August 17 2019...
I am forgotten...
August 17 2019
The gameplay footage was fucking awful, i have no hope it will be any good
> Western RPG by a company with a track record of mediocre games.
I'm going to assume it's bad until I see some evidence to the contrary
compared to what? the also awful gameplay footage of VMTB?
We barely have anything to go off of. There’s not much to talk about that doesn’t involve wild speculation. They need to show us more.
libtard propaganda from sweden
who cares
Even VTMB1 is less janky.
looked like an abortion
fuck YES
> t. never played VTMB1
VTMB1 is jankier than most Steam early access games
We don't have any new information, why would we talk about it?
Unless you want Cyberpunk tier threads which consist entirely of shitposting.
I never thought a game could be worse than VMTB until I saw the gameplay from this lol
i will buy it only to BTFO /pol/
Nah, lack of new info and falseflagging destroyed the threads. But we do have new stuff on Coteries of New York, although that looks kinda boring as it is a VN with rpg elements while actually using V5(Bloolines 2 is a weird mix of old and new).
>i will buy it only to BTFO /pol/
Dress up as a girl and let some nwords run a train on you, that'll show those Nazis.
i s o l a t e d
a p a r t
Releasing gameplay showed how fucking bad it plays, not only it's gonna play worse than a 15 year old game it's gonna look worse too, how were the facial animations not a priority?
V5 is such a fucking travesty, I'd take the cumbersome metaplot of VTM any day.
No Sabbat, no Jyhad, no Elders, nothing.
it's really not that bad, late game is bullet sponges though
There hasn't been anything to talk about since the last clan reveal.
Toreador a shit, Brujah a ultra shit, Tremere is for brainwashed pseudowizard homos, Ventrue is fine ... at least in lore, and Malk is alright despite their meme status. Nos got screwed by thinbloods inclusion, Grelgang are getting held back for DLC, and the devs are afraid to include non-cam clans or formerly non-cam like Lasombra.