Pretty neat

Pretty neat

Attached: ss+(2019-08-17+at+05.55.55).jpg (586x582, 123K)

You're pretty neat.

Thanks man you too.

> have a launch day switch
> cant exchange for a new model

What the fucks the point then
Good job nintendo

>Remove the feature that makes your console unique for 30mins of extra battery

Attached: giphy.gif (400x206, 1.76M)

>give us your switch so you cant hack it
>also we make a quick buck
nice try jewtendo

I use my Switch mostly as a home console. I don't care.

>bought it on july 16th
>of 2017

Launch units are worth more because they can be hacked

wow you can exchange it if you bought it in the last month
nintendo is so based

This is talking about the new revision to the Switch, not the Switch lite that comes out next month.

It also doesn't have to deal with the shitty joycons. And they look cooler. And will probably be cheaper as well.

where do i sell mine

well yeah
it would be sort of retarded to give out free switch 2.0's for every user who bought one on launch

you know they've been letting people have'em fixed for free right?

the internet

The fuck is that?

Google it
Don't forget the "the" or you'll just get regular internet

The switch's battery is replaceable though.

It's not just a different battery, it's also a different, better, more efficient CPU. But instead of using it for more power they're just using it to extend battery life.

It's not even the battery that changed, it's the chip. Uses less power, new fab process

>he thinks the new switch has a bigger battery

Because you already got a lot of mileage out of it
This is for people who were either unaware of a new model coming out or decided to get one anyways

Battery's the same, just has a more power effiecent Tegra.

Who cares, maybe throw early adopters a fucking bone or something

>Now introducing the Switch Ambassador program!
>Here's sold old SNES & GBA games for free

I'd be happy with this honestly.