Overrated franchises

Overrated franchises
>final fantasy
>resident evil
>silent hill
>smash bros
>kingdom hearts
I can guess the appearance and smell of anyone into these games and it's not a good appearance or smell.
Pic related, a series only chads are into.

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Metal Gear Solid isn't even a video game, retard.




Ape Escape
Twisted Metal
Rising Storm

Based and chadpilled.

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This poster has TONS of SEX.

yeah it is. i play and control snake in the games.

but what about the games where you don't control snake, what then?

t. Low IQ subhuman with no impulse control, so he can't watch cut scenes.

i've covered 300 missions in VR

then i control whoever the main character is. checkmate.

They call raiden snake for the first five minutes so it checks out.

>>final fantasy
kinda gay
>>resident evil
the ones I played are good
>>silent hill
Im a pussy, so I dont know
>>smash bros
its fun
its ok
4 and 5
>>kingdom hearts
gay as or more than ff

how are you too scared to play SH but you played RE

the atmosphere looks really eerie and weird
RE has waifus

It is indeed a different atmosphere. I’ve met people who played RE and SH but are too scared to touch Siren. It’s all about that atmosphere.

RE is more gore horror as opposed to scary horror. SH tries to fuck with your head.

remember life before the words "chad" and "based"

Mainline SMT. I tried it and was bored to TEARS. How can anyone be elitist over that sleep inducing slog?

what the fuck do you play then OP

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Overrated franchies
>Everything I hate
Underrated franchises
>Everything I like

Thank you Yea Forums, very cool!

+ Gears of War

When everyone says a game is 11/10, it could be a 9/10 and still be overrated

RE and SH are softcore. Play Siren 2

I think the SMT elitists on Yea Forums claim to like Strange Journey, Devil Summoner or whatever.
SMT 1&2 are borderline unplayable. The only reason I finished them is because I’m an edgelord and I really dig the idea of fighting Yahweh.

underrated post