Post games harder than Dark Souls
Games harder than Dark Souls
Unironically true
I beat this shit when I was six years old. Let me guess, you were filtered by the Human torch race.
I don't remember having any difficulties with this game as a child
I'd say the electro chase titled me more than anything.
This game was so much better than spiderman 2 and yet people still praise that as the best one.
Hell, even web of shadows is better than spiderman 2.
Muh swinging
I think it’s due to the fact we’ve all objectively gotten worse, go back and play it again. It’s not impossible, but it’s way harder than I remember
It was the fucking Green Goblin part that made me, or us, all quit. Still couldn't beat it to this day.
I remember the electro fight being easy since you just had to throw cars at the screens and then hit electro in the face when he's out of electricity.
The chase however still gives me nightmares.
The only part i remember having problem with was when fighting carnage. For some reason i couldn't click fast enough during thr qte to open the doors
i came in here to say that i had the exact same problem
Yeah I finished the game today and had that same issue. Thank god the mission doesn't end if you never open fast enough.
>gotten worse
Really? I've found the opposite. I go back and destroy games that I could never beat as a kid.
I dropped the game initially because I couldn't mash circle fast enough to kill big hydra. PS2 version in general forced you to mash like a madman hurting your fingers in those qtes.
All three GoW games are soul-crushingly hard on their highest setting.
And yes, I said all three. Because those are the only ones that exist.
It's not because we get worse.
We just tend to forget how many times we retry something and only remember the one succesfull try.
I had the same with the crash bandicoot games, I always thought they were easy since I remembered only dying a few times as a kid while beating the games, but the remaster made me remember all the terrible levels that took me 200 tries to beat as a kid.
True, everything is in a nostalgia haze. For me an eye opener was going back and playing the collectathons, like Banjo Kazooie and DK64. I remember them being so great as a kid, but now they just feel tedious and grindy.
I fucking hated that part where you had to open those doors with venom by tapping L2 and R2 it gave me way more trouble than it should have
As good as it is, You can complete the story of this game on two days. The ultimate medals on the challenges are hard as fuck though
>mars level in the first loop
that shit was insane
Pleb. PSP ones are better than the first.
some of those qte buttons have half second timing windows, plus some of the puzzles need split second jumping and/or rolling timing to pull off, and I remember there was a way to get stuck at the very end of 3 if you didn't have the medusa head leveled up
What is this from?
Any difficult game that gives you limited lives.
I'm a big fan of the series and have played all the main entires several times, so I managed to beat all of them on hard. Playing them on the very hard setting isn't even a fun challenge, it's just insanity.
still think its neat that it was supposed to be canon to USM until bendis' inconsistencies caught up with it, then he just retooled the script a bit and made it canon again
that fucking boss challenge on Spider-man 2
Bloody roar primal fury, on Gamecube, great fighting game.
I can't remember if I ever got to Calypso. If I did, I never beat her.