Why is Capcoms fighting game devision the only fucking retarded team they have these days?
Why is Capcoms fighting game devision the only fucking retarded team they have these days?
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What was wrong with this release again?
I forgot.
Its just a weird as fuck release with a shit bonus mode.
It sold so well that Horii is releasing 4 new sticks for Switch branded for this game this year.
>shit bonus mode.
Ok i know about that part, but aside from that what's wrong with it?
Is it mechanically broken?
I always see people shitting on it but they never really elaborate.
It just doesnt function, it plays nothing registers correctly.
Best thing about the package is the new music and color editor
>4 new sticks
Why 4?
One that is chunli and cammy, one that is ryu and ken, one thats just chunli, and ones thats just ryu
Oh so just designs? I thought it was different layouts or some shit.
2 are full size 2 are mini
It was too expensive. People said it was ugly but I dunno it looked pretty good.
It's Switch exclusive and it's the most complete version of the game
it's a 25 year old game that added a couple of Mugen-grade new selectable characters and was sold for full price
Because despite doing all sorts of stuff back in the 90s, the maret is now in the AAA era, which means they can only do Street Fighter and Marvel. With that sort of limitation, you can only rehash each of those two franchises so many times before you run them into the ground.
Are there input drops or not?
Any video analysis proof of this?
If this entire opinion is seriously just people being jelly because it's on the switch then i'm gonna be really pissed because spreading misinfo is a dick move.
Also who cares about the redrawn graphics, it has an option to play with the original sprites.
And yet it still somehow sold half a million.
>$40 for fucking Street Fighter II but with 2 "new" characters
>$40 for a then 25 year old game that's been released a billion times
>Capcom threatening all of future Switch support if the game tanked which it under normal circumstances should have
>extremely shitty mini-game being touted as a reason to buy it
That's what was wrong with it.
Don't forget that they "modernized" the throw system for some goddamn reason.
Yoshinori Ono. He's no longer in charge of that division though so thinks might change.
Itsuno has gone on record saying he wants to do Rival Schools & Power Stone again. The only things that really stopped him are that he felt he needed to make DMC5 & Dragon's Dogma 2 first. After DD2 I expect either RS3 or PS3 out of him, probably PS3 since that's easier to market without getting into the serious competitive fighting game space that's kind of saturated in terms of releases.
Ono tried to get a new Darkstalkers going but its audience outside of Japan is niche if you don't count people who like Morrigan because of the Vs series. It's also a series that would either look like shit or be super expensive in 3D. I feel like a lot of people at Capcom would rather the series stay dead than butchered.
And 1 2 Switch sold 2 million. People will buy canned water if there's a drought.
You say Darkstalkers audience is niche outside of Japan, but Rival Schools and Power Stone never even had much of an audience anywhere to begin with.
I dont know whats better or worse, 1-2 switch selling well or a port of SF2 for full price sold well enough that it basically encouraged Capcom to treat Switch as a port dumping ground.
Power Stone is also much easier to market; in a recent interview Itsuno said that a new Power Stone would do well on the Switch and I'm inclined to agree. It would also not really need to take its balance too seriously and it would be much easier to get looking good since it was already a 3D game.
Rival Schools is harder but it's really easy to connect it to Street Fighter since Sakura has been in it and Dan has implied connections. Just add the two of them, Ryu, Ken, and maybe Chun/Cammy as guests and call it a day.
>Capcom threatening all of future Switch support if the game tanked which it under normal circumstances should have
They do that with all their ports of 10+ years games.
What do you know, a bunch of literal who shit series besides that furfag otherkin one that a bunch of hyper autistic Deviant Art degenerates and Mahvelfags care about. But hey you cucks might get a new game after what happened in 2017 after the campaign.
No they aren't.
Their Switch division is even worse
There's still a lot of westerners calling the shots there
>Capcom threatening all of future Switch support if the game tanked which it under normal circumstances should have
Well clearly it didn't work because Capcom is by far the worst 3rd party dev on the Switch. Even Konami and EA do better than them.
Because it was close to the Switch's launch and there wasn't much else to play.
Now Capcom still thinks people are hungry for games and think they can get away with charging Switch owners 20 dollars for a port of DMC1 ripped from the HD Collection, and then the shocking reality it didn't sell well at all, failing to break even 45k
Fuck them for adding every fucking version of street fighter II on the anniversary collection but not Alpha 2 Gold, Alpha 3 Upper or Max. Fuck capcom
You again? You might as well get a name and a tripcode at this point.
Still coping Capkuck?
the switch is just that starved for games.
>power stone
>"literal who shit series"
Love how Capkucks have no other option when their shitty games get called out they have to spam shitty wojaks.
The price tag. Should have launched at $20
Who the fuck would pay $40 for a version of Street Fighter 2 you can't play competitively?
So are the versions in THIS collection compatible with competitive play instead?
God, those HD sprites from Udon are so fucking bad.
They should've either made new sprites or not used them at all, because those sprites are probably the reason why the only two new characters are Evil Ryu and Violent Ken, because they could just reuse the HD sprites. Honestly, even Cyborg would've been a better option for a new character, instead of a version of Ryu that's blacker than Balrog.
Sad thing is Akiman himself actually wants to redraw SF2 in HD, but Capcom would probably never let him do it.
Port this with online play and I'll straight up forgive Capcom for all the shit they've done over the last 10 years
surprisingly based game
>God, those HD sprites from Udon are so fucking bad.
I remember reading an article about how Capcom was originally going to hire a more expensive team but ended up going for Udon instead since they were the cheaper option.
After how badly MvC Origins and Darkstalkers Resurrection did they said they weren't going to do any more online rereleases, but I guess USF2 and the SF 30th collection did well enough that they might reconsider.
this, also tatsunoko at least offline only
>tfw got really into SFIV
>managed to get a steady B rank online and was happy with that level of play
>the online life was healthy and you never had any issue finding a match
>all my friends loved it as well so you could go over to anyone’s house and play a couple rounds
>fast forward
>SFxT looks hype
>everyone’s excited
>comes out
>is not very good
>everyone goes back to USFIV
>everyone is getting a little tired of it
>friends play it less and less
>SFV trailer hits
>this is gonna be the shit and revitalize SF like IV did
>instead of being THE shit it’s just shit
>nobody plays SF any more
>no other game aside from T7 has online life
>tfw give up fighting games because there’s no good 2D fighters with a healthy online scene
Makes me sad as all fuck. It was one of the most fun times I had with vidya and Capcom just couldn’t keep the ball rolling. At this point I’m tempted to pick up Tekken just to have something to play when I have the urge for some fighting.
>SFV doesn't have an online life
You don't have to like SFV, but there's no need to be disingenuous.
Last I checked in on the game shit was super broken and people were starting to leave it. I know the steam numbers were pretty low, but that was a couple years ago.
Every company does this with every game. The literal only reason why anyone makes games for any platform is because people buy them.
Capcom made three fucking versions of SFIII despite them all tanking because they genuinely wanted to improve it
That was back in the 90s. Companies could actually take risks back then.
Tekken 7 does actually have more life than SFV, but SFV also has crossplay with PS4. You can still find matches in a few minutes, however I will concede that the netcode for SFV is atrocious. Still get horrible rollback even when searching for players with 5 bars only.
Ah, so maybe SFV’s main audience is on the PS4 then. Did the game ever get balanced to the point where it was a decent fighting game?
And yeh, I was never a huge fan of Tekken and was much more into Virtua Fighter or Bloody Roar, but the fact their online is consistently growing instead of losing players and they are adding another season to it makes it pretty tempting.
They did that because it was the fucking 90s and arcades were a proven viable platform that literally put Capcom on the map. Meanwhile the Switch is just the successor to Nintendo's biggest flop since the Virtual Boy, gee I wonder why Capcom might have had reservations about supporting it
Depends on what you think is decent. SFV is still the same game it ever was back in season 1. However there are no more anti-air jabs and there are new v-triggers.
There was an update that also reduced input lag but the game doesn't feel any different to me. I'm waiting on SFVI to be honest.
Damn, I always hope that I’ll hear some user say the game had some major update that managed to make it fun. Guess we’ll see if capcom can follow the current trend they’ve been on and not fuck up VI whenever that manages to come out. Considering they just announced the 3 characters for V I guess it’ll be a while.
Suppose I’ll just stick with playing Alpha 3 by myself for now. I’d be curious to see if the switch ports had any life to them, but Nintendo doesn’t release those numbers and I’m not looking to spend 40 bucks on a bunch of roms.