How do you deal with your backlog Bros?

How do you deal with your backlog Bros?
For the past month I tried tackling it, and the only I managed to do is to burn myself.
I try a new game and it might get my attention for an hour or so... Then I'm back to some game I already sunken 100 of hours in like slay the spire or risk of rain.

And no, I'm no zoomer, I'm in my mid 30

Attached: Video-Game-Collection-842x390.jpg (842x390, 92K)

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Not Cocaine

Fuck having a "backlog" like an autist
Play any game that you feel like playing at that moment, don't force it due to some made up obligation.

If you think some shitty indie game is worth 100 hours you will definitely not make it through your backlog.

>digitalfags want to take this away from people

Getting mixed messages here guys

By not having one

I suffer from burnout often as well, what I try to do is play some of the first games I played when I was a child like Super Mario World and Turtles in Time, not just for nostalgia but to help reinvoke the reasons why I love games

This is what I hate; retards like you that sit on your fat ass all day browsing the catalogue waiting to respond to the OP first. I never get yous on this site no matter how hard I try so getting the first post is important. What if I have something constructive and/or informative to say, but can't, because of assholes like you that have no decency or respect for others? Imagine getting off to taking that opportunity away from someone. I'm not even going to try to get through to you retards, because it's the same thing no matter what board I'm on. Enjoy your "fpbp" responses, because that's literally all you have in your miserable fucking life. Fuck you, seriously.

You have to push through. Don't spend all your time playing games that never end. I took a big chunk out of my backlog this summer just by staying away from time-sink games.

>Fuck having a "backlog" like an autist
Because buying a bundle or something like taht that comes with several games is autistic.
What a fucking retard you are

When you don't have a ton of free time, it's hard to drop the instantly engaging pick-up-and-play games for the longer ones which don't reach peak quality until several hours in. Playing my 310th hour of Devil Daggers probably won't give me any satisfaction, so I know I should probably make an effort to entertain myself with something new, but having grown up with tons of free time and the ability to binge games, it's hard to find the motivation to start something if I know I'll have to wait until next weekend, or the weekend after that, to finish it. That's my problem, anyway, and judging by your age and the games you keep going back to, I'm guessing it's yours as well. Being in the same situation, I don't really have any advice, except maybe uninstall and hide the games you play too much. See if you can force yourself to stop going back to the same shit you've played to death already.

That's just called having games


Fucking this. Play whatever the fuck you want like a man. The fact that OP made this thread shows how much of a wimp he is, he's gotta have the mass's approval like a sheep

everyone post your backlog and play the game that gets the most votes!

I think he's just saying you shouldn't treat your list of unplayed games like a chore.

Having a list of things you intended to do, despite the lack of time to do them, has nothing to do with gaining the approval of others.

First of all, I’m skinny from all the cocaine

You think you have it tough? Try having 10 40 hour plus jrpgs in your backlog, that you want to beat all of them sooner rather than later.

>implying that I'm going to take the time to type my massive backlog into Strawpoll and/or that I'm going to take the time to cherrypick games from my massive backlog so I can type them into Strawpoll, just so 2 people can vote for the meme-est games

John Stamos did cocaine and look at him

I have started all of these games, some of them I'm more than halfway through, I just can't seem to focus on any and finish them, I jump around too much.

Enjoy your Mass Effect Andromeda
And you have to romance the pug-faced Asari

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Mass approval of what? Having too many games?
Thats what you get for being a weeb

There’s literally nothing wrong with cocaine

Tell me what some of your backlog games are so I can spoil them for you, thereby saving you time.

Play re4 my dude

I do the same and I think it boils down to finding comfort in what is familiar.

I could have that entire library on one hard drive. Physical collections are pointless. Emulators for most systems are Good Enough™ these days.


I have accepted that I have too many games in my backlog to ever finish, I just try to make sure I actually beat any game I buy going forward

Atleast they aren't VN's user-kun
This is why i literally never mention what game I'm playing on this site before i beat it.

I only play what I want to. If I don't feel like playing something for a long time, I will just sell it.

Why ruin your limited free time by turning it into a chore?

The important thing is knowing when to just move on, whether or not you finished the game. I got Slime Rancher cheap and put 12 hours into it. I never completed any main story but I felt like I got pretty close to whatever the "ending" is, but I also know this is the type of game you could probably dump in another 50 hours with all the farming, min/maxing shit. Point is, after 12 hours of playing I've comfortably experienced what Slime Rancher has to offer, and while I still enjoy the game my interest level to continue playing it instead of other games has decreased significantly. I'd rather invest time in other experiences now instead of another 10 hours into Slime Rancher where I probably won't get much more out of it.

Nothing makes a pussy dry up like the desert than plugging your laptop into the TV for movie night

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1.[PSX] Metal Gear Solid
2.[PSX] Chrono Cross
3.[Vita] Muramasha Rebirth
4.[SAT] Panzer Dragoon II
5.[SNESmini] Final Fantasy 3/6
6.[XBOX] Project Gotham Racing
7.[WIIU] Super Mario 3D World
8.[PSX-J] LSD Dream Emulator
9.[DC] Gauntlet Legends
0.[SAT] Enemy Zero (bazoop)

Not him but you just got to class it up. I have a Steam machine I installed Windows on and I have emulators and movies selectable with my tv remote.

this isn't a good backlog

Boomer detected. Have you heard 'netflix and chill'? What do you think that means? Nobody wants to be juggling boxes and discs anymore.

Digital collection is low key. A physical collection is having a manchild wall of shame. You want to talk about pussy drying up, no woman wants to see your physical Gamecube collection.


But I have a decent GC collection.

Attached: IMG_1169(Edited).jpg (1574x2100, 864K)

It's "Netflix" and chill, not "check out my collection of .avi files on my laptop" and chill.

That shelf looks kinda shit but also kinda cool what model is that if you dont mind?

Elf from Atlantic. They stopped making them in the mid 2000s.

Why are zoomers afraid of property?

>How do you deal with your backlog
i dont.
i have over 2k games on steam and havent logged in in 1.5 years
i have another ~200 keys I never redeemed from humble monthly / fanatical / indiegala / indieroyale / all these bundles etc...
and instead im just replaying GTA2 on my laptop.

>have over 50 games in my backlog
>decide to replay minecraft, celeste, or the end is nigh for the hundredth time
Why do i do this?