>nintendofags would rather play kiddie trash like animal crossing than an actual good game like astral chain
You just know astral chain is going to bomb hard and you also know that it would sell better on a console like the PS4
Nintendofags would rather play kiddie trash like animal crossing than an actual good game like astral chain
PS4 wouldn't get anything like astral chain these
>Some literally who Twitterfag has shit taste
Stop the presses
Dude got a 20:1 reply to retweet ratio. This is a non-issue.
It might. Still gonna buy it.
>People have different tastes
Woooow, what a shocker. Astral Chain is definitely not for everyone as opposed to Animal Crossing, which demographic is far much broader and a more slow paced game to relax to. Astral Chain is more of a game to attract a niche crowd that wants to immerse themselves in games like Astral Chain and are already used to anime-like games.
When will Platinum stop switch exclusives? I hope Bayonetta 3 is there last one for a while cus i hate playing on the switch.
I already be preordered both
While you have no games at all basednigger
weebshit isnt good scrub
It's not because of that whole 'cops are evil' shit going on on twitter, is it? So a few people are pissy about the game being about cops. Fuck them. I don't think Sony would ban the game off their system over a few twats on twitter.
It's going to bomb because it runs at 30fps and also because they didn't release the collector's edition in THE United States of America, instead opting to release it in shit eurotrash poor land, where the people are too busy standing in bread lines and getting fucked in the ass by refugees to play video games. This will teach companies a valuable lesson.
AC doesn't have enough cutscenes and third-person walking segments to be on PS4.
Even traditionally "SJW" outlets like Kotaku are very high on the game. It really is just a handful of twitter tards and Nintendo haters.
>generic mindless button mash action game
>cyberpunk trash
Yeah a hard pass for me. I'll just play Luigi's Mansion 3
I don't know why anyone was looking forward to Astral Chain. Looks like shit, same with Daemon x Machina. Companies need to work within the Switch Hardware, instead of making shit that dips to 15 FPS in normal gameplay.
It's not about that. Astral Chain is a new IP. We don't know if the game is any good and we won't know until the game is in our hands. Animal Crossing is an established franchise and has had decades to establish a fanbase. AC and AC are like apples and roast beef sandwiches. You can't compare them to the other because the only thing they have in common is the platform they're in.
I've seen some twitter retards (hopefully literally nobodies) trying to get on a high horse "IF U SUPPORT THIS GAME U SUPPORT COPS" wet brain shit. fucking mind boggling
And their initials.
why should americans even get collector's editions? bunch of manchildren crying that modern video games don't launch at $30
>When will Platinum stop switch exclusives?
when other companies will stop fucking them over
they tried bayonetta and no one cared until nintendo put the money for the second one, they wanted scalebound and microsoft gave them one of the biggest failures of a hardware
meanwhile it sold on switch and even the fucking wii u
Exactly. It's so under the radar it's barely registered.
Now, let's see if my theory is right and P* is just waiting to release AC to start their B3 campaign.
Name 3 games please.
Looks like garbage so the kiddies will like it
Nintendo fan here. Sorry if this sounds ignorant or insulting but, when you get constantly bombarded by "weeb" games, they all start to blend together. I only gave Xenoblade a chance when Shulk came to Smash Bros. I enjoyed it, and became a fan of the series. But then I watch the Directs, and get bombarded over and over by JRPG series, and they all start to blend together. Now Astral Chain and Daemon X Machina appear and want me to see them differently and I just cannot. So yes, I am more interested in the next animal crossing. Also I want Pikmin 4. Game franchises that I enjoy, I want to see more installments for. Trying new games is risky, and nobody has the time to try the near endless amount of new games that get revealed for the Switch in the Directs.
Why isn't the special edition coming to the United States again? Fuck man
Why is that everyone time someone part of X group does something people assume they represent the whole? Why is it hard for people to accept that different people have different opinions?
Nier, bitch.
Yeah, I was going to make an Assassin's Creed, Ace Combat and Armored Core joke but I didn't want my point to feel like too much of a joke.
It wouldn't sell on PS4 at all. Because Nintendo funded it's development.
Personally I think we haven't heard anything about Bayo 3 because it would probably overshadow Astral Chain. We'll probably get some info on it during the autumn direct or game awards.
Name some good games where you play as a police officer.
When Nintendo stops paying them to make games.
Platinum is a contract worker dev. They don't make shit unless someone pays them to make it.
So far Nintendo seems to be the most willing to do that.
>implying it would
It's a platinum original ip, those bomb everywhere.
>b-b-but bayonetta
Limped past the million mark only after Sega panicked and slashed the price in half
PS4 era/PS Vita devs and Steam developers started moving in, what did you expect?
Mortal Kombat 3.
Astral Chain
Here's you (You)
How do you know it's a good game if you haven't played it yet?
Sleeping Dogs
Yakuza 4
SWAT 3 and SWAT 4
fpbp, it would end up being a totally different game (as in, movie) on PS4
Better run along euronigger. Ahmed is ready to make you his bitch tonight
leak when
Sleeping Dogs is nice but really you just play as a thug for most of the game, even if you are a cop.
You don't sound ignorant you just sound like the kind of man child that's terrified to leave his comfort zone and thus why you want games that are just exactly the same as ones you have played.
Will it be censored you ameriscum censore everything now
Not a game but Zootopia.
Platinum doesn't make movies.
They willingly cut down cutscene budget for most action.
Because people want to fight in imagery internet wars and get angry whether its politics or console wars in Yea Forums case
I'm buying this because it's pretty fucking obvious that later in the game, we'll see some shit inspired by Space Sheriffs
stay mad retard
Platinum will learn their lesson when the special edition over in euroniggerville absolutely bombs. Those subhumans dont even play videogames.
>How dare you promote another game than my favorite?
how can it "bomb" when it sold out months ago
Is this game like Pokémon, where your gender affects nothing, or do things change depending on it? Like, if you play as the boy, can you romance female NPCs? 'Cause, if not, I'm playing as the girl.
Your sibling is the MC you don't pick. Do you want to be a cute girl or do you want to save a cute girl?
social media was a mistake
And your rival is also your sibling.
DMCV and Nier.
That post gave me cancer. Platinum's games are wasted on Nintendo autists.
Yeah it sold at ridiculously undercut prices because the value of the euro is so low that people wipe their ass with it. Platinum has suffered huge losses from the euroshitnigger special edition. And they know now that only Japan and the good ol' USA matter when it comes to vidya
>PS4 wouldn't get anything like astral chain these
Are you daijoubu, user? You didn't have a stroke and couldn't finish your sentence because of it, could you?
I fucking hate shonen shitters
Astral chain would also unironically sell better on PC than the Switch.
I agree it would sell best on Ps4 but i imagine Nintendo users dont care about anything not Nitnedo.
I think Nintendo should just make the MC from the game a Smash character just to get people interested.
It ironically worked for Bayonetta. Her announcement for Smash boosted sales of the game on the WIIU.
This. Imagine if the MC was Captain Falcon? Nintenkiddies would eat this up then.
>twitter screencap
>literally who
>single-digit likes
>multiple times more replies that likes/retweets which usually means people are shitting on him
>someone made a thread about this
The absolute fucking state of Yea Forums.
>Astral chain would also unironically sell better on PC than the Switch.
Nothing sells well on PC, they would simply pirate it and call it a day.
Most medium sized switch/PC multiplats sell significantly more on switch.
Astral Chain is a very hot topic right now.
Personally i dont get why after Nier Automata platinum decided to abandon all platforms other than the Switch.
Its sold a ton won so many awards.
Its also one of the best selling SP "JRPG' kinda games on the PC.
PC has way more hardcore game fans and Platinum kinda keeps ignoring it.
>buying good games
It's not a movie or FIFA game, it would completely bomb.
What happened to Bloodborne again?
Nier automata sold a lot on PC.
Monster hunter is one of the best selling Japanese games on PC.
Also Nintedo is the most pirated console series up to date so your argument is invalid.
Cope harder, Nintendo has dominated the gaming industry for 30 years
And yet multiplats sell better on switch than pc, just the facts.
It sold over 2 million copies and was considered a success just like the other souls games.
Would have sold more if it came to PC and Xbox but Sony wanted people to buy a Ps4 for it so they footed the bill to from to cover for the potential lost sales.
And that game had a massive advertising campaign and was the only decent exclusive for multiple years in a row.
Not really the massive success everybody here promises.
What multi-plats?
Maybe for indie multi-plats. But thats more of a problem for steam being incompetent when it comes to advertising games.
>But thats more of a problem for steam being incompetent when it comes to advertising games.
So these more niche games don't actually sell on pc, good to know.
>abandon all platforms other than the Switch
What? They've made one whole game for the switch in that time, that being AC.
They also worked on GBF Re:link
>I don't know why anyone was looking forward to Astral Chain
Are you actually retarded? This game is pure unbridled Tokusatsu. A good toku game is rare as fuck and the Kamen Rider games have been in a slump recently since they've been arena fighters instead of Battride War games.
>"Platinum should stop making games for Nintendo!"
>When Nintendo saved their company from ruin but then didnt proceed to buy them out and so resulted in them doing Nier Automato
>They shouldnt give them work while companies like Microsoft had an interest in buying them but when commissioned to do a game they failed them and then left them to fend for themselves
Also Wonderful 101 was a masterpiece and if you dont agree then you shouldn't comment on anything Platinum games related
Fuck off shill.
Just buy a Nintendo Switch if you actually want to play it.
Hey, at least they got the Densetsu no Kusoge they truly deserved for being massive faggots.
Platinum Games shouldn't be making games for Nintendo because it's the same as taking a contract job and making another Korra or TMNT game. Nintenkids just don't appreciate Platinum games and they all bomb. Platinum should turn Nintendo down and make a PS4/PC/XBONE game like Nier and rake in the big bucks again. Reminder that Kamiya outright admitted Nier saved Platinum. Nier did. Not Platinum taking Nintendo's meager scraps and hoping Nintenkids finally get some taste.
People should stop shilling for sony.
Babylon's Fall is multiplat, but who knows when they'll talk about it again
>Why do people want a more popular game that reaches a wide audience that has at least a decade of acclaimed games behind its belt to the point that it is considering a system seller series over a new IP in a niche genre from questionable devs?
It's such a mystery. I guess we'll never know.
>Sony and Microsoft literally turned them down
Do you know how retarded you are?
This would have been quints if it weren't for the rules of Yea Forums, figuratively checked
Has anyone noticed that shitposting by snoyggers is at an all time high? What's the cause of this?
>both multiplats
They've got nothing else to play before Death Stranding comes out so they'd rather beg for ports
>Literally didnt read into the history where W101 and Bayo2 saved them once and Nier saved them again
Japanese companies actually give a shit about the project unlike Microsoft and Activision so your focus should more be on how games like Korra and TMNT shouldnt exist by buying the games like Astral Chain since its an example of a company actually giving a damn about what they are putting out and by putting your money on it it can only help to make the market more healthy by supporting that kind of practice.
But of course you won't because you don't care about the Japanese market or you would be a idort, faggot.
>W101 and Bayo2 saved them once
>That flop
>saved anything
sure pepe
>They've got nothing else to play before Death Stranding comes out
Maybe they should play some of those non-AAA games that release all throughout the year? Then they wouldn't be in that situation.
After Mario maker and fire emblem came out, they were already seething and tried everything they could to try and stop it from being popular.
They literally spammed a hundred 0 user reviews on Metacritic and made dozens of posts about it.
I don't think you understand how this industry works user
Nintendo would have made that profit not Platinum, Platinum got most of their cut from making the fucking game to begin with
That's why its called commissioned work
But sure, keep thinking that's what hurt Platinum