Game dies unexpectedly

>game dies unexpectedly

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Other urls found in this thread:

As if...
>cope seethe incel have sex based cringe boomer zoomer
>Well, Yea Forums?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>He killed millions...
>ahhh ya we don't have chaos emeralds in quahag.
>The same bait thread with 300 of the same replies.
...was worth archiving.

What happened to the archive?



FUCK, so many gold threads gone forever

Fireden decided Yea Forums wasn't worth archiving anymore. Don't be sad though, this is the future you chose. You did this to yourself.

What happened? Is yaoi really better than vidya?

If 8, Yea Forums will come back.

fucking fujos always ruining things

All those Smash threads, gone, like tears in rain

>post your face when /y/ is worth archiving over Yea Forums

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/vg/ is also gone

Dark Ages of Yea Forums has begun

don't worry about it guys Yea Forums was never worth archiving


I'm glad that /cm/ is still being archived.

there is nothing on this board worth archiving.

>Yea Forums wins again

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Are there any other archives out there?

as it should be

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reposting this to answer what happened. Admins can't keep up with archiving Yea Forums and /vg/ because they're the most popular boards. It's their initial reason for not archiving /pol/ but now they couldn't handle the two boards.

There's talks of deciding to be either a slow board archival site or make a new one to host the fast boards

t. "I only come to Yea Forums to shitpost memes from Yea Forums and wojaks while at the same time complaining about general board quality"

so they got sick of archiving wojaks?

Yea Forums is wall to fucking wall shilling and garbage

Good, archives are fucking lame.

So if they make a new site, it'll have all the old threads right. Right?

an archive goes against the spirit of chan

>that thread where persona 5S was revealed to be a musou and not a switch port

Youre telling me it's just gone forever? wtf bros...

There's the Duke's Archives in Dark Souls. And the Royal Archives in Dark Souls III.

what the FUCK

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>yaoi stayed
Fucking faggots

The people who mostly use archives are who do so in order to say how bad these places are and why they should be shut down.

>Was just on it yesterday looking for some old stuff
>Couldn't go back more than 5 years
>Now I can't go back a day
It's like the sadpanda scare again, except this one is actually valuable. Fuck.

Yea Forums and /vg/ are too fast, they need their own fucking servers just to archive them.

I can understand not archiving /vg/ because it's literally just gacha general #2045438 but even Yea Forums has its moments sometimes

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At least /y/ is honest about begin faggots

nothing of value etc. etc.

I archive my own threads my screen capping the whole thing. its nice to have SOME fond memories of the place. i rarely make threads but the few that i do make are top tier and on topic.


/y/ and /cm/ are the best

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>/y/ is more important then Yea Forums
>Fucking /vip/ is more important then Yea Forums
Lmao good
There is nothing worth saving from this dump

>Search is active on Yea Forums for now, goes back 3 months
Fucking usless

This is the future you chose

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Archiving is dumb anyway. When that small glimmer of good content that only has a 0.0000000001% chance of happening occurs then just take a screenshot

Imagine making a server just to save the same five posts non stop on the daily.

You can say that but as a whole the board is a pilenof shit. You dont need to archibe the pepes, consolewars and polshit.

Well, fuck me.
Now how am I supposed to find the images that asshole mods delete?!

Not really.
All people did on Yea Forums was use the archive to find gotchas and other stupid shit for shitposting fuel.
At least I can use the Yea Forums archive to find artists who post there.

If you're putting Yea Forums up there you might as well name Yea Forums and /vg/. It's a space issue


user...before I answer, I'm gonna need you to sit down.

why are you pretending that there are no other archives

Ooh fuck I didn't even think about this


good riddance. also moot was right about them.

Archiving every thread was dumb

what about drawthreads content?

Unfortunately there's no way to archive the good threads. The pepe,wojak,chad render threads are overall worthless but I like looking at old game discussion after I play the game to see all the OC and jokes

That is the problem. There are other archives and none of them want to give a shit about Yea Forums and /vg/

Searching for Yea Forums and /vg/ is disabled on Archive.Moe

post more based epic wojak guys XD

/biz/ is 95% screaming wojaks

I didn't even fucking do anything though faggot

Isn't .moe still up

>the people who care about preserving information are the ones demanding for censorship
nice fucking logic

but there are Yea Forums and /vg/ archives

>/pol/ archive still fine

>bookmarked archived threads link of times when Yea Forums was actually good and creative
>had 153 of them
>all fucking gone
That dante inferno Yea Forums one was the most creative in recent years and now its lost

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>playing the blame game already

Admin most likely drop them as well Yea Forums since a few mmonths agos he started to prune images from older threads.

>The thread where Yea Forums pretended to live in a 1000 floor building with people jacking off into the hole, shooting down the amazon drone, people being lured by lolis with rock CDs and a Ratmen invasion in the lower floors is gone forever

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>caring about redditfagthreads

How is it our fault?

It's their stupid archive being gay!

the only reason /pol/ archives stay up is so the FBI has evidence against them

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it only went back to 2015, past the point of no return. i used it for finding sources for porn that iqdb couldn't find which kinda sucks but whatever

Yeah but the search function is disabled for Yea Forums, /vg/, and Yea Forums.

>"""oldfags""" will not longer screech about how based old Yea Forums - Yea Forums was due to the death of archives

Honestly, killing archives would deal a lethal blow to the people who feel proud of wasting the best years of their lives here desu.

Why are you people so retarded? It's always storage reasons, you think it's a coincidence that Yea Forums,Yea Forums,and /vg/ are the ones down? Every other board that fireden archives is barely a blip

They should bring back the voting system from the old archive, that way they won't need to waste to much space on shitposts


Is this a newfag thing or something?
Who gives a fuck? Most of these archives didn't even exist before 2011 anyways.
You want to retain memories of decent threads, fucking screencap them, Firefox already has a feature where you can screencap an entire page with a single click.

>Existing when old Yea Forums was around
This garbage only went back to 2014 or so.

As deserved.

Any drawthread art that was worth a damn is on the booru

main thing I'm going to miss is being able to instantly shut down shitposters/shills by just pointing out the archive that has their exact same post repeated dozens and dozens of times

ayy I have it

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Well, it really isn't.
This place fucking sucks.

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Most of the people whining about this archive are newcunt phoneposters, you think they can take a screencap?

Nobody cares about your stupid fucking circlejerk, drawthreads are shit on every board
The only good OC that gets made is in actual videogame threads


>using archives instead of screencaps for """oldfags"""

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>using Yea Forums's desuarchive
Fuck, half of the pictures are gone with threads that are only a week old

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The archives were very useful for proving when a retarded term like "reddit spacing" suddenly started being forced.

How did Yea Forums fall so far?

Most smartphones can still take screenshots. But I am still disappointed in this. As if my day wasn’t shit enough already.

Jokes on you, I save the highest quality threads of us oldfags

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My guess is that this is because of the rate of Yea Forums and /vg/ posts. The archive must have been huge with all the images posted.

they could be useful for anyone to understand when a shitty forced meme was given birth
because it's fucking history that is being erased

>remember when ghostposting was rampant on the Yea Forums archives whenever Yea Forums goes dowm
>one thread actually has about a thousand ghost posts of two anons flirting and romantically lewding with each other for several weeks until they finally stop pussying around and shared contact info
>all gone

I'm probably literally the only person who has seen the greatest true love story ever told and I just had to not save it for prosperity

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To be fair archives for this site always vanishes one day, then gets replaced with another with little to none of the info from the last one

>Most smartphones can still take screenshots.
But not of an entire thread, they'd have to slowly scroll through 500 posts, fitting maybe 3 or 4 per screenshot as they make their way down.