Which video games have the best depiction of Elves?

Which video games have the best depiction of Elves?

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Her head is fucking huge

fuck off gamerbrain

Jesus christ, how horrifying

>don't have penis
Into the trash it goes

>wh*toid asses
Bruh moment

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jesus how many foundations does he have on her face

This bitch looks like a dude and she's extremely unattractive without all that makeup and photoshop

>it's another semencerebrum threat
You will never look like that, tranny. Have sex.

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>braces on prostitutes
What is this new meme I don't understand

The romanceable ones

Attached: hbkuvbgtcygvuyv.jpg (157x193, 9K)

>worshipping a woman you're not fucking
literally kys you faggot beta

Black girl thread?

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Still, whoever actually gets to fuck that is pretty lucky for now

Someone explain the appeal of paying for something that doesn't even qualify as softcore when the internet is full of free porn?

Who is this and does she got nudes?

I want to see white women mad at black women stealing away white men

>Being attracted to monkey ass

>has braces
>looks jailbait


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It’s a gamerbrain thread, but at least it’s a cute actual female and not some drawing of a child.

Haha yeah that would be pretty funny

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Her boyfriend is black. Imagine caring about this thot

eh, you're not gonna be able to tap into their psyche. just live and let go.

how's your first day on the internet?

Lmao no he isn't.
Fuck off troll cunt.

based cuck fetishist schizo

that is one horny ghost

She's just a peek of female privilege that most females don't even take advantage of or they take advantage of badly

I don't honestly even blame her for doing it simple because if there is a demand there will be a supply

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that's racist.

soulless e-thots are the worst

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I play devil's advocate all the time but I honestly don't get it. Trying to rationalize it just makes me feel sick, like the thought of developing oneitis and purity value for an internet whore.

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pretty based desu

oh mamma... how can bellefags compete?

>belle's paypigs coming out of the woodwork
She got blacked faggots, guess your little pretend relationship with her is over.

stop lying to yourself user, you know you'd fuck her in a heartbeat

that's it, wh*te women are finished

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>cute female
God you've got shit taste, Belle is ugly as fuck.
THIS is a woman...

Bro memes aside this chick cute af

For me it's Dark Elves


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I want a black girl to sit on my face

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All the more satisfying when porn of her fucking a dude leaks and it breaks all her little cuck fans' hearts.

No i wouldn't
She's fucking gross looking

>tfw you will never see more of her

>t. attracted to flat asses


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Have you been under a rock? That's the nasty e-thot belle delphine

Bro memes aside, you're a cuck.

Shes so beautiful

i know its fucking hot

Probably the most reliable hot chick I ever knew that was into me was black, the only problem was she had 3 kids already, otherwise I would have railed her raw and kept her.

lmao, i thought that was the kof 94 logo

Bitch, you a monkey too. Either come out as gay or stfu

imagine if black women could birth fully white babies, why would you ever bother with white women?

She makes them feel like they're her friends.

not great desu

She's short you absolute fucking goon

what strings must be pulled in order to make prosthetic elf ears become a popular fashion accessory for girls?

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Imagine worshipping Belle Delphine.
I bet you unironically vaped her bathwater


She doesn't do anything hardcore right? What is even the point if she doesn't spread her asshole wide open for the world to see?

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I would unironically eat her cute girl poop!

That ass tho

>hurr durr monkeez
at least make it funny you fucking twat

>British accent

Bet you didn't know elf girls can wiggle their ears.

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>those flat white fridges in the background


What game has tubby elves?

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Is it better to nofap+noporn or fap exclusively to vanilla shit if I want to drop a fetish? Obviously the fetish shit got stop strong because I've been fapping to it exclusively for 15 years but can forced vanilla fapping revert it?

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sometimes it's hotter to leave things to the imagination

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Monkeys are more evolved than niggers, user.

Drakengard 3

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Reddit tier post tbhb

Hey lads come join this d*scord server its pretty kino tbqh, unlike all of the other cope servers that are shilled here

discord gg zEqbgGg

Why the fuck does this bitch have no good footfag content

Fuck off incel.

Attached: 3228930 - Belle_Delphine feet.jpg (632x1264, 55K)

Does she even have nudes yet

Vitamin Quest


cute feet

Cute butt


Alright what exactly makes it so "kino" ?


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stop posting thot delphine, post more chocolate

Imagine being able to bottle tap water and sell it for $30 a pop. What strange times we are living in.


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Braces is the thinking man’s fetish

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Clearly taken from inside an anorexia rehab clinic.

>Manager at KFC


Good lord why does she look so old?

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All her good stuff lock behind patron or something?