According to Japan this is the 2nd best RPG of all time, do you agree with them?

According to Japan this is the 2nd best RPG of all time, do you agree with them?

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no clue


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average white women don't make generic hacky slashys any fun

boring game with pseud plot

for me, it's A2

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Why is it Japan has great taste in action but utterly garbage taste in RPGs?

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Probably because western RPGs are fucking trash & nobody cared about them until Mass Effect came out

Leotards are miracle of universe

>according to Japan
Discarded. The only good games nips have ever made were ones intentionally catered towards western audiences.

No, because the publisher disrespected PC gamers

I don't.
A2 is still a cutie though.

I still can't believe Skyrim sold less than Dragon Quest in Japan. Japan is so weird and backwards.

Wow that's big pile of faggotry concentrated into one image

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Still seething WRPG-Kun?

Short haired A2 a best. BEST!

any mods on PC yet?

>2nd best RPG of all time
That would actually be Morrowind, right behind FF VII.

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have sex weeb


>Japan has great taste in action
Not really.

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What is the first?

I will never understand this
> Spring of this year Yea Forums names NieR the best game of all time, even higher than Ocarina of Time
> Three months later on the same exact poll, NieR somehow drops 30 spots despite OOT being #1 again
What caused Yea Forums to decide they hated this game all of a sudden?

No, it's because the regular Japanese don't really play western games unless they're AAA releases, which are trash. Most of them have no idea about anything but the most mainstream of garbage.

this is amazing considering western maps are fucking hallways

>What caused Yea Forums to decide they hated this game all of a sudden?
Being too popular

According to japshits its Final Fantasy VI.

It's way more of an action game than an RPG

I actually fell asleep playing this piece of garbage, and when I awoke, the credits were rolling. Not even joking, I was just mashing X and RT while dozing off and I managed to beat several "bosses" in that state.

I love my perfect wife 2B and want to start a family with her!

>needs to post a game over 2 decades old with a map made over a decade ago

Yeah, we know that's probably a bit too challenging for braindead zoomers like you.

Her eyes are too big

> 1. Chrono Trigger
> 2. NieR: Automata
> 3. Final Fantasy VII
> 4. Dragon Quest III
> 5. Final Fantasy X
> 6. Pokemon Generation 1
> 7. Dragon Quest V
> 8. Xenogears
> 9. Suikoden II
> 10. EarthBound
> 11. Tactics Ogre LuCT
> 12. Kingdom Hearts

>buy game at launch
>have lots of fun
>get to boss at the amusement park section
>the power in my apartment goes out and i lose all my progress
>haven't touched the game since

why even live?

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Nah, Americans are the ones who love FF6. Japs had FF7, FFX, FFXV & FF11 ranked as their favorite FF games

Japanese RPGs are only good for story and nothing else to be honest.

Give it a rest ACfag

Yep. Best game released so far.

After some time the novelty of masturbating to a new character wears off and you seen flaws of the game behind it.

>western rpgs are fucking trash
>mass effect
I hope you’re shitposting, honestly. I’d be glad to make a long fucking autistic post if you aren’t you stupid zoomer.

Not wanting to read 20 paragraphs of autistic rambling by some guy with a severe case of the stop-liking-what-I-don't-like disease doesn't make someone stupid. It means they don't want to waste their time. The entire thing can be summed up with "japs 4 dum cuz their games arent real RPGs cuz u dont get to make choices. And theyre 2 ez" but instead he dragged it out with a bunch of embarrassing personal rants and attempts at jokes.

Is mass effect magically not western or something?

That's like, 20 minutes into the game.

Best character design that's for sure

I didn't play Animal Crossing yet.

If you have to spam meaningless buzzwords like Zoomer then you don't even have an argument & are a delusional boomer from RPGCodex.

I wish the game didn't have stats. It would have been a better game for it.

japs don't even know what rpgs are

No, according to WRPG-Kun it doesn't count if it's popular since he needs to gatekeep about his piece of shit literal who games. They have to be obscure games that nobody ever talks about like Gothic II, Wizardry, Ultima or Fallout 1

You do know they have an active tabletop rpg scene right?


based japan

action rpg
when you are to incompetent to make a good action game

me like sexy girl me want cum in her

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What 3D Japanese games have complex levels, from any genre? I look at stuff from 20 years ago, Doom, Quake, et al, and Japan has nothing at all like that, ever. Even CoD and Battlefield maps are running rings around any modern acclaimed Japanese games.

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back then maps were massive, inmersive full of little details, then the whole "cinematic experience" started and it ruined videogames.

Does the game have optimisation issues or something on PC?
I have an 3900X and a 2080, usually play newer games with everything on max and they run flawlessly.
Started this yesterday with everything on max and there were odd frame drops and the cutscenes felt like they were going back to 30FPS.
The game didn't look that amazing visually, felt fucking weird getting these drops.

>FPS have different level design than a platformer or 3d action game

> Literally nobody gives a shit about PC games from the 90s outside Blizzard, Valve & AoE2 shit
> Tons of obscure console games are becoming more acclaimed than ever now
Really makes you think, almost like the games you played growing up grandpa were fucking shit & nostalgia bias is the only reason you keep shilling them

this is a terrible game
people only pretend they like it because of the sex appeal of the characters
this game is the reason the cumskull meme was created

whats the first

I'd say fromsoftware nailed rpg's more than western ones the last decade.

Cope more, even Restera named it the 10th best RPG of all time despite their constant seething over 2B. Just accept that contrarianism will get you nowhere

Let's get into a more specific argument: hand-made SRPG maps trump those of randomized ones like XCOM's handily.

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how is my opinion contrarian if it is correct?
the game is dogshit, and no one likes it outsite of the character's sex appeal

Being better than XCOM isn't even hard.

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Give it a rest WRPG-Kun, we already BTFO'd you in the last thread for being a Redditor

I wouldn't call it an rpg. It's action adventure with rpg elements.

same pattern

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Continually spamming vague buzzwords aren't "Flaws"

An autist pretending to be "le edgy contrarian" is not the entirety of Yea Forums though.
Automata is a pretty good game, especially compared to the usual trash that triple A studios routinely churn out.

NieR is neither
>1. a RPG
>2. good
So no I don't agree.

i've been here since 2007 phoneposter
i'm the only actual video game player in this thread
the ONLY reason you play video games is out of sexual attraction to the characters. you think games like titty ninjas and titty beach volleyball are the pinnacle of gaming, and you like nier automata for the same reason you like those """games"""".
you do not and have never enjoyed video games. you just use them as a form of interactive porn, which is exactly what nier is.

I got to the theme park controlling 9s and couldn't figure out why anyone liked the game, gave it a fair 25 hours, its just not that good, the combat is bland and a lot of the microchip mods are game breaking, idk how people die, idk how peoplewould want to replay the game with some dumbass hacking minigame included, I couldn't figure out how I was the only person who seemed to notice that it looked and played like a ps3 launch quality title. I feel like people who like the game are retarded, horizon zero dawn is a better game, tomb raider is better, sekiro is better. it is just average at best.

TL;DR : dunning-kruger retard makes broad assumptions about RPGs based on wikipedia articles and his limited experience.

Damn you are dumb

fallout 4

Calling yourself a winner is not how you win discussions.
You should know this since you clearly come from r_hallsofdebate.
Try harder, ok buddy? :^)

would be better with cunny tbqhfam (to be quite honest, senpai)


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Cope more, 2B isn't even the main character, A2 is. So right away i can tell you never even played it & are just seething because of how acclaimed this game is now

No but it's amazing though, i have it 26th in my top 50 best games.

the world isn't ready for that level of dick destruction user

I'd do my best

>i've been here since 2007 phoneposter
Cringe, newshitter
>i'm the only actual video game player in this thread
>the ONLY reason you play video games is out of sexual attraction to the characters. you think games like titty ninjas and titty beach volleyball are the pinnacle of gaming, and you like nier automata for the same reason you like those """games"""".
Holy shit the actual PROJECTION, buddy.
>you do not and have never enjoyed video games. you just use them as a form of interactive porn, which is exactly what nier is.
"grr, look how powerful i am on the internet, grr"

there are critiques that can be directed at jrpgs for sure.
but fuck this bland western presentation of soulless/colorless bugmen design. planescape is a visual novel. baldurs gate 1 unplayable unless you larp very hard irl. bg2 has some great ideas and details to the world but also aged like shit bcs of the bland presentation.

>implying anyone give a shit about this game besides her ass

It's the best RPG of all time.

2B is barely even in the game, keep seething you fucking contrarian.

not an rpg so no i disagree

Nope. The gameplay is pretty mediocre and the story is retarded. People only like it because they're paedophiles who got rock hard at 2B's ass.

NieR: Automata is unironically the biggest pleb filter ever, anyone who says "Muh 2B's Ass" didn't play it & you can tell right away because she has the least amount of Screentime of the 3 Protagonists. Most Journalists never rated it highly because they couldn't even get past the opening tutorial or stopped playing at Ending A. And then you have all of the faggots crying about the 9S route & how it's too difficult for them. Despite it being the shortest & easiest one.

>Journalists never rated it highly

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That’s mediocre for AAA games, garbage like Uncharted 4 got a 93

Nah it's just their dicks doing the talking, the game is decent but massively overrated.

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Recency bias.
Still a good game.

Nier Automata isn't AAA, its budget was actually really low an it sold like 3x over its sales projections.
Also because her ass is inferior to A2's.

my dick does
i've never played the game

A2 looks so much better than 2B
Also neir a tomatoe is a 7 at most

She's literally missing most of her skin

I'd give it an 8.

Oh yeah?
Well I give it a 5, what now faggot?

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I'd disagree with you and ask you why you feel that way.

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No, it's one of the most overrated game I have ever played. It doesn't deserve a spot on any top list.

it's a fucking beat them all

Pleb filtered

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japs are absolutely tasteless. also, isn't neir automata an action game? how is it an rpg?

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UPS are cheap.

>game beats you over the head with how "philosophical" it is
>muh to Be or not to Be
>all robots have great philosopher names but are all one dimensional, all insultingly shallow about it.
>is about nihilism and the death of God, yet doesn't even bother getting Nietzsche even remotely right.
>uses deep philosophical concepts of repetition, meaning and cycles to justify bad, shallow and repetitive gameplay.
>is so full of plot holes, unused characters and missed oppertunities it could be a guide on how to fuck up your narrative.

This game is a farce. I can't believe how it's praised as "art", you have to be seriously uneducated to see this as groundbreaking. I'll never get those 50 hours back, never seen such overrated crap.

This. You haven't even scratched the surface, man. You barely even got a fingerprint on the surface.

>nobody cared about them until Mass Effect came out
sticks and stones

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t. retard who took 50 hours to beat route A

aww is babby's first philosiphication hurting its poor brain


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>game beats you over the head with how "philosophical" it is
Not really.
If anything the game beats you over the head with how fucking stupid wasting your life philosophizing is.

And amazingly enough, that point is lost on 75% of the playerbase.

It's not even a rpg

>newfag cumskulls admit defeat
thought so
you only pretend that nier automata is a good """game""" because you are attracted to the characters. you bought nier automata for the same reason you preordered subverse - you just wanted porn you could interact with.

It's not really a role playing game, but it's probably top1-3 greatest games of all time anyway regardless of genre.

Not an argument.

Jean-Paul Sartre would agree. It's still a philosophical and nihilistic position to take, which the game enjoys rubbing its dick over.

Not sure if you're talking about people who try to dissect what the story's going for or the MUH DEEP LORE faggots. I'll agree with the latter, but the former's fine, it's the fine line between giving things some thought and obsessing over them for vapid reasons.

The later, mostly, when I talk about nier fans what they liked so much about automata, I generally have two answers that massively inflate my "gather of opinion"
>1. Muh deep story
>2. 2B's ass
I rarely have a different answer, personally I don't think much about the game, but that's just me flaunting my opinion about.

Any sort of statement on how we live our lives and our meaning is philosophical, you git, and the game goes out of its way to call Sartre a huge hypocritical faggot. I know you're busy playing down how shit this game people like is, but it really isn't jerking itself off. It's self-deprecating the whole way through and quite literally says "yeah we don't have answers but fuck it."

I just liked it because it has some very strong implicit character writing, a strong set of ideas, is fun to play, is deeply melancholy in a way I enjoy, and did a great job with setpieces and getting to the heart of depression. It isn't deep, it's just really enjoyable and well considered.

>get this game because of constant shilling on Yea Forums
>quit midway through route c because I can't take the repetitive combat and shallow philosophical themes
Never listen to the semencerebrums on Yea Forums.

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I don't know about being the best game of all time, but it was a good game. Making 2B too sexualized was a mistake though, it just attracts all the wrong kind of people.

Basically. Automata is highly underrated here now.

The fact that people are so pleby that they actually played the game on 'normal' difficulty and yet still complain about it being a button masher is hilarious. The game has to be experienced as a relentlessly unforgiving slaughterhouse for everything to work.

>Any sort of statement on how we live our lives and our meaning is philosophical
Obviously, but that's an over simplification. You can can make a statement on our lives within a coherent narrative without being on the nose to the point of naming every character after a real world philosopher. It just comes off as obnoxious, especially since all of them are one dimensional caricatures of themselves. Sartre (just to name one) brought a lot more than what is shown here, and he would probably laugh at his own portrayal for how inacurate it is.
It's as if Taro googled a few of them, read a paragraph of their work and critized it as they were a bunch of idiots. Nietzsche being the most butchered of them.

>Repetitive combat
Why not try using a different weapon or combo then? It's one of those cases where the game is as boring as you make it.

You have to remember most of Yea Forums is pants on head retarded and thinks that just spamming attack with your starter weapon is a valid strategy

>Dude it's so up its ass with being philosophic and is so heavy handed and obnoxious.
>Dude it doesn't even bother to actually be philosophic or actually give the full life an philosophy of every single person it criticizes and is so inaccurate!
Pick one, faggot. Either its trying too hard or it's not trying, you can't play it both ways depending on how you want to shit on it at the moment. If the game is blowing off philosophers both by not actually delving into their lives and works and by outright saying this shit is stupid, how could you argue that it's trying to be philosophical and pretentious in the first place? Is it not instead placing the rejection of this kind of pondering being the majority of a person's life and thoughts as the core of its narrative?

What is RPG

>full of plot holes
Game's meh, but I can't think of one.

Nice strawman with that second greentext. Did you build it yourself?

Masterpiece of a game but not the best rpg.

average game with a catchy story and a top tier waifu .

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this is all the map I ever need

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>dirty belly
I want to clean her and lick her navel.

lick da tummy

Nice dodge, faggot.
You can pretend you weren't criticizing the game for not bothering to go in depth with the philosophers if you'd like, but we both know you're a knob.

Japan also think yumi and niko are best girls.

I'm not, that's definitely my position. If you want to literally name drop a dozen philosophers, at least get their positions right. Which it doesn't.
But being wrong about something doesn't automatically cancel the fact that the game (and its fanbase) jerks off to how "deep" it is. They're not mutually exclusive.

Wonder what the results would be if gacha counted.

Okay contrarian nigger.


Fuck off Todd

I think it's excellent but the 2nd best of all time is probably still a bit much.

No, its Knights of the Old Republic 2 with the restored content mod.

I like Valkyrie Profile, but Nier is masterpiece for sure.

>game is anime trash
>Japan loves it
checks out

>Character Design: 8/10
>OST: 10/10
>Gameplay: 4/10
>Writing: 3/10


No, havent played it btw.

Not that I didn't like it but no, not by a wide margin.

Also A2>2B

>you will never get to meet A2
>you will never be able to convince her to let you clean her
>you will never spend a few hours meticulously and softly washing her frame while she begrudgingly sits still
>you will never get to scrub the scorch marks and grime off her body
>you will never get to shampoo her hair and gently massage her scalp
>you will never get to carefully scrape the dirt from her seams and creases
>you will never get to tell her that even though she's so dirty, she's still very pretty
>you will never get to hear her give you a curt thanks after you finish

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Seethe harder

I played for some hours until I had to kill some fuccboi and later on I dropped it. I dunno why it just didn't grab me. I want to pick it up again though.

This chapter wrecked me so hard on Lunatic. Then I got to Chapter 25-26.


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A2 is hotter all around. But 2b is cuter with a fatter ass.

So hard to choose.

>>>AAA game
Nigger that thing was made on nothing.

my dick agrees

No, I haven't played it though

That was an RPG?

I agree with some of the criticisms in this post. I mean, you would have to be an idiot to not figure out that Japanese companies hate risk and would rather do the last thing that sold, only harder. The West does this, too, but Japan is fucking religious about it.


JRPGs are a completely different genre than WRPGs. it is like bitching that the Dodge Challenger has shitty handling, or that a Lamborghini only gets 10 MPG. JRPGs are not supposed to be open-ended simulated worlds that you just wander and try to figure out what the plot is.

JRPGs are heavily scripted experiences, because that is what people want. They are about interesting characters in a unique world, with a well written story full of drama and excitement. Would you complain that a movie is "too linear"? then you should not make the same complaint about JRPGs.

>boards ur ship

>Would you complain that a movie is "too linear"?
I wouldn't call a movie a duck. JRPGs are adventure games so call them adventure games.

still didnt finished the game
when will i play with her?

for me its the commander

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shame on you Yea Forums
you guys cant be this faggot

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what's supposed to be wrong with this

It's good, but not that good
It's a 8/10 at max

Nope. I thought this was going to be the best game ever and it ended up just being kind of okay. I just don't understand what everyone's raving about. I love Platinum, I like Taro, and I thought the first Nier was great. Yet this one didn't do it for me.

as long as you can spam dodge you can use whatever weapon you want for the entire game.

>10 year old reaction pic

Route C.

it's barely even an rpg
it'd probably be better if it wasn't an rpg

What the fuck was her problem?

Androids are just the secular version of the cultist machines.

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i agree
whats the issue

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What’s unbelievable about that? Dragon Quest is THE phenomenon in Japan.

Lmao casual tier tastes


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>make action game
>add leveling up and damage numbers
>it's now an RPG

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Borderlands is considered an RPG so yes apparently so.

Well I'm not going along with it. Borderlands is an FPS game and Nier is an action adventure game. To hell with the consequences.

never played it, but no it isn't

Also whats the best rpg "according to japan"?

the first half roughly sums up my issue with japanese games
there's no rolePLAYING in most jrpgs

Probably Chrono Trigger or something along those lines.

It ain't even in the top 10 for best JRPG

Boring, garbage plot and story telling, below average atmosphere (soundtrack, aesthetics, characters), mediocre gameplay. PALE WHITE HAIRED BIG BOOTY BITCHES IN GOTHICA CLOTHES. Would only play it if somebody paid me, otherwise it's 10 minutes of reading a story recap to make the fap better and enjoying the models.

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This man is correct

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Literally every Japanese game in existence is a clone of Dragon Quest, so.

Probably not. It's fucking great but probably not the best of all time.

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Reminder 2B and A2 have the same face exactly.

>A game that's the definition of "average" in terms of JRPG is better than the definition of "absolute fucking garbage" WRPGs.
Why is this hard to believe?

It'd make a better artbook than a game. The characters and environments look cool, that's it.

The gameplay and movement feels really breezy and smooth too, it's a joy even just to move the characters around.
The only thing the game is really lacking is proper character development.

Can some sell me on the gameplay and story? I liked MGR Revengeance and dmcDMC, it looks the same.

Pic not related.

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Route B is complete bullshit that I just can't justify.

Retarded fucking statement

no because it is not a RPG

Honestly Nier Automata would be better as an action game while removing the level up elements.
Replaying on NG+ is virtually impossible since as a level 80+ you're just annihilating everything and it's no fun to fight shit anymore since you just wipe the floor with them. If you want to experience the game without being OP you need to start an entirely new game again.

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It's funny how easy it is to catch people who have never experienced replaying anything before.
Your opinion doesn't matter, you're still a baby.

Only Japanese game developers that are worth a shit are the zelda guys and from software, the rest can get fucked, western games are better.

There's a difference between forcing the player to replay something and someone replaying something out of enjoyment. Your comment is pretty ironic.

If you didn't enjoy route B you didn't enjoy route A at which point it's clear the game is not for you and I don't care what your opinion is. Sorry.

I'm sorry you have autism dude. I'll accept your apology and we'll move on.

>make thing with sexy girls in it
>japs consider it the best thing ever regardless of the quality
Japan deserves every nuke

>A game is made with sexy girls in it.
>Some westerner shits himself in anger and cannot fathom the idea of a game not only being good but ALSO having attractive females in it.
The gaming market in the west has wound up raising some peculiar people.

Only pervy virgin faggots care if games have women with giant tits and thongs, gamergate faggots can off themselves for all I care

Bayonetta-lite with lots of shmup sections, atmosphere and feels and gameplay twists.

>Only pervy virgin faggots care if games have women with giant tits and thongs,
You seem to care a lot and focus exclusively on those elements. Can you stop being a pervy virgin faggot please?

Attached: nier_automata_november_screen_14.jpg (1920x1080, 277K)

And the routes are just replaying the game with different characters and slightly different scenes? Thats the part i dont understand.

Play Nier Gestalt first. You'll need a ps3 or a ps3 emulator or something to do so.
Then play Nier Automata.
You'll thank me.

I will thank you now. I heard beside a few characters that I didnt need to play it? I do like playing games in chronological order though.

I just with I could get Drakengard 1 and 2.

No. You play "Route A" as 2B which takes you past a certain point in the story and then plays the credits.
You then play "Route B" where you play the same segment of story with slightly altered cutscenes and you play as 9S who was with 2B for most of the story, and diverge where he was somewhere else. The credits play again after.

"Route C" begins directly after where the last routes left off and continues on chronologically forward. You switch between 3 different characters in Route C.

Good to the point of being considered the second best RPG of all time? you fucking retard.

Nice projection, did I hit a nerve?

No that's just shitposting that some faggots were spreading without playing the game.
You replay the first half of the game a second time before you can play the second half.

But there’s 3 main routes and in only one of them do you replay the previous route, and it’s the shortest route of them all

fucking gamers and their absolute shit taste

Thanks anons. I can get Nier for PS3. Should I do it and play it first?

All the replies you got + route B has different sidequests and 9S' playstyle is pretty different.

>most endings are joke endings equal to game overs
>only one true ending
>barely any difference in path chosen
>character and enemy stats and items drag down the game so hard
>enemies ranging from hp and combo sponge to critters
>broken fucking chips

nah, but it was 2017 GOTY

>I heard beside a few characters that I didnt need to play it?
Personally I think Nier Gestalt is ABSOLUTELY necessary. It shows you why Nier Automata is happening to begin with, why certain plot twists are not plot twists at all and make you start thinking about what's actually happening in the plot. It's far easier to understand if you play Gestalt.

The actual intention and themes will be clearer.

Attached: nier-screenshot-2 (1).jpg (1024x576, 70K)

I want the commander to sit on my face and crush my skull

Yeah for sure. Just know that the gameplay in Gestalt is kinda clunky.

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How does it feel to be clinically retarded and unable to grasp even the basics of life?

>all robots have great philosopher names but are all one dimensional,

Fucking amazing, you just missed the entire point of why that is the case. Dumb cunt.

I'm getting both games. Thanks anons.

>do you agree with them?
yep, they're all trash so something like Nier Automata can easily take 2nd.

No, it's garbage same as P5. Japan has the worst taste.

I want to eskimo kiss that vulva.

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It's the first, it's not even remotely close either.

where is the source of this poll

think of the advertisers user

They're a bunch of sexless virgins, so it figures.

How is that even an rpg?

>post deleted
>fireden broke, can't get the image anymore

Attached: 1551658305333.png (275x280, 57K)

Nobody has ever talked about the game, they just post this character's ass
Is it even a game at all?

Nothing special, just porn

I know, and there are other easy ways to find that image, it's just sad to see the good archive go.

Its not an RPG.

It's not an RPG. it's a hack and slash Revengeance type shit.

How is this an rpg lmao.
Sometimes those gooks say some dumb shit.
Though I guess thats to be expected, they call rpgs those lite visual novels with zero choice and some random encounters scattered inbetween plot points that theyve been shitting out for decades, so yeah, comparing to that, tomato is a revolutionary rpg.

>good taste

choose one


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I played DQ 1, 3 and 8 and that pic is only partially wrong.

alright how do we get rid of the jizzbrain problem?

That means the first Nier would have to be number 1

Does the story make sense on a normal playthrough without reading a ton of wiki pages?
Japan has a serious problem with telling a story in a normal game format.

how the fuck you even tell them apart? Only their wardrove sets them apart.

Can you find that shit online? I kinda don't want to read this eye annihilating white-on-black garbage.

A2 tummy...

Storyshit aren't RPGs. Play real RPGs.

Attached: Eye of the Beholder start.gif (256x223, 15K)

internet search some of text and you'll find posts that link the website. plug that into the waybackmachine. ez.

But it's not an RPG

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How the fuck can you put morrowind behind generic jrpg #96293 in a list about GOOD RPGs?

Play that completed it, pretty dull and boring standard table top RPG fair.

Story is all RPG's have to go for now that progression systems (level ups, gear upgrades) are literally everywhere

Author is a fag, but there's definitely some insight in there. Too bad he ruins it by being a pompous cunt.

do you love fat assed cosplayers in 2b costumes?

Attached: 2b cosplay.gif (900x1200, 1.06M)

it's the second worst I've ever played. they failed so hard at programming the RPG shit and the combat is just haphazardly slapped together recycled code that platinum gave them that does't work with the rest of the game.

Nah i played tons of rpgs both w and j and some tabletop here and there and he's right, only being too much of a fag about it. If a game such as say dark souls which is entirely action-centered and is a glorified dungeon crawler has more roleplaying (not to say much, still, just some sidequests and endings plus a battle playstyle) than 95% of an entire genre you know something is seriously wrong.

It’s my favorite RPG after Dragon Quest XI and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. WRPG are soulless pieces of shit for neckbeards.

This guy is mostly right, but I wish he could contain his faggotry and avoid making his point in the most obnoxious way possible

I want to cum inside you, Meowriza. You single-handedly made me want to fuck a femboy.



There is a whole world of unexplored areas of transforming tabletop to a singleplayer computer program which is the endgoal of genre.
Say, exanima goes away with most hud things and simulates combat through physics, obstructing the actual math from the player, which is what many crpg fans would be strongly against but is so much closer to the essence of rpg - all the rules were only explicitly written because there was no other way to follow them.
Like you dont need to spend decades in real life on learning physics and biology to beat someone to death using those through your fists you dont need to see the math happening behind the scene to understand a game, play it and become better, on the contrary, that way adventure only becomes more lifelike because you aren't just trying to solve some simple equations to guess if you win or not ahead of time, you need to think about it in a way more natural manner.

Why does Japan make more attractive white people than white people?


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It's not an RPG

I wanna give A2 a bath.


>What are Ultima Underworld/TES/Deus Ex/System Shock etc.
Welcome to the videogame RPG conundrum, where numbers and dialogue trees make RPGs but sometimes they don't.
Thank the industry for bastardizing entires genres for the sake of profit.

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old and out dated meme

By actually being funny and not spamming cringeworthy buzzwords? I know this must be hard for your politicized brain, but please try harder now :^)

I hated the fact that they make you use A2 without the long hair until the fucking end.

>>What are Ultima Underworld/TES/Deus Ex/System Shock etc.
You can actually role-play in most of those games, which you can't do in Borderlands or Automata or other action games that are mistakenly labeled as RPGs.