Nintendo fans destroying their Playstations at unveil of Genshin Impact for PS4

>Nintendo fans destroying their Playstations at unveil of Genshin Impact for PS4
Why are botw-fags so petty?

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Chinese =/= average consumer

Call me when this happens in normal part of the world.

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These people aren't human, they're slaves with no souls

Will this be playable with an english dub? I rather have a shitty dub than having to hear ching chang chong.

>blurring out his face
>it's literally a bald middle-aged white sóyboy
Why does Nintendo attract them so much?

Odd that they side with one Japanese company over another.

I'd expect them to be this passionate is a Chinese console maker came into being and they needed to display their loyalty to said Chinese company.

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they're salty that the big-budget ubishit ripoff they shilled for got outdone by some literal-who chinese studio.

Good thing it comes to PC

>being so angry that a video game exists that you smash your playstation in public

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>One japanese company over another.

Sony is Californian now, user. Show your loyalty by offering up you're ecchi games willingly. Don't make them take it by force.

Ever since the PS3 Playstation hasn't really been a Japanese console, the main market has been Westerners

>im-fucking-plying this isn't a falseflag marketing ploy by sony

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fuck california
fuck mihoyo

>brown shitskins
really makes you think

>nintendo fans
>owning playstations
? they're totally different systems that cater to different kinds of manchildren

God, shut the fuck up. We get it, these people are pathetic. Do you want to know what's even more pathetic? you and whoever else has been making these threads for the last 2 weeks.

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Nintendo, not even once.

so this is the power of gamers?

If it's anything like the other Mihoyo games, you're going to get an awful amateur Chinese voice track and a surprisingly big-budget Japanese dub.

>Buying a console just to break it
It's a whole new level of idiocy

Are you half blind? What the fuck are you talking about

>feeling like you must defend and protect multibillion dollar corporations and their products
peak consumer

You clearly didn't watch the news when chinks gathered en masse to tip nip cars after that island dispute.

or people that post 50 cent gifs

>Nintendo is not a cult guys, I swear!
whoever say this or already said it should die in the worst way possible.


There is literally nothing wrong with China

Support Genshin Impact. Support China and Sony

>but it is a statement, mom
>you just don't get it


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>chinese people rip off japs
>chinese people get mad

All people who believe in Brand Loyalty need to be put down. Except Coca-cola, Pepsi is straight ass

>Chinese literally getting mad about a fucking ripoff
Nigga their entire fucking country's economy is built on rip offs, why get mad about it now?

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>literal "stop liking what I don't like"
the absolute state of Nintendofags

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He actually was a sonyfag, he is now freed from the snoy now that he destroyed his playstation. True nintendochads doesn't even own such a shitty console, be free my comrades, you can't just cut the soi from your diet, you have to cut the so(n)y too.

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Mainland Chinese people are a scourge on the planet. And fuck the US for empowering communist chinks

Why do video games attract the biggest autist?

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For those that dont know nintendo is very repected in japan. Its like a symbol national pride. So to see this CHINESE knock-off of nintendos #1 game game come out and be promoted by their competitors is offensive to them

Essentially japan wont let china shit on them in any way. I know americans are used to other countries coming in and wiping thier asses with the flag so i understand the confusion

>"you could at least sell it"
>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i have to protest a game existing

>the US
You mean the entire world
Star Wars fans beat vg fans any day.

This is why nintendo fans get bullied here.

>Yank dodging responsibility again

But earlier today this was nintendogaf

You people are being outsmarted by the modern era's greatest swindlers. Chinese are full of so many tricks even the Jews would be proud. No one fucking cares about this game so they just hired some fags to make a scene and upload it to social media hoping for it to blow up

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>country is filled to the brim with bootlegs and knockoffs
>company makes a knockoff
What the fuck is wrong with chinks

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Are nintendo fans the most autistic people ever?

Reminder that this is all a publicity stunt to promote some unknown game.

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Only Europeans start WW
Whatever piece of electronic you are currently using was made in China. Since EVERY country in the world has their shit made there because of "profit". You are guilty by default just by buying anything in general.

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you've a fag

Why are nintendofags all like this? Sonyfags never do stuff like this.

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Are you colorblind or something?

ching chong i worship material from mega corp jing jang joyo bing bong

Not too different from this board as you can see by the seething drones and snoys

>japanese company a symbol of national pride in communist chink shithole
What did I just read?

I really hope you're being ironic posting this on a board that exists only for pure consumerist/corporate worship.

>chinese """people"""

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Bug’s life

Why do Nintendo fans display such cultish behavior?

> Literally "no u"
How was your first week of high school?

This is what happens when a population is near or over its carrying capacity. Nothing different from an adult elephant trampling its children.

The absolute fucking state of nintenbabbys

Chinks aren't communists, they're socialist neo-libs.

The biggest communist party in the world is in Japan and the chinaman seethes when they know they're worse than japan in every way including communism.

You don't have to hope for anything when you know the kind of petty drama people slurp up. This shit makes the rounds every fucking time.

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chinese is the average consumer
there's no one else who is more average consumer than the chinese


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Based chinaman dabbing on the snoycucks

>kids just randomly sitting in a parking lot
>one of the few times I've seen a Chinese driver stop after hitting something out of the ordinary
For once this isn't the driver's fault

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>BoTW, but as an MMO.

It's going to be the next Fortnite, isn't it?

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is right, you guys are too stupid to look past the thin plastic covering your eyes

Based asuka

Nop nop nope

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>it's all a false flag

christ, /pol/ is leaking again.

We're not talking about a fucking conspiracy here. Corporations staging shit in order to get social media attention is nothing new, and is even on a swift rise.

Chinks literally trying to throw their children in front of cars for money

Why are Nintendo fans like this?

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Show me a non shill account.

Why are all asians look so comfy? Or maybe friendly is the right word? Like when I look at them i can’t expect any aggression towards me or something like this. While with other races I always feel some sort of tension between ppl.

man musta got fired that day or some shit lol at the dude just walkin on by

What would a corporation have to gain by staging a bunch of nintencels breaking their own stuff? Is the idea that Nintendo fanboys are insane enough to do something like this not credible enough? Seems pretty cut and dry to me, especially nowadays in a culture where clout is measured by doing dumb shit in public for twitter likes.

You haven't been exposed to enough chinks, even just being in their presence pisses me off

>What would a corporation have to gain by staging a bunch of nintencels breaking their own stuff?

>especially nowadays in a culture where clout is measured by doing dumb shit in public for twitter likes.

That's not botw/tendies. That's just japanese otaku, who are well known for being psychotically unreasonable.

>Make a game inspired by another game because they like what it did.
>Fans fucking blow up angrily because they didn't want another game that's like the game they own on a different console.
What the fuck.
Why are there so many people who don't realize how stupid this is?

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>sony, who doesn't advertise anything developed east of new york unless it's squenix
>marketing a chinese game

Support China and Sony

China >>>> Nintendo

>Japanese otaku
>in china

>Owning a Sony console ever
Snoycucks are the most guillible and braindead consumers ever.

>playing in the middle of a carpark
do people ACTUALLY do this?

this whole thread
>people can't like more than one console dev
you guys have to be meming

In China, yeah. The whole east is completely devoid of traffic safety laws and practices.

Actually Malaysian.

From what I understand it has to do with Chinese gamers being tired of all of these knock-offs. Their sick of their country being known for this kind of stuff.

>Literally "It's not REAL communism!"

These are simply mutant Chinese who were born with souls who are enraged at their fellow countrymen for perpetuating the stereotype that Chinese produce nothing but knockoff garbage. Imagine being Chinese and having the capacity to feel shame? You'd probably kill yourself and take dozens with you.

And why the fuck should I care?
I'm an idort so I have nothing to worry about

this is a console war shitpost
but I'd still like to remind you that they're chinese and thus, do not represent humanity or humans at all

this is the most embarrassing thing ever. its just one fucking game too, and some random chinese game at that.

the game hardly even looks like a 100% botw clone.

chinks are fucking crybabies
look at Emperor Xi, he got so butthurt at being called winnie the pooh that now he's censored



So whats the deal with this game? I have seen the art style is very similar to BoTW, and that you can climb shit, but besides that it looked pretty different.

Very Anime, multiple playable characters and like ACTUAL combat mechanics. Am I missing something? I haven't done a HUGE look into the game but it doesn't seems that similar to BoTW besides those 2 things I mentioned.

Nintedoitis is not just a pasty white kid issue I see

i fucking hate mainland chinks, with their nonexistent moral standard hypocrisy this """protest""" just makes me cringe


The only good Chinese driver on the planet.

She just takes a baby bird and eats it. It's honestly not as gory and psychotic as the rest of the webms. But yeah still fucked up.

This you what you get for copying our grass

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This is most likely, but it's too high-iq, and makes it hard to shitpost.

she must be a great soccer player.
that dive was flawless

But its true, its not just the US, its literally nearly every major nation in the world. not to mention the lesser nigger nations as well, china is using africa as cheap labour nowadays.

I kind of want this game but I feel like it's gonna be even more shallow than BOTW.

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Reminder sony has nothing to do with the game and it's literally just the game will be available on ps4.


But user, I can't seethe at that.

Well the combat is already better at least.

really? I'll keep an eye on it then.

Is it plagiarism?

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Its an homage, user.

It's a Chinese game, actually

Legally? Not by a fucking longshot unless it can be proved that the assets are LITERALLY COPIED AND PASTED from BotW. Similarities don't hold up, and Nintendo has no copyright on cell-shading and abundantly green environments.

But... It's still a shameless ripoff, undeniably.

Where do I stand? GI looks fun as hell so I'll keep an eye on it.

Idgf about some Chinese gacha game that clones the asthetics of BotW. It is a sign of a good game when others try to imitate it. Fuck the original Legend of Zelda had tons of clones for a reason.

>generic cartoony style
>generic UI
>generic combat
you cant copy shit

>tfw a game developed for the WiiU looks better than something developed for PC/PS4

It really doesn't.

imagine falling for legit paid chink shills

The game is moebage trash that is trying to ape on BotW. It won't have the same care and craftsmanship BotW has, not by a long shot.

What the actual fuck?
Not even shitkins are this insane.

This desu. It reeks of a stunt. Just like HK flag wielders.

BotW has better art direction and consistent look. The Anime girls completely crash with the BotW asthetics. BotW while probably technically inferior in terms of graphical power due to the system it runs looks better. The Chinese clone looks much cheaper looking.

>BotW has better art direction
Not really. It's unironically soulless and empty.

Japs tend to be friendly, vietnamese and a few others they are pretty chill.
Chinks on the other hand...
>While with other races I always feel some sort of tension between ppl.
Because they are often jealous of one race being successful or in control (Is like complaining about the house owner who invited you over)

>Nintendo fans
Literally one (1) fucking retard.

I love protests where people break their own shit

>Nintendofags cry about a chinese ripoff
>When BotW is just another open world fantasy game but with a coat of Zelda

Too bad Yea Forums is the most gullible board on the site

Does this mean I'm going to have to deal with a huge increase in these incredibly forced Genshin Impact vs BotW threads? Damned chinks couldn't keep themselves from going feral over this stupid bullshit.

Wow yeah, that's Sony.

>amerimutt swampniggers never defraud each other

So the game has cooking, swimming and green landscapes, big deal?

I would never do such a thing but to understand the passion behind Nintendo you gotta understand for a lot of people Nintendo has been a huge part of their lives since they were 2 or 3. Sony hasn't been in the console business as long and most of their customers are pretty casual about games, just playing a sports game or call of duty occasionally. I'm not justifying the behavior just explaining what drives people to take something like this so personally.

Who are you quoting?

Game looks pretty fun though.

>"Nintendo Fans"
>literally one person


believe it or not the guy driving will get in hot shit for this, chinks have some of the most fucked up rules

Doesn't really work when only shill threads get posted

The Genshin Impact trailer has been mass disliked by Zeldafags/Nintendofags
And this isn’t the only instance of Nintendofags breaking/screeching about this game.

Just go play Kurtzpel or some shit then, still trash but you don't have to wait and it's not mobile

Don't worry guys, I'll reset the timer.

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This is madness. Why do people take video games so seriously? Its just entertainment

What a bunch of fucking faggots holy shit. There is nothing more pathetic than some fat fucking manchildren fanboying over pieces of plastic and metal meant for entertainment.

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>nintendies seething that some mutilated chinese sweatshop workers ripped off their supposed "TECHNOLOGY" game with 5 minutes of effort and a shoestring budget
pretty pathetic

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>Its just entertainment
bread and circus is life. you are catching a glimpse of our very dark future.

cute girl, sauce?

It actually does.

>Buy a used ps4
>Smash it in public
>More publicity then a 1 million dollar marketing campaign

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Console wars and all who participate in them are retarded