Was Dunkey right about Xenoblade Chronicles 2?
Was Dunkey right about Xenoblade Chronicles 2?
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he seems to think the gameplay is fun but the plot characters and anime fan service vibe didnt jive with him. Pretty much what i thought. I also think the game is impressive technically. speaking and it had some touching moments every now and then.
As right as Joseph Anderson was about it
cope xenocringe 2 incel
Keep saying it baby i love you keep saying it
Why would you take the opinion of someone who's openly said he doesn't like rpg games in general as an authority of the quality of an rpg game?
He liked Persona 5 though, which was actually a good game
Please keep saying it
>Joseph “the town is making him stupid” Anderson
The guy gets stuck in fucking Danganronpa cases, how can anyone take that brainlet seriously
>liking persona 5
he dislikes RPGs because he has bad taste, 3 was the last good persona, 4/5 and all spinoffs are zombie franchise era and SMT has always been better. Persona 4/5 are basically Let's Go! SMT.
>Persona 5
>Good game
Persist in announcing it
Keep saying it
Not really. Shadow Yukiko is probably the hardest of any SMT/Spinoff bosses in the original p4.
>hurr durr le town meme
He was still completely right about this trash. Just look at this.
Or better yet, watch his full streams of it if you have time. Seriously, there are "people" that actually think this is a good game.
I don't understand why some people need to be told their opinions on games so frequently by some random dude on the internet.
I watched many videos and some stream vods, the guy is a complete idiot and anyone parroting his opinion is even worse off
>The very next video he uploads
The guy's a moron.
I've been waiting for this exact thread all fucking day.
"Keep saying it"
Sounds like you're just asshurt they shat on your favourite games lol
Yes and no
He was right that it had serious issues but the severity of them really depends on your own preferences and tastes
I don't particularly care about what Dunkey had to say about the game, but I personally found it fun. It's clear that the game needed more work in many areas, which can be attributed to the fact that Monolith's team got jacked for BotW. Overall though,
>Great gameplay, definitive improvement from the prior two XB titles, and a wide plethora of Blades to choose from for versatility
>Worlds are pretty solid, although they aren't as fun to explore as Mira, or the Bionis imo. Quite a few areas need to be expanded (Mor Ardain, Indol, Morytha, Leftheria) since they were lacking
>Some mechanics like Field Skills, and Gacha could have used some major revamping. Some features like the Cloud Sea Level need to be more prevalent entirely
>Story jumps between interesting to mediocrity for the first 5 chapters, but takes a good leap in quality from 6 till 10. (I'd give it a 7.5/10 in terms of story)
I wish people actually either played the game, or thought for themselves without needing to be contrarian, or purposely try to fit in with Yea Forums's hivemind. It's sad that the threads are in the state they're in these days, because the game is actually pretty good. The waifu shit can be a little excessive though. Especially when you want to discuss the series properly. I think if the board didn't focus so much on trashing the game for the waifu anime aspect, it'd get more love.
keep saying it
what did he say about it
Honestly, he's just an incredibly biased, and admittedly sad reviewer.
>Anderson gets to Letherian Archipelago
>Immediately spends like 15 minutes running around in circles in the starting area while crying about how a wall of clouds like that shouldn't be possible and that it's stupid and that it annoys him and that he hates the game and clarifies that he is only playing it ironically like the good little ironic weeb he is for the 100th time
>guy can’t even comprehend the basic fantasy shit that is the cloud sea and has a half hour shitfit when the characters fall through the Morytha rift
Nah, he’s just fucking stupid
>unironically defending weeb bullshit massive gaps in writing
I bet you also defend all the done to death cliches basically being every character, the main character sounding like a race car and great writing like "I ATE HER"
Am i missing some shit ?I don't watch eceleb garbage and it seems that he's a cuck based on this alone.
keep sayin it
>Massive gaps
>When he’s the one too stupid to comprehend simple jrpg lore
Keep seething hamsterson fanboy
Yeah, the game had quite obvious flaws he didn't have to make many up.
>Field Skills, and Gacha could have used some major revamping
>mediocrity for the first 5 chapters, but takes a good leap in quality from 6 till 10
These are the same complaints I have (but I'd say it got better at chapter 5), along with the English voice direction. I loved the game, but I find it difficult to recommend. It actually embodies the meme of "it gets better after 20 hours guys I promise!" perfectly and I couldn't blame anyone for writing it off after hearing that. The field skills become an issue when you're exploring after around chapter 5/6 because you'll have enough blades to want to explore everything, and menu diving to reset your battle/field setups gets old. It badly needed a quick switch to swap between team setups. I never did Kos-Mos after 140 hours, either.
Still have better memories of the game than 90% of other JRPGs I've played and it's obvious that a good amount of the people on this board that criticize it have never played it
Just repeat after me. And do it in every dunkey thread.
"Keep saying it."
>basically being every character, the main character sounding like a race car and great writing like "I ATE HER"
Did you just have a stroke over having your favorite e-celeb criticized?
keep sayin it
They look like a happy family.
I have never heard a single justification as to why this game is so story heavy, nor has anyone ever given me a justification as to why JRPGs in general should be story heavy. It just comes across as a lazy excuse for bad gameplay.
i mean FFS, this is considered a top tier sidequest. youtube.com
Who in the hell thought it was a good idea to have a 22 minute sidequest where you don't touch the controller once?
Amazing how you didn't even try to defend the other stuff I mentioned, I guess even you know it's bad
What's so hard to understand? The characters are all unoriginal cliches, the voice acting is awful and makes them even more cringey than they already are, and the writing and dialogue is just absolutely amazing in how trashy it is.
>ANOTHER Good Boy's Club thread
What the hell is wrong with you guys?
oh you just fucking know!
Welp, ACfag's here, everybody pack it up
>People will reply to ACfag's post above
The one reason why I hate newfags is that some people still don't immediately recognize him and fall into his autism traps
Keep Saying It Faggot
Games in general are cluttered with plot nowadays. This isn't something exclusive to JRPG's.
ACfag? Is this another boogeyman strut out by the fandom? I can't even keep up with them anymore.
Give me a quick rundown on this keep saying it meme
>he doesn't know who ACfag is
Newfags I swear
Don't we make fun of and insult games that emphasize the story? I don't see people rushing to defend Uncharted and God of War, despite the latter havign 60 hours of gameplay. People say "the game is too cinematic, no amount of gameplay justifies it." I don't get why Xenoblade gets a pass, especially when JRPG """""gameplay"""""" is terrible.
>dunkey exposes octopath traveler as the turd that it is
>octofags hold a grudge over it for a year
>octofags decide to make up lies of dunkey being a cuck
weebs are mad dunkey doesn't like their games
Dunkeys gf got blacked
>Doesn’t know ACfag
This board goes further down the shitter every day that passes
keep saying it
>ACfag is a spoonyfag
Shitposter that watches games on Youtube instead of playing them gets all his opinions from washed out youtubers, what a shocker
>a bloo bloo bloo he doesn't know my favorite Yea Forums celeb
Dunkey got cucked by BBC
keep saying it
Was sold on the exploration in the game just to be constantly fucked over any time i wanted to explore the world, fuck this shit game
I tried to play FFX and Xenoblade, but I don't know where the gameplay was. I kept getting cutscenes shoved into my face against my will. Don't blame me for that. Blame the devs for being lazy.
continue stating it
>nooo stop calling me out for not knowing one of the most infamous shitposters in the past decade of Yea Forums's history
You're new as fuck
That seems to be a common thing with shitposters who try to appear educated
Keep saying it
>one of the most infamous shitposters in the past decade of Yea Forums's history
And what shitposting is this person guilty of?
>Being right
Pick one.
I don't know, I have no idea what Dunkey's opinion on the game is or who this guy even is.
im not new ive been here all summer
rent free
rent free
rent free
rent free
This. He's fucking garbage at videogames.
He actually said superjumping in Splatoon is useless because he's too much of a brainlet to understand it's not a good idea to respawn on top of the enemy
XBC is fucking awful because of that ending.
Keep saying what?
rent free
rent free
I bet Mister Metokur would think Xenoblade 2 is cringe
Can someone give me a quick run down
on this keep saying it meme?
Keep saying it.
pic related in this post
He actually enjoyed Xenoblade X
Joseph Anderson is a dumbass zoomer with shit taste.
>someone whose entire business model is about pandering to Yea Forums as hard as possible would shit on one of Yea Forums's all-time favorite punching bags
that would be surprising
>Was Dunkey right
le keep saying it maymay so funnah
Dunkey hates all JRPGs and it makes me wonder why he reviews any of them.
No not really, that whole video was (wisely) not portrayed as a serious analysis, but it was still playing things up as "ha ha look at silly JRPG" without much context.
But Metokur liked the Gamers Rise Up meme and said the people shitting on Cyberpunk 77 because of the sun was retarded.
>NOOOOOOOOOO, stop ruining my favorite eceleb threads!!!!!
Keep saying it.
PLEASE, keep saying it.
>Dunkey calling out Gumbrains
but P5 sucked ass.
again he seems to outright despise the genre, why does he review these games?
because weebs
>why does he review these games
Why is your cranium filled with semen?
Dunkey is based af
post the webm
the webm
So he can articulate why he doesn't like them? Seems pretty open and shut. What, do you only want a hugbox where nobody ever criticizes your favorite games?
Why are Resetera memes so bad?
That's exactly what the cabal wants.
>thread where Dunkey wins against "keep saying it" redditors
Holy based
>The cabal were redditors
We knew this already.
If you outright hate a genre and seem to dislike literally everything about it, why bother reviewing it? You know you're going to give it a low score and you know people will think you're close minded and stupid.
I'd never review point and click adventures because I think the genre is absolute dogshit front to back and know I wouldn't enjoy any. Dunkey could just make a 7 minute video "why I will never review JRPGs" and never have to play the genre again instead of looking like a retarded jackass every 6 months.
I want a Leahbee porn video
keep saying it
I think the real issue is that people then parrot his opinion until the end of time like they've learned something beyond 'man that doesn't like JRPGs continues to not enjoy the majority of them'. But I guess that's less his fault and more his mindless fans.
This. Nothing wrong with threesomes between consenting adults
>tons of people complain about the constant "win fight, lose cutscene" shit
>dunkey complains about it
every time
The cabal can't cope with any criticism that goes against their sacred game.
>If you outright hate a genre and seem to dislike literally everything about it, why bother reviewing it?
On a personal note, I would do it because I want the chance to articulate why I don't like it. It doesn't matter what people think of me, I'm going to give my honest viewpoint regardless.
I mean, look at you right now. You're painting EVERYONE who doesn't like JRPGs as a "snoy tranny retarded jackass SJW". So it doesn't matter if he made that "why I will never review JRPGs" video, because you'd still shit on him for it. It seems as if you have a problem with people who don't agree with your viewpoints.
Of course these rules all go out the window when these same fans shit on western games and say "nobody is allowed to like them, my opinion is right" and not a soul sees the irony. You say it's silly to review games you hate, yet Yea Forums collectively shits on western movie games all day every day. Where's the outrage there?
Whatever you say, Doug.
muh cabaaaal
Western movie games are fucking dogshit and deserve all the hate they get. Naughty Dog deserves to get KyoAni'd
And nobody understands that sentiment more than me (besides the kyoani part). Trust me, I don't like naughty dog games either, but do you see what I mean? You review them and point out their negative flaws despite hating the games with a passion. Should you not also extend this gratitude to people who dislike JRPGs?
ok one of dunkey's ex-friends here
here is a timeline of events:
>dunkey originally based and anti-journo
>made a mockery of journos, riot games
>this made certain governmental elements very angry
>blackmail jason
>tell him he must cuck himself or lose all his work and potentially his life
>he does it and learns to take enjoyment out of it
>forced to homogenize his content and give up his real relationship with his gf because he wronged the deep state
there's literally one point in the game where you win a boss fight but don't explicitly win in the cutscene after and that's after fighting vandham
They must be mad his blackmail vids got leaked or maybe they did on purpose
holy shit lmfaaaoooooooo
Some of the shittiest character designs I've seen in a while. The only good ones are the villains.
keep saying it
man you're fucking stupid user
>keep saying it
>keep stating it
>deep stating it
>deep state it
>deep state
Go ahead, I'm all ears. Tell me why you think I'm stupid.
>doesn't recognize ACfag even after everyone practically screams it in your face
No, you're fucking stupid.
Xenoblade 2 is one of the best games in recent years
Do you have a reasoning behind this, besides calling people faggots? I'd wager that using sound logical arguments would further your point better than needless ad hominem.
I love how
finally killed the last snoycucks defending dunkey.
Same with THE TOWN MADE HIM STUPID killing hamsterson defenders.
Have sex
No, unless he said the game was good.
Fill me on this.
COPE more, and keep saying it
>Pop Meme Epic
The absolute state of the cabal
It's a Xeno 1 meme, get with the programm Xfag.
And nice ban evading
It's an excellent JRPG for sure but it has some flaws
Why though? People praise it, but they never bring up what makes it good besides shallow subjective things like "it has waifus and it makes the sjws mad".
repeat the phrase
Gameplay is entertaining, music is great, story isn't complex but good enough to get you hooked and some of the characters are very likeable and it's one of the better looking games on Switch.
As long as dunkey doesn't start publicly talking about how much he loves black dicks, I couldn't give less of a shit. He can be as much of a degenerate cuck as he likes, if it doesn't pollute his videos then why should I give a shit? I liked him when Yea Forums liked him and I'll continue liking him. Spam all you want, we all know that the only reason Yea Forums is butthurt is because he correctly called out people like you for being hypocrites about holding games you like above criticism. That's why Yea Forums is obsessed with trying to tear him down and why I'll stay a fan.
Dunkey literally lies in his reviews and then writes it off as "I'm just a comedian, you are an idiot for believing me!" when called out on it.
If you believe anything he says, you're a complete and utter retard.
Not at all, he's a pleb despite the fact he somehow considers himself an ebin critic.
Keep sayin it.
The problem is that all of those are subjective things. You can't push Xenoblade as an objective masterpiece above all reproach, if all you have to back it is opinions.
That simply sound like you COPING hard.
By your measure, nothing is objective so nothing can be good.
Just keep saying it.
[citation needed]
Read his reaction to people criticising his octopath review.
And then compare how people defend him for that.
>people need to resort to the opinions of a cuckold and a failed author to slag down XC2
By my measure, you can't consider something objectively good if you have no objective reasoning behind it. Ironically, the game is guilty of many sins that would get any western game skewered.
>"you can't say something is objective if all you have is subjective opinions"
>"you're saying nothing is objective!"
Why are Keepkeks unable to use basic logic?
What measures would you consider objective, retard?
Stop moving the goalposts.
Any game being good is subjective user. What the hell are you asking for then?
Are you actually retarded?
Stop being obtuse and recognize he will cry that anything positive mentioned is subjective and doesn't count.
Explain how he misrepresented or lied about the game. He showed off how slow and annoying fights random battles can be. Obviously not every fight in the game is like that and you'd have to be retarded to think that was what he was saying.
>this is the only criticism of XC2
I envy you for having missed the constant >japanese """"""""""""""""""humor""""""""""""""""""" threads
this game was 10/10 and i've never laughed at a dunkey video
Search "dunkey leah cuck video". The kiwi result has the video.
It's fake but retards will continue repeating le epic meme.
He literally unequiped party members to make the battle go slower and then played in the worst possible way.
He actively made his savefile to make that fight as slow as possible.
>"I can read this poster's mind and tell that he will say everything is subjective in a future post!"
Keep saying it
seething octofag
If it's fake then why does the full version cut out Dunkey's voice? Not fake. Dunkey's a cuck imo and in the opinion of most everyone else.
lmao get blacked you fucking cuck faggot
Keep saying it
He will, prove me wrong.
He refuses to answer the question what he would consider objective, and you don't say any acceptable criteria either.
If that guy isn't retarded, tell me a single objective way to measure it.
>this is what the dunkeyfag goes back to the second he is called out.
See Good job proving every single person defendig him is a retard.
Keep saying it
>he makes the fight slow on purpose
Yes. That was the point. To show how slow the fights are. Again: nobody would think that is how slow an average fight in the game is.
The framerate, for example, is objectively poor because it doesn't even remain at a set goal. It can't even reach 60, and struggles to stay at 30. That's an objective problem, for starters.
If he has to make the fights slow on purpose, they can't actually be that slow.
Otherwise, why manipulate?
>He will, prove me wrong.
>Prove that this thing that happened in my imagination won't happen someday haha you can't I am very smart and good at arguing.
Okay, and now a positive objective thing.
And 60 is subjective again, you could say anything under 240 is dogshit.
Not very onjective.
It's interesting you immediately jumped to graphics, and no resolution doesn't count.
Why didn't you answer the question?
Tell me an objective way to measure a good game.
keep sneedin' it
>And 60 is subjective again, you could say anything under 240 is dogshit.
We could argue that all day, but the greater point is that it should have a CONSTANT framerate. If it can only reach 30, it should stay at 30. It shouldn't drop to 20 every 5 seconds.
>you immediately jumped to graphics
Framerate =/ graphics. Performance will always be an important factor in a game. It literally affects how you play the game.
Yes, the game is like half tutorials
>trying to argue with acfag
Why would anyone do this?
>Otherwise, why manipulate?
Because an accurate example of how slow the fights are would likely require starting a new game and recording a high number of battles in order to show how frequent these fights are, how fast they can be, how slow they can be, and how monotonous they are in terms of enemy variety and other content of the game and would involve a lot of boring discussion on how long a fight should last and whether they should get faster or slower over time and the only people interested in seeing that shit are the people who've already played the game?
>video of girl that looks like Dunkeys gf pops up
>Said video has a line of Dunkey shouting keep saying it
>whether it's actually Dunkey or just edited in is debated by faggots who care to much about BBC video
>it's just really used to derail Dunkey threads to stop e celeb posting but then just became e celeb posting
You didn't answer the question.
And constant still is subjective, why shouldn't you always maximize framerate?
>"you can't say that nothing is subjective"
>"you can't say that this other poster won't say that nothing is subjective"
>"you can't say that something is objective"
This is beyond moving goalposts, this is switching teams in the middle of a game.
keep saying it
So in your example the most favourable view is he is extremely lazy.
He objectively didn't represent the game in a way people will play it, and you COPE by saying it would be too hard.
He still didn't say an objective way to measure a good game, so I'm right.
>everyone disagreeing with me is a boogeyman
>You didn't answer the question.
What question? I didn't see one in your previous post. Are you going back further?
>And constant still is subjective
Are you serious? Are you going to unironically argue that a game with an inconsistent framerate is no different from a game with a consistent one? This can literally be measured.
And of course this isn't getting into the dev team's incompetence, wherein they left major problems in the game for almost a year, like the massive memory leak issues. I guess that's subjective too, because you desperately want to win the argument?
>Are you going to unironically argue that a game with an inconsistent framerate is no different from a game with a consistent one?
Different yes, but better no.
Why should a consistent but lower framerate be better than a unstable but higher on average one?
That is subjective as fuck.
So how do you objectively measure a good game?
>And of course this isn't getting into the dev team's incompetence, wherein they left major problems in the game for almost a year, like the massive memory leak issues. I guess that's subjective too, because you desperately want to win the argument?
You cried how great music, level design and gameplay doesn't count because it is subjective.
So why should things that aren't true anymore count?
>complimenting is subjective
>critizicing is objective
Keep saying it
>Why should a consistent but lower framerate be better than a unstable but higher on average one
It would be a bit more commendable if Xenoblade tried to reach 60, because the framerate drops would be understandable. It's not even reaching 30, which is why it's a bigger problem. More to the point, the game should've been optimized to remain at a consistent FPS, because drops will objectively affect your gameplay, regardless of the set FPS. A massive framedrop can result in dropped inputs, for example, or lagging inputs. And it frankly doesn't matter if you think it "doesn't affect the genre". It's still an objective issue, and shouldn't be overlooked. This isn't like complaining about the artstyle or the story or the graphics. A framerate should objectively be consistent because there is zero argument in favor of it dropping and stuttering constantly. If framerate like this was subjective, then you could easily make an argument for the game having inconsistent framerate, or you could make an argument for why a stable FPS is bad. The thing about objectivity is that it can't be argued with, or debated down to a matter of opinions. It is an absolute. A subjective view of the matter would be the debate between 30 FPS and 60 FPS, or 60 and 240 FPS. An objective view is saying that an inconsistent FPS that drops and raises constantly is OBJECTIVELY WORSE than one that remains consistent.
I can't believe I have to explain this to you.
Imagine people doing film criticism like this.
>The CG in Alien Covenant was very consistent, it's easily the best film in the franchise.
>Psycho was in black and white, which has less colours than colour, making it inferior to the majority of the genre.
You didn't answer the question.
And you still used subjective opinions, not objective numbers.
Because what is considered a good framerate is subjective, you dumb cuck
Guess Sky did beat Dunkey in Smash.
Guess Overwatch made Dunkey into a massive cuck I see.
You didn't ask a question. I can't retort something you never brought up.
>Because what is considered a good framerate is subjective, you dumb cuck
Consistency is objective. Whether you like 60 or 30 or whatever, it is objectively superior to a framerate that jumps to 20 or even 10 without warning, especially during heavy segments of the game.
And yet you can't say a single thing that makes a game objectively good.
And inconsistent 90-120 can be considered by some better than perfect 60.
So again, consistent is good is subjective
See the bottom of
Not being able to read is an objective measure of low intelligence.
Consistent is not always better, why not jump between 100-120 instead of 60?
Keep saying it
That game looks like shit.
>And inconsistent 90-120 can be considered by some better than perfect 60.
Yet it would still be inferior to a STABLE 90-120.
>Consistent is not always better, why not jump between 100-120 instead of 60?
If you can reach 100-120, why can't it be a stable 100 or 120? Why does it need to drop or be inconsistent?
>So how do you objectively measure a good game?
If you're taking into account every single person's tastes and subjective viewpoints, you would measure the game by it's optimization and implementation of game mechanics. You measure whether the game falls prey to common mistakes, like dominant strategy. Say for example you have a fighting game that has 100+ special combo moves. Do you get a reward or incentive to use the moves, or can you just button mash to victory regardless? Does the game have a consistent framerate? Is it a buggy mess that crashes often? Does it have tons of DLC, including content that normal games would include for free, but this one chose to cut out or purposely not include in vanilla? If it's a PC game, does it have DRM attached to it, limiting how much you can play it or how much you can modify it?
Even with the more subjective things, like artstyle and graphics, can be boiled down to an objective measure. Do the graphics remain consistent, or do the devs cut corners constantly, resulting in stuttering textures, or worse, entire plains that stutter like a PS1 texture box? Then of course we get into the idea of options. Does the game support a myriad of options? Can you change your control scheme, or resolution, or framerate cap? Objectively it is better to allow the player to remap their controls, or set the resolution, or even make it windowed. Options are always better for the player.
Or to possibly avoid this whole discussion, how about you NOT praise Xenoblade as an objectively flawless masterpiece and acknowledge that not everyone will enjoy it? That way we don't have to go into philosophical debate?
Keep saying it.
Learn a new trick called:
Form your own opinions and stop being a sheep faggot
You sound mad user.
Drop roller is the most underrated ability because everyone is too stupid to superjump correctly
>Form your own opinions and stop being a sheep faggot
>except don't have these opinions that conflict with mine, they're wrongthink
But you said constant=better, not constant= better in a few select circumstances.
And now you're trying to pretend that in order to call something good, you need to aggregate the opinions of every single person alive.
Which are still subjective, objectively.
And how could you even beginn to comprehend high level discussion about a game you didn't play?
And yet nothing you say is actually enough to make a game even decent.
You didn't answer the question, what makes a game GOOD.
NOT not bad.
Options are objectively not always better, you retard.
Limiting options is often the core of game design.
>Or to possibly avoid this whole discussion, how about you NOT praise Xenoblade as an objectively flawless masterpiece and acknowledge that not everyone will enjoy it? That way we don't have to go into philosophical debate?
You were the one who started it by COPING hard and crying IT DOESN'T COUNT!!!
Because you are a retarded pol/ nigger that belongs in Reddit.
>Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard. You are schizo that needs to kill himself right now.
>But you said constant=better, not constant= better in a few select circumstances.
What? Constant is better regardless of the circumstance. It doesn't matter how high or low your framerate is, it shouldn't jump drastically at any point.
>And now you're trying to pretend that in order to call something good, you need to aggregate the opinions of every single person alive.
Which are still subjective, objectively.
Missed the point entirely. the point of an objective review is to list and point out everything that would be taken into consideration regardless of personal biases or tastes.
>And how could you even beginn to comprehend high level discussion about a game you didn't play?
I've "played" many of these games, but was left with nothing but putrid cutscenes and unsettling sex fanservice. I think I can criticize them on both an objective and subjective level.
>And yet nothing you say is actually enough to make a game even decent.
They're signs of a good game, because the dev made sure to optimize the performance and player input over fancy graphics and cinematic cutscenes. The former affects the player far mroe than the latter, so having attention paid to that will result in a better product.
>You didn't answer the question, what makes a game GOOD.
Those things make a game good objectively. Subjectively is up to anyone's interpretation.
>Limiting options is often the core of game design.
And yet games like BOTW receive universal praise over linear hallway shooters, and fans often say "their opinions are objectively right and can't be argued with". So which is it?
>You were the one who started it by COPING hard and crying IT DOESN'T COUNT!!!
I'm sorry user, I can't hear you over your buzzwords. Could you repeat your post without them please?
It's shit for weaboos and waifufags that doesn't do well beyond being a mediocre JRPG.
Fuck off retard waifufag.
>Those things make a game good objectively.
No, you can easily develop the worst game vpever while still following all of these.
Give me stuff that makes a game GOOD, not not bad.
And Botw is a game full of limitations,you retard.
You can't simply noclip through walls or disable enemy AI.
Maybe think before you say something retarded.
>No, you can easily develop the worst game vpever while still following all of these.
Just by virtue of having these things, your game can't be the worst ever. It could still be bad, but you're ignoring the myriad of awful games that lack these features and are even worse as a result. Having them in does nothing but improve the game.
>You can't simply noclip through walls or disable enemy AI.
Not intentionally at least. But you'd be surprised what the PC modding community can do.
Of course the game should incentivize you to NOT do these things by making regular gameplay more rewarding.Even the feeling of successfully pulling off a series of chained attacks against a hard enemy gives you that rush of dopamine that noclipping through them with godmode wouldn't give you. Maybe that's subjective, but hey, I'm trying to work with you here since that's such a touchy subject for you.
>mfw finally watched the videos
>mfw it is totally Dunkey and Leah
oh nooooo
>best moments
so you mean it's a cherrypicked video explicitly of the game's lowest lows where the man found something funny?
consider in most of these things are at best nitpicky, I can confidently say you can make the worst game ever follow all of these.
And they still don't make a GOOD game, which you failed to define.
You were the one insisting only objective things counted.
Don't project your obsession onto me, cuck.
so you admit more options is not objectively good?
>The characters are all unoriginal cliches
Most characters in writing are, it's about execution on those cliches and tropes that matters.
>the voice acting is awful and makes them even more cringey than they already are
they're not that cringey to begin with but okay
>the writing and dialogue is just absolutely amazing in how trashy it is.
be explicit, what makes the writing trashy?
>consider in most of these things are at best nitpicky
I wouldn't exactly say you're in a position to determine if something is nitpicky, especially since Yea Forums usually considers it a deal breaker if a game lacks waifus, while never once looking at the game itself (Horizon, TLOU, Ass Creed, anything made by a western dev honestly). And yet strange that they never get called out for being nitpicky.
>And they still don't make a GOOD game, which you failed to define.
I listed everything that a good game should have. The rest is subjectivity. If I was to go into what I liked or personally wanted in a game, it would be a subjective matter. I would recommend you act similarly, instead of trying to triumphantly parade your opinions as objective fact.
keep sayin it
sneed saying it
>should have.
Should, not has to?
And even then, it isn't by itself enough to make a game GOOD?
So you didn't answer the question, what can be used to objectively call a game good?
You actually said nothing of value, just farted in the wind pretending to say something profound.
Because if you can't say what makes a game objectively good, don't ask it of others.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a great game, most people agree.
Which would fulfill you cumulative criteria.
So stop COPING about it
>Joseph Anderson
The guy who says his critiques are his opinion without ever stating they are his opinion. The guy who got mad at his fans and made a video explainin why a the subjective opinion is implied in the critique video and doesn't need to be said.
Did he just live stream XC2? I can't find a "critique" of it on his channel and I wanna see the autistic rage about cloud walls in a fucking fantasy game.
Keep saying it
>Should, not has to?
Good correction. A good game has to include these elements. Broken controls, inconsistent framerate, and massive bugs will never objectively make a game better, so fixing them out of the gate will always be required.
>And even then, it isn't by itself enough to make a game GOOD?
That depends on subjective tastes. I just gave you ways a game should be good objectively.
>You actually said nothing of value, just farted in the wind pretending to say something profound.
I'd say it has more merit than arguments such as "XC2 is game of the generation because my waifu in it". Just saiyan.
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a great game, most people agree.
Most people are sheep who just want cinematic experiences. Or do I have to remind you about popular games like Uncharted, FIFA, Madden, and many other mindless repetitive button mashers? What the hell do the "masses" know, when they'll lap up whatever they'll told to?
>massive bugs will never objectively make a game better
Strafe jumping, bunny hopping and skiing are all bugs that greatly improved their respective games.
Saying It Keep
Combos in Street Fighter II were also a bug.
And the Contrarian King is easily the hardest mini boss I’ve fought in any SMT game
>Most people are sheep who just want cinematic experiences.
And yet you said it was an objective measurement.
So which one is it?
>which one is it
Depends on whether you think western games are bad.
>Western movie games are fucking dogshit and deserve all the hate they get
Welp, guess that answers my question.
Those are unintentional game mechanics that people liked enough for them to become official. I'm referring to things like the sketch glitch in FF6, which completely and permanently damages the code and the cartridge of the game, leaving it as nothing more than a brick.
So your own objective measurement doesn't hold up.
Almost like you are just a retard.
No wonder you can't tell if a game is good.
There you go again, tossing insults instead of making better arguments.
>no wonder you can't tell if a game is good
I at least know what a game is, and a walking simulator with 200 hours of dialogue and cutscenes is far from that.
Keep saying it
He livestreamed it and tweeted about it, I believe.
I can do both, cuck.
And you neither.
Your own objective measurement was what proved you retarded.