Lord Lonato respect thread.
He died like a true knight.
Lord Lonato respect thread
He got played like a damn fiddle and got innocents killed in a vain chase for revenge.
Did Lord Lonato really have to die?
Rodrigue is the best old man
I thought he was gonna end up a villain but he was a pretty cool guy
>tfw you dont even rewind time for him
I feel like he wasn't so cool with his second son since he hates him so much
That gimmick really was dumb. I had like 11 charges. Why didnt he just rewind time further for Jeralt and save him?
meant for
He was a hero
>five seconds and a costume change later
>FE: What a fucking pussy loser lmao
because jeralt was fated to die.
Byleth in blue lions gives no fucks
He had to die so Dimitri could stop being a murder hobo.
He was at his best as a murder hobo
I wish there was an option in BL to pursue edelgard further without recapturing faerghus/saving claude and just going full drakengard into enbarr.
Muder Hobo > Claude > edelgarde = dmimitri
>rodrigues equivalent in GD is that lady who looks like claudes mom
>she does absolutely nothing of note in the whole route while rodrigue is the catalyst for dimitris whole second half of his character arc
he never had the makings of a varsity athlete
Is enlightened one godly or can I switch off it to hero and be fine on hard/classic? It's fucking hideous, hero looked great and Byleth is op so I'm wondering if it even matters that I keep him as EO.
swordmaster is better
The game is easy enough it doesn't matter
Church route