Post your ideas for a new silent hill
Post your ideas for a new silent hill
itd rip off chinkshit or slavshit
any tarv film for example
How do we know this isn't them just renewing the rights to the ip?
>no kojimbo
>no del toro
no care
its already dead. Itll prob be third person or some other meme shit.
>Slav horror
How? Adidas cant sell clothing anymore?
bro every game was third person before PLAYABLE GARBAGE you zoomers need to fuck off PT wasnt for you
Nice, hoping for a western studio. A canadian one will be perfect.
>no hacks
Sounds good to me
Basically I'd pretend that the game was cancelled and start making a "new" game called Death Stranding, only to reveal that it was Silent Hills all along and watch all the kiddos have a mental breakdown when their little brains fail to grasp it.
That's their patent attorney you dope
I thought you had to register that shit so nobody would take it
Death stranding is silent hill
>A silent hill like bioware shit
No thanks
As much as I would have liked to see what they did the an SH game, they aren't the only people in the world capable of making horror games.
>Bring back the original team Silent
>Bring back Akira Yamaoka
>make it vr compatible like RE7
>Atmosphere and presentation like PT, but with less ghosts. More silent hill-esque
No, it's a kojimbo meme movie
at one point every game was just PONG you fucking pleb boomer. Time moves on and doesn't stop for anyone. Third person is for fucking poor people.
choose your poison vatra or climax?
Go back to your hole you goddamned faggot. You've been been proven wrong so many times that you're nothing but a forgotten joke.
dude stop.
Offtopic but... Why Nintendo dont push up Fatal Frame? Is a amazing saga and one of the most spooky shit ever made.
bro wtf r u doing sto p giving the tranny attention
filter him ASAP if you havent
can't wait for its cancellation
it bombed
4 was released only in japan that should be indication why they dont bother with the series
>Buying the IP
>Drop it
Fucking Nintendo