;dw for the video:
>Social links vary highly in quality, some being great and others being dogshit, highlighting in particular how most of them are solved through mementos fuckery, completely removing agency from the S Link characters in question. Also points out that many of the party members have character traits or experiences established in their links that have zero relevancy to the main plot and kill any sense of congruency.
>The Story starts off strong with Kamoshida who's a direct threat to the player, who has to interact with him on a daily basis. But the subsequent villains become more and cartoony and detached from the player character's life, while their involvement in the story grows progressively more convoluted and nonsensical. The symbolism of the palaces and their shadows in relation to the villain of the month are very strong at first, but grow weaker, irrelevant and even nonsensical as the game progresses.
>The logistics of the world and the metaverse makes less and less sense as you progress, because there's no commitment to introduced mechanics and concepts. One big thing he repeatedly harps on throughout the video (because it happens so often) is that the game, its world and its characters constantly introduces new ideas but rarely commits to them, often forgetting about them altogether.
>The game is trying too hard to marry a goofy anime dating sim with a serious commentary on society and corruption, and both ends contradict eachother constantly. One month the game is taking Ann's sexual abuse and manipulation at Kamoshida's hands extremely seriously, and the next month you're given the option to aggressively pressure her into stripping nude for Yusuke so he can paint her. The tone is completely inconsistent throughout the game and on top of it the game treats its audience like 10 year olds, constantly repeating already-stated facts into your face on the same level as those fucking Zelda puzzle webms.
I guess so, I remember some people on saying the later half wasn't that great in the first week which if you say it again now, you'll just be bombarded with "NO U DONT SEEM TO UNDERSTAND, A SHAME YOU SEEMED AN HONEST MAN"
NA Release
Because no one wants to watch a 5 hour video
Those videos exist solely for people who want their own opinion confirmed. Nobody in their right mind would sit through 5 fucking hours of someone saying he doesn't like a game.
imagine shilling your shitty video essay when the goat exists
>shilling your mixtape
>The combat is extremely repetitive; your main strategy to deal with enemies is exactly the same in the first palace as it is in the very final one: exploit weakness, all out attack, rinse and repeat. The dungeon design starts out strong but grows weaker as the game goes on, eventually leading to palaces that mostly consist of hallways and big rooms. The 'stealth" mechanics are barebones and inconsistent. The "puzzles" are handhold-ey as fuck and, just like the dialogue, stand as an insult to the player's intelligence
>The game is full of grammar errors and mistranslations while the voice direction is piss-poor. Despite the game being so popular and in high-demand, it has never been patched to fix these errors.
The video's description has timestamps for every single individual element and character he discusses in the game. There's your highlighted opinions
>inb4 autistic faggot sitting through a 5 hour video
I just put it on my other monitor while playing other games and listened to it. It's not that much of a fucking commitment.
I mean he isn't wrong with some points. The tone definitely shifted too much at parts for my liking.
I understand they're teenagers and are in a secret club and all but the phantom thieves need to chill out on circlejerking themselves.
Then what makes them so different? If it's because they're different mediums i'm sure they have similar things that you can compare with all of them.
He's not wrong at any point in the video. Why do you think no one has been able to refute him?
We had literally same thread last night, get a better screenshot op
>the game is not respectful of the player's time
lacking self-awareness is a sign of Aspergers
>Why do you think no one has been able to refute him?
Because no one has the patients to listen to an adult man crying for 5 hours straight.
some e-celeb whining for five hours that he didn't like a video game is cringe personified compared to classic books and art.
Because nobody's gonna watch a 5 hour video
All me btw
Come back in 5 hours and some people might take a whack at it.
I'd say the game starts strong, flats out in the middle and picks up at the end. The whole Sae part when the game loops back on itself was pure hype. Futaba's dungeon however is the lowest point because at the very moment it starts you already know how it will end because it's a rehash of P4 which wasn't great with this to begin with
Name a more pointless vidya scene
I do disagree with some of the tldr, but I haven't watched the video yet so I can't properly discuss them.
My honest thoughts about turn based RPGs are always fucking boring. It's honestly all about style over substance for the combat system. You have to make the UI/Combat flashy. Persona 5 did just that and that's perfectly okay.
I'm having mauler flashbacks here.
The one where Akechi tells Shido their plan, when they're alone in Shido's office.
Being educated for one
>the endgame boils down to "fuck adults that suck"
He'd be proud
it's a fucking video game, most "issues" in vidja that are not bugs, or busted systems are nothing more than subjective, personal gripes, i am not going to watch a 5 hour long video to refute literally who's personal opinions
>make a bloated, pretentious five-hour-long video
>nobody in their right mind watches it
>"haha, looks like i win the argument because nobody can refute me!"
I didn't need a video to tell me that
Mauler's actually pretty based.
imo, for the overall scores of my enjoyment around the story was about
Kamoshida - 9/10
Madarame - 8/10
Kaneshiro 7/10
Futaba 8.5/10
Okamura 5/10
Sae 7/10 - While Sae's dungeon is great, the buildup to get to it and the fact it's a setup didn't really illicit any excitement for me. The dungeon itself was the best dungeon in the game imo.
Shido 6/10
Final Boss 7-7.5/10
He's a lazy nigger
>constantly repeating already-stated facts into your face on the same level as those fucking Zelda puzzle webms.
That's a Japanese thing, they love it
>The video's description has timestamps for every single individual element
And you should've posted that instead of your little diary, retard.
I've always said this game is shit. Smt4 had better characters than all of p5
I have a strong belief that the 2D cutscenes were created before the the actual game script was finalized, which is why some of them are weird and inconsistant
Fuck off OP.
>if you play the combat system to maximum efficiency, it plays the same way every time!
This is true of almost every game, including many where you'd think reflexes trump knowledge. Even a great many spectacle brawlers or soulsborne games are simply a matter of gathering knowledge or learning an exploitable opening. There are pure execution games but Persona is a JRPG so things are already slanted a certain way.
Even if you want to pretend you're too elitist for Persona even SMT games boil down to simplistic checklists at a certain point. Everybody liked Final Fantasy games back in the day but they devolved into "use biggest non-elemental AoE spell." The thing is they offered lots of different ways to play and were still fun even if you could blitz the trash mobs. There's also a great deal of fun to be had learning all this knowledge or to reach the level of automating everything.
But that's wrong though. Plenty of turn-based games have a depth of strategy required to excel in them and can remain engaging even if the UI is shit. Why do you think games like Wizardry took off and influenced the entire genre when the UI is borderline non-existant at the time?
Persona 5's combat sucks because it's extremely shallow and repetitive and the literal only thing keeping it afloat is the UI.
Okay, sure thing dude. Here ya go.
Style & Presentation - 3:00
Combat - 11:05
S-Links (intro)- 23:18
Kawakami - 25:57
Hifumi - 30:25
Yoshida - 34:45
Sojiro - 40:33
Tae - 46:25
Ohya - 49:27
Shinya - 55:39
Chihaya - 1:02:53
Futaba - 1:08:49
Mishima - 1:19:52
Iwai - 1:24:36
Ryuji - 1:28:50
Makoto - 1:33:52
Ann - 1:44:23
Yusuke - 1:54:34
Haru - 1:59:15
Igor - 2:08:13
Twins - 2:08:35
Akechi - 2:09:11
Sae - 2:12:00
Morgana - 2:12:45
Main Story (Intro) - 2:15:30
Kamoshida - 2:16:42
Madarame - 2:21:57
Kaneshiro - 2:30:50
Futaba - 2:43:07
Okumura - 2:53:22
Sae - 3:14:39
Shido - 3:45:57
Mementos - 4:18:33
Morals - 4:34:35
P5R - 4:49:04
Conclusion - 4:51:40
>Why do you think no one has been able to refute him?
Pic related is my response
You could have easily split the video up into different videoed to be easier to digest
But you're to lazy to actually edit
Tomino would spend 50 episodes telling you it.
>t. Fag OP
Only Yea Forums will be stupid enough to watch a shit youtuber cry about how bad and stupid he is at a weeb game for 5 hours.
>5 hours
It's unreal the amount of assravaging this video, that supposedly no one here is even watching, is causing.
Sorry, should've specified.
Yes, there are exceptions but most of them just rope around
>Is MP an issue?
Yes -> BUFF/DEBUFF then use tier below strongest spell
>does the boss have any special weaknesses
No -> use strongest spell
yes -> use boss weakness/gimmick
rinse and repeat. Of course not all JRPGs follow that formula but it's still something similar to it.
>everyone is making fun of OP
>y-you are mad
Spoken like a true 12 year old. Nobody else would have the time to sit through it, except for an autistic 12 year old.
I'm listening while posting in the thread. My opinion so far has been "yeah you're right, but I like the game anyway" every step of the way
The manner in which you play the combat system to its maximum efficiency is exactly the same at hour 5 and hour 100. And it's extremely easy to figure out how to play the most efficiently before even the tutorial ends; this game is as deep as a puddle.
>Of course not all JRPGs follow that formula but it's still something similar to it
Well if you only cherrypick the worst offenders of a genre (like Persona 5) then it makes it pretty damn easy to dismiss the whole thing huh?
I enjoyed the arcs about the same but I wasn't much into Kaneshiro and Futaba's, mostly because the chatacters of Makoto and Futaba are not great imo (the script sucks their female dicks too much, compared to Ryuji, Yusuke or even Anne which are often painted in less favorable lights which make them more sympathetic)
I liked Shido's dungeon, because it's actually difficult. Also since it's the end of the calendar you have to be careful of what you do because you don't have time left.
P1 and p2 are fucking worthless garbage with shit gameplay
I wish he didn't end up with the furfags though. Maybe he'd actually finish his projects if he stopped being discord buttbuddies with them.
It's a shame, it's refreshing in a weird way to see someone completely dismantle a video to the point where every sentence someone said is being analyzed like what he did for hbomberguy's dark souls.
This is the most pretentious shit i have ever read, pleasr end yourself
This is true of a lot of western RPGs as well. Maybe OP and his youtube butt buddy can make a video about Stealth Archery in Skyrim next since they've finally cracked the case of "Persona 5 is a flashy game."
It's just a logic thing. There's a minority of encounters in EVERY RPG EVER MADE that will stop and punish you for just slowly and steadily chipping enemies down while keeping yourself healed up. Enemies usually can't hit you with 100->0 kills party wide kills because at that point it's just RNG whether or not you die each round. Some games make a cool gimmick of it(FF10 had a great one) but the norm is that any player who manages resources intelligently and isn't consistently underleveled will be fine.
Again, there are fights that stop this and recognize player cheese but very rarely a full game. Anyone who is upset that the logical course of action in most Persona 5 encounters is "Hit Weakness, All Out" should be made about "Use Strongest Spell." Good old Yea Forums contrarians just want to stick a knife in P5 for being popular.
A lot of online wanna be critics make the classic mistake of assuming the existence of a fault is proof of a flawed product. It's a lousy debater tic. Ah ha, I've got you once, your entire argument is discarded, etc.
>with the furfags
I though Wolf was only an ironic furry
>he manner in which you play the combat system to its maximum efficiency is exactly the same at hour 5 and hour 100.
Again this is true of most RPGs. It's just a thing about the genre. The only exceptions in most of them are down to individual enemies surprising you. It's also a classic misunderstanding of Persona gameplay to ignore the other part of the equation: building a team to enable covering the maximum number of weaknesses while providing support and covering for your own weaknesses. Not too complicated but I guess it hurts the reductionism to just say "ya hit the weaknesses and all out, how lame!"
Do you think "target weaknesses and smash" was bad in P3 or P4 too? Was P5 your first and it gave you a call to action, or are you just attacking a popular product to be an e-celeb?
I'm sure the guy has some genuine critique, as well as a lot of nitpicks to fill 5 hours, but as far as I'm concerned the major weakness of the game can be summed up pretty quickly: the writing is just excessively poor.
None of the characters have compelling motivation. Some of them aren't even comprehensible.
The main cast for the most part have very tenuous ties to the plot and little reason to even be in the same friend group. The cast is female-dominated in a way that makes it difficult to buy as a story as opposed to a dating sim. P3 also had this problem to be fair.
The dialogue is Life is Strange-tier "This is what teenagers sound like" tripe and makes the characters even harder to take seriously.
And of course there's the fact that the entire story is a rehash of P4 and that the formula has gotten incredibly stale.
The only truly good and unique thing about 2 was it's atmosphere, everything else is just ok to terrible
Oh yeah, I'm sure he's only "ironically" using a fursona for himself. There's also that rags dork.
I just want to say I like P5 but almost all JRPG combat is boring if you think about it. It's all about how you present it. If it's presented flashy then you'll really just forget your spamming the same spell over and over and over again.
>game is 100+hrs long with cutscenes alone
>review of 100hr game is 5hrs long, dont even have to look at the screen
>uhhh ever heard of brevity being the soul of wit? this is too long change it
>Nocturne is cliche SMT writing/gameplay
>"This is what teenagers sound like" tripe
In fairness if you had actual teens writing for the teens, it would be maximum cringe because it would be what a teenager thinks is cool, and you'd never let that fact go.
Something is cliche because it is overdone, implying SMT follows that formula far too often for its own good.
>its common, but its not a problem
not him, but no, thats not how it works. There are plenty or JRPGS that circumvent this in unique ways (FF10 like you said, most high level enemies in Miitopia doing shit like taking your limited items and forcing your charaters out-of-battle for a few turns, and the numerous twists on the formula like the Tales of and Valkyria Chronicles series, Dragon Quest, surprisingly where you will have a much easier time thinking of bullshit to cheese with than actually spamming your big dick spells, which comes with its own problems but whatever)
I love JRPGs, but its a problem a solid 90% of the genre has fallen into. game are getitng better about it, yes, but its still very clearly the defining strategy for most late-game JRPGs
They hated the user because he spoke the truth.
youtube revenue based on watch times
But why is that bad?
as opposed to listening to Yea Forums hivemind
What's with everyone's hate boner around Persona 4? It's not even just here.
I do neither and just shut out all opinions that aren't my own, covering my ears for anything I don't want to hear.
>dungeons are basically just single corridors that change scenery in each area
>puzzles are jokes and boil down to pick up this highlighted item and put it in this highlighted area
>no real weight to the story
>It went from "face your inner self and be aware of your own flaws and negative thoughts " to "face other people's inner selves and punish them wrong think".
valid complaint
I'm ecstatic people are fully coming around to this game and series being overated shit now that the honeymoon period is well over and bashing the jews at Fatlus
Best JRPG of the decade my fucking ass
It's the weakest nu-Sona.
arrogance at it's finest
It's surprisingly easy to live your life when you only hear what you want to hear.
because once you figure out which big dick spell to get and why, it becomes incredibly tedious to revisit since you already knwo what to do. It very ofte fails to keep you on your toes after your initial playthrough.
This ALSO applies to my examples, but a key difference is that the battle don't suddenly become easy because you find out the quirks. For an example, when you find out UFOs in Miitopia suck your items, you'll probably be ready for it next time, but since they're tanky as fuck and do it almost immediately, you still have to play around this even when you've already figured it out, especially since they appear in dungenos where other emies are just as capable of wrekcing your shit through conventional meas, topped of with a strong boss at the end ( though there is healing in-between segments, and the game is kinda easy once you pass level 65 because dungeons don't scale after 59)
>starts making fortnite jokes
video and op's opinion discarded.
Is it? I never felt it was the weakest
Yea Forums could never be clear and concise enough to be a hivemind the fuck are you on about?
I think the big issue is ultimately the lack of a through plot. Im kind of gonna wank P3 a bit but even it was hardly perfect in this regard, but bare with me.
3 sets up it's Dark Hour really goddamn early. Special persona users are able to function at this point and you all join SEES for a specific reason or another. Mitsuru is taking on her families business, Yukari wants to find out what happened to her dad, Junpei craves attention etc. Im not gonna rattle off all their shit.
But anyways, while 3's characters aren't all properly developed (Fuuka) the ones that are, do so slowly. Best example is Yukari doesn't trust Mitsuru. In fact she's outright suspicious of her. There's something up and as the game progresses and more and more information is revealed it effects and drastically changes the characters relationships. Ken joins because he's suspicious of Shinjiro and wants revenge. Shinji is trying to make up for a past fuck up and has ties the villains. Eventually the plots come to a head in big ways. Then as all of this shit is happening, you find out there's another group of Persona users out there and they're using the same power you have but for their own reasons and causes which don't line up with yours and every time you meet them shit goes down in a big bad way. On top of all this you have the full moon bosses and how they effect the biggest mystery. So you have the parties problems. You have the villains. And you have the Full Moon monsters. All slowly unwrapping a greater mystery and themes.
In 4 you had some nebulous kidnapper but never really interact with him and each new party member spills their guts immediately and then just becomes another friend and while 5 DID have villains they where all pretty anemic threat wise. Oh sure they made a threat and you had a dead line but you knew they couldn't touch you until the deadline. But three had threats from the deadlines, threats from strega and threats from your own party.
>bitches about the game pronouncing shit wrong
>he can't even say yakuza right, pronounces Diet like the food kind, and constantly says names wrong
Are the sjw’s STILL assmad over p5 being translated rather than “”””””localized”””””””?
You've definitely only played Nocturne or just watched a Lets Play. It's the black sheep of the SMT series, playing AS a demon instead of a human changes everything, plus it drops the cyberpunk aesthetic for surreal demonic dessert.
SMT1, 2 and 4 are the staple games that comprise the very essence of the series.
Soul Hackers would be the defacto game it if it had alignments.
>the disconnect between character development in S Links and the main story etc.
This is a mechanical problem with Persona games in general, it's why they feel so lackluster in terms of their character arcs compared to other RPGs.
persona 5 is legitimately one of the worst VNs I've ever played
Imagine sitting down for 5 hours to hear some random retard’s opinion on a video game. Fuck off and stop advertising this shit.
Yeah, I've heard. Social media makes it even easier to live like this.
the game is fun to play. this e-celeb's whiny rant is not fun to listen to.
Atlus has been using the same variation on the press turn system for every megaten game for 16 years, I say it is too often
>the "game" is fun to watch because I'm a filthy brainwashed weeb*
>This is a mechanical problem with Persona games in general
No, 3 mostly did it mostly fine. It was imperfect but a lot of the main cast had solid arcs. Of course this is somehow seen as being BITCHY or an ASSHOLE because how dare they not be my best friend and treat me like a god immediately.
SJWs love P5.
>and how the stealth mechanics are shit
that's some shit taste they've got there. P5 is far from perfect, but the stealth mechanics made the dungeons feel way more interesting than the previous persona games dungeons. only real problem was that it was too easy to get your alert level back down.
I've played 4 and 4A and a lot of what I said still applies. Especially the characters devolving into just representations of their alignments, after a point everything Walter says is WE SHOULD DO THE CHAOS THING and everything Johnathan says is WE SHOULD DO THE LAW THING
One of the few unbiased and well written posts in this entire thread.
What the fuck happen to Hashino? His previous game (P3,P4) are better than this shit. Hopefully, the new director will be able to bring this series into a new direction.
We're kind of conditioned to see "style over substance" and think "oh, that's bad", but it doesn't have to be. There's tons of shit out there and just looks cool without anything profound behind it and that's fine.
Only Junpei and Aigis had solid arcs
fighting the SJW boogeyman
I've always maintained that the Persona games have always been watered down gameplay wise.
Even Revelations isn't nearly as punishing as even the mainline games.
Thats why I judge persona games on story/characters rather than gameplay and as far as that goes my ranking is
I mean MGR was at the time it came out one of the most shallow Platinum games mechanics-wise and no one cared because it was so flashy.
he's a high school gym coach. the idea of him being intimidating is kind of ridiculous to begin with.
Please stop trying to shill channels.
No, Yukari's was good she had a lot of shit to unpack and the Ken Shinji thing was GOODish but woefully underwritten
Stega were the worst villans in the series
Whoa this is what I call great design! I know exactly where to go thanks to these subtle hints that encourage exploration, experimentation, and deduction
>the worst villans in the series
Yeah but have you heard his JP voice? That's not the voice you give someone who pretends to be a chad, that's the voice you give someone with a literal rat face, 6 whiskers from the nose and all, and is meant to be scheming and insecure.
Funny his voice actor has done plenty of heroic characters with a different tone of voice
3 had a cohesive story and integrated the cast well into it, to the detriment of the slice of life and character moments
4 had a really good cast of developed characters who fit together well as friends, to the detriment of their involvement with the plot
5 is weird to me because it kind of has the worst of both worlds. The cast isn't fun to hang out with, but they're also not good as plot devices either.
Characters in 3 had an arc and a mostly trivial romance subplot which was the S Link (And you couldn;t date Akihiko). But I definately like it better than 4 where characters stop having personaltiies in the main plot or 5 where characters do the opposite and develop in the game then go back to being 1 dimensional idiots in their S Links.
Only thing i could guess is that when they announced there was going to be a ps4 version of the game, it created more work for two vastly different console generations so the team had to scrap a good amount of ideas. Then Hashino just got tired of working on the same series for 10 years and just pumped it out so he can work on own IP
>The cast isn't fun to hang out with
Except Yusuke, everything he's a part of is gold. If the game was just him and Joker it would've been 10/10
They where better than most of the modern ones just by virtue of actually engaging the party. Seriously who's better? Adachi? The man baby who didn't do shit and was only the villain at the last second because he had an asspull bitch out story? The shitty adult of the week from 5 who you rarely if ever actually encounter on an even playing field? Strega had presence. And Strega didn't fucking play. If they showed up someone is getting goddamn shot at.
this board praises asura's wrath even though it's a qte-filled movie game and the ending is sold separately as dlc - just because it has style. the whole "style over substance" criticism of p5 has always been hypocrisy.
That's fine for something that takes up 5 minutes of your time, not something that costs $60 and takes tens of hours. Unless you're a retard with no goals in life, maybe.
A sane post no shitposter is going to respond to.
Strega are impossible to take seriously because they're treated as threats even though their boss battles are always complete jokes and the only person they managed to kill had a million death flags already raised.
Yet TLOU is shat on for having cinematics and not being a game despite there being more gameplay heavy modes outside of story mode
>Set aside 20% of a day
>Also, make sure you play through 5 JRPGs and one movie before you watch it
Who the fuck listens to an ecelebs opinion for 5 fucking hours?
That's longer than 4 average-lengthen movies (120 minutes)
That's over half a fucking work day
You could be doing anything else. Playing vidya, getting some entertainment via shitposting here, spending time with friends, working, exercising, fucking anything.
>inb4 background noise!!
If you're listening to this faggots opinion, you may as well be paying proper attention so you get something out of it than letting 5 hours of video go in one ear and out the other.
>Unless you're a retard with no goals in life, maybe.
Why else would you be on Yea Forums?
>That's longer than 4 average-lengthen movies (120 minutes)
That maths
I haven't played Persona 5, but it can't be anywhere near as bad as Persona 1 or Persona 3. Persona 1 was just a bad boring forgettable game, Persona 3 is a shit game that plays itself and nothing happens in the story for 50 hours. Persona 4 is okayish, it still has the same flaws as 3 just not AS bad, but would never play it a second time.
Because it's a shitty western movie and not a hype movie.
Shilling your own video
What are you talking about? People constantly make fun of it being a movie and having the ending paywalled, it's only liked cause of its setting, style and absurdity basically everything but gameplay
I didnt watch OP's gay ass video but what's wrong with style over substance? Why can't style be substance?
ITT: ironic weebs whose introduction to jrpgs was persona 5 seething that someone is insulting their game.
>but it can't be anywhere near as bad as Persona 1
Yes user, in the same way a lot of people liked Hardcore Henry. Because sometimes all you want is an all-style, no-substance movie. And the fact is, as bad as movie writers can be, videogame writers tend to be far worse at it. So why just forget trying to do a serious story and just throw a bunch of cool shit at the screen, again like Hardcore Henry?
Fuck shitty fujo Shitsona trannies
And fuck Fatlus
Shut the fuck up bitch
P5 is anti-hype
Shut your mouth you son of a bitch. I have been an unironic weeb since I was 17, that's 15 years. I am completely shameless in how much of a japanophile I am, and I will not be compared to those posers.
>4 had a really good cast of developed characters who fit together well as friends
People always say this. "The cast of four all feel like real friends" and I never got that. I mean, okay, they DO, but it's all in that very dry, generic "get along gang" kind of way. They all feel like YOUR friends, but they never really feel like they interact with each other. They're a group and solely defined by the group. Chie and Yuki are supposed to be best friends since forever but the way they interact you never really get their friendship is deeper than it is with say Naoto or Rise.
I want to point at Tokyo Xanadu, which is basically just Trails trying to ape persona and it's not exactly super polished because but the way it's cast interact individually in the side episodes actually does give the sense that the group exists outside of the hero Kou. He's certainly a strong part of it but and yeah it's pretty self inserty but take a lick at this picture. Kou gets the mysterious new girl and his child hood friend, pretty standard anime affair. But Mystery girl and CHF actually have to talk about shit and how their relationship is with Kou. The class juniors are a shut in nerd and a genki tomboy who wants to drag him around to his annoyance and the senpais are fucking like rabbits and everyone knows it. Rion's just a sluttier Rise. Not my favorite. The character have time to actually interact with and form real relationships. They're very much the same stock anime tropes we've seen done to death but the senpais have their own relationships, the kohais have theirs and you have yours with each of them.
Considering how Cold Steel is basically the non stop Rean show it's actually impressive how developed this group ended up being.
>Metal Gear
>Final Fantasy
Don't fall for the memes. Yea Forums loves movie games.
mad p3 fag. Go shoot yourself
>Wahh I got exposed as a faggot! He must be a P3fag!!
Rent fucking FREE. Kill yourself P2faggot.
I was talking about Asura's Wrath
>I never got that.
Because you've never had a friend,
never had a friend,
never had a friend,
never had a friend,
never had a friend.
>people remember 2 for the god-tier writing, characters and atmosphere
Nobody gives a shit about P2
I never played Persona 2. You stupid Persona 3 faggot. Go shoot yourself.
Persona 2 EP is literally the worst game in the series.
>ITT: ironic weebs whose introduction to jrpgs was persona 5 seething that someone is insulting their game.
No, in this thread Switch fags still seething about P5 not coming to thier tablet.
You know a game is poorly-designed when they have to include an option to literally highlight the way forward
>B-but Purse Owner threeeEEE!!!
HAHAHAHA stay assblasted, you stupid P2faggot.
Nice larp, twitter zoomer.
This kills the persona 5 twitter nu-weeb.
They don't. Way to out yourself as somone who never played it.
>You could be doing anything else. Playing vidya
That's exactly what I did. I played video games on my second monitor while listening to the video. Have you ever heard of multitasking, user?
I literally have two full playthroughs under my belt, one of them 100%.
Any time you're stuck in the game you press Joker vision and it shows you the item you need to interact with to progress. That's lazy design.
That kind of gameplay narrative segregation is a common issue of the genre. But it's even worse in 4 and 5 because the villains are practically non entities. 4's kills like two people in the course of the entire game and one of those was on accident. The rest of the time he was just failing to push kids into TVs via proxy and half the people you face in 5 don't even know there's a fight going on.
You know what 5 really needed? More of the Black Mask. You find out there's another guy running around in people's heads causing trouble every where but you never meet him once, as the black mask. In fact you only meet him when you basically already know who he is and completely defusing the trap he's trying to set on you. I know they thought their pancake twist was probably super clever but holy fuck what an anemic encounter.
P5 is weeb repellent.
>Nice larp, twitter zoomer.
I really, genuinely hate the idea of "ironic weebs" more than anything. I have spent half my life obsessing over anime, making it the only thing I do with my life, and now all these people are going around acting like it's "quirky" to like anime or you're just doing it "ironically", or that you're some kind of "sicko" for being a lolicon even though it's one of the most pandered to demographics in the industry.
Just watch, Royal is going to show that Black Mask and Akechi are actually 2 separate people and that's how he'll stay on your team.
The guy is right about everything, but he's wrong about it resulting in P5 being a bad game. Despite these flaws P5 is still one of the best RPGs of all time and is a must-play for fans of the genre. Style is extremely important for games as one of the primary methods of creating the setting and mood for the player. It's like arguing a book is all style over substance since the writing is nice at first glace but the story has plot holes. Well, who cares? This is normal for the industry. There are far more egregious examples of these flaws in the genre than P5. These things making you hate the game would only happen if you have completely unreasonable standards. Just relax, bro.
I think if they wrote Goro and Black Mask as the Punisher to your Batman it would have been a lot more interesting than just BWAHAHAHA I HATE SHIDO!
I understand what you're saying, but I don't think your comparison is very fair. Persona (3 on) is a game seen entirely from the perspective of a self-insert MC. You can't really have side episodes depicting individual relationships between non-MC characters without it being jarring.
For what it's worth, I also think the spin-off titles do a pretty good job at fleshing out those relationships more, so there is something there, even if we can't see it due to Persona 4's framing device.
He's just trying to be Edmond Dantes but without the massive fortune to fuel his revenge.
>they re-write things so that it turns out that the Black Mask was actually cognitive Akechi and the true Akechi has to stop him before joining your party
No not even cognitive, I mean like it's a split personality or something that gains its own body in the cognitive world and thus by killing him, purifies Akechi of his mental illness.
So did they say they'll touch the story and readjust something's like a remix? Or is it literally the basegame + extra?
Ironic weebs and nu weebs is what happens when the hobby gets so big that it gets mainstream and becomes omni present even among normalfag groups. Now you even have faggots like pewdiepie using anime and reddit anime "memes" being spammed everywhere. You thought the Naruto kids were bad? Wait till you go on twitter and see faggots with seasonal anime avatars.
I'm not watching 5 hours of this shit. Give me the cliff notes boys.
I haven't seen the video but I have beaten P5. My main issue is characters fall a little flat, the dialog can drag, and it's a bit to anime in some places for me. Not a fan of the girl who sings the song lyrics voice and accent but that's super subjective.
I suggest that we bring back wapanese in order to combat the normie weeb menace
What is a 'nu-weeb'?
>the main Persona 5 writer thought the game gave meaningful societal commentary and made the audience think
Jesus Christ. I don't think there is a single person in the entire world that had his worldview expanded or challenged in any way by this game's story. Just how stupid would you have to be?
Anyone else think that since the JRPG genre was dead for almost a decade that the kiddies that grew up playing PS3 and 360 just don't get them? Especially the turned based ones?
More like it's what happens when the internet is filled with people other than nerds and the socially inept.
>give me the cliff notes
See and
I mean, he comes from a country where the citizens literally don't question their government and its decisions, and the ones who do are labelled communists trying to subvert the nation. Freedom of information is not in their laws, the people legally don't have the right to know what their govt is doing. Whenever you say "this shit is so obvious", you have to remember that this is a country full of sheep.
Well that's the thing my biggest issue IS the framing devise. You can't really develop the world and extended cast solely from the perspective of ONE character. But I also don't really think that's the WHOLE problem. Because both 3 and 5 where able to shift perspective off of the hero, I can't verify this myself and Im too lazy to check but I remember hearing someone say that there's not a single scene outside of the heroes perspective in 4.
Moreover I don't think it would be too much trouble to just write characters doing shit together. Like while you're running around town you bump into Chie and Yukiko doing whatever, maybe you see Yosuke and Teddy at work at Junes. Actually fill the world with stuff. Hell why hasn't there been any GROUP social links. That just seems obvious.
scholar and a gentleman
That won't work. They already appropriated weeaboo and turned it into weeb and then made it into some sort of identity, just like how faggots turned queer from an insult into a personality trait.
That and you'll be ganged up and be called a boomer who belongs in a retirement home since they have a large presence online and hazing newfags and gatekeeping are no longer welcome online.
Yes, but what the hell kind of philosophical question is P5 even examining? Whether it's morally right to change peoples' minds with magic? Most of the game is comically black and white.
Everyone here can complain about it being 5 hours to just listen to and have as Background Noise but will have no problem browsing Yea Forums and forcing yourself to read shitty threads all damn day
>Yes, but what the hell kind of philosophical question is P5 even examining?
Question authority. That's the point of so many of the antagonists, that they're people that are trusted simply because they're authority figures.
Kamoshita isn't supposed to be a chad. he's a fucking volleyball player. he's literally a mall-cop tier "i have some authority thanks to my past glory, so i use it to molest and abuse highschoolers".
I thought the JP voice fit just fine, it might help that i never heard the English voice though, so my image of him was more predisposed to what the JP voice sounded like from the start.
Wasn't he an Olympian? Even for your gayer events that's still a pretty big deal.
If I have a boondocks or avatar the last Airbender avatar, what does that make me?
>Kamoshita isn't supposed to be a chad.
He THINKS he is, is my point.
Maybe one day they'll make it so someone has to watch atleast 50% of a video for it to be counted as a "view" to avoid this bloated fuckfest of videos trying to beat the algorithm while lacking any substance.
I hope shimapan stops shilling his isekai shit and makes a doujin for P5R
>it might help that i never heard the English voice though
It's RE5 Wesker's voice
That's actually how I thought it would go down. Like Goro is still an ass helping Shido but Black Mask was a replacement Shdio created in his mind to replace Goro which made Goro completely lose it.
Turned out no Goro was jsut like that all along.
A nigga.
>I honestly don't even recognize this series anymore. What started as a grim, deep, twisted Alice in Wonderland-esque adventure ft. SMT demons has now become a animu waifu harem cesspool for the most unsophisticated palettes lurking the gaming market.
What? No.
It always was "SMT but high school setting"
It was a high school cast in a contemporary setting. You spent very little time in actual school taking classes.
I'm asian.
Didn't you get dabbed on last thread
Persona is a shitty normalfag game so its not worth investing your time on it, analysis videos or not
>last airbender
a loser
a winner
Shimapan has too much same girl syndrome. I kinda hate there hasn't been any drawn P5 harem except his.
also while Futaba's animated video was god like, I'm still disappointed it's Futaba and not any of the other girls.
is this a review or a summary?
What if I have an avatar of a bag of half eaten chips? And I make my Twitter handle Half-Eaten Chips?
just cause you made a 5 hour long video doesn't mean you're free from criticism
it just means no one wants to give you any time
What brand of chips are we talking about?
This is important.
Excuse me?
Rippled or crispy?
My mom walked in on me when i was playing p5 and this portrait was up. Fuck man the cringe was so hard i think she thinks im gay. They need to quit it with the cringe designs
>Futaba's animated video
you better sauce that shit right now
>cvit: algorithm over substance
This has been my steam avatar since it aired a decade ago and I'll be damned if I ever change it.
Nah talking about that other god tier P5 video. Man I wish it was just a harem video or at least someone other than Futaba or the teacher. They both already get really good doujins anyway.
Sauce me up my lad
Pringles Pizza Flavor.
II have similar feelings about nuFire Emblem
I could....but I mean it's not exactly hidden.
Part of it is even on YouTube.
The title alone should be enough to make anyone roll their eyes
>hey, did you know PERSONA 5 is style over substance
From the killer UI, to the awesome music, to the great character designs, to the over the top story and all the way to levels and gameplay. The point of the game is to be STYLISH. I don't need to watch a 5 hour video to see that. Fuck him and fuck anyone that defends this autism.
I just need a name
It better not be this shit
A bag of half-eaten pizza pringles?
Something doesn't add up
"If i had more time, I'd have written you a shorter letter"
That's literally MauLer's strategy and /vpol/ sucks his dick constantly.
The truth is I don't know what bag of chips I should pick but I picked on the answer on what would get me the most based answer.
Shiho should have been Ann or Ann and Shiho should have combined as the same character. As it stands Ann gets all her "character development" vicariously through another, more expendable, NPC. I get they probably don't want to have their games heroine "tainted" but on the whole she doesn't really contribute enough to where even her motivation can be pawed off on a different character
I really hate to complain about a Nana character.
didn't you know? visuals in visual media are meaningless aspects!
video games should always focus on the writing! if the script doesn't appeal to me, the video game is shit!
I'm still mad I couldn't fuck the broken chick.
>Maybe he'd actually finish his projects if he stopped being discord buttbuddies with them.
he only started making videoes long because he's a lazy faggot who refused to edit
of course he's always been lazy
how could you expect anything more
Nah. I think they're fine as seperate characters. However they shouldn't have written her off. I think the team just didn't know what to do with her so they just made her part of Ann's social link.
That's fucked up user.
give me the tl;dr of his response to Jack Saint
>all this nitpicking
>never once brings up that Anne's eyes are way too far apart on her 3d model
>That's fucked up user.
That's the best part
Best Youtube Video ever i am enjoying myself so much it's like the goddamn Superbowl and he's right on everything
The game is over 100 hours long, I could talk for hours just about the RE series alone and those games combine doesnt even Reach half that, so 5 hours of going over the entire game's plot and side content while giving your opinion on it is honestly a good length. It just looks bad because it's all at once, but if he made it in chunks it wouldn't be so intimidating.
I actually thought Ohya was pretty good.
My favourite chick is Chihaya though.
>I think the team just didn't know what to do with her so they just made her part of Ann's social link.
She was barely even part of that.
The duality of man
>spending 5 hours watching someone talk about a video game
Yeah nah. I can form my own opinions, thanks.
I can sperg all day about 5-10 hour length games. The less words you can present your idea. The better your argument becomes.
Its literally the cliche "lanky anime highschool kids who have to save da werld by KOing God with the power of freindship" garbo like this is the shit everyone thought all JRPGS were, I don't get how normalfags got so attached to it
Maybe I need to replay the game but I felt as though there really wasn't much insight you can do on the characters themselves. What you see is pretty much what you get. Am I wrong about this?
Long critique is not deep critique. Joseph Anderson should teach you this.
This. Memes are the best at spreading information and arguments because they take the core idea/argument, make it a little funny, and it gets shared
visuals, music, and gameplay
turns out those are important parts of video games
I watched one of his videos. He just seemed to summarize everything in Uncharted. I feel like tehsnakerer does what he does way better in a shorter time frame. despite also summarizing whatever he played.
I actually went ahead and watched the video, and I can confirm nobody else in this thread watched the video but will continue to greentext about the content in the video that they didn't watch
>the virgin screencap thumbnail vs the Chad custom
Looks like the vid shilling worked
Full Crisis Lockdown Mode Engage
>dungeons are just hallways
thanks for warning me op, I was hoping this game would be different from every other JRPG from existence but nope, it has dungeons that are hallways.
Why is there barely any god tier porn of this game? I was expecting left and right of Ann doujins or other characters but there's probably 1 or 2 of each one of them. Most of them have off-putting art.
Is it the gachafags who stole all the artists?
“Long time Persona 5 fan excited to play game for the first time”
>you will never have a crew like this
I don't even care about the length I waste almost 24 hours reading shitters here garbage ass opinions, it's just I don't get why he's willing to do this and go in depth on every aspect of such a shallow game
Like there is only so much that can be said without padding
Honestly this is tamed compared to other video game essay autism.
Remember that someone spent over 9 hours going over a video of someone defending DS2.
>takes time to explain everything thoroughly and does not beat around the bush
>somehow equates to 91 hours of bloated whatever
Elly is the best girl.
The only thing there it does well is visuals specifically the UI
>it's another episode of everyone who disagrees with me is reddit
Should they age up the cast in Persona 6?
Even OP's ranter said the music is Shoji Meguro's best work and works with the game rather than simply complementing it.
Nobody would buy that
based nagito
>guy who isn't in charge of the localization of the game and is also not a jap pronounces jap shit wrong
go back to Yea Forums weeb
I would :(
>I don't get how normalfags got so attached to it
It was on ps4
>the music is Shoji Meguro's best work
That's an... opinion, I suppose
Why won't my eye stop twitching?
>Remember that someone spent over 9 hours going over a video of someone defending DS2.
what the fuck is it with Dark Soul fags?
What makes Dark Souls special is that its ability to create its world with such minimalistic storytelling and respects the player enough that they'll figure out the message and story of the game on their own
But Dark Soul essayists feel the need to make their videoes days long
ITT coping weebs who think pressing the confirm button through 100 hours of dialogue is fun gameplay
i would be in favor of this, i think being a college freshman might be cool. makes sense given that sometimes your daily classes in persona are just skipped, so in college those would just be days where you have little inclass instruction time scheduled.
Sorry lemme rephrase
Nobody in Japan would buy it
It's your brain unable to accept the truth
Who the fuck would watch 5 hours of this shit? Even as a p5 "critic" I don't want to and most of it is probably poorly thought out points like "m-muh gay representation, muh grinding, muh not enough sexy time with Makoto and her sister." Kys
The use of the music is pretty lazy, it's just the same battle theme for enemies, mini boss, and bosses like it couldnt have hurt to have palace remixes when it switches to battle
All the time spent on changing the music for DLC costumes could've gone there
I know :(
Fucking high school gay ass trope.
I think they definitely need to do SOMETHING different. The series has seriously been stagnating.
youth questioning authority, the status quo, initial perception (big in a country with a bullying problem in case you didn't pick up how every party member is kind of a loner autist) and leading the country their own way
if the fact there's a literal fucking election going on didn't tip you off
He meant character themes and such.
It can be fun if the characters are fun like danganronpa. But persona isnt fun
They need to do what they did with P3 and make character development happen through the game instead of S-links, have teammates persona evolve through story progression, and make the characters feel more independent. It was great watching Junpei go through his own character arc without having the MC steer him in the right direction.
Nobody would actually sit there and watch 5 hours of a video where a guy talks and show's gameplay of the game he is discussing, what normal people do is listen to the video while doing something productive. It's not that hard, user
I don't think the video maker cares about that, the point of the video is to be as long as possible and people make stuff like this because there's an audience that will watch it.
The downside of this is it means some party members stay shit-tier in terms of gameplay until the 9/10ths mark of the story.
Ikr. I never got the appeal of a bunch of generic teenage personalities fighting for social justice and to destroy god and religion.
But weebs are easily influenced by communist ideals.
Dang it Ron Paul characters titter between mildly amusing to fucking infuriating and most of them are the latter. Theres probably 5 good characters in the entire series.
Please stop console war shit it's the biggest cancer killing this boatd
Destroying god isn't a communist thing in Japan, it's built into their religion and culture. Remember, when you meet the Buddha, kill him.
>normal people do is listen to the video while doing something productive.
a normal person would listen to an audiobook, podcast, or even the television as background noise
From what I've played
Devil Survivor>Nocturne>SJ>DDS>SMT2>SMT4
>destroying god and religion
Does normal person mean over the age of 30?
Because nobody else watches TV anymore.
But Nocturne purposely breaks the alignment system though replacing with reasons Which were better
There is one character in dr that is better than every persona character in existence. We know who that is. But the waifu game is a lot better in dr, and theres plenty of dark humor. And a little monochrome teddy bear with a spongebob sounding theme song is scarier than any villain in persona. I feel like if danganronpa 4, 5 and beyond happened and they kept pushing it, it would overtake persona as far as popular weeb things go. I used to like persona a decent amount until i discovered dr and its like fuck. In this game plot keeps happening, im laughing more, the twists and surprises are actually twisty and surprising.
television, netflix, same difference
>Theres probably 5 good characters in the entire series.
There's more than one Komaeda?
I liked DR until I played PW and experience what a good detective game was. The cases in DR are brain dead easy and they recycled the same case structure 3 games in a row because they thought it would be clever. DR2 is the only good game in the series, and DR3 fucking butchered it. V3 was only worth playing for the memes and i couldn't even bother to finish that because by the end of 3-4, there wasnt a single person I cared about left.
This guy's video is good and Yea Forums is still seething incessantly that, as it turns out, a game written by hacks has bad writing
Albeit he spends WAY too much fucking time talking about social links, jesus christ most of them are completely unremarkable, there was no reason to go into all of them other than sheer thoroughness
its not good
someone rambling on about a video game for 5 hours IS NEVER necessary, its never good, and its always a waste of time
listen to an audiobook instead you nigger
Preeeetty true honestly. I think v3 is good but a bit disappointing unlike persona5 which i think is bad and very disappointing. Everyone cool got whacked way to early and it culminated in 3-4 and dr2 is indeed the best one. I like PW too but it doesnt have the same flair/style that dr has
The game took more than five hours to make. It can be discussed for five hours.
It's not about whether you can, it's about whether you should.
but how much is that necessary
you can break down ever scene in a movie, but how much is that necessary
There are entire books written about Shakespeare plays. Books longer than the play itself in words, and which take longer to read than the play does to watch. Get over it.
>But Nocturne purposely breaks the alignment system though replacing with reasons
Nocturne uses the same nonsensical alignments...just with different names.
It says a lot about SMT's fanbase that they're dumb enough to fall for this.
yeah but those books have been written by educated people who have an understanding of literature and how it influenced society have a point when they write?
not by an idiot who just didn't like a game
Anyone can write a book
Anyone can film a video
Whether you watch it or not, the ability for any person to freely share their insights, no matter how trivial, should be celebrated
>those books have been written by educated people
>he actually believes this
>no matter how trivial, should be celebrated
no, thats stupid
fuck off zoomer, you don't deserve a medal
how about use your autism energy to do something of any value
More people are crying about the length rather than the subject
>but it's a waste of time
You're on Yea Forums niggers if you cared about not wasting time you wouldn't be here for more than a hour
Like posting on Yea Forums?
why is he entitled to my time
and this is still more value than listening to someone ramble on for 5 hours
Hes not, hell you didn't even have to come in this thread
brainlets deserve punishment
Literally not true compare Yosuga to the standard law, in a standard law God rules all end of discussion. However with Yosuga instead the best person of every imaginable thing rules over all if said thing there would be a #1 fighter, painter, teacher, etc and that person would have absolute control over every aspect of said thing, similar on the surface but different in execution. Hopefully next time you play through you'll notice these differences.
>at the water cooler
>i spent my weekend watching NEW SHOW
>i spent mine reading CLASSIC BOOK
>>social link
>>character about to overcome their own problems
There's not a whole lot else you can do with a dialogue system as shallow and limited as Persona 5's.