Do you remember?

Do you remember?

Attached: maple login.jpg (500x500, 82K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>glove cursor
fuck off underageB&



I remember being a noob who saw a wizard killing entire zones in one cast and then wondering how it was possible to reach such heights.

I never got passed like level 60 myself.

Created a cheesy "family"
It was great bros
God I want to go back

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Do you remember?

Attached: 1 say do you remember.jpg (197x186, 15K)

May pul sit tor ree

theres another nolstagia private server coming out next week:

I remember first hearing this when I played Elite Beat Agents fuckin' ages ago, still makes me smile

>tfw I was 15 and bought a crush ring for random girl in henesys with cute pixels
>"she" lived in australia so we I'd rarely see her online and I'd miss her
>gave her my account info one day and my level 65 fighter was stripped and it took 3 months to recover my pin
>I was so naive I still believed I was hacked
>saw her again long after and she said it was her brother or someone else on her account who asked for my info


Nobody gives a shit blackgoku.

What? I remember it being a glove when I played in like 2005

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blackgoku is based
pic related

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>tfw didn't think Ludi was seriously 100 floors when it came
>mfw climbing all the way down
jesus christ that took forever


I still play. Don't forget about the server merge soon, maplestory is coming back

chads played bandits

KMS>every other server combined.

did they fix reboot

No, you don't.

pserver bros ww@

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It isn't, like 60 of those floors are just drop down maps


>I still play. Don't forget about the server merge soon
What's this?

I remember when it took 8 hours to grind a single level

Now people can reach the level cap (or close to it) in a quarter of that. How times have changed

>Now people can reach the level cap (or close to it) in a quarter of that

No they can't. That video of hitting level 200 in an hour isn't the level cap.

plus that's on the P2W servers, it still takes much longer without that shit.

You're right, they did up the cap, didn't they? Still, it's not even funny how much faster it is

I never played maplestory
a lot of my time in the mid 00s was just looking at newgrounds and stuff.
dear god i haven't really done or experienced much at all

275 takes significantly longer than 200 took back in the day.

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>longer than 200 took back in the day
The first non-hacked 200s were some four to five years after client release and there were still complaints that those players account shared.


Also, rolling for stats was dumb as fuck especially when no stat tells you what it does for each class. Also, the APPLE TUTORIAL was based

>Point was at the corner of the little indent near the tip of the gem cursor, cleanly defined even if it wasnt the actual corner of the image

>finger point was at some arbitrary point roughly below the second joint of the idle frame and at the center of the round pad of the finger when you held click

I remember taking 2-3 tries to click on the right channel during logon, even years later

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>climbing down ludi tower back when you couldn't jump down through platforms under you
>realizing that the climb up would be even worse than the descent
at least the enemies there had decent drops like gfa 60 and jurgens

No it doesn't. 2% an hour is a real possibility even at 270+. You'd never get anywhere near that at 180+ in pre-bb, because there were 0 areas that gave you decent exp.

wait, did they raise it higher than 250 recently?

I remember being confused when I tried out Reboot and it was at 250 because they finally introduced an endgame area past ToT.

>no cpq
>4x exp
lmao sorry I have a job irl

>getting sticky keys popup for spamming shift

If I was rich and a neet I would definitely play more Private Servers with you guys but alas, gotta wagecuck.

this game was garbage, we used to make fun of mapleshitters on ragnarok online and graal

Yeah, but if you minmax with friends with the holy symbol + stack a shitload of exp tickets (which didn't exist at one point in maplestory) you can level to 200 in 20minutes which is basically private-server tier leveling at that point.

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I couldnt take maplestory seriously when I heard of hpwashing

oh shit are you me

>stack a shitload of exp tickets
Those cost real money though

some of it is from quests and events.

do the event ones stack?

i think they do, but i havent played maplestory for like 3 years. They added a lot of weird shit.

Did they finally make permanent cosmetics or are they still timed?

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I just wish maple had a bigger emphasis in defense than it had in HP, felt like damage received grew exponentially when HP and defense only grew linearly

I think SOME stuff is permanent for a limited time.

I understand that doesn't really make sense, but what I'm trying to say is that for a limited amount of time, you can buy a permanent item, but only some of the time. God damn it, this is hard to explain without sounding dumb.

yes. perm cosmetics are done through lootboxes. But if you're not on the retard server with no trading, you just buy them for mesos.

>But if you're not on the retard server with no trading
why the fuck did Reboot not have trading again

When are we getting MapleStory classic? Without the cash shop. Seriously, I'd pay a monthly subscription just for this since I'm I'm a grown up now I don't mind to Shell out the cash

because "MUH P2W" ignoring that even before the meso market people were selling NX for mesos ingame. Now you can put most cash shop items worth a shit up for sale for mesos on the AH, or just buy maple points with the meso market.

it wouldn't take off the same way WoW has

yeah but you need to grind the meso still right

It's "grinding" in the sense you just do ursus every day and you have enough mesos to buy whatever the fuck you want inside of a month, less if you do eboss farming. Only the ridiculously popular stuff, or very old items are worth anything, I put together my current outfit for around 500m.


maybe I'll come back

Loved this game. But id never want it back in a "classic" form. Legit can only play this game if you are a middle schooler.


level 200 hasn't been impressive since big bang, all the endgame is higher than 200 now

200 was still the cap until a considerable amount of time into Big Bang though, right?

mapu sutori

yeah but can you do it under 20mins? that's like me taking a shit and coming back to the computer.

The game officially died when they gave a cooldown to Genesis
I'll never forgive Nexon for that

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Fuck no. This game would unironically die if it released as classic. Classic MS is only good due to nostalgia. It's actually a shit game all around that was cobbled together by some ameteteurs who didn't know shit about game design.

You're right. We were able to sink endless hours, nearly burden free back then. All we had to worry about was waking up for school
Getting home from school and logging into maplestory was grand

based graal player

b-but muh kerning and ludi PQ with autoclicker...

i remember being taught how to masturbate on maplestory when i was like 10.

also I have a fond memory of fiddling with a loose tooth with my tongue while i grinded my warrior near the warrior city (Perion?)

yea but that's when it started becoming pathetically easy to hit 200, so you can only imagine the amount of shit they've done since then that makes it even less impressive.

honestly, most people can't do that, you need to be a long time player with link skills, cards, legion, mule gear, event buffs, cash shop buffs, HS mule, kanna mule, etc

I'm glad I only wasted about 10 hours on that shit.

Yes, I do.

>kanna mule, etc
wasn't Kanna nerfed into oblivion at some point anyways? That's when I quit Reboot, fuck that shit it was hard enough.

wait i know every you said except "legion" what is that? A new perk?

i think so, but there's also frenzy totem which is stupid

it's basically like bonus stats for having a shit ton of alts

Did classic maplestory even have an endgame beyond grinding to 200? The game only had like 1 real "raid" and 1 end game item worth getting (zakum helm). I guess maybe making enough money to fund a dexlsss sin?

Oh yeah, they nerfed Kanna immediately after releasing the totem that did the same thing pre-nerf Kanna did, so I quit.

I was having fun, too.

oh i also forgot it's always during burning events where you're getting multiple levels for every one level

Most pservers have horntail and sometimes pink bean put in as well so you have the 3 big raids. After that though not really.

Why is Maple so obsessed with that shit?
>first CK which let you create an explorer reincarnation
>then that was removed but link skills now exist, which is a bonus to one particular alt
>then the cards
>now this "legion" business
who can stop them?

Only fangblade saw beyond the doors of level cap content

What was the lore behind pink bean again? I remember it used to be some sort of meme.

Basically a guy tried to summon "a transcendent" (the black mage at the time), but he summoned pink bean instead. Turns out pink bean is also a transcendent, on the same level of power as the black mage. (or was at the time before lmao power creep) so even if he didn't get who he wanted, he summoned a world destroyer.

leveling was the content, pretty much
it's honestly better than forcing everyone to cap in a week and then running out of shit to do in a day, leveling being the whole journey was great cause you always had something to do between killing bosses, just hanging out in grind maps and talking to people while grinding

Or finding friend on the ship to and from orbis

chatting with strangers in HHG

>getting rid of hhg
worst mistake

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