*one shots death knight*
Heh.....Nothin personnel kid.
*one shots death knight*
>tells would be step sister "Have sex."
>pretends he forgot the whore singer was a singer when she invites him to a concert
How can one man be so based
What was this guy's problem?
So, I don't play this franchise, but from the outside looking in, she kind of sounds like a Daenerys ripoff. She even has the book-accurate purple eyes that Emilia Clark was too much of a pussy whiner bitch to wear because they stung a little.
He likes little girls
She's a cunt who fucks over the protagonist in every route, only absolute cucks and waifufags side with her.
She's possibly the worst lord in the series.
find a husband
>omg she's just like the game of thrones girl
Not-Guts mogs this womanlet
Incels hate her! One weird trick to take over Fire Emblem discourse on Yea Forums.
He's just a cunt but underneath he's a really good dude
As much shit as he talks about "The Boar" he really cares about Dimitri, and he's a complete sweetheart to Bernie and Dorothea
How can other Blue Lions boys even compete?
>She's a cunt who fucks over the protagonist in every route,
Mind spoiling how she fucks him over in said three routes? I'm particularly interested in how you're saying she apparently even tries to fuck you over if you side with her. Am I understanding that correctly? If so, Jesus fuck. This sounds entertaining and I don't give a fuck about spoilers for this game, I just want to hear about how much of a bitch not-Daenerys is while wearing Nazi/ Shadow the Hedgehog red and black.
Is there a lance equivalent to the devil axe and cursed ashiya sword? Trying a meme build on Burnadeada.
>spends so much time talking about how she's a singer
>"Come to my concert felix!!!!
Sylvain, Felix and Dedue are also good boys
He probably just means she helps kill your Dad.
Just another day at the office, really. Most character's dads either killed or were killed by someone else at the monastery.
Yeah you would have cum all over your face if you make a habit of making comments like that you dumb little slut
She's secretly actively working with the people who murder your dad, then she doesnt even console you about his death and tells you to man up and move on.
Absolute cunt
Oh, if that's it, lame, so long as you/ your character is down with your dad dying, as so many young royals were in period equivalents. Get dad out of the way, it's my turn to sleep in the big bed and decide how the money gets spent around here for the next twenty years minimum or so, or until my son tries to kill me for the same reasons.
Nigga what are you talking about
Its a very blatantly bad thing in the story and the protag is torn up about it
Not to mention the sad music that plays from that point on everywhere you go
If your character loves his dad and wants him to live or whatever, and she was plotting behind your back to murder him while claiming to your face that she's on your team (which implies shared values AKA wanting to protect the same people as one another, which you assume includes your father, the King.) If that's how it is and I misunderstood with then yeah fuck her.
I started this whole conversation with and have not changed my claim from 'I don't play this franchise, but from the outside looking in ... '
Thats exactly what she does
She also betrays everybody else in her class if you choose not to side with her
as if dimitri is any better, he slaughters eagles and golden deers studentsn
Felix was my favorite, followed by Dedue. Didn't care for others.
>if you choose not to side with her
i.e. betray her.
>my wife cheated on me just because I divorced her and took the kids, wtf
>declare war on every country in Fodlan
Fuck it I'll ask here. Should I always Explore in my free time or just once a month when there's s ton of events going on?
If you dont recruit students you have to kill them in every route user.
Edelgard is the only one who betrays EVERYBODY even her own class if you dont side with her though.
Yeah, I know, right? It's not like the Japanese know anything about the most popular television event series of our entire generation as well as the most expensive TV show of all time. No. No way. Why would they ever do that? I mean, I know they have a ton of Westaboos over there and people who fetishize knights and shit like that like crazy to make games like Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma? That would neeeever happen. A Japanese artist or game designer could neeeeever be influenced by a show like Game of Thrones, no way no how, let alone sneak little tributes to their favorite characters and character aesthetics by stealing them to insert into their own fictional work.
>saying you wont go to some undisclosed location with her long after you already know she's a villain is "betrayal"
>her turning up straight after with an army and commanding them to kill you all isnt betrayal
Edelfags everybody
How dare a fire emblem character declare a war.
Explore whenever you don't need to grind out battles. Assuming you keep steady income, you should be able to buy motivation in the explore phase better than Seminar/Rest.
Really makes u think
why wouldn't she, you try to kill her in the church route why shouldn't she fight you
>invade sovereign nations
>wtf they are fighting back!
>you try to kill her in the church route why shouldn't she fight you
After she tries to kill you multiple times
Oh, forgot that bit?
Fucking Edeltard
edelgard is a saint in her route compared to dimitri in his
She's objectively wrong in every way, shape and form. It's like she's the Caesars Legion of the game if the Legion was skilled as the correct option
This guy was a fucking cunt
Thanks. And what does the red circle icon on a class for Certifications indicate?
>imperial propagandists take scene out of context
>just cutting out the ending
>leaving out where my lord takes pity on him and spares him
Adrestians... fucking hate them.
Let's talk about suave yellow nigger and bland blue Aryan anime protag. Suave yellow nigger looks like a bro and I kind of want to suck his dick. Am I wrong to get the feeling from afar that he's a chill as fuck party bro that just wants femHitler to pull the stick out of her ass, plug a tampon up the other hole, and shut the fuck up so everyone can just get along and have a pizza party with shitty movies at his place? He seems like that kind of dude, and if so, I'd happily consider his route via FemC or whatever. I can't discern much about anime protag boy though other than that he probably has staunch and noble (if boring) motivations.
Is there a route where him and Edelgard stop bullying each other and have seething makeup sex?
Yeah that excuse doesnt work for the person that started the war you absolute retard
The Edeltard redditor is here to do more mental gymnastics, oh fun
Bullshit. It's called character development. His story arc is about him recovering from that and atoning. Edelshart learns jack shit.
Fighting him with Caspar the first time is pretty funny.
Red circle means that unit has a 100% chance of succeeding promotion for that class, I believe.
I just finished the Blue Lions route. It is very interesting how it focus solely on Dimitri, the savagery of war and the emotional development of the Blue Lions route. No dragons bullshit, no church drama bullshit, nothing about those guys running the things behind the scenes. It's about the Blue Lions and Blue Lions alone.
Does the Golden Deers route expand on the behind the scenes things of the story? I want to know more but fuck me I'll never play Black Eagles.
how's the eye dimitri
You've never even played BL why are you shitposting this out of context? Delusional Edelfaggots having to resort to logical fallacies to justify their genocidal maniac waifu.
That's the DLC route
>Does the Golden Deers route expand on the behind the scenes things of the story?
Yeah, that's what GD is all about
Oh fuck this is not what I signed up for
Claude in a nutshell "I GOTTA GET IN THERE! GOTTA KNOW IT ALL." Deers is the Biggest Lore route.
>playing Tecmo garbage
While she was working with those who dubstep in the dark she didn't have control over them and they often did she wasn't aware of and would have tried to stop like when they turned that village into zombies. The same goes for killing Jeralt. There wasn't anything that showed that she knew they planned on killing him and just left it be. She did plenty wrong, but don't make up your own narrative to make her look worse than she already is.
Yes. One of the prevailing themes of the route is uncovering the truth of everything.
The Legion are a much better choice than edelshart, BE is like siding with Benny. Pure cuckery
>Literally works with the Jews responsible for nuking the continent and blaming Rhea for the state of the world
So is it like Fates where the DLC route is canon?
People play at that camera angle?
I have no idea what happened to the first half of that comment, but it was supposed to be directed at , as they were responding to me. What my message was supposed to say was:
If that's the case, yeah, then she's an indensible backstabbing bitch and the only people who would support her are braindead waifufag retards who can only think with their micropenises when they see a cute girl, then immediately go into white knighting and denying her faults even when she blatantly betrays her own confidants. So, yeah, you've convinced me, an outsider, that she's for braindead losers. [This is where the comment was supposed to continue on into ]
>the Titty-Musou crew managed to make the best Fire Emblem game since FE8
what a time to be alive
He has some of the best growths in the game so you're probably not using him right
He can literally solo maps if he has a healing item
Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with me today
Just fuck mommy Rhea instead
>Severa, Owain, and Aqua clip through the door
You're pretty far off the mark lad
Blue boy has the best arc in the game. Starts out as a goodie two shoes but then literally turns into Guts.
>Movement gambit + rescue
Nothin personnel Maurice.
>Forgetting Annette
First support I got in this game was Felix/Dedue and it was a damn shame because it definitely raised my expectations too high for every other support.
I'm good
Dimitri literally spills a fuckton of spaghetti trying to confess to the Fem MC at the night of the ball
He's /ourguy/ 100%
Azura needs to be louder, more I'm your face and have access to the time machine. Whenever Azura isn't a scene everyone needs to be saying, "where's Azura?"
I did
Idk why you're here willingly spoiling yourself on all the best bits of the story
Just play it and make your own mind up
Is this the Protag Paralogue? I was not ready for that shit.
why are the two most powerful women in this game so crazy
If the DLC added the 3 dimensional drifters from Fates/awakening I would laugh my ass off.
I’ll post a screenshot give me a sec
>maybe I should promise we'll be together forever.. JK LOL
What an autist
When Lunatic comes out I'll replay Blue Lions. This time I'll save you Dedue.
One's an autistic lab rat, the other struggles with a 1000 years of pent of anger and loneliness.
Welcome to months ago before the game was even released
play a different route than BE
Rhea has been through some shit
>that image
lol. How do I know they'd be first in line to make Hitler comparisons if Edelgard was was a dude? Probably because they only seem interested in defending characters based on their lack of penises.
>tfw no unambiguously evil route where (You) betray everyone
i played blue lions and she just kinda fell off the map
rhea isnt crazy she just needs that byleth cum to calm her down
go to bed catherine
Great. Looks like I won't be needing to play Shit Eagles then. Probably will just watch a youtube playthrough or something.
Pretty much everyone on youtube played the Eagles anyways, the shilling worked like a charm and the brainlets ate it up
>this dogshit
>better than Path of Radiance
fuck off and die
>and the protag is torn up about it
the game should've given you an option whether to care or not, because it's just jarring that Byleth is crying over his dying dad, the next he's siding with the very people responsible for his death directly or indirectly. FUCK, Jeralt's death didn't even serve a purpose.
That part where you kill the evil side but keep the good side.
>considering doing a 2nd game as BE and femByleth to mash clams with Edelgard
>femByleth is ugly as fuck and Edelgard a shit
>getting cold feet locks me with either Edelgard or Dorothea
I should just play it as a guy, shouldn't I?
The game is written by misogynists.
>DLC route comes out
>its just all the villains
>it is a literal genocide route where you kill Rhea, Claude, Dimitri, and Edelgard.
>game gets really meta about how many times you've fought the same war and killed your supposed friends every time
>game gets really accusatory and fatalistic about fodlan with your time travel bullshit
I would love that.
I feel like the Edelgard route was added last minute after they saw the fan reactions to her reveal. I'm fairly sure the "canon" (forgive me for using that word) or the "original" BE route was the Church route. It makes more sense plus it has more cutscenes and is overall just a better route.
Backstabbing bitch is the only person who actually has a plan for the future. Anime protag man is a depressed, defeated idiot whose only plan is to try and trundle along and hope for the best, and yellow chadman has no idea what the fuck is going on and is just a master of dealing with shit as it goes along.
The main problem with any argument involving the three main character is that each character has 'facts' that change depending on storyline. Backstabbing bitch is the most competent and the most reasonable of the three in her own route, compared to I'M NOOTROLL boy and YOU MADE MOMMY ANGRY SO I'LL BURN THE WHOLE COUNTRY IF IT MEANS I GET TO BEHEAD YOU.
Meanwhile, in their own routes, Edelgard literally turns into a giant anime nightmare monster basically for the luls. Never mentioning the fact that they're literally working for a giant reptile woman who's been playing genetic matchmaker and secret ruler of the world for literally hundreds of years for purely selfish reasons.
I can't wait for the true route where everyone works together to defeat the evil dragon that has been seeding the conflict all along.
>>its just all the villains
>>it is a literal genocide route where you kill Rhea, Claude, Dimitri, and Edelgard.
This is honestly my dream scenario but you know it's just going to be some happily ever after shit. Nips love that too much for them to pass it up.
I think Jeralt's death was to show Byleth's character development but Byleth is such a non-character even post "development" nobody cares.
Here you see the Edeltard in his natural shitposting environment
Felix sucks man. He has the same base growth rates as Dedue but isn’t gifted in relevant areas. His natural speed growth sucks. He gets hit by everything. The only reason people think he’s good is their tendency to give him all the best swords.
Imagine writing a story without a main character.
a route where you could side with the dad killers and get some evil units/bandits and a bandit camp instead of a school would be sweet
Why is Golden Deer so based. The only weak link in the house bus the tomboy who wants to fuck your dad. Everyone else in the house is just great
You are retarded if you are giving Felix swords
>for purely selfish reasons.
I mean, she used it for her benefit, but it started as a way to avoid the humans attempting to kill her like they did with the rest of her race for magic weapons.
Yeah my felix is also super mediocre, I made him a dark knight and now he does work but up to that point he was really meh other than the ability to cast Thoron.
The ancient dragon is good this time. Slithers refer to dragons as "beasts" and say shit like "the world belongs to humies" so I doubt they have a snek god.
>Felix sucks man. He has the same base growth rates as Dedue but isn’t gifted in relevant areas. His natural speed growth sucks. He gets hit by everything. The only reason people think he’s good is their tendency to give him all the best swords.
How can you be so wrong
He has 55 SPD growth 55 STR growth AND 45 DEX
He is literally one of the best units in the game, what are you smoking lad
>incelgard posters
>weak link in the house bus the tomboy who wants to fuck your dad
she was my second strongest unit after Byleth. Bow Knight Leonie and only one she couldn't take down solo was Nemesis.
Do you have a rebuttal to him or not?
>55% strength
>45% dex
>55% speed
>bad growths
My Felix is a swordmaster and he's a murder machine. Maybe I just got lucky though.
Imagine making a movie in a single shot without cuts.
I cant refute inherently irrational statements from a sperg who hasnt finished the game
same here. he was fucking unstoppable.
>His natural speed growth sucks
Its 55, my dude. 60 is the highest anyone has in the game. Are you making him a Fortress Knight or something?
Swordmaster into Mortal Savant is his best path though, he's a one man army as a Mortal Savant
Play the game
Oh she is a beast in a fight I made her a falconknight and she doubles everything and can't be hit all while not having noddle are cause of her ok strength growths. However as a character she is the worst. All the other deer show to be very likable in their supports but her
>the games main theme is in her perspective
>>she was the main face of the marketing
I dont know why this fucking shit pops up in any thread when edelgard is even mentioned when its obvious its posters have no idea how music/dev time works
This is what waifufaggotry gives us.
How about you play the other routes to get some perspective you dumbass.
Too lazy to the screenshot here you go. I literally had to bench him cause he’s was doing fuck all pre time skip and now he’s severely underleveled
Too late to salvage him?
All melee units should be wyvern lords and if you want him on the ground he should be a warmaster. Gauntlets are easily his best weapons before brave weapons because of his passive.
Her hat is stupid
Then why is her route so blatantly unfinished? Its lacking multiple cutscenes that the other routes have, and its like a whole 1/3 shorter. Not to mention the gigantic asspulls the story makes.
play a different route you fuck. She sides with the ones responsible for the crests in her quest to destroy the crests and declares war based on a fucking lie told to her by the same fuckers that experimented on her. There's so much wrong with her scheme but all you retards see is "dindu nuffin"
>mortal savant
I'm not a fan of making Felix a savant. Shitty speed growths compared to swordmaster, Felix's magic growth and spell list isn't good in general, and the only real advantage is the movement.
What is he getting wrong exactly?
Claude definitely stumbled into all his success in my playthrough, and everything else he said sounds consistent with what I've heard of the other routes.
If you don't want to talk about the game stop replying and find another thread.
he kinda falls off but keeps straight the fuck up if you have is relic shield
It's his fail-safe
she's hardly the only one being critical of (You). her supports with the other characters are almost all really cute
Why? Mortal Savant is already a one unit wrecking house
I have Petra Felix and Byleth as pure sword route and they are my strongest units by far
Claude is that you?
oh right. yeah, I don't think she ever really acknowledges your strength as a result of your own hardwork, not because of Jeralt.
Hey wyvern-kun you do realize this game doesn't need to be min maxed right. If you find it fun having most of your team riding wyverns more power to you. However please stop telling everybody to do the same like it is the only way to play
>and everything else he said sounds consistent with what I've heard of the other routes.
Play the game
>it’s his best path
It’s not his best path. His best path is wyvern lord.
In GD/Church you learn that the Agarthans basically declared war on Sothis and nuked the continent in an attempt to kill her and her children. They failed and got driven underground, forcing Sothis to sacrifice herself to bring life back to Fodlan.
Years later the molemen use Nemesis as a useful idiot to kill the sleeping Sothis and turn her corpse into the crests and holy relics, then using the holy relic and crests to genocide the rest of her children and turn them into more crests
Seiros realized what happened, killed Nemesis and founded the church to prevent what happened again from taking place
1000 years later, the moleman are trying the same shit a third time with Edelgard as their useful idiot
>wrecking house
wrecking ball
im retarded
Stop pretending to be another poster and play the other three quarters of the game
>a third time
It’s happened numerous times.
There he is, the best Lord of Three Houses.
Looks slightly Str-screwed but still perfectly usable for level 21. If the units you're using are better then just carry on, when people talk about "best" units they're only talking averages, RNG growth makes every playthrough different.
>edelfags ITT
New to FE, is hard good enough? What does Lunatic/Infernal have?
Hard is still pretty easy in this game so yeah it's fine.
I think there's a screenshot of a Lunatic boss floating around from a hacked save but it's not out yet so no one knows.
Based BOAR
There is not Lunatic//Inernal yet. Hard is pretty balanced but still fairly forgiving. You don't need to min-max to do well. Normal will give you bad habits like grinding for free instead of forcing you to use your time wisely.
Very nice.
>40 Str
>55 Dex
>60 Spd
>40 Def
Leonie is one of the best units in the game, honestly.
I think Felix turned out pretty well. I even made him a Mortal savant for a while for the meme.
Her personality is enough of a reason to bench her until the time skip to make sure she dies like the Alliance dog she is.
Also ignore the magic bow. I don't know how that got there
Yeah, she's a amazing unit. In general the game gives you a lot of great bow units, it's hard to find a use for everyone.
her, Hilda and Petra are the trifecta of hard ass bitches
She gets over her daddy issues though. Even then it's not like she has nothing outside of Jeralt. In her other supports they have nothing to do with Jeralt at all.
I hope there's more art of his Armored Lord class. Best looking armor in the game, also reminds me a bit of Luca Blight.
Hard is still really ez outside of a few side-missions, but Normal apparently gives you free grinding; and considering I was always ahead of the recommended level in Hard after the first few chapters I have no idea why you would need that.
>He just gives him the bow, his lands, and just peaces out.
She was good as a Bow Knight in my GD run. Not as great as Hilda but not as middling as Ignatz. I think I got RNG screwed slightly but she still did work
My Ingrid has reached level 20, but there is no class upgrade for Pegasus knight among advanced class, and Ingrid is not qualified for wyvern rider, should I keep her as Pegasus knight or try to master another class?
Swordmaster should be okay for her since you need sword ranks to get Falconknight, but you also don't really need to upgrade her into an advanced class because Peg Knight is good enough
>All melee units should be wyvern lords
Saw several streamers doing this shit. How fucking boring can you be?
What’s wrong with Mortal Savant?
Swordmaster is just advanced class, should Felix remain Swordmaster after he master the class?
Swordmaster is better for his speed growth since MS has a -10% to it
If you prepped riding ahead of time you could've made her a Paladin so she could utilize lancefaire until she reached level 30. She's fine staying as a Pegasus Knight if you can't make her any other advanced class though
Just got finished with Golden Deer route, should I go straight to Blue Lions next or do Black Eagles?
Except in Edelgard's route, she successfully defeats the Slither, without having a big fancy stupid war. She kept it in the shadows, after uniting the country, which gave her an entire country's advantage over the assholes.
how much she falls for the kool-aid depends on the route. Based on the information from her own route, she knows that they're full of shit, and the information that she's pulling from is from her own family's oral tradition. In the other routes, without being able to lean on the strength of a literal demigod on the battlefield (Byleth) she winds up having to go deeper and deeper off the deep end, trusting the slither and getting fucked up for it. It's an arms race, where literally everyone else in the world is trying to compete with one emotionally retarded super-saiyan.
The reason I like Edelgard is because of the cute moments in her own route, where it's obvious that she's not turning into the complete monster seen elsewhere, showing her submisive and often vulnerable side to those close to her, and because she's, again, the only person among her classmates who has any plans for the future other than "continue to let everyone get fucked." Literally everyone agrees with queen bitch's motivations, because she's right - the country's fucked up, Crests are bullshit, and the nobility is actively fucking over each other and especially the common people. Rhea's fine with things because she doesn't give a shit about human life, and the nobles are fine with it because all they have to do is call up their slitherbros and sacrifice a few dozen people and they've got an heir with a super-powerful crest they can use to marry into wealth. If anyone complains, there's a convenient massacre involving giant monsters and everyone who's left standing is too terrified and confused to stand up to the powers that be. Turns out japs love it when your main characters don't rock the boat, though, so they're the ones with happy stories.
>kills all the lizard people and all the mole people
Edelgard did absolutely nothing wrong.
I had this problem, made her a Paladin in the end because the +1 move from high Riding was probably worth it alone and her speed was already stupid high, so I didn't mind the growth hit. Honestly, though, you can just leave her as a peg knight until level 30, its a pretty great class for intermediate. Mine was also pretty close to being able to go Assassin because I had her using lots of bows, so that might've been fun.
>Doesn't care about human lives
She cares more about mommy milkies but she isn't indifferent as regards to people's wellbeing unless Nemesis 2.0 is infront of her
>The reason I like Edelgard is because of the cute moments in her own route
Holy shit, I thought you might've meant it was +10 compared to Swordmaster's +20, but it's actually -10 to speed growth. What the fuck, man. A 30% difference in Spd growth.
Nothing really, it looks cool as fuck.
If you need to minmax stats after the timeskip then you're really bad.
>Rhea's fine with things because she doesn't give a shit about human life
>shelters orphans
>protects civilians
>takes a fucking nuke to the face for humanity
Muh crests are not a good enough excuse. Everyone already came up with that fucking conclusion. Ferdinand, Dimitri (before his mental break), Claude, Lorenz, Sylvain and Hanneman all take more steps to fix the system than Edelgard does. You don't attain social mobility by fucking eating the rich, but by uplifting the poor. Edelgard needs to be told this by fucking Ferdinand of all people, who suggests that education policies would do more for equality than starting a fuck off war
Except starting a world war, genociding religious people, betraying everybody she grew up with, and ending an era of peace simply because she was mad about crests.
>only reason Dimitri isn't playable in Golden Deer route is that he is insane now
It's a pity I tried very hard not to fight him or his members but they went after me every turn. Only Dedue was sane enough not to actively fight you.
You get that but with dimitri in blue lions and GD user.
Can someone explain to me why the dragon people are evil?
Two of them live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. minding their own business
One of them is just a chill administrator, overprotective dad, fishes and writes stories in his spare time
One of them is literally just a high school girl with a strange obsession with fish
And the only arguably evil one, in response to having her entire race genocided by humans, was to set up the Church in order to ensure the same bloodshed doesn't happen again with humans while mediating with any conflicts that come up?
And Edelgard wants to kill them
Because the Slithers told her that they're evil?
Good to know I wasnt the only one
I tried really hard to avoid him in hopes of a secret recruitment or something especially with all of Claudes dialogue of hoping to join sides and what not
>tfw you enjoy taking characters down class paths that are lore friendly or take advantage of their growths
People can do what they want but hearing everyone always telling others to just make all their melee units Wyvern Masters is getting tiring
oral tradition, because no faction in the game has all the info
for fucks sake, dimitri spends most of his route wanting to kill her because he thinks she;s the one behind the tragedy of duscur
>Except in Edelgard's route, she successfully defeats the Slither
This is entirely based on the assumption that the two people she depends on to kill the slitherers, Hubert and her uncle, have not been replaced by slitherers themselves.
The problem with the Edelgard route is that she's being portrayed as way too good and justified and in possession of the moral highground. I would have preferred her to be written more like a tragic villain, like maybe if her main motivation was to see her revolution through with her own eyes considering her shortened lifespan; a selfish reason but pretty human and understandable. As it stands though, the fact that nobody calls her out on her bullshit or is challenged in anyway for her actions like the lords in the other routes are as well as the fact that she's supposed to be an uguu waifu as well takes alot of it away for me.
>her uncle
about that
How many chapters is each route?
Edelgard is in full "muh crest" mode and since she considers Rhea the perpetrator she just sees red
Holyshit, what a noob trap. I would have never guessed a Samurai looking class have negative speed growth
hubert gives you the location of the slitherers when you kill him, why would he betray them like that if he's one of them
The entire thing was a trap and you walk into it, but luckily manage to fight your way out by surviving seventeen ICBMs.
Arguably she's complicit considering the Slitherers did Duscur for her sake. Yeah it's dumb that Dimitri foists that blame onto her solely but at least his route actually challenges that notion.
she was quite literally 8 at the time you fucking moron
again, why would he risk their last stronghold in a maybe this will wipe them out move with a letter you obtain after death if he was a slitherer
No, that's just part of it, he wants to kill her because she declared war on the world, invaded his kingdom and pushed it into despair and nearly had him executed. She pretty much took everything from him, when this doesn't happen (like in BE), he's a lot more well adjusted.
>tfw the shitposting almost made me believe Edelgard was fine
>picked her route first
How can anybody speedread enough to ignore how fucking evil this whore is?
He knows the empire caused it and believes she was connected to it, which is not a hard assumption to male. Either way he doesnt act on this information by killing peaceful nuns and innocent civilians, but by asking more questions.
>she was quite literally 8 at the time you fucking moron
14 actually.
>their last stronghold
In claude route you get raided again by sliterers in the epilogue, even after you kill every slither hubert knew about, and only a pincer attack by the almyran army saves fodlan
Edelgard is a retard who probably needed a good dicking more than anyone else in the game. But then again if Edelgard's reasoning was changed to taking out the Church because of their incompetence I would unironically agree with her.
The stupidity shown by the Church pre-time skip is absurd, especially with the oringinal missing student shit they swept under the rug.
Yeah, I had no qualms with Dimitri and actually rooted for him when he came back. What happened to him in end was fucked up and I felt bad for Dedue.
>What happened to him in end was fucked up
Its the way he wanted to go, dimitri in that route had nothing left to live for and was searching for death
>Edelgard is a retard who probably needed a good dicking more than anyone else in the game.
>Sylvain's comments after she betrays everybody about how he could have saved the world by dicking her
>Path of Radiance
I sure love ridiculously slow gameplay
>Bernadetta's A rank support
Shit was adorable.
How exactly do the supports work in terms of canceling out one another? I've seen people mention it but I'm kind of confused, can I don't have my Byleth A rank anyone after I A rank the girl I want to marry?
Felix, mate. Do you have something to tell us?
good fucking luck there, she has an autistic fixation on her professor even if you don't pick her class for some fucking reason
If Game of Thrones absolutely had to end with Daenerys and Jon Snow on opposing sides and one of them having to cut the other down, it should've been done like this rather than how they did it in the show. More of a "I share a personal and emotional connection with you but our differing views on society and the world mean one of us has to die" instead of the show's "uhhhh that bitch fucking nuts now, time to put her down like the rabid dog she is"
Yeah and BL actually explores how Dimitri was a moron for putting the blame solely on her. BE doesn't even do that, in fact they even double down on how wrong Edelgard has the whole situation when she lies about the Church being behind the nukes, basically doing the same fake news bullshitting the Slitherers did.
any negatives in making your units wyvern lords or falcon knights? being able to traverse any terrain seems ridiculously op.
Does Rhea even show up in Blue Lions post timeskip?
wuts this
the negative being that every unit being a single class gets boring as fuck really quickly
One of the big problems with this game is that characters rarely convey important information to each other even if any normal human would talk about such things in the situations they are in.
So many secrets that aren't revealed until after they would have changed an event and character who never adequately explain their motivation (edelgard foremost).
The game has so much dialogue of characters bonding but not nearly enough of them explaining what they are doing and why they are doing it.
>the negative being that every unit being a single class gets boring as fuck really quickly
well, yeah, you're right.
Less crit shenanigans like swordmaster and warmaster have.
For Byleth, you choose who to S rank out of the A ranks you have by that point. For everyone else and their paired endings, I think it goes off who is first in the "close allies" section of their notes. Makes it a bit more tricky.
Shes also obsessed with a certain blonde shota, enough to carry around a dagger and follow his parting words of advice even through 5 years of torture.
Love the game so far but some of the cutscenes are really stupid.
Like I just reached the part where Jeralt got killed (BL house). And right after this there’s a cutscene where Dmitri and you eavesdropping on flame emperor; how the hell Dmitri tracker them down? It’s like something has been cut from the story
>And right after this there’s a cutscene where Dmitri and you eavesdropping on flame emperor
Holy shit this, this was so fucking retarded
Why would they just be taking a stroll around Garreg Mach??
I hate how weird it was going GD first and having the bitch who invaded the other half of the continent who you don't really know anything about having a whole emotional confession cutscene before you bash her brains in. Felt way out of left field. Though GD is probably the worst route to start on in all honesty, best to start on is probably BL.
I fucking hate Yea Forums so much. You faggots wouldn't last a minute in /feg/. All of your shit posting would be destroyed in no time.
Either recruits in any early month or usage on chapter 19+. Every other list is dominated by beagles.
Enjoy your gacha board
My mind is blown from learning Arundel and Thales are the same person, makes Thales way less of a boring villain after playing Church/GD/BL (have yet to play the Hitler path)
I knew they both had Slayde's VA but I just chalked it up to coincidence
Back to your containment general, gachaslave
Is it ever explained why Edelgard didn't just kill Rhea, I've beaten BL and GD and I don't think either had an explaination
Yeah it happens in all routes, why the fuck are the dudes with warp abilities having a leisurely chat in the fucking monastery.
>how the hell Dmitri tracker them down
The ghosts told him
That would un-do the entire game.
You can't watch Air Bud and complain
>The movie would be better if they just let the kids play basketball instead of having a dog play.
Maybe that's more reasonable, but the dog has to play basketball because they put it on the poster.
Best girls official ranking.
In the other routes you're shown that scene but with no easesdropping, so its mostly just a
>well we gotta have this scene and we gotta have Dimitri find the dagger so why not condense the two
>haha I fucking love killing people and using war as an excuse, time for another day or murder, I laugh everytime we kill dumb civilians
Imperial soldiers are just as bad as Edlegard, they love playing the victim.
Edelgard is THAT retarded
Thanks, know I can see Byleth's A ranks with other girls knowing it won't fuck me up.
A precision strike to the church leadership using one or more of ther trained teleporting assassins would be both smart and conflict-averse, which means not only would Edelgard refuse the notion, but she would be incapable of coming up with it herself.
>proving my point
FEH is half dead ever since 3H release.
>You cuck every other guy that A ranks your chosen girl
God damn Blyat
>Lysithea's supports
The Empire were literally never the good guys holy shit
But /feg/ is full of Edelfags
Wait a while, you'll go back to talking about your shit gacha game a couple weeks from now
Is it viable to never promote/reclass Shamir and Seteth? they look boring when they put on generic armors
>beat edelgard
>"strike me down you must move forward on your path and grow, you must blah blah"
what is this self-serving bitch talking about, I wasn't going to spare you after all the evil shit you've started, waged war for years, plotted since the beginning, sacrifice lives as necessary for your future femgriffith. Yet somehow she still believed she was correct in killing the nobles because "muh corruption n crests" justifies putting yourself in power even tho shes just another npc human trying to play god, fuck off I'm a literal god, the progenitor god incarnate, I do what I want femcel.
Literally, lmao
My poor albino cancer wife
>Yeah it happens in all routes
didn't happen in my GD route.
Because it would literally cause more trouble. Look at how she exposed her, that gave her more support. Without evidence, she would have no one on her side.
Is there even a contender for a more based unit than Felix?
I haven't played Black Eagles yet but it doesn't make a lick of sense why Rhea or even Flayn is alive by the end. They were easily in positions to be killed off unless the Death Knight cock blocked those who slytherin and Edelgard kept Rhea alive to keep that group cooperative.
Is it really? I knew that general was retarded but damn.
I love Annette but why is her time skip design so bad
I just checked, and /feg/ is 90% empty waifu posts and unironic "5 get" posts.
Reminder that /feg/ is so shit they had to split the general into /trash/ where they share boardspace with furryporn, clop RPers, and NTR fetishists.
you reaction is literally the same as Byleth's
They don't even let her finish her pitiful "I WANTED TO WALK WITH YOU" speech before coming forward and splitting her dome open
Does slicing her head in two count as a dicking?
And so are Thales and the Monica impostor?
Shit, Monica already directly implicates Edelgard since they are so close, you would think Edelgard would stop having these little rendezvous in the monastery
Ferdinand and Sylvain are pretty top tier
People keep saying that Edelgard could've told dimitri or professor about the church being supposedly bad ahead of time to avoid the war but honestly she didn't have any reason to believe they would actually side with her. It's clear that she left a much bigger impact on dimitri than he left on her when they were kids, so she's not nearly as open to trusting he'd fall in with her plan. It's a pretty big deal to go against the church state, the game even goes out of it's way to show you this by any dissenters being sentenced to execution on the spot by Rhea. Why would Edelgard let ANYONE in the monastery in on her plan when there's a high risk it could jeopardize the entire operation?
Coming from someone whose least favorite route is BE, it honestly sounds like some of the complaints of the story are coming from people who haven't finished all of the routes. Not saying you haven't
No, the chunnifag with a heart of gold is one of the best characters in the game.
It's literally just waifufags, husbandofags, gachafags and an obnoxious tripfag, but I'm pretty sure every general has at least one. I don't understand /vg/'s smug sense of superiority
He thoron crit'd his way into my heart.
If dimitri just listend to our boy Sylvain and never gave any bitches the dagger, the entire game would have resolved in a significantly more peaceful manner.
What the hell are you talking about, most agree she goes from great to greater with the timeskip.
>She left a much bigger impact on him than he left on her
A tale as old as time
The eavesdropping doesn't but I'm pretty sure the scene where flame emperor, kronya, and thales are talking still has the monastery as the background.
I don't like the super exposed forehead, I miss the bangs
No it's full of otomestacies. Edelfags get bullied out of everywhere.
On the other routes do you learn anything about Tomas and Monica? It seems like there were clearly a real Tomas and Monica that were murdered but they seem to kind of just leave it vague.
I think it might have been the big ass town beneath the monastery but still, close enough to be questionable.
>calling someone else an incel
>act just like an incel
It's always a shame to see that happen. Don't get me wrong, I will post and discuss cute girls too, but I enjoy how these threads have had a good balance of topics of discussion.
>It's clear that she left a much bigger impact on dimitri than he left on her when they were kids,
Did you play the game? Dimitri's parting words to her are her entire motiviation after she walks out of the basement, and she carries his dagger in all routes. She's just too dumb to realize dimitri and dimitri are the same person.
Doujins of Annette getting DUSCUR'D when?
You dont get any more incel than orbiting a 2d genocidal freak and pretending that she isn't the villain
>Edelgard shorter than the nuke goblin
Holy shit.
they get dealt with pre time skip so what you see in part one is what you get
I swear, if Dimitri act just like Edelgard, you faggot will still support him.
No wonder she's so angry. She's a womanlet
>it's clear that she left a much bigger impact on Dimitri
Dimitri giving the knife to Edelgard and telling her to use it to cut a path towards her own future is what defines her entire way of going about things and motivations
Her JP voice is so fucking perfect, I hate her english
But so many other characters have good english voices
To be fair, Lysithea gets a surprising growth spurt. You don't tend to notice it though unless characters are standing next to each other
No? We like him because he doesn't end up acting like Edelgard. It is not rocket appliances, ESL-kun.
>not Flayn
Getting mad about a 2d woman being to willful is the most incel thing imaginable.
Then you're probably fucking retarded
I like Dimitri because he has a legitimately interesting arc and becomes a good ruler, unlike Edeltard
He portrait is fine, but the actual forehead when viewed on the model from the front is ugoo
>ha ha~
>lose a fucking war to a bunch of highschool dropouts led by an emotionless autist
Is she the worst FE villain ever?
Give me all of your cute pictures of Annette right now
Jesus christ I didn't realize how fucking short some of these girls are. Fucking Edelgard is a womanlet too.
>Dimitri's post time skip battle line when you first select him is "I'll cut through"
>this become Felix's after the timeskip
Killing the Insurrection's Imperial nobles is like the only good thing she did
>edelfags blaming the hate for her on sexism
We are unironically at this point now
Not a thing sorry lil guy
if you play your cards right, Fates's villain gets rocked by a literal 10 year old weed dealer
They can't handle the our boys Claude & Dimitri having a better road and being 2 alpha
Raphael. Just a good man
>accidentally ruins Edelgard's plans
>accidentally destroys the slitherers
>accidentally kills Nemesis
Based Claude.
>implying dedue isn't not!guts
just fucking look at him
BL my personal favorite house but GD gets the best OC, shit's great
>gigastacy takes bookworm's lunch
"Like, thanks want to help clean my room afterwards dweeb"
I dunno man, I've always liked robots so I really like her voice.
It's weird, the quality between his monastery dialogues and support dialogues is so different. I thought he was shit since his monastery dialogue are always "DUDE FOOD LMAO" but in his supports you have him talking about supporting his family and such, makes him a lot more likable.
I like the BE characters more than the BL characters as a whole, but I can't deny that the BL characters all knowing one another since their youth adds a lot to the overall feel. I wish BE had a similar feel in this regard, rather than being a group of strangers.
How does GD fare overall? The characters seem pretty good, from the outside looking in. Aside from Marianne, who is a shit-tier non-character.
Is there rhyme or reason to who dies after the time skip? My de-doodoo died and I'm pretty bummed about it.
He's more like Pippin
>Edelgard publishes a list of Imperial secrets for all to see that detail how evil dragons are and how humans suffer under them
>play Golden Deer
>all of it is bullshit and lies made by the First Emperor
Can we just burn the Empire down? They are a way bigger problem than the Church.
Edel = Frank Grimes
Claude = Homer
Reminder: the Felix-Sylvain ending isn't gay because the first one to die said "no homo" right before they passed on
>Aside from Marianne, who is a shit-tier non-character.
>he didn't do every paralogue
Dimitri = Sneed
This is not okay
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure she kept Rhea alive because she needed information on the Slitherers, and Rhea was the only one who had said information
That's at least what I was told but I'm sure there's other reasons
Why does Yea Forums have to be so reductive about everything?
>master tactician
gg ez
>talking shit about Marianne
You deserve death
She's for literal betas who only feel confident pursing girls who have literally nothing to live for and thus might just consider said beta preferable to suicide if they're lucky.
Edelgard is nothing without her wife by her side.
it is not like dad is innocent of any crime
he was the leader of the knights of seiros for a long time
as far as we know the knights would do anything to protect the church, catherine even says she would even murder children in the name of seiros to protect rhea
Do you guys think Rhea got violated while in the dungeon for five years?
When the goth kid asks you to promise that you'll both die together, go tell an adult.
Fuck you nigger
Marianne x Dimitri is the sweetest ending ever
post wallpapers
I honestly went in fully prepared to not care about Marianne at all, but she's pretty likeable if a bit bland. I feel she acts a great foil to the other house members who all tend to be very bombastic and loud, marianne is very subdued and quiet which leads to entertaining interactions.
He's Samwise Gamgee. Think about it. Cooking, Gardening, incredible loyalty to his master.
>you would have cum all over your face
i wish
Who ended up better after the time skip and who ended up worse?
Yes, because she's not a villain. Why do you guys keep calling her that?
>Aside from Marianne, who is a shit-tier non-character.
Watch her supports she has a decent arc and even flexs on you a bit in the S support.
Otherwise Golden Deer are a bunch of misfits who are mostly cool with each other.
holy shit you're right
BE characters are way more dinamic than BL
half of the blue lions supports are reduced to
>"Dimitri assumed the throne of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and spent his life ruling justly over Fodlan. Several years after his coronation, he took Marianne, whom he loved dearly, as his queen. Many of Dimitri's greatest achievements can be traced to wisdom provided by Marianne, who had received tutelage from her adoptive father, Margrave Edmund. Many years later, when Dimitri fell to illness, he clutched his queen's hand until the very end. The queen's journal, uncovered after her passing, contained recounts of their time together. The last words, penned with trembling hand, are, "I would not trade our time together or the happiness we knew for anything."
Why is she so obsessed with Byleth?
Get away from me, Femcel.
no one claimed this
Bullshit, you faggots are literally praising a psychopath. You only like him because of the otome bullshit.
>edelgard is a saint
Every literal problem in this game
From the very assassination attempt in the prologue by bandits, to the full scale war that caused millions of people to die
Is Edelgard's fault.
Man, she hit the wall.
Want to know how I know you haven't played BL?
So they both have it at the same time?
>Bullshit, you faggots are literally praising a psychopath. You only like her because of the waifu bullshit.
you mean the things she does to BTFO crests, gods, slitheres, shit society and a weak divided Fodlan?
are dimitrifags actually braindead? they played nothing but blue lions
This game is too fucking low res for wallpapers, user.
You do realize that Rhea speaks in half truths right? Even when Claude begged her to tell the truth near the end of GD, she still gives some half truth. Especially the part where she writes off all she did as "questionable" at best.
>Edeltard cannot understand a person changing for the better
So whats the story DLC gonna be about?
Edelgard, Ferdinand, Dorothea, Petra, Ashe, Mercedes, and Marianne ended up worse. Ignatz is a fucking wreck in both cases, but he looks like a friend of mine post-timeskip which is very offputting. Everyone else improved.
everyone is an improvement, except bernadetta
fight me
You remember that part where Rhea tells you to give some weed to your students?
Claude post time skip is sex
Raphael just looks odd.
Lorenz always looks wrong though
Dorothea, Felix, Mercedes, Ignatz, Marianne have good ones, though the biggest upgrade is easily Leonie.
I don't think anyone's is particularly terrible beside maybe Edelgard's, the weird nun look doesn't suit her I feel and the hair buns look kind of strange.
wait what? I'm on the last day before the battle before the timeskip, what paralogues do I have to do to make sure my characters don't die
>Ferdinand ended up worse
Lol what?
He turns into a fucking CHAD after the timeskip
that's a weird way to spell those who slither in the dark
Just Dedue's.
Even Edelgard apologists rarely "praise" her.
Meanwhile Dimitri is getting jerked off endlessly, read the thread if you don't believe it.
You need to do Dedue's paralogue so he doesn't die.
I don't think he looks bad I just think his former haircut suited him more
>crests are bad
>crests are NOT bad when I'm using them to win
What did she mean by this?
>Even Edelgard apologists rarely "praise" her.
Very nice revisionism.
I feel like she would call you Jeralt in bed to taunt you when she wants you to go harder
Back to your subreddit, waifufaggots
Kronya should have had more appearances.
Doodoo and the Mercedes+Casper paralogue on BL are the only ones that have unique outcomes later.
Oh, I did that one already, you had me worried for a second
If I had played GD first this would have pissed me off so much.
What a fucking cock-tease that scene is.
>Even Edelgard apologists rarely "praise" her.
Now i want art of Dedue carrying Dimitri up mount Doom.
Where did THE BOAR touch you Edelfag?
>BTFO crests
Which she empowers herself with willingly, mind you. Crest of Flames and all.
> shit society
subjective as fuck.
>a weak divided Fodlan
against what? an institution that has done nothing but maintain peace through history.
Even if her motives have sense to them, her methods proved in every single rout but her own to be far more destructive than everything she's fighting against.
Edelgard is their biggest pawn and gets played by them like a fiddle.
>I will dismantle the nobility and let people be valued by their merits
>I decide which merits are of value
edelgard really makes you think
That does tend to happen when your country gets burned down and your last living relative murdered.
explain, i thought being a swordmaster was good enough since savant loses speed growths
Claude went from looking obnoxious with an extremely punchable face to a charismatic noble. He feels the most like a traditional FE protagonist, the other two major lords of the game are too atypical to fit that type, though I like all three
and then she kills them all, so it works out
>Edelgard is their biggest pawn and gets played by them like a fiddle.
She pretends to be their greatest asset, yes. Play the game.
Where do you get that uniform from, anyway?
>Edelgard isn't the flame emperor, didn't hire the bandits, and didn't start the war
Edeltards everyone.
It'd explain the delays kind of, but I can't really see it being the case.
The power of baby's first waifu.
Sorry, I'm retarded, it's Dimitri's pre timeskip quote.
Edelgard is literally Senator Armstrong.
Its sad to see so many Edelgard fans hating best buy by proxy out of some autistic fan loyalty
I played BE first too, but after playing BL in NG+ there is just no way you cant love this guy.
Fuck all of you, I'm a deer.
I'm just saying that Edelgard people at least know their waifu is an anti-hero that is batshit insane in every other route, whereas Dimitrifags seem to forget that about Dimitri.
It's okay, back to your JRPG protagonist who even kills the major villains purely by accident.
It's like IS makes fun of you but you don't even notice it, lel.
>The goal of Argathians is to take control of Fodlan through the empire and destroy the church
>Edelgard has the empire take control of Fodlan and destroys the church.
She's so fucking smart, anons. How does she do it?
Warmaster gets crits a lot and you hit 4 times per turn. Felix and Caspar are the fastest warmaster candidates so it's funny to watch them punch wyverns out of the sky.
Is there anything more satisfying than Killing Hubert in one hit with Bernie? I'm so glad I killed that subservient cuckboy.
That’s called “enabling” and it’s only one step below being directly responsible.
Besides, she’s their fucking leader. It is her responsibility to control her subordinates and stop them from fucking murdering her comrade’s father.
No one forgets that about Dimitri, it's a big part of why people like him. The difference is he has character development about it, and Edelgard remains that way.
Yes and then they all die.
The Slitherers are very much objectively better off in BLs end then in BEs.
I'm personally hoping it's going to be a 5th route where Thales and his slitherbitches along with Nemesis become much larger threats than they felt like in any of the other routes, and fuck shit up irreparably. Maybe have the 3 main lords team up only to fakeout the happy ending people want by backstabbing each other or tragically misunderstanding each others' motives.
>gave felix a killing edge
>becomes Charlotte
honestly how does one stop him?
When I first saw them they looked like the worst house, but they turned out to be super BASED. What went so right?
Upgrade that nigger to a Wo Dao stat.
Wait really? I did it and him casually showing up after the timeskip was the most kino moment. I assumed he survived either way because I saw him in my GD run, and not related to a paralogue or anything
Gauntlets are incredibly powerfull.
There's 2 way to go about it.
Raphael and Dedue use their massive strenght gain to to 1 turn anything with the brave effect from gloves. Gauntlets bypass the fact they have shitty speed growth.
Felix and Casper meanwhile mix respectable strenght with good speed so they can Quad most unit (since gauntlet are very light) Felix is especially good at it early due to his +5 dmg without battalion.
Get back to me when you finish the game
Not really, Armstrong was based. Edelgard is a delusional atheist edgelord for the sake of being an edgelord. She convinced herself she is doing the moral thing when shes really just stroking her own ego. Armstrong was actually right.
Mainly because Fódland and America are so different.
Killing Thales before he can use his quake attack. He's really weak if you group all your units outside before opening the door.
>goldenqueer pretends that dimitri isn't seen as a BOAR 24/7
hes a beast and people like that, whats there to not understand?
>Besides, she’s their fucking leader.
Alright, this is fucking stupid.
>no u
Is that the best you can come up with?
It Has to Be This Way applies to the Dimitri-Edelgard conflict perfectly.
please god tell me there's a blue lions version of this somewhere
>im a deer
Get out traitor
Dimitribros and Claudebros are unified against Edeltards
>when the dubstep mole people drop the bass
There's no fucking post game and it goes straight to new game+ so what's the point of marriage in this game?
agreed user, nice wallpaper, using that, thanks
>Drop the bass so hard that floors no longer exist
What are you smoking? She begrudgingly works with them and tells them off half the time. She works with them because they secretly control the empire and have spies everywhere, while she knows they won't harm her at first because they consider her a successful experiment. Thales is the leader you dumb fuck.
a pretty picture and an ending blurb
best boy* not buy
reward for upgrading your supports/the different endings
>felix becomes a sociopath because muh knighthood is bad
>ashe thinks being a knight is so cool and honorable because of lonato
>Ingrid is just felix but she instead she idolizes knighthood
>dedue becomes dimitri lapdog because oh my tragedy in duscar
Thank you for confirming that you've never played BL.
Congrats you watched the C supports at the start of the game
By my count they are both crazy 3/4ths of the time.
Meanwhile Claude literally IS a fucking traitor in the other routes. You should know to expect it.
See how I can just freely admit that, without sperging about "muh BOAR"?
If you are to take the word of a few lines of text in an epilogue regarding a group of people that operate invisibly by taking the form of regular people. Not to mention it doesn't even touch upon the fact that Nemesis still is a thing.
Face it. Edelgard's route is incomplete as fuck.
Should have got a warranty with your post
I want her to get her old hair style back, I miss the cute dork look she had
Gauntlets are the best weapon until you can hold braveshit without being impacted by the 10+ weight penalty, and considering felix already has a 6weight shield that is absolutely fucking insane with his crest so you want to use it no matter what, he's going to need some insane growths to actually 4x with a brave weapon.
She'll always be the cutest dork no matter what hair she has
I didnt accuse you of anything why are you so fuckin defensive lmao
Why does Dimitri trigger you so much?
Post game will be DLC.
>best boy isn't a unit
No one is sperging out or denying that Dimitri became a psycho. Everyone agrees on it, even BL fans. You are arguing with made up people and don't seem to get why people don't like Edelgard.
Huberts information isnt enough to kill the slitherers, as proven in GD route. In BL they definitively 100% lose access to the missiles because thales dies without arming any.
wait for the DLC
>Mercedes is a whole 5 fucking years older than Annette at the start of the game
What kind of power dynamic does that ""friendship"" have, I wonder
why people like dimitri so much?
or it is just homos and otomefags?
that has to be why you hate edelgard with such a passion
Because he couldn't guard the gate if he was, you monster.
>"Ailell, Valley of Torment.."
I think it'd be neat if we got a post game thing happens and certain events actually can happen depending on who paired up with who. Like special dialogue and stuff.
He's guarding that gate with his life.
If you took him away, who knows what would happen to the monastery?
Because he's a tragic character that grows for the better in his route coupled with canonical retard strength that makes him an absolute killing machine. He's Lance Guts, it's not really hard to understand.
As an otomefag, I really wanted to like Edelgard.
I still hope for a route where Dimitri and Edelgard somehow reconcile.
In which route is it revealed he died defending the gate to the very end?
I haven't gotten to the timeskip yet. please tell me he's still there after.
Stop samefagging for attention you ESL Edelfag spic
Someone has to keep the gates, and would you trust anyone else?
He has a satisfying character arc and looks cool after the time skip. There's really not much more than that
That's upsetting
Funny how you say that when no BL fag haven't done that.
It's okay, because his twin brother shows up to guard the gate instead
so really, it's not okay at all
>that image
How did I never notice
>He actually gets recognized as existing by the other cast members
What happened to "kill every last one of them"?
>no BL fag haven't done that.
That's a double negative, Pablo.
I'm still upset I can't keep Dimitri's High Lord outfit when he switches classes
So I made this reply up?
It's not hard to hate Edelgard if you go through other routes than her own. Church may have you sympathizing with her before splitting, but in BL and GD she's outright the biggest focus of antagonism.
Refer to
Edelg*rd personally executes him in front of his twin brother and jokes about how he spent his entire life defending a goddess that isnt real, before spitting on his corpse.
What exactly do you think that post is proving?
I played BE and I have no idea how anybody can sympathise with her after she kills your fucking dad and doesnt even feel bad about it.
Once again proving Dorothea is too based for any Yea Forumsitizen to handle
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isnt the final class switch entirely cosmetic for dimitri? There didnt appear to be any stat changes, and you can go between them at will.
>I played BE
>she kills your fucking dad
>why do people like the character that gets a ton of character development over the character who makes excuses for everything
She doesn't kill your father. She never wanted that. Why does everyone keep saying that?
Blue cloth with shining silver armor is a good ass aesthetic though, I love the armored lord look.
Great Lord has better growths
>Edelgard fans getting anally obliterated ITT
Yea Forums has redeemed its self
>Dimitri is crazy
>Nah, he's a beast 24/7, cope
>No one is denying he's a psycho in other routes
*Great Lord
>he say this when all Edelgard fans are on /vg/
Oh sorry, she was working with the people who killed your father and led you into a trap to get you both killed, not just your father.
because people confuse the orange hair big tittyed clown waifu with her, its an easy mistake to make
There's one in this very thread
>gatekeeper only dies in BE route
As if that route needed another reason to be the shittiest.
Do you actually not understand that they're using beast in the same way the people in the game use boar? To describe how he's an bloodthirsty animal, or in other words, a psychopath?
>led you into a trap to get you both killed
You're insane m8.
>reading comprehension
b-but he is based and i only played blue lions
He isnt in the other routes though, at least not in Church route.
>We gotta have Dimitri find the dagger
This is the worst fucking decision the writers made. Having Dimitri say “WAIT A MINUTE THAT DAGGER” immediately after he tells you that he gave a special dagger to Edelgard spoils the Flame Emperor’s identity. I hadn’t even suspected Edelgard of being the Flame Emperor up until that point, and the grand reveal at the end of the next chapter would have blown my mind. But they fucking ruined it by giving away the twist too early.
meant for
In english common law, knowingly aiding and abetting someone in their pursuit of a crime, is punishable by law with the same consequences as the offense ultimately committed by the perpetrator.
>anti Edelfags lying or spouting their headcanon about the story
What are they obliterating exactly?
Yes, but only one.
But the reaction Dimitri gave after the mask came off was great, even if you knew Edelgard was the Flame Emperor
Edelgard apologists are from the same place as Lucinafags, Camillafags and Celicafags
Makes sense.
I'm not an Edeltard apologist though
Leonie straight up confirms that Edelgard killed Jeralt too. She literally says it word for word. Cope
What about this new guy then? Thankfully he made his point more clear.
That whole situation in Remire village was entirely because Edelgard was working with them. As indirectly as it may be, it's her fault and you're delusional if you want to exempt her from it just because she has a vagina.
In church, the only time you see him is his ghost.
I'm still in early game (Mission 6) so I probably shouldn't be talking shit, but is it just me or are Axes really underwhelming in this game? Its getting me the least results so far compared to Swords, Lances, Knuckles and Bows.
Top kek can you refute any "lies" ITT?
Because she's partially responsible, her association with slyther is enough for her to get blame. That being said the Church is also responsible for being stupid enough to allow a missing kid to attend classes again. Seteth and Rhea needed to be gut punched for that.
>pathetically grasping for "but you think it's okay because she's a giiirl"
oh wow
The twist in BL isnt the identity of the flame emperor, its dimitri.
But that give you the right to blame her? She didn't even know that was going to happen.
Allegedly his ghost
Axes tend to be heavier, stronger, and less accurate. Just use them on wyverns or armored knights.
I'm pretty sure they're talking about how he dies off screen in one of the routes. Either way, just finding one person that falls in line with what you said won't magically make everyone that likes Dimitri into them so I dunno what you think you're going to prove by continuing.
you are actually fucking stupid
Dimitri is crazy but it's understandable, he just never recovers outside of BL really since you were who he needed most. Even on BE Edelgard is a crazy psycho bitch.
She continued working with them after. Does BE not have the scene, immediately after jeralts murder, where flame emp is just standing around shooting the shit with thales and kronya? "Dont keep doing obvious shit like that, it'll blow our cover"
I thought it happened because solon was a retard with poor impulse control
Dragon god powers. You can totally see ghosts
axes become better for the late game because of they have high might and the weight gets compensated by how much str you have late
>willingly work with the people who caused the tragedy of duscur
>"she didnt know they were bad guys!"
Fuck off
Just fuck off
I'm tired of this mental gymnastics bullshit
Fact remains intact. Edelgard had direct involvement in the Slitherers actions. All in the pursuit of strengthening herself for her own goals.
You know what she did knew was gonna happen? Students getting turned into beasts and attacking each other.
I hope Dimitrifags are embarrassed by being associated with these incels with an obvious score to settle.
I am still confused by that month. Why did Dimitri appear? And where did the plan for disguises come from? They make it seem like you've had the plan for a whole month like you did in GD, but the first mention of it in church is when you're already departing for the mission.
They do talk about it at the start of the month, if you talk to the people at the monastery
But then Byleth acts like he didnt know about it when the missions starts lol
I'd be more embarassed bring associated with people who are so incapable of coming up with a scathing insult that they fall back on the official Yea Forums word of the month from februrary 2018.
You outed yourself
Fuck off back to resetera you "YAAS QUEEN" faggot
its not well explained because the writers couldn't justify the professor smashing open the gates of fort merceus with brute force like dimitri, easier to just copy claudes plan except the whole no almyrians part,
I like how every single problem in the game can be traced back to Edelgard and the writing goes out of its way to show that she does not have a single good or sympathetic point. Dimitri went through far, far worse than she did, and he turns out to be a good person and wise king in the end. Rhea is shown to have brought peace and prosperity to Fodlan for thousands of years and is not the crazed templar that Edelgard thinks she is. She also went through far worse than Edelgard, but she tries to be a better person from it. All of the other sides are peaceful and benevolent. Sure, they have their problems, but they're trying to get better, and all of them achieve reforms that uplift the population without warfare or conquest in their ends. Only the Empire, under Edelgard, is completely evil and wrong on every single point imaginable. The church is not evil, crests don't cause inequality, the problems facing Fodlan are nowhere near as dire as Edelgard makes it out to be, and throwing away peace like the Empire did to massacre something like 50% of the continents population is like shooting a kid because it wouldn't shut up. Edelgard was looking for a problem where there was none, and murdering tons of innocents to correct these imaginary problems. She can't even claim to be misguided, as she's called out multiple times on this by Dimitri and Claude in a measured and rational way, but her egotism and selfish drive for greatness compels her to shoot them down. Even when offered redemption, all she does is use her opponent's mercy to treacherously backstab them. Edelgard is without a doubt the most evil and disgusting Fire Emblem antagonist in the whole franchise.
Yes, terrible things are going to happen. And she still didn't want to kill Jeralt. I mean even as the antagonist she herself says that the one person she doesn't want to piss off is Blyat.
>I mean even as the antagonist she herself says that the one person she doesn't want to piss off is Blyat.
She did a pretty bad job of that
Funky headcanon.
>I like how every single problem in the game can be traced back to Edelgard
You mean the events from a 1000 years ago.
>Even when offered redemption, all she does is use her opponent's mercy to treacherously backstab them
>oh no a girl does it I hate it
>Edelgard is without a doubt the most evil and disgusting Fire Emblem antagonist in the whole franchise.
If you think that's bad, let me tell you about a man named athos.
>the events from a one thousand years ago
Your argument is basically tantamount to defending Corrin’s retardation in Conquest. “I’ll just pretend to be loyal to Garon until I get the chance to kill him, the fact that I fucking destroyed Hoshido in the process doesn’t matter.” Replace Corrin with Edelgard, Garon with the slitherers, and Hoshido with Fodlan and it’s basically the same thing, except you’re actually defending it.
You're a fucking idiot who hasn't played the other routes. What happened 1000 years ago is exactly the opposite of Edelgard's interpretation of events.
why people blame edelgard on the duscur tragedy
wasn't she like 5 years old?
All the problems she's addressing are made up or grossly exaggerated. Basically, she's got a hammer, and wants to use it, so everything's a nail, including the priceless antiques.
I am amazed there are actually people here who are legitimately defending the main antagonist of the game and shitting on other characters by proxy
Christ, we cant have any discussion about the game without it devolving into "GRIFFITH DID NOTHING WRONG!!! XD XD" tier posting
This is why everyone hated Hawk in the Berserk generals, we couldn't have any fucking discussion
>game hints that edelgard a sociapath that looks through people
>while the other two are just guarding secrets
She was 14. And noone blames her as the main reason for Duscur except Dimitri, and that's cause of very personal reasons what with the whole stepmother business. Everyone is on Edelgard's case because of the retardation she does after her stay at Uncle's fun dungeon.
guilt by association, since she works with them years after the fact, it means she's retroactively responsible for everything they ever did
She was 14 at the time, the emperor was already dead, and she still controlled the empire even if she was not officially coronated until she came of age.
>Ignoring the fact that she still enabled all their bullshit
Shes not that bad, FE has plenty of super asshole villains. What makes me hate her more is her apologist fanbase who are too delusional to just admit they only like her cos shes a cute girl.
>Hilda refuses to join BE but is willing to join BL
What did she mean by this?
She just KNOWS
Does the emperor come back alive after that? Because I totally met him on a day trip with Edelgard.
some say she looks through edelgard, personally, I just think she dislikes huburts face
>just guarding secrets
Claude is allergic to responsibility to the point where he ultimately abandons his country in at least 3/4 routes (still doing a church), and dimitri is an actual factual schizophrenic.
Not an Edelgard person.
>sexism argument
Edeltards gentlemen
I like her because I hate church.
The in-game evil church in particular, though IRL ones aren't my favorite places.
PTSD isn't schitzophrenia
She's willing to take the hard route to fix the world.
That a magical unicorn comes around for everyone else to do the same thing is pretty nice for them, yes.
They realized she wasn't plot relevant like Hubert or Dedue so they let her be recruitable in the other routes. I'm surprised Gilbert was BL-only though.
>abandons his country in at least 3/4 routes (still doing a church)
In church, Claude vanishes without a trace and is never heard from again.
Thats her uncle, Lord RevealedAsSlitherKingInOtherRoutes
The church isnt evil though. Edelgard just believes they are. The church is what has been maintaining peace all this time.
If Edelgard didn't want piss off MC maybe she shouldn't be involving herself with a group of people who perform kidnappings, body doubles, blood rituals, human experiments and student endangerment. There's only so much she can try to ignore before the body count gets too high.
Fix a world that didnt need fixing by waging a war that kills millions. Riiiight.
Sounds familiar *cough*Hitler*cough*
Nigger it's a JRPG, the church is evil.
what about the mole people fucking people over fodlan?
>in-game church
The system is pretty ossified and in need of reform but Rhea made the Church of Seiros with the best of intentions. Quite laudable when you think of what humanity did to her.
Well yes, because I've no idea how people are interpreting her throwing the dagger as anything else than trying to win until the very last moment, which is pretty based in my book
Someone hasnt played the Church route.
>Experiments on children
But they aren't evil!
To go through some of his more obvious symptoms.
>sees ghosts
>explicitly doesnt hear ghosts, explains they never talk and only look at him multiple times,
>regularly holds conversations with said silent ghosts
>cannot taste food
>in multiple A ranks claims to taste emotion in food, rather than the taste of food
Dudes a nutcase.
No the emperor is alive but politically impotent isn't he?
I don't usually play evil routes in games, so no thanks ;)
That was the slitherers retard
The church is the only group in all of fodlan trying to work against them. Most nobles support the molepeople.
>one minute apart
Can you please PLEASE just play another route you goddamned retard. The Church isn't responsible for child experiments it's the slitherers who do that. All Rhea did was make homunculi in pursuit of mommy milkies.
>”For the greater good” justifies Edelgard’s multi-million body count, but it doesn’t justify the church
Edeltards are such hypocrites.
It's PTSD bro
>acts like a unfaithful lazy slut
>sharpest judge of character
>work ethic built around pleasing others but also putting oneself first
she's probably the most fiercely loyal to her morals and family out of the entire GD cast aside from raphael who's just a good hearted idiot and lorenz coming close second with his intention of bettering all of the alliance but also is blinded by his greed to excel.
>world is at peace now for centuries thanks to the church
>but inequality in the workplace ): sadfaec better start a world war and genocide the religious
Just admit you only like her cos shes cute, faggots
whoops forgot my link
Rhea in one of the routes literally admits to experimenting on people.
Play the route. The dagger is the major symbol of edelgard and dimitris relationship, and it has more emotional impact shoved into it than the fucking hamlet knife
I dont even know where to start but you are monumentally stupid
Play anything other than Edelfags route
It was only 13 kids and an unknown number of high ranking church officials. She wasn't that bad.
It wasn't harmful
Oh, sorry, hes """scizoaffective""" symptomatic due to his ptsd.
So I and all of my descendants are supposed to be eternally grateful that she's decided not to murder all of us for shit that happened centuries ago?
Sounds like Church alright.
you got proven wrong, retard
suck it up
I mean FE writing isn't some fucking Bresson-tier shit, it beats you over the head with the symbolism. How the fuck does shit as simple as that fly over your head? Have you even played the route?
If Hitler was a cute blonde girl nobody would hate him, that's what I'm getting from these threads
i'm genuinely baffled that someone could interpret it in any other way than forcing dimitri's hand
>you're a waifufag
>o-ok you're a fedora
You've got an insult ready for every occasion, good on ya.
No, Im merely conceding that youre an armchair psychologist who is trying to determine causes without actually interviewing a subject. Schizophrenia is a symptom set to which he applies, PTSD is a root cause which you cannot determine without significant time with a patient.
Go back to wherever you came from
I'm entirely aware of that, you brilliant man.
He's not a real person, retard. Someone else who wasn't a psychologist wrote him to have a textbook example of PTSD
If it were PTSD then alliel, bernie at gronder, or literally anything else involving fire would trigger him.
Damn, well's run dry it seems.
Why the hell not? I mean considering the whole crest and relic situation that the Slitherfaggots forced onto Fodlan the system was the best play Rhea had with the shit hand she was dealt.
If it was schitzophrenia, he would never have gotten better
He doesnt get better, he just gets less emo. He still sees the ghosts and he never gets his taste back.
>edelfags are fedora tippers too
Its like you havent actually played the game at all and you're just shitposting
I can see him not getting taste back, but the ghosts aren't mentioned again.
If he had schitzophrenia, his endings would be a lot different. Marianne's even goes to his deathbed without another schizo episode.
Because that's not how morality works.
Christianity for instance is built around forgiveness, sins of the father etc., but regardless it's insane for her to hold a grudge for more than 1 generation.
Her capacity to do so makes her unfit to hold the office.
He dies premature in every ending I've seen so far.
Nonetheless, there are endings where he lives a long, full life
Something impossible with schizophrenia.
She made homunculi to attempt to revive her Mom in the hope that Sothis would unfuck the fucked situation and gave her blood to church officials (mostly willingly, an exception is jeralt who got her blood to save his life). You can call that morally gray but how is that worse than the slitherers experimentation with crests killing countless children and innocents like in remire? And why is it exempt from the same ends justifies the means argument ?
It's mentioned in Byleth's S. Rank that he still sees ghosts and probably will until he dies, but he doesn't let them rule him anymore.