Hey guys just reminding you Billy Mitchell is innocent and the only reason he lost his scores is due to zoomers crying...

Hey guys just reminding you Billy Mitchell is innocent and the only reason he lost his scores is due to zoomers crying about it until something was good, especially the ugly bald zoomer.

Attached: billymitchall.jpg (400x300, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:


t. Garret Bobby Ferguson

>tried to sued CN because of that episode of regular show
nah fuck him he's a faggot

contrarianism is the only thing Yea Forums has left
all humor and creativity left 7 years ago

>caring about a little kids show, yup you're one of them.

I watch Billy's stream sometimes. He's an interesting guy.

GBF pls

You being a faggot has stuck with all your life ironicly.

Hey guys just reminding you there's a potential Donkey Kong kill screen coming up prettys oon.

I'm curious about his hot sauce

>legitimately had a bunch of scores
>then he fucking faked it because he couldn't take the heat
A fall from grace.

Yeah, let's forget he pretty much cheated. So long Salty Bitchell.

he didn't cheat actually, it was a bunch of zoomers who followed a lead zoomer who can't get a record in any video game so when he was billy mitchell's big cock who had many records he got jealous.

stick to shilling hot sauce billy

was it zoomers though?

Too many buzzwords to have a legit point, Billy.

Milly Bitchall

Yes it was

Fuck man learn to type, I can't understand any of this?
>when he was billy mitchell's big cock
Can you explain what you meant by this?
Did you mean he was kissing his ass or something?

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Who's your favorite regular show? Me? It's beartato.

Sit down zoomer, you'd never understand.

fuck off ESL-kun

What's ESL? I'm no zoomer so I don't know zoomer terms

>this mortal thinks he can touch me

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>Seething Boomers mad because they are obsolete as people

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English as a second language you stupid

shut up billy

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No god can touch you billy

>tfw zoomers will never understand the human element to video game skill and can only autistically analyze numbers and code instead
so sad, I weep for you all

Sounds like a zoomer thing, real men only know english. not that a zoomer would understand.

>He doesn't know
And that how you expose a zoomer.

more like Giant Beardo Face

>I weep for you
Funny thing is, we dont think about you at all. But its good to know we live in your heads rent free until your denentia sits in grandpa.

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well apparently you don't

Who cares if he "cheated", it's the personality that matters
He's still the king, you autistic chimps

what personality? being a big salty bitch

He has to have one before it can matter.

I saw Billy Mitchell playing Pac-Man at Funspot. Cool dude with some decent gaming skills, but he's most likely a hack who just wants to sell hot sauce.

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BANNED 4 LIFE and all his scores, even the legitimate one. Kek

His boring, droning, terrible audio streams where he plays donkey kong in a hallway without saying anything for 30 minutes at a time?

>poses as a fan to get a pic with Billy
>then ambushes him immediately after the picture to call him a cheater to his face.
Dare I say....Based?

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Even if he wasn't innocent, it wouldn't matter. He's already had his success on the back of the records he set. And even if he didn't set the DK record which is basically the only one with actual valid criticisms, he literally played a perfect game of pacman at the namco headquarters in japan, and has played multiple 1m+ games of DK live in front of audiences. He's pretty fucking skilled regardless.

Funny enough it was the inconsistent audio streams on his high score runs which caused him to get banned from TG.

>Billy laughs at him and forces his scrawny ass to go talk to his associate
>He loses all his money for his little speedrunning event which alot of people weren't going.
>fakes panic attacks for sympathy

Truly based

Ok Todd dont you have pictures of Barn Stormer to edit to pass as real.

Nobody's saying he isn't skilled. But he's so arrogant and narcissistic that he literally sent a forged tape of him beating a guy's score to the marathon where he was setting a legit score.

He couldn't let another human being have even a tiny moment of the spotlight, so he lied, and grandstanded on his lie.

Dude's a piece of shit.

did you flunk high school?

No he's an absolute fag fuck of you nigger contrarians


The audio stream was proof but i think the main reason was he played DK on an emulator and not an arcade machine which has a differnet ranking. TG banned him from submitting an emulator run to an arcade run rankings board

forced meme cock suckers

Living in your rent free is the only way to live. Cope.

Living in your head rent free is the only way to live.

You deleted the post where you showed what a retard you are.


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>living in your rent free
>removes the cope
lol? insecure about your bad english skills?

>actually had the balls to call him a cheater
>Billy nervously laughs because he was ambushed
>wanted to get out of the situation as fast as possible
>threatens a person with a lawsuit for a BS reason.

rent free

What happened is a lot of kids watched The King of Kong and bought into the narrative and started hating the guy.

>emulator score rankings and arcade score rankings are different
>undeniably found to be using emulators to submit scores to arcade score rankings
>gets punished for it
It literally could not be more cut and dry.

You know who's a bigger piece of shit? Robert Mruczek, if there was one person I would punch in the face it would be that cock sucking tool.

>>emulator score rankings and arcade score rankings are different
nice meme

>man I sure love everyone how I love sucking dicks on Chinese basket weaving forum
Fixed. Keep spouting more buzzwords retard

>Billy was ever likable


Was he the one who was diddling kids?

T. Projecting

They are actually. Theyre ranked separately but I'm assuming its your dementia sitting in.

He had plenty of legitimate scores. There was zero reason for him to cheat and ruin everything he did accomplish/

>love everyone how I love sucking dicks

You really can't make a single post without fucking something up, can you?

What did he mean by this?

They suck dick.

He was that faggot douche bag loser in King of Kong that disputed Weibes high score cuz of a motherboard that was given to him by Roy Shildt who he hated. He was talking out of his fucking ass on why Weibe was disquilified while letting Mitchelle keep his high score with tape as proof. I hope he dies painfully and burns in Hell


>record holder for a bunch old ass boomer games
Am i supposed to be impressed or something, y'all?
Call me when he breaks Ninja's Fortnite records OmegaLUL

He's talking about the boomer/zoomer meme which was forced by some autist from /fit/ who made a bunch of threads simultaneously. Probably the same guy who forced the sips meme, the one who works for Monster Energy.

>the crt screen was split so clearly the image is spliced

Holy autism

He's a shithead but no one gave a shit about he is basically Jack Scalfani except a bit more successful.

Fair enough. It was an absolute circlejerk of corruption around there. Even though I don't really get into competitive gaming like that, I'm glad someone's taking it seriously so douchebags can't run roughshod over people who actually enjoy it.

>holy autism
Please go back to plebbit. You do not belong here. You will be happy and we will be happy.

Do you think Billy's still a virgin?

>Tried to sue Regular Show
Yeah no, go fuck yourself, retard.

mistake it happens when you see the same tired garbage on here over and over, it's amazing how the meaningless mods only word filtered things they don't like


Best of luck, but don't come back. Byeeee

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Donkey Kong Kill Screen coming up

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King Billyiam Mitchelline Esq. the Third, Lord of the Sauce, dabs on all you jealous lil scorelets.

i watch him on twitch when i'm drunk and have nothing else to watch.

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If someone genuinely believes this... they should seriously go back.

Didn't he even beat his old "cheat" record while livestreaming on twitch or something like that?

That's it, all of you get off my Yea Forums right now. You don't have to go to reddit, but you can't stay here.

it was the case you mong
there's a screencap of all of the threads made at a similar time on like nine different boards

Doesn't really matter honestly


>"I-It's all a one person conspiracy!!! I swear!"
>On an anonymous board.
Yeah, yeah, nobody gives a shit, fag.

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>On an anonymous board
Yes, the place that would be the easiest to force a meme.

That's reddit. And you should return there.

did no one see the Nibbler documentary?

>get called out
>prove you can do it
>look like an asshole anyway
why lie in the first place

You want to explain to me why Reddit is an easier place to force a meme than Yea Forums?

He clearly cheated

>hurrdurr rebbitors are retarded zoomers who think he cheated

Because he's been there.

Because after awhile, big liars start believing theor own bullshit.

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the fuck is this reddit everyone is suddenly talking about ?


Someone post the fucking screencap of the archive that shows all the forced boomer memes so this retard can be educated
Seriously this faggot is so insecure about liking something that was basically engineered to get him to like it because he's afraid of a lack of control

that's fucking mean, and I love it

>thread was gettin good
>now its just people telling each other to gor to reddit.

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it's todays boogeyman that idiots like to repeat, back then it was tumblr and before tumblr it was gaia


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go back

Go back to Yea Forums

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not any more these days

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There was no way to check if scores were legit so they thought they could get away with it.

name of the artist, you faggot.

I loved that part of KoK when this virgin look defeated.

grew up in hollywood florida where he grew up. been going to his restaurant my entire life. the wings are so fucking good. problem is nowadays you get tiny wings.

eat shit and die

You guessed it, his name is "you faggot"



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>literally a whole year between the newest comic and the one before it


you may not know terms but you do know how to suck dicks


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Are the similarities between Regular Show and Beartato entirely coincidental?

yeah, just look at the president


Wasn't it proven without a shadow of a doubt that he was using emulators, which are against the rules of the place in which his records were held?

Using emulators is allowed but they have a different leader board ranking and category. He submitted an emulator run to the arcade cabinet board which is against the rules

Didn't he get the score AGAIN with verified methods?

>can't even greentext right

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The ref that witnessed it was a former TG employee who was banned himself from the leader board for cheating.

After he was caught submitting an emulator run as a cabinet run, they questioned all his scores and they found a lot of inconsistencies in how it was documented that lead everyone to believe he cheated in the past.

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I won't let all these lies get in the way of me gulping down cupfuls of Billy juice.

Since this is a completely legitimate record holder thread, post some more completely legitimate record holders

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I was referring to this

he sure is dreamy, isn't he?

He is banned from TG leader boards and TG is partnered up with Guinness so he'll never be recognized in any official capacity. He'll go down as a cheater.

Nobody actually cares about Twin Galaxies though.

This fucker, this fat fucker right here is the one who made the famous video "exposing" Billy Mitchell and has been riding the clout wave ever since. Now he just does e-begging streams because he's too much of a shitheel to make good content, and when he does report on the "news" he's days late.


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What zoomer even knows he exists?

Billy cares because he lost all his scores...even the legit ones.

oh yeah and I almost forgot to add, now he sucks Billy Mitchells cock after he got his highscore back. This guy will do anything for hits. What a digusting lowlife.

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Im going to breed that slut and there's nothing you can do about it

>he got his scores back
Hold the phone there professor.



he changed his tune QUICK

Not supporting ecelebs with the click.



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Why the fuck does ANYONE care about this guy? Wow, he spent [UNGODLY NUMBER OF HOURS] playing the same fucking arcade game just to rack up a pointless number? Amazing, let's give him attention!

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>RGB rainbow on keyboard
>RGB rainbow on headphones
>random RGB flashes on the goddamn microphone
>generic fitted cap
>autism chair

I want him dead, and I don't even care about him sucking Billy Mitchell's ass

He sponsored part of the arcade hall at GenCon this year. I met him outside while he was setting up to do a PacMan record.
Asked if he was a cosplayer, and he said, "I'm the real deal, baby."
Then we shook hands and he smiled.
Then he said, "Hey, I charge for pictures, just so you know."
And I said, "Nah, I'm good."

Later at the same con, I walked by a few more times, and each time he still had a crowd of people around, watching him play PacMan at a cabinet that was set up outside the game hall. It had a placard that read, "Player of the Century." I was told he brought his own PacMan cabinet from home, which is suspicious of course, but all the other cabinets had been brought in from elsewhere too, because it's a con, and apparently a bunch were sponsored by him.
Just kinda a weird situation. Like the dude knows must of us there think of him as a cheater, but he's still making money off of us, and using that money to give back to the community, but is in turn, still feeding his own fame/ego.
Dude acted and seemed morally reprehensible, but also seemed like he *knew* that we all felt that way, and it just didn't phase him, and he decided to sponsor some videogaming anyway.
Almost feels like his infamy for cheating is exactly as beneficial to him and the arcade community as any actual fame for real success would have been.
I mean, a lot of people knew who Billy Mitchell was, but I could've counted on one hand the number of people out of that huge crowd that remembered Steve Wiebe's name. Most people just remember 'that other guy'. And 'that other guy' didn't come to GenCon and provide us with any sponsorship stuff.

I dunno, just generally a fuckin surreal moment. I watched him play PacMan for a long time, and he is genuinely fucking good at the game. For whatever that's worth now.

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Good job pajeet

no im just right.

You do not understand English though, dumbass.

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>confuses being delusional as being right.

threatening lawsuits willy nilly like that exposes you as a bitch
Apollo pulled a power move there

How the fuck was it good? It was some sperg just screaming Zoomer to every response

Doesn't look very Zoomer to me

He's already been referenced in a official Donkey Kong game. As far as I'm concerned he's won.

>I charge for pictures

What a cunt. I'm glad he's trying to help the community out, but fuck me, he's such a narcissist. Just a way for washed up hacks to squeeze their fanbase for every penny they can't earn in whatever business they pretend to be a part of.

zoomer doesn't have an "official" meaning it's for anyone I dislike

The literally got caught red handed cheating and he has the shittiest personality of pretty much anybody in gaming
There's no defending this Billy Mays with Fabio hair lookin-ass motherfucker

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I was watching one of his livestreams one night, and someone in the chat brought up meeting Apollo Legend and nothing came of it. He took a picture of Apollo's cosplay and nothing happened. I just remember, Apollo ready to like, go meet him face to face for a confrontation or something but nothing happened.


>Seriously this faggot is so insecure about liking something that was basically engineered to get him to like it because he's afraid of a lack of control
>Proyecting this hard

Why don't you project your dick in my mouth faglehog

>7 years ago
what changed?

Why do you have cartoons of men drinking gallons of semen saved on your computer?

Real talk. Who knew exactly who they were making fun of when they made that episode?

I did. And it was probably my favorite TV moment of the decade because I did.