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Have you embraced the market yet?
It takes 10 minutes to start up my game but I can't bring myself to remove any mods
Jesus, how many mods do you have installed? I have around 50 and it takes about a minute and a half
>10 minutes
Are you running modded 0.7.2 or something? It takes me like 2 minutes to load up over 40 with my cheap SSD. That's some dedication to put up with long starts, I guess you could go do something else in the meantime.
How do you see your bounty? I don't think I've ever seen that but I've had multiple factions sending out fleets to hunt me
>it's going to take me 8 months to construct an astral class carrier
How do you increase production capacity?
Is this game fun without mods? I hate mods, they're always made by retards and are basically just cheats under a new name.
Hot damn, i found something new to me.
>0 stability
How much time did you spend setting that up
Redpilled and correct except graphical mods for old games
AI cores and nano forges.
Im having fun and haven't downloaded a single mod yet.
Good, but where are the torrents?
How the fuck am I supposed to make money with trade? Is it really as easy as running drugs with transverse jump between a surplus to a deficit sector?
Yes, but you'll run out of content after a few dozen hours. Mods essentially just add more content, and once you understand the game you can filter out the bad ones.
it's great without but there are a couple mods that you might want to check out like battle speed up and target pips and portraits
There are tons of QoL improvement mods that are holy mcfuckin good while not being cheats at the same time
Vanilla is fine, there should be enough to do for a couple campaign saves. The only thing is there's not much story content yet and a lack of endgame. The only way I end my vanilla runs is to either stop after exploring every system or giving the core world population a coat of antimatter.
A challenger approaches!
Leading pip is literally a cheat though
no it's not
>sign up to work for whatever faction you're friendly with
>put all ships and inventory in storage
>go dark
>sit in asteroid belt
>rake in 50k every 2 minutes
>make 10 mil in 7.5 hours
There you go. I broke the game.
Use agents to destabilize markets, go to places recently raided. You can make so much dosh off the missions offered, 200k plus just for buying 200 lobsters. Usually the better way of doing it rather than running the deficit market randomly.
Get more colonies to build more Heavy Industry or Orbital Works.
None, that's just the result of a bunch of factions and pirates taking a dump on the Diktat for a while.
Well now i must colonize this system.
I found one that suggested if I had a colony in the system I could use the sleepers to populate it but it was out in fucking no where, so enjoy the fridge for a couple more centuries or until the systems fail there my ice cube friends.
>A (one of two actually) "fairly capable" fleet approaches your colony
Wat do?
Forgot image.
Im literally to stupid to play this game. I did the tutorial but pirates raped me so hard a quit forever
>Tfw the cryosleeper systems in my game are in the ass end of nowhere with only 2 350% hazzard planets.
Shit's not even worth it.
press u to autopilot your ship in battle
I'm gonna need that list, pretty much done with vanilla at this point
Is there anything to balance or the skills? Some of those seem way more powerful than others
Your orbital should be able to win that alone. Pirate junk fleets melt so quickly to actual resistance.
My script that filters 'redpilled' to 'retarded' works once again lol.
Got busted and the pirates didn't seem to have lost any ships whatsoever.
>retarded and correct
Your Apogee alone should be able to laugh at the combined assault of their entire fleet.
I'm still bothered that you can't just get like 10 tows to drag it into a closer or more habitable system. My first time finding this was near a barren world orbiting a neutron star.
>he thinks cheats are a problem
>in a single player game
>when almost every game used to feature them
Okay zoomer
Maybe it's like a "from the mouths of babes" sort of thing.
Is using autopilot an actual strategy? Actual ship controls sux
do you like having the game play itself?
>pirate armada gets to deploy 20 thousand billion ships while I can at most deploy 120 resources worth of them
how is this fair
and how can I increase the resource cap
Until you have a basic understanding of how the game works and the ebb and flow of battle let the auto pilot handle it all.
Worth colonizing?
In heavy [REDACTED] space
It's nexerelin, game breaks itself like that often with that mod
>175 hazard
It's pretty bad even if it was right next to core worlds.
Why are you people so sensitive to hazard, it barely makes a difference
download it here:
use the cdkey found here:
Deployment size? Battle Size in settings, go to settings.json if you want to raise it even further.
>10 minutes
how cute
it takes 1 hour for my rinworld to OPEN. + 20 minutes to load my game
>and are basically just cheats under a new name
I've played majority of popular mods, and anything they add are a joke compared to vanilla stuff
>Phase ship that can spam aoe explosive damage at extended ranges while phasing
>Carrier instantly rearming 6 bomber wings, without any cooldown
>Invulnerable battleship with 4 large energy mounts and its very own built in mod for absurd weapon range
>Frigate for 8 points that routinely bullies cruisers
Some bullshit completely unbalanced mod? Nope, just a base game.
In industries like refining it severely eats into profits. And the world isn't exactly optimal to low upkeep industries.
Ah ok you're memeing, gotcha.
Jesus user, you need an SSD, and if you have one, somethings fucked with your install and you need to profile your mods. I guarantee only 1 poorly made mod is doing it.
Paragon is 100% poorly balanced mod tier.
>most frontal firepower in the game
>most range (excluding fighters)
>invincible fortress shield ability
>solid point defense, supremely efficient 360 degree shield
I trivialized the game by outfitting a paragon with 4x tach lances. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Convince me to not take +3 Salvaging.
I want a mod that just turns the game into a pure 4X from the get go.
Why does this game have such an amazing economy.
>have to edit a file and change a false to a true to allow holding alt to mass transfer items
goddamn wish I knew that sooner
its the best perk
Sharing is caring.
Yeah, i got nothing, salvage everything you can get and what you cant get, salvage the bolts that keep that shit fastened to the ground and then the stuff itself!
i have over 200 mods
Reminder to double tap and scavenge the cloud of tech you leave behind when you delve into a research station.
>just cheats under a new name.
I run mods that make the game more difficult. This game is piss east with some skill and experience
pro tip: NEVER sell blueprints on the black market. This is how you get shit like this that happens to you.
I went into a warning beacon: high system and met lots of fleets of remnants and a battlestation. they were super tough and practically impossible to beat.
is there any point in trying to fight this? I mean i can't even salvage their ships
Yeah my point still stands. I've had friends with similar issues that profiled and found literally one unimportant mod eating up 90% of the startup time and such.
Rimworld mods are an absolute crapshoot and the devs aren't exactly the caliber of Factorio's.
I have a +2 ore/+3 transplutonic colony, located far from civilized space on a volcanic world with 225 hazard rating.
Do the people enjoy their life there? I doubt it, but I don't care.
They drop exclusive fighters and AI cores, really good loot
I'm really not. The pirates all have shit weapons that heavily emphasize Explosive and Fragmentation damage. An Apogee kitted out with Hardened Shields and Safety Overrides can easily plow into the middle of a pirate fleet, and laugh at their attempts to breach the shield. You would have to literally sit there, let them encircle you, and never drop your shield to LET THEM break through.
Is it even possible to befriend [REDACTED]?
>mfw alpha core doesnt want to be removed and the hegemony ai inspector is coming
Theyre all armed with the strongest/rarest weapons, so they drop all the good stuff when you beat em
Also unique fighters and AI cores
Really makes you think about similar things in real life.
Just pay your taxes bro.
exclusive fighters like wasp? lux? I already have some of those.
I mean I'm fighting against like 5 remnant capitals and I only have 1 onslaught and it can't even 1v1.
They drop the best fighters and AI cores, plus their systems are lousy with Mining Stations, Equipment Caches, high quality planets with ruins, etc. Remnant systems are treasure troves. If you can't go toe-to-toe with them yet, just kite them around while you explore the system.
Remnant fighters and rare weapons. AI cores. Control over system, because they have greatly increased weight of good shit like colonization-worthy planets or research stations IIRC.
Radiants are objectively unfair shit, yes, and they completely justify paragon existing in the game the way it is, no matter how broken it may look.
Not if you're a meatbag.
It feels so good to completely dodge missile barrages and strike their engines with my phase ships.
I didn't? They're all pirate ships. I kept all my extra blueprints.
the problem is I already have some ok systems colonized.
Tri tach has neutral standing with them, so if you start as them in Nex you can move in beacon systems freely. They still become aggressive in one particular system if you trigger alarm during salvaging though.
I have hardened shields but not safety override because it wont be useful for very long otherwise even with hardened subs. I have been trying to park my ships on the back sides of the station when they can still fire but aren't main target, not working out though, would be great with more carriers.
None of that requires colonization. Mining Stations, ruins, etc., they're just basically treasure chests that give you random drops once you interact with them.
The better planets is probably the least of what Remnant systems have to offer.
you only want it early to mid game
by late game it's 100% useless
>vengeance fleets track you down no matter what you do or where you go
I was in the corner of the map mucking about and a fleet made a bee-line right for me. Shit game.
Lux, Spark, Flash
Spark is the best interceptor in the game
Flash is great against fighters
Yeah, but by late game it doesn't matter anymore because you'll be rich enough to buy the entire Hegemony and then some
it's because your fleet is too small, around even fleets get to deploy 250 each, larger fleets get more but it needs to balance to max 500
Is this a nex feature?
what are some of the rare weapons? tachyon lances? things like that? I don't really have ships that can use the large energy mounts.
You found all useful blueprints/ai cores you could possibly need by mid game? It boosts rare loot.
Not sure on those
I find the best drop to be AI cores, you never have enough Alpha cores to pump your money makers
HVD, Tachyon Lances, Plasma Cannons, stuff like that
Their ships are basically just salvage on wheels while yours may actually have some bite
What is the best missile launcher in the game and why is it Locust SRM
Never use absolutes
Yeah, I thinks so as well.
It's the only thing that makes the conquest worthwhile.
idk I thinks for smaller mounts the SRMs are fucking great. They usually don't have time to close their shields before getting overfluxed and then the targets become easy picking.
>not cyclone/typhoon reaper launcher
Nothing says fuck you especially as much as several volleys of nukes right in the face
I like using reapers.
I actually have more fun playing with frigates. Big slow ships are boring.
Cruisers are great though
Why don't they simply crack the DRM in those blueprints?
>tfw tempest/omen swarm
>omen's disable weapons/engines
>tempest drones provide PD while two medium energy mounts melt through armor
Expensive to field but boy is it fun to watch them fly loops around cruisers and capitals.
Because it violates the NAP
What if I don't like Nexerelin?
Because everyone in the sector is a fucking retard or non-white
where is the options for mods? I want the speed up mod to me faster than x2
Use an Aurora, dumb ass.
>find a hyperion blueprint
>i'm literally the only guy with hyperions
feels good man
Enjoy your supply gobbler
Hey user, I noticed you don't have your transponder on and you have a fleet of 10 Cerberuses
I'll let you go but ONLY if you post your favorite destroyer in this thread
Harbinger, hang out with bombers
Hammerhead, sorry for being such a basic bitch
Because the sector is struggling to even keep itself together and likely they use some sort of super fucking hard drm shit that would take an alpha core a hundred years to crack
Those ships are all standard issue for heavy pirate fleets. I've sold plenty of blueprints on the black market and the only difference I've noticed are the clunker modified colossus ships having wasps instead of talons for whatever reason.
Is there a vanilla friendly portrait pack?
Recommendations on improvements to my onslaught loadout? Here's what I'm running currently. The officer is focused on tank skills
no its all anime shit
Are you okay, retard?
Form my experience warning beacon systems tend to have better planets than other random stars. Could just be coincidence though.
>super fucking hard drm shit that would take an alpha core a hundred years to crack
Doubtful, considering the Hegemony can mass-produce their modified auxilias
Apparently, I found out the hard way that you can escape bl*ck holes when Out of Fuel (at least on easy mode ,don't know if it differs on higher difficulties).
>start moving towards a direction
>activate prolonged burn
>carefully go around the hole "gaining" a further orbit
>when you are close to the first ring of pink ,stop prolonged burn
>face away from the Bl*ck hole and you will slowly but surely get away
This took an 30mins of reloading to figure out.
It's because the factories that make all this shit need their special little blueprint chips to run, but because of the collapse, everyone is clinging to what's theirs to try and keep it out of enemy hands since there's only a few left.
The sector is in the middle of technological collapse. All the people who were capable of making the things are dead and gone. all that's left are a pile of limited edition blueprints and barely functioning nanoforges to print with.
I always buy a hammerhead first things first
>ever going out of fuel
Shit nigger what are you doing
Hegemony can mass produce shit because they have the blueprints to do it. They don't know how the blueprints work, they didn't make them. If they didn't have the blueprints, they wouldn't be able to make shit. Just like when you start your colony, you can't make ships you don't have the blueprints for.
If youre gonna be running so many HVDs, why not use a Large HE gun rather than a weapon that fluxes you out in 4 seconds
Also use Reapers, Sabots or Annihilators instead of Pilums and leave the two back slots empty for more points
just kill the inspection fleet????????
I put Heavy Maulers on all of the medium mounts (except the very front, which is a HVD) and annihilators on the missile mounts.
I didn't really find a need for anti-shield weapons since the combined amount of shells, missiles, and plasma rounds coming out of the front end of it overloads shields without much issue. I forego the rearward PD since I usually have escort cruisers/destroyers covering the Onslaught's rear. Gives a little more OP wiggle room for capacitors/vents and weapons up front.
>underestimated the luuddic path
what's their fucking problem
I think it's time to uninstall DME from my game
Everything about it is so damn broken, especially those Blade Breakers
How the fuck do their destroyers solo cruisers
Why do half their ships have phase tech
Why does the spawn point for their fleets happen be a supercruiser with 30K hull and 3k armour
This is some bullSHIT
protip: it's easier to conquer the entire Sindrian Diktat than it is to start a new faction
you still need to be able to take out their space stations and a single one of their full size patrols but if you can do that then fuel bombing prior to invasion is dead easy
just make sure you get it all done within 15 days, or bomb the world they're gathering revenge fleets on before they can leave port
>4001 flux/sec
I always use PD weapons for the large turrets on the arms, Onslaught just doesn't have the flux stats to use all those guns.
If you really want to, you could put Devastator Cannons on there. They function as both assault weapons and PD.
This is what I typically use for my vanilla Onslaughts though.
Is it really that bad? The ships look great from the screenshots.
Destroyers killing cruisers is nothing new.
It was 5 hours into my first game, the fuel range said it was okay but barely so, then along the way I lost fuel to storms and had to distress call my ass back to civilization with CR1% and no supplies thank fuck I didnt lose any ships.
I don't want their shitty used goods though, I want my own worlds in my own little corner of the sector.
The deadliest ship in the game for deployment cost is a Sunder with two Graviton Beams and a Tachyon Lance
The donut will still stop a same price strike group of them, but that's because the donut is Tankiest, not deadliest, and Sunders are sadly quite flimsy.
Best strategy I find is to pair them up with Graviton Beam Tempests, the Tempests bring the PD in the form of their drones
This is what I'm going with; I don't actually pilot it myself.
What the fuck is notable?
monoblock construction is fucking retardedly OP.
Then conquer it for the income, fill it with AI cores and only ever go back there if a remnant raid is declared. It'll pay for the rest of your empire, no matter how crummy the rest of your worlds are.
It's the strongest single solar system market in the AI faction worlds.
Thanks for the tips guys, still trying to learn all of these mechanics.The biggest problem I've been having is flux but I just assumed that's because TPCs fill the meter in 2 seconds of firing
how does that work?
Notable is from the Starship Legends mod
It adds buff/debuffs based on ship performance in combat
I wish there was a variant of this that was entirely physical based weapons, some big ol twin boom booms instead of the lasers or whatever they are for stock. Would be cool if you could find super rare prototype variants of ships.
You get neetbux every month for being commissioned to a faction, scaling with your player level.
But doesnt that drop off eventually to zero?The wiki says so at least.
Auxiliary Thrusters are underrated.
like just put one point into mobility
Space Denuvo.
The Galatian Stipend eventually drops off, but commissions won't as long as you stick with that faction.
the early game welfare payment eventually drops to 0, the commission payment never drops off
I see... thx.
To the guys who told me to reinstall the mod/ check my mod list, manage to start a new save after I restarted my computer. After I quit and tried to load it up again it crashed when it was finished. Does the same thing when I start a new save. I don't get why it's been so temperamental whenever I enable Unknown Skies. I haven't tampered with the settings at all, either. Should I just drop it from my modlist and play without it?
what mods should i put?
>finally buy a doom
wow this thing is unfair
So Steelclad was updated today, but the sprite work... yeah...
Can I fight high level pirates with a fleet like this? All the bounties showing up now have multiple Atlas MKIIs and one even has a XIV Onslaught in it. I think I can at least handle smaller fleets with one Atlas and 20 plus smaller ships.
>he doesn't get mobility and aux thrusters
The least enjoyable ship to pilot.
>He doesn't enjoy fucking shit up
Pirate fleets are usually d-modded to hell and typically filled to the brim with shitty frigates. Just keep your fleet together with waypoints and you'll be fine.
Go for it.
she's just slow + slow mode ability = zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Hammerhead, nothing beats the sound of BIG DAKKA
I like the Sunder
holy shit carriers are so damn op.
Max out the OP for both the vents and capacitors on the Onslaught. Then build from there. The TPCs are its bread and butter so it'll want all the flux it can get. A single Mjolnir cannon is fine, but more than that and you'll start cutting into the flux the TPCs require. Try replacing the two Mjolnir's on the side with something else. Hepheastus Guns aren't a bad choice. PD's are optional. An Onslaught shouldn't be flying alone anyways. Have another ship escort it to cover its rear.
The Condor
Drovers might pack more punch but they also need to either be piloted by me or assigned a timid captain
Also Pilum spam is surprisingly effective at screening a bombing run
seems like they only way to deal with bullshit of most fights imo.
gotta say Nex kinda sucks
That's more or less what the ships and weapons mod does. There is a bounty system in there that lets you fight the AI for rare ships. One of those is an onslaught that has no TCPs and you can add whatever you want in there.
sunder so I can actually keep up with the rest of my high tec fleet.
replacing all your fighter/interceptor squadrons with Remnant fighter drones makes it even worse, the crew loss cost disappears
They are in a dire need of some Z depth.
Where the fuck is this "carriers are OP" meme coming from? If you think carriers are OP then you don't know how to play the game.
Carriers are powerful because the optimal loadout is blatantly obvious to even the biggest of brainlets. If your fleet's line combat capital ships aren't the most powerful ships in your fleet then you need to review your loadouts or question your intelligence.
I know this sounds counterproductive, you you don't need to fill all the slots of the ship. something like pic related will work wonders because it will never generate hard flux and it will never generate more flux than the one it can dissipate.
addenum: I gave it a little test on the simulator, and the only ship that couldn't solo was a paragon, and i'm fairly sure that was because i didn't take command of the ship. Any other ship(and even some modded ones) were in a perpetual cycle of overloading.
no shit paragon is the most powerful ship in the game, it's the most expensive. Drovers using reserve deployment can bring 4 reapers, 12 atropos, 4 sabot, 8 bomb bays, or 6 hammers for like 10 DP. If the astral was upscaled to be similar in cost to a paragon it would be completely broken, at least a paragon can be killed.
>Find debris next to an un-surveyed desert planet named Char
>there is a pod with somebody in it
>its an admiral named Duran
So, is that scripted or a complete coincidence?
Carriers can be OP because the AI doesn't know how to handle them and doesn't build appropriate PD defenses.
In a "PvP" scenario, it's very easy to deal with fighters, so carriers would be significantly less effective against humans because of how they play and how they can set up. It's just that the AI doesn't know how to do it.
You cant bring a single drover for less than 10 dp
>the "DP efficiency is everything" meme
>thinking you can fit all of that in a Drover and carry it to the endgame without it being a deadweight
Absolutely smoothbrained. No wonder you morons think carriers are overpowered.
>no shit paragon is the most powerful ship in the game
Did I single out Paragons anywhere in the post? I said line combat capital ships, of which the image (Paragon) is one of.
I never mentioned a PvP scenario. A carrier piloted by (You) still requires undue babysitting, at the whims of the fighter's AI not fucking up, and strictly inferior to driving a combat capital.
drovers can't actually make it to the endgame because they die too often
they're fantastic if you can spare a timid commander or two but otherwise they're horribly underwhelming
the less powerful Condor is more effective because it's so damn slow the AI cant rush into the middle of the fight
pic related was being used to hunt remnant sub-ordos and it's what I deploy out of my main fleet for medium size engagements
I dunno, my set up with Dominator + Heron can take on Paragons and other capital ships. All I need to do is tell the Heron to escort the Dominator and it stays out of trouble.
In a real battle, using the positioning command to tell the Heron to stay behind the front line seems to work perfectly fine 99% of the time.
Why you gotta break the law, buddy?
If you don't like it, go get your own space.
What are the best ships to slap the Tachyon Lance onto? Just found one and I'm excited but not sure where to put it. Should I find a second and put them both on my Paragon?
You should find 3 more and slap themo n your paragon, yes.
>because the optimal loadout is blatantly obvious to even the biggest of brainlets
All dagger APCs?
>fits 12 point bombers in destroyer-sized carriers
Another smoothbrain. No wonder you think you need to use timid officers for carriers.
>grav beams on tempests
No wonder you think carriers are OP. Your line combat ships are fucking horrid and their only saving grace is that Tempests are fucking overpowered.
Fighting randomized fit enemy capital ships and beating them is not an indicator of viability. ANY player-modified fleet should be able to fend off waves of enemy ships without player intervention, because this game is balanced around the player's side being severely outnumbered.
The fact that some of these idiots' carriers are dying in the frontlines is a telltale sign of retardation. If they're capable of fucking up that hard on something as simple as outfitting carriers, then it's no wonder they think carriers are more viable than line combatants.
next time just buy a Mora instead of a Heron man
Tachyon Lance is only really good against larger ships when paired with Sabot SRMs or Graviton Beams to push enemy flux up to the point where it actually pierces shields, it absolutely shreds frigates though
Graviton Beams/Takyon is a very strong loadout on a Sunder, avoid using shorter range weapons in the Medium Energy slots if you're not going to pilot it personally because the AI will commit sudoku if you do
Capital spam is all well and good, but it eventually faces diminishing returns because of how much physical space they take up. Too many capitals leads to the inevitable situation of your aggressive officer conquest being useless for a whole battle because it couldn't squeeze its fat ass past the line of paragons and onslaughts. Carriers never have this problem - They increase effective firepower from any given area of physical space as the fighters themselves take up a minute area relative to their damage potential.
Furthermore, the AI is selectively retarded and is almost universally unwilling to advance on carriers while attempting to ward off its fighter complement. If your heron has ground to give and isn't right next to a Radiant, it'll likely be able to survive its own shitty positioning even without player micromanagement.
Carriers are inconsistent, I don't enjoy carrier spam, but they have a definite place in just about every fleet as a force multiplier.
>tldr enemy AI sucks at killing fighters and carriers simultaneously, fighters are tiny and won't block your capitals as much as another capital would
multiple sunders with tachyon lances shred anything they focus on the only issue is finding enough lances as you can very easily acquire many sunders
I made my first ever colony near one of those, its great. Massively increases growth rate of the colony
>Too many capitals leads to the inevitable situation of your aggressive officer conquest being useless for a whole battle because it couldn't squeeze its fat ass past the line of paragons and onslaughts.
This is NEVER the case in any battles, ever. In a massive encounter the player's given at most ~200 points to deploy, even less if you keep your combat size at default settings. In a smaller encounter, if you're deploying so many capitals that they get in each other's way, you're just pissing away supplies and quickening the need to fly back home.
>I don't enjoy carrier spam, but they have a definite place in just about every fleet as a force multiplier.
I never said carriers are not needed. I've been fucking saying that carriers are not some overpowered blimp of death that everyone thinks they are.
Fuck it, managed to get rid of them, but I lost one of my mules and a Cerberus. Id like to see that other tard facing that fleet off with nothing but an apogee like he claimed.
>Fighting randomized fit enemy capital ships and beating them is not an indicator of viability. ANY player-modified fleet should be able to fend off waves of enemy ships without player intervention, because this game is balanced around the player's side being severely outnumbered.
But according to the game, the Paragon should overpower my two ships. Plus, I think the set up works great even in real fights as well, since I was specifically trying to aim for a fleet that requires minimum intervention from me. I definitely think the set up is viable. Is it OP? I dunno, but in my experience it works great without any need for baby sitting on my end.
But I like the Heron for the targeting feed ability. In my set up I have lots of meat in front of the Heron, so I don't need to worry about having a tanky carrier.
If it also helps, I actually equipped my Heron with nothing but tactical lasers and gave it the PD defense mod. I believe that encourages it to stay in the back (And it also makes an excellent missle/fighter killer).
closest thing I found to the terran world I had on my first run in .9, only it doesn't have ultra rich rare ore and the widepsread ruins at the cost of having 125% hazard instead of 75%
at least there's 3 more metal rich planets in the system I can scan as soon as the pirate ambush clears out
>playing nexelerin under blackrock
>pathers ambush me in hyperspace and take out my favorite ship via sheer numbers
>decide that vengeance is my only recourse
>smash every station i can find
>bomb their worlds and take them over for blackrock
>finally get to chalcedon
>except i take it for myself and repurpose the world into a great and profitable utopia
that what you fuckers get, i dont care if it was a goblin class that cost me 15k i liked that little guy
I went with this guy's build and it could solo the paragon easily, though I was piloting it.
is there a way to get rid of all dmods in your patrol fleets?
i have 2 orbital works with pristine and i still get a few single dmod ships
High tech chads assemble
slow mode ability makes it one of the fastest ship in the game though
If you use phase ships does your CR drops x3 faster while in the x3 times faster mode? Do you repair your guns/engines faster while phasing?
Is autofit efficient, or should I be doing everything manually?
auto fit is decent if you have no idea what you're doing. Just run it through a simulation fight vs a Venture and see if you can beat it. If you can, its probably fine. You can also modify it sightly if you think something would be better.
>literally just started a new game
>go into first bar at closest station
>red planet quest chain
well, relatively
What's some music I should put in my illegal music mod?
Increase Ship Quality under the Doctrines menu. Colony stability also affects fleet quality.
calling it a quest chain is pretty generous
its just a quest
>select ship
I autofit everything underneath destroyers until I have access to and the money to buy the weapons I want. The strong frigates need a little attention so they're not just pure deadweight though but shit like a kite I couldnt give 2 fucks about ever.
Freighters and tankers I always slap on expanded cargo holds, auxiliary fuel tanks, and augmented burn drive/militarized subsystems to bring them up to 9 burn if needed and replace the standard autofit with it.
Do i buy this or X4 foundations?
Post your colonies Yea Forums it's AI inspection day
Until X4 has enough modding support to even come close to what X3 was I'm not bothering with it
you should try this and wait until the next update, if you are even slightly excited for it then yes buy this
>Bomb pirate station
>Sell food to pirate station for 5x the market price
>Bomb it again
This is very cash money
Guys, share some strong builds for Eagle and Sunderer, pretty please.
how the fuck did you get so many alpha cores
so far I only managed to find 1
Farm those high alert system
Now you know how it feels to be a CIA nigger.
This is what these fags get for raiding my colonies every single time I step out of the system for more than a week
i keep seeing threads for this game and im interested now, what exactly is this game and is it worth the asking price? lowend friendly?
I think its very worth the price
You can try it out for free if you want, just download the game at the website and use a certain jew warlord's key
Free if you watch a video.
>Save up a few mil credits to colonize
>Spend the day surveying
>Just over 80% of my map surveyed
>1 Terran world with okay ore at 150% in a shit system with 4 barre worlds
>1 Jungle with a desert planet
>14 planets at 125% or less hazard, they are all arid/deserts/tundras
>Of these 14 only 1 has volatiles
>About 10 yellow 14 orange stars left to survey.
How the fuck do I get a juicy system? Or, do I have the bar raised to high for my first colony ever?
You first world needs a couple things
A "decent" Hazard rating, so 150 or less.
No negative to farming output, you're gonna need that food.
And one or two other planets in the same system with "acceptable" Hazard, so 300 or less, with some ores, rare ores, and/or volatiles
Honestly, the game is great.
If you're on the spectrum you will enjoy the shit out of it... hell, even if you're a normie it's a blast.
There's a CD-Key in a video that another user posted, worth watching for the general idea what the game is about.
>Or, do I have the bar raised to high for my first colony ever?
What are your expectations? because that first option sounds really good. specially if there are volatiles in any of those planets.
>not importing food
you want ultrarich rare ores for $$$ by mining -> light industry -> refining -> heavy industry
Other notable mentions include:
Expanded mags autopulse laser.
High intensity laser
Phase lances instead of g beams.
And going full beam with a sunder (U).
High energy focus is truly what makes sunder the premier destroyer, because every large energy weapon does a good job of punching up.
Try different shit out, don't just strap expensive weapons on ships unless you really KNOW what you're doing.
Default loadouts are your friend, as so are the Simulation Battles.
t. Brainlet
Should i salvage this sumbitch
I don't plan on taking it anywhere I just want to hold on to it
Is this the best game to just get lost in as you pretend to be a freelancer in space making your own way or is there a better one for that? Do you have to go into managing a fleet or can you stay a lone operator all game?
>domain era suvrvey ship intel
>on the far reaches of some far fucking away system
>go there
>search everywhere
>can't find it
any tips bros? I need to find this shit
>strap three antimatter blasters to a frigate
>shoot them
>instantly overload myself
that was fun
Read the description, it says how close to the central star it is. If its in the outer reaches, you are fucked
I think my galaxy is the same. So far I've surveyed about 60% and most systems with a good planet have exactly one good planet or one good planet and some incredibly shitty 250%+ hazard garbage.
It rustles my jimmies that other people are finding 3+ sub 150% planets in the same system.
Might aswell, keep it as a trophy.
Stop handing out retarded advice. Christ, where are you brainlets crawling out of?
I saw its burn speed and decided not to bother. 5 burn in this sector is death.
back to plebbit, this is a real man's space game
Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Ludd?
Pass on scavenge missions that dont tell you where it is. Otherwise get sensors level 3 and fly in a circle around the system for a couple of weeks spamming sensor burst.
What's wrong with his advice?
How is it better than pretending to be a freelancer? I'm interested in the game's look but no idea of what to expect. Help a fellow Yea Forumsirgin out I no longer have NEET time to play shit.
Salamander missiles are great.
so are carriers op or not?
I only want to play this game cause I want a carrier fleet, being op would rake the fun out
For anyone that hits that wall where bounties become hard and deliveries logistically aren't very profitable, pirate frigate bounties seem to be the answer. Very consistent and considerable source of income to do while waiting until intel picks something up worthwhile. As long as you get there early, most places will have 3-4 full size pirate fleets consisting of garbage that poses absolutely no threat, basically loot pinatas.
Carrierfags don't like it when you point out 2 Paladin PD on Paragon nerfs all carrier loadouts.
you're lucky, I was spoiled to a godlike system on my first run and ive been chasing it ever since
I mean you could but I don't see you'd want to. Smuggling would basically be out of the question early game, and wouldn't very profitable later on. I guess early game you'd be limited to small game bounty. You'd be limited in terms of what you could explore, and building a colony would take a while. I wouldn't recommend it.
>about to head out on delivery mission
>pick up a cool stack of drugs because they're relatively cheap
>system I'm delivering to happens to have a drug procurement at a pirate station
>don't mind if I do.jpg
>after dropping off drugs, the same station has 2 more drug procurements
>cheapest drugs in the sector are a mere 1.7ly away
>same pirate station puts out another drug procurement as I'm coming back
I'd like to thank hologram Snoop Dog for hosting Woodstock209 on that station and netting me the easiest 800,000 credits ever
How are the fleet building mechanics? Do they manage to remain fun or do they get tedious after some time goes by? Is there enough quality of life that you don't get to the point of having to go through endless menus to get anything done late game?
So what would the entire loadout look like?
Lance, 2x G.Beam and what else? Any mods?
I obtained a Sunderer just a moment ago with one d-mod and looking to pimp it out.
man i wish i got to see your face when you found odyssey
Does it actually matter what orbital station you use and your fleet composition? the AI battles feel more like an autoresolve according to power rather than using whatever you put on them
I got a mission today from the bar on my faction capital.
$600k to fly 1000 units of heavy armaments to some independent colony gearing up for the space race war.
A mere 6 ly away.
Easiest money I've made in the game so far.
You have an excuse with Odyssey. You have no excuse for symmetrical ships.
>every planet is shit
>but salvage 3 legions and a paragon in my first few planets
>remove DME
>game suddenly becomes 100% more enjoyable
Fuck Soren and his smegma-distorted worlds.
>see salvagable ship
>has D mods
>don't even give it a second glance
Moneymaking in colony has NOTHING to do with chaining industries or vertical integration.
Heavy Industry is purely for colony defense and player's ship production cap. The market cap for ship hulls is TINY, heavy weapons and supplies are produced by the bulk elsewhere and can't make money off of unless you truly have a massive accessibility percentage, which doesn't happen unless you make it a free port and having a free port implies that the majority of your income will come from drugs and organs anyway.
Anyone who thinks mining ores and vertically integrating the supply chain to produce shti in Heavy Industry is the way to make money hasn't even bothered to mouse over the market tooltip for a SECOND.
It's actually fucking staggering how so many retards in these threads are giving horrible advice. I've never seen such prevalence of Dunning-Kruger anywhere else on Yea Forums.
>pop into system
>5000 request for food
>5000 request for food
>4000 request for food
>4000 request for food
>5000 request for organic
Jesus what happened to that system?
How the fuck did you manage to destabilize a capital world like that? They're so armed in my game it would take a major faction attacking them. That's actually the planet I'm orbiting now.
with a big enough fleet, you can do it.
I got a paragon blueprint and a synchotron thing from the ruins on the tutorial planet where you go to build a fleet to fight the pirates.
What kind of music plays in the reception area of your spaceport?
The irony.
Someone raided the Spaceport, probably
Can't argue against hard numbers, pal. Or are you a moron who builds shit because they *sound* like moneymaking buildings without actually looking at what they do?
This is not some number crunching autism, by the way. You can literally deduce all of this from merely looking at the market screen. You just need a brain that hasn't completely smoothed out yet.
I started out as a scavenger but ended up just buying freighters and smuggling space drugs for pirates and the Luddic Path.
I've got a good chunk of money and a nice fleet of destroyers/freighters, but haven't done any quests after finishing the tutorial.
What am I supposed to do now? I'm thinking of getting a commission so I can get access to better ships but I don't want to make a living out of nothing but attacking pirates. I'd rather be a merchant or explorer but have no idea how the latter works.
I read that as "Marker" and now I want a dead space mod.
Amish gone mad
The only thing you said that was right was that heavy industry is for production, not income. Do you even know how exports/imports work?
>swoop in and salvage a pair of Heg Falcons as they recover from a pirate attack.
nothing personnel, heggers.
>Do you even know how exports/imports work?
Do you? It seems like you're under this illusion that you can earn money by building a hodgepodge of unrelated shit on a colony without a single thought given to your outstanding market share per industry or anything of that sort.
Before you move the goalpost like the pussy you are: we're talking about the viability of Heavy Industry as a moneymaker. If you're gonna start spouting half-learned nonsense about having all-faction imports going into hull production, I'll just ignore your post.
Never accept outer reaches. It's a fucking joke. I've never found one.
Makes me wonder what other shit is just randomly 'out there' in most systems.
Just give the code, faggot
You do know that meeting your own production requirements is an income multiplier boost, don't you? A good mine isn't just providing its own income, it is giving a general boost to ALL income. Meeting your own supply demands will always be more profitable than just spamming a couple industries, and minimizing Free Ports.
He's joking there isnt a code in the video
>not running compromised hull high tech ships for the free supply reduced supply cost
Not gonna make it
That Alpha core thought it could out smart me. What an id
Does anyone actually sell Eagles? I want one but have yet to find one.
Pretty sure the League does.
Just piss off the Hegemony and you can get all the Eagles you want.
I will ACTUALLY fucking remove Salamander missiles from this fucking game
holy fuck I am triggered
The answer is yes, but the specifics are vague and poorly understood.
which carriers do you use? is it okay to just get Astrals when you're able to?
>attack pirate base with my moderately sized fleet
>they're just pirates, what could go wrong?
>shields on all sides
>hail of bullets destroy any missile
>if a missiles does it the flux barely goes up if it all
>fleet destroyed in minutes
Don't use High Tech Station unless you have a bunch of high tech weapon blueprints.
Don't use Medium Station because it's centrist garbage.
Low tech station is probably best early on because it has high armor and weapons are plentiful. It also rotates really fast so it throws out this constant onslaught.
But late game High Tech is incredible. I've seen it effectively solo giant hegemony expeditions.
I don't know if the station type you pick has anything to do with autoresolve though.
oh great, just what was hoping for, it's pretty retarded when devs just give vague information you can't really plan accordingly
>You do know that meeting your own production requirements is an income multiplier boost, don't you?
Who the fuck doesn't know this, and why are you bringing this up? Moving the goalpost like clockwork. Remember how we were talking about Heavy Industry as a moneymaker? Last (You) from me until you get back on track, or I'll just consider your worthless argument completely crushed.
>and minimizing Free Ports
So you truly don't know how trading works. You know that being a free port adds a straight up linear boost to your accessibility, right? Why would you minimize it when the raids are either trivial or cheap to bribe away and the drugs/organs market cap scales with global population?
Why are cobras so comfy.
can you play this as a space explorer?
im coming out of the outer wilds high and I need a fix
Stop spreading shit pulled out of your ass. All station tech levels have an equal weight in resolving non-player combat. There are "differences" only in how they fight when the player fleet is involved.
You could get a Mining class Starliner. Exploring just means keeping a hoard of heavy machinery, crew, and supplies on hand for surveying and salvaging, with the fuel needed to get around and some combat ships (or slow sacrificial ships) for when things go south.
My first post was pointing out the irony of you claiming everyone was ignorant while saying meeting your own demands was pointless. Which is incredibly stupid. Introducing a new industry that meets your own demands gives you two levels of income boost. Going after increasingly smaller pieces of larger pies is pointless.
And of course Free Ports are always good, which is why your claim that you should only be using free ports on drug/organ production based colonies is foolish.
Weapons are a factor in auto-resolve, and different stations use different weapons.
Are there any ayy lmaos in this game?
One early-ish moneymaker is to just run a scan at certain locations/objects, usually far away from core worlds, for hefty chunks of change ($40k or more, enough to buy and fully outfit many low-tier/small ships). All you need is a ship (or ships) capable of carrying enough fuel and supplies for the trip, but you'll have to make up for lacking combat ships with speed or stealth.
There are some interesting random encounters, but this is a little more Mount & Blade (repetitive sandbox) than lore-loaded RPG. You can add more interesting background material to the game with mods (factions, ships, etc.).
Not until I decide to make a mod
Well, shit. Just spent the last half hour floating around a warzone between the Hedgehogs and Dictsuckers.
Salvaged four capital carriers. Thousands of other resources, and a lot of weapons...
>start playing for the first time
>got me a couple of hammerheads and some wolves feel invisible and some faggot pirates show up out of nowhere and challenge me
>"running away? PSSSHHH"
>get wiped out
>fleet goes from 8 ships to a tanker and a fornite bus
>build back up get a couple destroyers etc
>this happens 3 more times
How do I get good at combat, I tried to avoid using missiles and focus on using heavy mortars + flak cannons but I feel like I'm fucking up, what are some good weapons for like a hammerhead or what general combat tips can you give me please I feel hopeless, everytime I try something new it blows up in flames
>Go to bar
>Person says theyll give me 300k now but I have to pay them 400k in 400 days
>If I dont, theyll spread lies about be to Tachyon
What a retard.
thanks user
Get range. If something does get close to you, punish it with burst short-range weapons. Same goes for lone ships flanking on the edges of the enemy fleet. Missiles are finishers, torps a guaranteed kill when fired on something overloaded. Have long range kinetic guns pressure their shields, energy short-range to pressure their armor and finish the job. Again, keep your range. If you rush in you die, unless you know what you are doing.
How is this game different than Space Ranger 2?
Are Shrikes as terrible as I think they are?
Is there any way to remove doom cruisers from the game? or at least remove those retarded mines they have?, no amount of PD helps against 2 of those craps phase shifting from half the map away dropping a bunch of mines on top of your cruisers/capitals and then fucking off with phase shift again
I got some goods to sell, how or where can I view the economy for top Jewery?
Hover over the product and press f1 while in a system with coms. That lets you see where has/needs what.
You vs The guy she told you not to worry about
i fugged up
Focus on the loadout your ships have. As a general rule, you want to have some weapons dealing continuous kinetic damage to the enemy shields, and have other weapons that deal a single, high damage shot of explosive damage this is because the armor gets defeated easier with a single, big HE shot than its equivalent in several small ones. Fragmentation damage is useless against shield and armor, but amazing against exposed hull, therefore is useless in all roles except point defense/ anti fighter.
Then you have to manage flux.
Your weapon loadout is useless if the ship fills its flux meter immediately. Therefore your weapon loadout's flux usage "should" meet the flux dissipation number. Obviously, this is a very hard thing to achieve, but the closer the two numbers are, the better. Of course, this can change depending on the ship type; a carrier doesn't need to equal its flux dissipation because it will be on the back lines, while a frigate or a destroyer does, unless their weapons can one shot the enemy.
finally, captains.
You should try to build a ship's weapon loadout based around the personality of a particular captain. A timid captain will suck with an onslaught that has low range weapons while a reckless captain will wreck their carrier against the first rock they see. again, the first two recommendations apply to the captains: a reckless captain will benefit from a shit that dissipates more flux than the one it can create, while a timid captain won't really care because they will be on the back lines.
Your best shot is to go jump unexploed system to unexplored system and hope the wrecks will yield enough fuel.
>finally get colony on terran planet
>fall into death spiral of being perma raped by pirates toting seven Atlases per raid
>game immediately becomes fun again now that I don't have to worry about grinding cash for this retarded colony
Are colonies supposed to be late game after I've checked all the outer sectors for loot or should I establish one really early?
>Are colonies supposed to be late game
>using your map with starscapes on
>seven Atlases
>Being scared of a freighter with shitty armor, paper shields and 2 large kinetics
Not based on ship performance, based on whether or not it took any hull damage
>armor tanked ship
Well you're just out of luck, sorry
Which faction sells multiple Drover again? I want to meme mass Drover
They missile spammed me to death and my retarded Cruisers wouldn't respond to orders to retreat. The fleet was also being lead by some fag in a Battlecruiser that so outfought anything I had it wasn't even worth trying.
It has a couple good features (factions colonize, and... uh... some other things I can't remember)
But a lot of suck (constant war, factions getting annihilated within a couple years, wild diplomacy swings through RNG events)
It's like a 4x mod by someone who didn't want to put any effort into the 4x features. Faction rivalry shouldn't involve conquests/invasions unless it's through hand-crafted event chains involving the player. The procedural stuff just doesn't work.
Yes carriers are OP
It's mostly because you can field too many fighters at once
>500k IBB bounty fight
>see that I can deploy 300 points
>do so because there has to be a trick with this small fleet
>set points to defend to try and keep the fleet together
>doing well start thinking this isn't hard at all
>suddenly get message Eagle is taking hull damage
>check map it's isolated getting gangbanged by a Shade, Venom X, and a Doom
>think whatever since it's the same fucking Eagle that blew up during the last battle
>it blows up
>few minutes later get a message Eagle XIV it's taking hull damage
>check map same fucking spot the last Eagle blew up
>send Hammerhead XIV to escort while trying to retreat it
>too late and the Hammerhead blows up along with it
I am absolutely buttmad. There is a fucking reason why I placed that defend order and these fucks still squirrel away chasing ships while I'm trying to hold off a flank. That 500k bounty money is pretty much nothing now because I have to restore these fucking ships.
I'm finished with my Tyrador Safeguard Coalition recolor I posted about yesterday. Ultimately I decided to abandon toxic green as it didn't look good in-game, and went for a little bit more saturated green with yellow glares.
Lots of stuff is useless by late game.
Perseans should have them
Well rung, fellow practitioner.
it looks really nice!
Why does vanilla star sector feel kind of dead after getting a good colony going? You just kind of get use to this sort of pattern and you realize there would be nothing left to do after you reach a certain amount of wealth since you could, then, pretty much waster the whole galaxy
use missiles they are great
you might be thinking limited ammo thats garbage but a reaper that hits will take a ship out of a fight
mods fall into a few terrible categories:
>small QOL tweak that should be in the base game. either all the tweaks are separate mods, compatible issues abound OR they are inconsistently packaged into larger mods
>mod that takes one small element and expands upon it massively, makes the game feel lopsided, rarely compatible with other mods
>mod that adds in new features but literally no effort was taken to balance them, makes existing features obsolete
>mod that overhauls absolutely everything, overhauls for the sake of overhauling, way too many lateral changes
>mod that packages other mods together, no consistency, feels messy
Which are the most have and the completly useless skills? I'm level 15 and I maxed out the technology skill that gives extra OP and 2 industry skills, the fasters ones and the higher chances to find salvageable ships, +2 on salvaging did I fuck up
>completly useless skills
most of the red ones
Damn, I remember reading these books when I was a kid, are they still good? Looks like there are two new books in the series too.
Here's a preview image and here's a download link. It's set up as a separate mod, just put it into your mods directory and enable in the launcher.
not yet
Red ones let you have a lot more fun in combat.
So if Luddic Path is ISIS, are Pirates ANTIFA?
I was trash at the combat for probably the first five hours. Getting a hammerhead finally gave me enough breathing room to learn to git gud. Playing the easier main menu missions isn't a bad idea either.
Also just play like a pussy early on. Run from any fight you don't think you can win. Eventually you'll know enough to fight bigger fleets / stronger shit.
Mix shield killing weapons with armor killing weapons
flak cannons are for killing fighters, not enemy ships
All your complaints about nexerelin can be fixed by changing two values in the code to make events/invasions less frequent. That's what I do, the default frequency is retarded. You can also make diplomatic events less impactful.
pirates are somalian pirates.
it's fun
Think mount and blade but like starsector
Oh god fuck is this for real
all those missiles
time to dive into the fireworks
You nearly got the exact loadout I have with my Onslaught, except I use the super duper missile spam, can take on anything except Paragons. For other capitals you play a range game and try to make them flux harder than you, venting at low flux until they are clearly way in over the head in flux then charge right at em unless they still have torpedos to use on you.
What's the best fighter to support my bombers? I've been using broadswords.
what are the go-to mods?
im gonna play vanilla first but since there is a thread with knowledgeble anons I thought id ask
Bit late but yes and yes. When you phase everything on your ship goes down faster compared to everything else.
>Because the sector is struggling to even keep itself together
>be random smuggler/mercenary
>fly a month out from the core wrolds
>find pristine terran world and massive caches of domain era tech
>being the superpower of the sector within a few years
this shit clashes so hard with the lore lmao
I know that pirate fleet looks scary but all those ships are literal trash. As the other user said your orbital station might just solo that if you just sit your ships next to it so the stations shields absorb less fire. If you had a capital ship or a couple dominators you could kill that fleet without the station
play it first on vanilla, then when you get bored, instan nexerelin, ships and weapons pack, underworld, and all the faction mods you want.
I lol every time people say DME is balanced
Don't forget the Unknown Skies for extra planet prettiness.
Faction mods are all pretty good but they're also all super snowflake mary sue mods
Just don't read their flavor text and you'll be able to stomach them.
>idiots aren't looking at a map of highways through the endless storms
I love finding a tunnel that takes me halfway across the galaxy in the perfect direction i needed to go
So just put like ten alpha cores together and make them crack it.
Or is that how you get [REDACTED]
You can set factions to respawn if you don't like it when they go extinct, plus you could play for/with the underdogs to protect them. Player > AI.
I love fighting fleets like this, they always crumble against superior firepower, such a satisfying powertrip.
to be fair, most of them try their best to fit within the lore of the game.
Is that the Phase army bounty? That shit is super annoying.
>kills half the fleet by myself
okay retard
I went heavy on industry and tech early on.
The most useful red skills IMO are the one that gives +15% damage to everything and the one that lets you keep the full speed buff up to 1% flux. It's great being able to roll into combat at full speed with shields up.
>Doing work that others could do for you
I forgive you.
How do I get better fleets to protect my systems? I'm tired of constantly babysitting my two systems from endless raids and invasions and even though I customized my fleet doctrine I don't see any of those fleets actually spawning.
>4001 flux/s
>no vents
dear god
I'm new to the game and just planted down my first colony, but I can't figure out how to put a starbase in orbit like AI planets have. How do I build a space station?
To get good fleets you need 3 things
>heavy industry(any planet)
>military command or higher(system you want to protect)
upgrade your patrol HQ to military bases or command centers. Ideally you only need one of those per system, but those allow you to send better and bigger fleets to defend that particular system the command center is in..
Get the starport or whatever it's called then you can get the station
The guns on the atlas arent even what kills small fleets, its all the missile spam
I agree with you, but my mods are good.
Such as music or weapon sound mods. No imbalance there!
Damn, I should've upgraded to Military command way earlier. I've had Onslaught blueprints since the beginning. Thanks bros
In vanilla I don't know if they ever do a 'great' job. In my main system I have:
Heavy Batteries
Military Command
Tier 3 High Tech Starbase
Orbital Works + Pristine Nanoforge
Other Shit
Basically every blueprint
Alpha'd out the ass
And its still usually a dumpster fire of bandit fleets, hegemony penis inspection fleets, and traders fucking each other across every inch of the system. My home looks like the galactic garbage dump.
Nexerelin is like an expansion.
The Ship and Weapons pack and Arsenal Expansion give more variety to some of the most core parts of the game. Take a wild guess which parts those are.
Disassemble Reassemble and Stop Gap Measure add ships, weapons, etc.
SkilledUp lets you eventually max out all player skills.
SpeedUp is a customizable game speed multiplier.
Luddic Enhancement makes the Luddic Church and Path a bit less weak by giving them some modified versions of common ships.
Faction mods are where things get iffy because they're all to the author's taste.
Some other non-faction mods:
Lightshow (makes energy weapons not have the same visual effects, to make them easier ot differentiate)
Audio Plus
Combat Alarm Sounds
Combat Chatter
Combat Analytics (kill counter)
Portrait packs (personal taste)
Unknown Skies (planet variety+prettiness)
Upgraded Rotary Weapons (just nicer-looking animations for rotating ballistic weapons)
Version Checker (tells you when to update your mods)
Diplomacy isn't random tho, its dictated by faction temperament, except for the player faction afaik. If anything, diplomacy with the player faction should be in the form of events instead of random
>Faction rivalry shouldn't involve conquests/invasions unless it's through hand-crafted event chains involving the player.
that shit where nothing happens until the player does something is dumb and gay
they really aren't they're just easier to optimize so brainlets jump to the conclusion to OP.
The only exception to this are the supercarriers with like 6 fucking fighter bays and a shit ton of armor/hp that just endlessly shit out fighters because you can't kill them fast enough, while being protected from all sides
>what is hard flux
stop trolling newbies man.
Carriers are OP until you have to fight a high tech star fortress
Nothing's more terrifying than watching 12 bomber wings get annihilated during their attack run by perfectly placed plasma mines
If I set up a colony on a decivilized world, will the locals join it?
Making colonies is the troll of the century
you make hudred thousand credits, but spend millions dealing with enemy expeditions
yes, it even becomes a buff when you recolonize the planet
Oh, that simple huh? Thanks for the info, user.
>Finally making money off of my colonies
Praise Jesus
I believe it is also needed for the waystation and patrol but everything else is basically free to build without it, I think.
Is Paragon the strongest ship in the game? Yes I say.
I just ignore expeditions and they fail lmaoing at you fags
Nope. Guess I have to that to look forward to.
It's kind of absurd how a Paragon will beat even the most busted of faction mod boats.
Does anyone use a custom flag for their colonies, or does everyone just use the default ones?
pirate skull all day erry day
do pirates get ships from selling ships at the black market? why do they have Apogees? I didn't sell any Apogee blueprints at the black market.
where does one put custom images for flags?
Now destabilize Hegemony since they actually deserve that
I just put them in Starsector\starsector-core\graphics\factions\custom and edit the player.faction file to have it as an option.
I'm really considering giving up on this playthrough, they're just throwing 5 Conquests at me and I still don't even have a Paragon.
maybe I'll try Nexerelin so that I can have a better time.
I would just let them attack the colony
Just pay for it. I did, twice.
Money goes to the dev who just keeps working on it.
remember that time the dev shat his pants and cut off all future content because of a shitty thinkpiece?
as wide as an ocean, as deep as a puddle.
that is a DISASTER of a loadout, the ship literally fucks itself over
You really need to rethink this.
>Tri-Tach is sending an expedition to your colony in Duzahk
>2 weeks later
>-5 rep, Tri-tach expedition failed to reach Duzahk
Nigga that ain't my fault.
Still in alpha. Still deeper than any AAA.
Whats the problem? Your fleet should easily beat those conquests
Well, maybe not with those loadouts
So, i made a little change to the planetary shield texture because i really hate that ugly red that overwhelms the planet. now its in light blue, half as visible and you can't see it on the miniature images, but they are still pretty obvious when you are looking it from the game screen. If you want to replace your own texture, just go to Starsector\starsector-core\graphics\planets, rename the planetary shield to something else and add this one.
yea well i don't really know what i'm doing, i press U
Way too much kinetic weaponry on those Conquest loadouts. Splitting your damage types by ship is a meme, get some high explosive weapons on those things.
I sold all heavy battleship plans on black market and befriended them now i get tons of free shit when they whip the hegemonys anus
How do I tell the Hegemony inspection fleet to fuck off using the power of money? I don't have any follow up opinions after I approach them and use the communication link.
Defend orders I find are inferior to simply ordering ships to follow X ship which I usually order to follow me.
>Cruisers/Destroyers escort each capital, Carrier
>Carriers follow my Capital
I'm a slow moving blob of firepower that plows through the enemy. Once their threat is sufficiently gone, no caps, cruisers, and carriers, I tell everyone to attack indiscriminately.
Intel tab, click on the event there.
I like it
>Carrier spams your auto-fire and whittles you down with bombers and remnant APCs
Teehee don't flirt with me silly boys
For real, I managed to beat a 9th Battlegroup Paragon and claim it just by using a couple of those mini-astrals while the rest of my "fleet" kept the others busy. I actually accepted my death when I got into the fight but I pulled through and got one Paragon out of it lol
>Convergence soon, Isaac
>Oh really, when?
If you also want the industry image changed as well, go to Starsector\starsector-core\graphics\icons\industry, rename the original planetary shield and add in pic related.
any reason to keep more officers?
Looking at this, is like looking at a dude, who surgically and successfully grafted a horse cock onto his body thinking it's an awesome idea, only to realize how much of a bad idea it is the first time he gets a hard on.
With that one skill, ships that have an officer in them are almost always recoverable, so naturally you want as many as you field during a fight really
>no Halo mods
>no Mass Effect mods
>no Star Wars mods
>no 40k mods
>no alt-history mods
bitch don't make me learn how to mod
make this shit reee
>Nemean Lion
I outfitted mine with a singularity torp and two of those laser torps.
B-b-but muh TiTS/CoC
Redpill me chief, why is it a bad idea?
nope. You can't use the 11th officer no matter what.
More officers is more cost. Don't fall for it
Is Nemean Liom just a meme?
I feel like all it can do is tanking damage for the carriers.
The AI is not very good at using Sunders, is it?
>no Halo mods
Can't really think of them having notable enough starships, they're usually known for their ground units iirc
>no Mass Effect mods
Pic related
>no Soi Wars mods
Pic related
>no 40K mods
no alt history mods
Nice, matches the whole high-tech theme, thanks user
fix your loadouts, I could defeat 56 conquest with a little rubber duck!
I'l give you a hint, blood
You're welcome! I'd add it as its own mod, but i don't really know how to do it, so everyone is stuck with manually replacing the files.
>30mins of reloading to figure out.
have stephen hawking, bill nye and neil degrasse tyson taught you nothing
>Halo doesn't have notable enough starships
>Mass effect and Star Wars Games are soi
only if you look at the most recent ones, retard
>interstellar imperium is 40k
>new galactic order
dead, retard
because there is no late game yet
before when you didn't have colonies you could continue your early-game gameplay loop perpetually
Now you realize there really is nothing to do
this must be the feeling knights had when they sliced through peasants that outnumbered them five to one
Because its version 0.9
>he doesn't have the latest 9.1a compatible version
Also, work on your vocabulary, Jesus, you sound like an edgy 13 year old
Will this game ever make its way on Steam?
>mass effect and star wars are bad, but halo isn't
the cognitive dissonance is unbelievable
increase virtual ram to 8gb
What's the deal with NGO?
You can literally just hit emergency burn inside a black hole to escape retard
I finally did it, I found the perfect planet
he was out of fuel.
>find tons and tons of blueprints
>can't find a single low hazard planet to drop heavy industry on
Once they are ready to launch it with 1.0
It got deleted from the official forums because they couldn't handle players playing with space nazis.
>high gravity
just get more blood, idiot
oh no no no
>Has 8 other planets in the system and one sensor with two free spots
Using surveyall with the command mod it still took at least 20 new games to find a planet with every resource on it. I've seen lots of other pretty good planets but this is the only one which you could say is perfect.
I dont know if this is true but it looks like the planets have a 'cost' system, so the more negatives the more benefits they get. Finding a 50% world with every resource cant happen.
in this case the maximum blood capacity and pumping speed is limited, but he didn't even attempt to compensate.
So i just started out with nexerelin. Of course i pick the tri-jew start.
How do i get ApproLight to work with the current version?
before the thread hits the limit.
Where the fuck do I find an Odyssey? Salvage research stations? raid the tri-jews? get a commission for the tri-jews? Where the fuck can i find a blueprint or a ship i can buy this thing?
everything you just said is how
The easiest way is to commission with Tri.The rest is luck.
Where can I buy some good ships as a newfag?
Hook a brother up with a link
I've bought one from independent black market but that was incredibly rare. High level independent deserter bounties also have them sometimes. Overall it feels rarer than paragon or astral for some reason.
Neutrino shits on the atlas
I just found a Legion XIV with erratic fuel injector as only d-mod, but I'm just starting, my strongest ships are Tempest and Hammerhead, I have no idea what to do with Legion. I have no experience with carriers, how to use it in battle?
fucking hedgemony
Put a mix of anti armor and anti shields on it, load it up with fighters/bombers, point front towards enemy
>Mary Sue faction shits on the Atlas
Wow... revolutionary...
Neutrino barely works as a mod
press z by default to engage or regroup the fighters
i like putting heavy armor extra missle ammo and hammer barrage torpedos on legion. not as survivable using armor over shields, but it hits hard then you can send it away when its empty
Which fighters and bombers do you actually USE.
You only need to add the file some dude made to compensate for the new market values and you're set. Also, the nausicaa is the best modded freighter, period.
they have a very rare chance of spawning as a salvageable derelict like anything else but the blueprint is probably easier to acquire
hit up any research station, or equipment/weapon/minor weapon cache survey mission that comes up and you will eventually find it, I always seem to have two or three blue prints of this and the paragon
>You only need to add the file some dude made
That counts as being "barely working as a mod".
They need to fix their own shit
>play a game under any faction, mod or otherwise
>eventually scale way the fuck out of control, having deathball fleets and industry the domain would weep at
>fun steadily goes away
>play a game as a pirate
>constant adrenaline rushes escaping from fucking everyone
>hanging out in bases in the far reaches of space as the only safe haven
>all the ships are repurposed and jury rigged to be gun-toting death machines
>need to work for anything good
piracy is the thinking man's faction
>not cheating in every single blueprint and selling it to the pirates
>not fighting a endless horde of every ship possible
I just tried editing vmparams to deditate a little more WAM to the game, and now the game won't launch.
I reinstalled the game.
Now I get "fatal: exiting - exception in LWJGL initialization".
What do?
I also updated Java, and I'm running current Nvidia drivers.
>I just tried editing vmparams to deditate a little more WAM to the game
why didnt you just use task manager and set it to high
not really because its only price fixing. everything else works fine.
for bombers I use longbows backed up by random stuff, kopesh is common bomber I have but cobras and dagger are also used depending on what I have access to.
for fighters I don't usually bother with anything except the lux
What is the best missile for missile spam?
Doesn't that only affect CPU usage?
Either way, that doesn't fix game not launching.
Bro, atlases are big fun pinata bags
It's not mods; I can't even get to the fullscreen+mods prompt at the launcher. I even deleted all mods to see if that'd fix it.
What about piranhas
>3 suns
>one of them is blue
>terran world isn't a venus hot oven
When are we going to get a mod that has more realistic astronomy for solar systems?
post params
I rolled back to unedited vmparams; no change.
Editing vmparams doesn't affect the error.
I only like using those if they are the only bomber I am using, takes a while to find enough LPC's enough of them
Already running 32 bit color, as suggested in some forum posts, and the game was working on the Nvidia driver (July 23) I'm currently on. Reinstalled it, just in case.
Quick nerds where do I find research stations, only found a few at blackholes and once at a neutron star. Like 6 total scanning all of the black holes and neutrons in my sector.
>Follow an Invasion fleet
>Restore all the ships from the fight
Well, I have a fleet. Now what
trash them because they have d mods and are a waste of resources
You do know what restoring a ship does, right?
Really? fuck. Some of these are large ships too I got a Conquest out of it
A gentleman and a scholar indeed, thanks senpai.
>You do know what restoring a ship does, right?
There is no way someone picked up a whole fleet worth of ships and restored it.
Invest in Safety Procedures 3 and Field Repairs 3 if you want to keep the ships. Otherwise, get rid of them and invest in non-D ships.
It burns a hole in your space-wallet. Restoring is expensive; buying new ships is less so. Running a D fleet is cheap.
Not even worth it to retrieve and sell them on?
Alright fellas you convinced me to buy this space mountain blade.
Any tips on starting out?
Salvaging gets you more cash. Restoring vessels requires you to carry around extra resources, plus you have to limp back to an inhabited planet to sell the ships, which will be worth very little due to their D mods.
It might possibly be worth it to restore a freighter just to carry more salvaged goods back to a planet on a return trip, but you're not going to get much for a functioning ship if it has D mods.
lots of ships have their sell prices lowered, battlecruiser class ships in particular have their value cratered from having just 1 dmod, unless you are right next to a station I wouldn't bother if you would lose supplies and fuel from having to drag it back to sell it
Buy a freighter and a tanker first so you can fill trade deficits in one trip and take exploration quests when they pop up