Who's the coolest boss in dark souls?
Who's the coolest boss in dark souls?
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Bed of Chaos >;)
Artorious. pure test of skill.
his fight was easily eclipsed by fume knight, alonne, gael, nameless and soul of cinder, arty's a chump
You posted him.
>nameless jobber
>soul of shitter
Every enemy in Dark Souls 3 pretty much behaves like Artorias anyway
In terms of presentation I would say Soul of Cinder or Gael.
In terms of the actual fight, Midir.
>gaytorias the jailwalker
see user I too can act like a massive faggot
this is correct
they shouldve just called the game artorias souls
Dragonslayer Armour. What a track he's got.
except artorias and the abyss were already apart of ds1's story heavily you turd burglar
>he judges boss quality in terms of muh lore
guess true king allant is the best boss FROM has ever designed then
nothing beats gael, everything is just perfect.
unnironical FPBP
My top 3 would be Artorias, Gael, and Aldrich, lore wise at least.
But thinking on it the games have copied and pasted so many boss designs and move sets it's hard to think of any of them as cool or unique anymore.
>But thinking on it the games have copied and pasted so many boss designs and move sets it's hard to think of any of them as cool or unique anymore.
Brainlet post.
>boss utilizes various attacks in combat - vertical, horizontal and even has his own weapon art with 2 different attacks
>your character only does vertical slams, when using his weapon
I will never not be mad.
unironically oceiros
the correct answer
Garl Vinland and Maiden Astraea
Priscilla, Aava, Gravetender & Greatwolf :^)
Friede fight was cool. Also Ivory King.
I wanna cum in that dragons asshole. I wanna have a hot Dragon threesome with Midir and Kalameet.
Ivory King for presentation and setup but he's kinda lackluster to fight, DS2's slow-ass combat means he's got awkward pauses all throughout his combos
Midir's great for being a big fuckoff proper dragon fight, he's got a billion hp, he doesn't sit still waiting for you smack him, and that shin godzilla beam is visually incredible.
probably going to go with Demon Prince though.
This nibba was so much fun to fight, I really felt like I had to use everything I've learned up to that part to beat him. Gave me a "hell yeah I've finally mastered this shit feeling" when I beat him
If OP is only taking about the first game my pick is Artorias, for the same reason really
Fromshitware in a nutshell. See that cool guy using that cool shit? Well, you'll never do even half the cool shit he does.
Ornstein and Smough
Kept you waiting, huh ?
I would bet good money Undertale is one of your favorite games
>Dark Souls
Isshin Ashina
forget it, cringe.
ds3 gameplay-wise is better than the others but the entire game's atmosphere feels like a rehashed trudge through memory lane, without adding anything unique worthy of note.
That one squid-nigga in upper Cathedral Ward that succs your insight whether you're ready or not
OP said cool
Artorias has cooler lore than those literal nobodies
half of them
The first few tries I actually thought he was going to summon some horrible baby thing as an additional boss/mob whenever he screamed Ocelotte
Artorias is a loser that failed.
>area denial hazard
>actual boss
I have more playtime fighting Midir than many people have in Dark Souls at all. I fucking adore that dragon.
If you played Demons Souls you'd know this isn't anything new for the franchise
Really hit home for you, didn't it?
not Mr. One Billion HP that's for sure
Skillfags are the reason we don't have cool gimmick fights any more.
You can kill him in 12 hits in NG+. That's perfectly reasonable boss HP for a massive fukken dragon.
Arty's lore is that he was nothing, that got credit for something someone else did.
From is fucking awful at Gimmick fights though.
>Demon's Souls
False King Allant
>Dark Souls 1
>Dark Souls 2
Didn't find any of them "cool" really. If I had to choose, the pursuer.
>Dark Souls 3
Maria. It would have been Gehrman but I have a huge boner for clock towers in videogames.
My personal favorites would have to be:
>Dark Souls
Bed Of Chaos
>Demon's Souls
Dirty Colossus
>Dark Souls II
Twin Dragonriders
Witch Of Hemwick
>Dark Souls III
Curse-Rotted Greatwood
Illusion Monk
I have never defeated Gwyn without parrying
I chuckled.
Only Gael and Nameless are even close to as good as Artorias', or as hard.
While Soul of Cinder is thematically excellent, it's really easy. I beat it blind of my first run of DS3 even while baiting him into killing him with my most flashy attack for the lulz. Beeing easy detracts from the overall appeal of the fight. Same reason Gwyn isn't god-tier.
I had 20+ deaths to Gael/Artorias/NK though. Helps you appreciate them more.
Best Boss in each game
Old Hero
Ivory King
Papa Gas
shut the fuck up
Owl. He's cool as fuck.
He is actually the hardest boss for me, even on NG3 he takes me dozens of tries. Midir takes 2nd
Curse Rotted Greatwood is hardly the worst DS3 boss. It's the best of the puzzle bosses. Ancient wyvern is the worst imo.
Same for sekiro, folding screen monkeys would fit better on that list.
>Dark souls
>Dark souls 2
>Dark souls 3
Nameless king
Owl (Great shinobi version)
In the main games?
Friede, Gael, Nameless King and Maria
In other games? What said.
Man Friede could have been cool but that fight went on a phase longer than it needed to. If it cut out the middle phase I'd be happy.
Manus for the first and it's a tie between Nameless and Gundyr for the second.
if we're talking raw coolness then abyss watchers can't be beat imo
I agree entirely.
Even the intro cutscene is amazing.
It makes me kinda sad we had to kill Father Ariandel. He was so chill.
Midir was a boring damage sponge
also his theme is kinda shit compared to the other bosses in that same DLC
This is the coolest. He has all Sekiro's moveset
>the final filter
>decisive turn in the plot
>uses your moves
>second phase starts with a fake out
>uses dirty tricks like a shinobi should
>let's the bodies hit the floor
>second fight completely different
>arguably the hardest boss in the game
>best theme in the game
Unironically the Cleric Beast, he is quite easy (though Bloodborne wasn't my first From game, don't know how complete beginner managed to kill him easily) but the scream, music, appearance and overall presentation with the bridge and setting was rad
Orphan of Kos was great to, music and area were amazing
>He also summons wyverns.
his theme is 10/10 too
I'm more sad and mad about the priscilla statue that is never adressed again and the fact that Ariandel bowl wasn't his boss weapon my expecations for those dlcs were to high anyway
A bottom less curse, a bottomless sea
Accepting of all there is and can be
I think the Abyss Watchers are way cooler
Artorias was a great hero who had a great legacy of defeating the Abyss (wich as a lie), ok that's Nice
>Abyss Watchers
>All of them are undead
>A bunch of nobodies, who had no purpose
>Found purpose in the legend of Artorias and the Wolf Blood
>Are not afraid to die in their fights, they fight with no shields and barely any armor
>They took down entire kingdoms and were feared by all
>And ALL of them were lords of cinder, meaning they were really fucking amazing
Coolest? For me, it's undoubtedly Gael.
Difficulty - there may be more difficult bosses, but Gael was appropriately difficult
Arena aesthetics - Definitely one of the coolest arenas of all time, the ruined ashes of the end of the age of flame, among the shattered ruins of the final thrones of the pygmy kings, which Gael can casually destroy during the fight
Boss aesthetics - Just fucking fantastic, and the combination of all the effects is amazing. It is absolutely kino dodging away from Gael's crossbow bolts as he flips over you and lightning crashes all around you. I also like his design - a battered old soldier, with a rusted, broken sword
Soundtrack - Gael's soundtrack is one of the best in the series, and most importantly it blends very well with the pacing of the battle.
Thematically - I like, very much, that Gael actually reflects the player character so much, dying over and over again, continuing by sheer willpower, to madness and the end of the world, someone who dragged himself up from nothing to claim the dark soul.
And the fact that he was basically the goodbye boss to the Dark Souls universe doesn't count for nothing. As far as I'm concerned he was a great way to say goodbye.
i liked dirty colossus, it was leechmonger that i didn't like
Fucking this as an artorias fanboy myself this shit made me have an erection the entire time + them hitting each other is hype as fuck
>And the fact that he was basically the goodbye boss to the Dark Souls universe doesn't count for nothing. As far as I'm concerned he was a great way to say goodbye.
Another thing that I like about Gael that you haven't listed is that, for all intents and purposes, he is the Dark Lord that Kaathe was trying to create in the first game.
You guys are killing reddit as we speak, right?
Sounds like a bunch of autistic cosplaying retards wrecking the place and each other over and over.
Perfect metaphor for Dark Souls players.
how did you make him appear there?
time to fire up the sl33 character
sure why not
I'm so bad at parrying that I've never defeated him using parries.
gael and midir.
Get real my guy, you only fight 1 abyss watcher, the other 2 are just there to scare you.
Then you get invaded by twinks all the way to irithyll.
its fun to defeat the abyss watcher, gundyr just with parries, pretty satisfying.
I'm a furry
Kalameet, Artorias, and DSSO are all good for their own reasons
try naming one good gimmick fight in the series
>*is casually the best boss in DS2*s your path
And it was really punctuated by the fact that we wouldn't learn the truth about what we thought was a simple bit of background lore until the DLC came out, which really just emboldened the moment
Literally the other way around. Midir looks spectacular but fighting him is a drag.
Not Souls but Screen Monkeys and AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO are pretty enjoyable despite being gimmicky
>not understanding narrative themes
I know vidya is low brow shit and From recycles tons of stuff but this was so fucking obvious user come on.
You summed up my words perfectly.
He's cool as fuck but I never found him to be hard like others do
I never thought of it like that.
Looks and plays like a joke.
Most underrated boss: Ruin Sentinels. There are a lot of crappy/boring bosses in DS2, but this particular fight was a lot of fun. It just sucks that you have to wade through a horde of hollows right before his room.
Soul of cinder
Underrated boss
I like him. I also liked the idea of going down into some deep abyssal dungeon to fight him.
What I didn't like was that all of those dungeons were filled with the absolute worst enemies ever made and having to slog through one to fight him again was fucking shit.
All God Tier Bosses from the Dark Souls series:
Ornstein & Smough
Ivory King
Nameless King
Sister Friede
All the reputation of dark souls hinges on it's "difficulty", a merit that only pleases a minor demographic that doesn't require any extra challenge than high boss hp and hard hitting enemies everywhere. dark souls isn't that special, it's just a well built game with a few gimmicks like item based storytelling and resetting everything when you die (which is bog standard for pretty much everything, it just doesn't have an object tied to it). that said it isn't bad, it's just good, C-, pass.
feel free to have your rage, i don't care, you perceive the game as you will and i'll be minding my own business passing time with equal and greater games
cool opinion that has nothing to do with the thread bruh
Purification chad, too bad you have to clear the arena every time u die tho.
>best theme in the game
finally someone without shit taste
Do any of you have a link to the Ludleth thread last Friday? I was wageslaving, I haven't finished reading all the replies.
I am a phantom in that screenshot. That's his take-off from his sleeping area when you get past the swamp and get on the roof of the sunken building. The host is down there, activating his approach.
>Summons wyverns you have to jump on from wyvern to wyvern to get back onto the, implied, tower arena
Sounds cool ngl
Sekiro is better
>>let's the bodies hit the floor
Fellow boomer here, I see what you did there