This is a good game.
This is a good game
He looks like a parrot xD
Why are the enclave such bitches aganis fellow americans?
Yes. It has some flaws that make it inferior to its predecessor, but it is still a good game.
Fallout 2 is better than 1 in almost every way.
No absolutely not. It's a horrible continuation of the original that made everything you see in any fallout game. But it has rabid fanbase that adhere to the story. Just know that the writers don't pan on anything and are willing to reset the whole world.
I prefer 1 and 3. Suck my cock.
Play 1 and then 3 and then play 2 and NV and see how you feel about Obsidian's direction
>People bitch about the X-01 armor in the newer Fallout games
>it looks 1000% more like the Enclave power armor than the armors in 3 and NV
>we have now reached levels of contrarianism where people say 3 was more of a Fallout game than 2 and NV
Feels pretty good. New Vegas actually feels like a Fallout game with real connections, both story wise and thematically, with Fallout 1 and 2.
Fallout 3 is just Oblivion with guns with reddit humour and binary good/bad guys. It literally has no connection with the other games besides marketable symbols (Brotherhood and Enclave, both bastardized in 3.)
fuck off reddit
2 and NV were made by different people than 1. 3 at least keeps to the spirit of 1. NV devs have already said they are willing to reset the whole world, implying they have no direction for the universe. They got no world building game.
Bad argeumFuck you Obsidian
Imagine unironically claiming that NV was the one that “reset the whole world” when Fallout 3 takes place on the other fucking side of the country and has no connection with the other games.
Holy fuck I hate 3 contrarians so much.
>bad argument*
Wrong. 3 preserved what 1 did. 2 and subsequently NV went somewhere else that had nothing to do with 1. 2 was even made by different people and the franchise died right after. They people that made 2 made NV and they are willing to blow the whole world up again. How often can the dirt handle radiation? They don't care. And they don't care about the story either.
They're not, first game had the theme of going against too much evolution, this game had the theme of going against too much stagnation.
People love it. I couldn't enjoy it. You go to about six or seven different cities and their satellite locations, then click on everything and talk to everyone. That's the entire game.
except for all the writing
Tim Cain, Scott Campbell, Jason Taylor, Jason D. Anderson, Leonard Boyarsky, Mark O'Green, Scott Everts, Gary Platner, David Hendee, Robert Hertenstein, Nicholas Kesting
Should I go on or are you satisfied?
now fuck off
I like that kind of contrasting villain. Thief 1 and 2 do the same thing; too much magic then too much technology
I don’t know why people praise 2 and NV so much, the writing isn’t that different, the missing content limits whatever overarching world building they try to include. The best parts of NV are the self contained bits, which is basically what 2 is, a hodgepodge world stitched together with flimsy premises. There’s no world to build, it’s just set pieces. That’s the strength of 1 and 3, overarching consistency in the world.
Shut the fuck up obshidiot
>and 3
Because 3 got retarded and skipped ahead too much. Fallout's only really interesting when society is rebuilding and the world actually feels post-nuclear. Not only are you using one quote from Avellone as Obsidian's entire opinion on how they'd move Falout forward, you're also misunderstanding it. What Avellone implied is that now that we're almost 3 centuries removed from the great war, the setting has changed into a post-post apocalyptic one, thus shifting its identity.
Unless they rely on more spin-offs there's no way they can keep the setting the same for THAT long, and it's why Fallout makes the less and less sense as it goes along.
>and 3
it's a big metal insect.
The first two Fallout games have aged very poorly. The writing, voice acting and design is all top notch, but the turn based combat system is so shit. It would have been better with a JRPG style combat system like in Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger.
3d """"fallout"""" games look so fucking horrible jesus christ
NV felt like a western. 2 and 4 felt like a carnival. Only 1 and 3 felt like a wasteland that you have to scavenge through. Those games are the only ones that build up to good for humanity.
you are delusional
3 doesn't make any fucking sense though. It's been two hundred years since the bombs fell, how are people still living in shacks, or RIGHT NEXT to unexploded nuclear bombs? Fallout 1 is short of a century removed from that event, ti makes sense how things are.
There's no reason for a wasteland in 3, especially when even 1's ending implies some sort of progress thanks to the Brotherhood and the local towns banding together. It's why 2 and NV are the natural evolution of the setting. You can't have a wasteland forever if you're going forwards in time.
The dude is either shitposting or delusional
just ignore him
t. seething obshidiots
DC got hit with a hell of a lot of nukes.
>there's no reason for a wasteland in 3
Whelp. Guess it's time to move on from these games then.
The other two comments look like it's from the same person lol