Konami Gamescom announcements

Insider here, the MGSV "remake" shit circulating here is utter bull, I mostly came here to clarify that but here's what we are showing, mostly ports, nothing groundbreaking

>MGS HD Collection including MGS1 for Switch, PC and PS4, No Xbox for some reason
>Silent Hill 2 4k remaster for the aforementioned platforms
>Suikoden 2 ported to Switch only
>More Contra Rogue Corps footage

Attached: download.png (180x180, 1K)

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Alright, you baited me. Is the SH2 4K a port of the PS3 "remaster"?

yeah, but where is MGS4? and does MGS3 have working MGO? will MGO have content from the other games and does PW online component work?

Sounds more reasonable fake news

>MGS HD Collection including MGS1 for Switch, PC and PS4,
Actual MGS1 or TTS?
>No Xbox for some reason
Probably because the HD Collection is already on the BC program.

MGS HD collection is already backtracks compatible on Xbox One marketplace.xbox.com/en-us/Product/METAL-GEAR-SOLID-HD-2-3/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d8024b4e0840

I think MGS4 had some sort of exclusivity deal with Sony that hasn't expired yet.

It had a bunch of in-game product placement too. One of Snake's items is an iPod.

they can easily take all that loicensed shit out of the game

Kojima said he could have put it on PC during an interview of the game being made, DOUBT they would make 1 MGS game an exclusive when almost every other game is multiplatform

Now this sounds believable. I'd love a Switch port of the MGS HD Collection

Sounds believable. Collections for their big IPs seems to be the only thing Konami can do now since all their core talent left the company.

How will the Psycho Mantis boss battle work on modern consoles? I'm guessing they would be skipping the scene where he reads your memory card, since that's what they did with the PC port from 2000.

>core talent
everyone who worked on MGS years ago still work there now you fucking loser

>Silent Hill 2 4k remaster for the aforementioned platforms

I'm pretty sure the Switch can't play games in 4K resolution.

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will Metal Gear Solid 4 be included?

>everyone who worked on MGS years ago still work there now you fucking loser

Assuming that's true, why did they think that Metal Gear Survive was a good idea?

no one thought survive was a good idea and no one thought MGSV was a good idea, and you dont have to think something is a good idea to work on it

Survive's not even the worst MGS game.

>>Silent Hill 2 4k remaster for the aforementioned platforms
You mean remaster of game that Konami has no source code for?
The game that was somehow ported on PS3/360 in state that seriously calls for a refunding?
Yeah, totally. Not even mentioning P.T. shit that completely sealed SH off for Konami at least for a decade.

bomberman please

Bullshit I'm a real insider and I can tell you something is in the works for MGSV. I don't know specifics but there's absolutely something going to be announced soon.

Attached: IMG_20190817_211637.jpg (180x180, 5K)

Survive is just a glorified mod for MGSV. People only bashed it because it wasn't the non-existent Chapter 3 DLC that people made up in their heads based on an unused title card.

How did Psycho Mantis' fight even work on PC as far as the whole controller thing goes?

what about ddr any updates

this is going to be like the e3 thing kojima said he wasn't comming

everyone said death stranding was going to play

I stayed up all night for that shit dude pls stop

>shitty quality image downloaded from Google
>LARPing as Konami
>Implying any actual Konami employee would waste their time on Yea Forums

You use the keyboard to beat him.

They didn't say they worked for Konami, they could just be working with Konami for gamescom in some way

But what if you have no keyboard

its another retro mini console

I don't know, but that's how it worked when I played it. IIRC, they still use the same voice clips for the PS1, but the text was changed from second controller to keyboard.

They announced their PC Engine Mini at E3.

new version with more games

>MSX-Mini with ports of Metal Gear 1 & 2 and all the other Konami stuff like Vampire Killer, Galious and Nemesis.
That would be awesome actually.

What if I'm playing it already on a keyboard?
Also, that fight sucks on Wii U VC Inject with Nintendont. I couldn't get my second controller to work


>No Xbox for some reason

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the higherups thought it was a good idea idiot they dicatate what to make

>>Suikoden 2 ported to Switch only
>no pc


>What if I'm playing it already on a keyboard?
That's what I did actually and I beat Mantis without any issue. The game assumes you're using a gamepad as your default controller.

who the fuck do i trust bros??

konami will just show pes 2020.

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my dad works for konami and he says they're making a metal gear maker game similar to super mario maker but you have to make your own sneaking levels

That unironically sounds rad

MGSV was supposed to include this.

>ywn create and share your own VR levels with others

Attached: VR.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

Stay tuned for Suckadan 2 on Steam with shitty ass mobile-tier graphics and horrible audio.

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Don't listen to these fags, I'm the real insider and I can confirm there's nothing fucking coming.

Attached: Logo.png (1921x324, 50K)

While Konami probably are working on a MG game, I doubt it would be announced this year.
But they can't have 200 guys of the old Kojipro doing jackshit.

I raugh at you. Death Stranding gameplay wirr be reveared and it wirr brow arr your minds.

Attached: Kojima_Productions_logo.png (220x239, 50K)


Ask Konami amusement. Not digital entertainment.
It's probably when all the characters are going to be released.

No they don't you fucking idiot. Half were forced to stay under contract the other half went to Kojipro.

cope harder kojimadickrider

You dont know maybe they are doing something...you can do a lot with 200 people

What is coming to duel links

MGSV is excellent, get over it.

>But they can't have 200 guys of the old Kojipro doing jackshit.

They were sacrificed to the Yakuza because of how MGSV turned out.

MGSV blows chunks, stop diluting yourself

Hi Kojima here, AMA.

And before you ask, yes I got to smell Stefanie's feet.

>stop enjoying video games and be like me

Critically acclaimed and sold more than MGS3 and equally as much as MGS4?

>MGS HD Collection including MGS1 for Switch, PC...
And immediately confirmed bullshit. MGS1 was half created by Sony Japan Studio, it's never shifting away from the Playstation.

>I like shit, so everyone else has to like shit too!

when will the konami conference in gamescom, insider-kun?

Nigger. They already released a PC version in 2000

I didnt force you to like it brainlet, you really sound like a faggot who just follow the popular opinion

Hi Konami guy here, everyone else has been lying.

The big announcement is actually that we are changing our name to Cunnynami.

Attached: konami-logo-01.jpg (1920x1080, 51K)

Yes but apparently the yakuza were mad because of the ending

1. No it wasn't. It was originally a fucking 3DO game.

2. PC port

3. The Twin Snakes exists, published by A DIRECT COMPETITOR.

The reason 360 never got MGS1 is because the version in HD Collection was literally a download code for the PSone classic on PSN.

>Silent Hill 2 4k remaster
Outed yourself as an idiot

Nintendo has some kind of co-ownership of TTS which is why it hasn't gotten a release. Hopefully Konami puts it on Switch.

and twin snakes exists for gamecube, which is probably more likely to be the port if any of it came to switch

by simply buying the game you are forcing shit onto others


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Lies Konami only make football games now

>I didnt force you to like it brainlet
>MGSV is excellent, get over it.
Which is it? Not even him.

if ur free to say its excellent, im free to say its shit stop being a little ginger sissy faggot about it

No. MGSV tried something different for once and for what it was, it was good and also extremely polished. The AI was not the best but the game was still very challenging if you tried to achieve S ranks.

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Wait, they made a PES game on the 3DS, what the fuck

Apparently it's good too.

>here is your new fox engine game bro

Attached: E45A2893-0212-4D92-815E-A46679BAAFFC.jpg (950x633, 104K)

it was a big dessert of NOTHING

PS3 rendered Okami at 4k

I didnt force anyone to like it fuck off

who is either buying both fifa and pes or being pes over fifa? i have no idea how pes makes money when fifa is the one normalfags flock to

Yeah well it's not an exploration game. For the purposes of stealth and combat it was perfectly well designed.

The PES games are better at the end of the day.

PES has the funny Euro leagues, doesn't it

i would have rathered those stealth and combat mechanics get put into a linear game or a bunch of disconnected ground zeroes levels rather than a barren open world

British people buy it i think


Far Cry 3 was superior open world stealth game

someone must be trolling me today...

i know this TOTALLY has nothing to do with this 'exciting' thread, but: does anyone know an actually efficient and FREE method/software to bake shadows in models?

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Humbug! As I you can see by my logo here, I am the real insider. Not only do I have connections on the inside, I'm also the CEO of konami (not the same one you're thinking of though)

The eagerly awaited P.T is making a return. Yes.
You thought we killed it - well think again. Not only that, we have team silent working on the project. However, P.T was just a code name. Silent hills was also a working title so we have scraped that name completely. We all decided that we needed a title that would fit the games overall theme so we put our heads together and came up with the title: Silent Hill 5.

Expect a trailer to hit sometime in the future.

Attached: konami.jpg (600x600, 20K)


Fuck your logo is so low res

>MGS HD Collection including MGS1 for Switch, PC

Stopped reading there. Sony would never allow the illusion to shatter that MGS1 is a pure Sony exclusive even if it had a PC port back then.

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>baking shadows into models
no, I think you have to just make a greyscale gradient affect a specific area on the texture for faux shadows
>someone must be trolling me today...
What do you mean?

great job ripping off your marketing adviser's logo

That's nice. Wasn't the kind of game they were interested in making though.

i have been trying to replicate the MGS2 VR stages for MMD animations as the pic i posted shows, i can replicate the original stages from the game files. but i simply cannot advance until i find a way to replicate the shadow style for new stages.

the idea is making a suite that not only includes assets for all of Konami stages, but also a way for people to make their own stages for animations.

but so far, i have nothing on that front.

Im so horny brothers

Sounds about right
>> and does MGS3 have working MGO? will MGO have content from the other games and does PW online component work?
They didn't have it for the MGS3 HD release. Peace Walker had it's vs mode.

>Not Suikoden 1 & 2 collection with the diagonal movement from the PSP release
Yeah no, even if it's real it can fuck off.

and the trolling part? yeah, i was thinking about that today, and then that post.

No YOU can fuck off with you rpg shit

>MGS HD Collection for PC
>Silent Hill 2 4k remaster for PC
Yeah okay if this happens and the Demon Edition doesn't, i'll be fine with it and vice versa. If neither does, i'll rip my cock off.

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Konami could just keep "remastering" the MGS games for the next 3 decades and make bank.

>shadow style
there is no shadow style for those stages its just darkened

so you were thinking about a metal gear maker type game?


Konami gamescon announces Duel Links 2!


Game? not really... just a medium for people to make animations.

also, actually there is a style, the shadows are not generated in real time, they are superposed textures, also, if you notice on the real games, the floor shadows have a grid texture. the only/closest way to replicate that is by shadow/lightmap baking, but theres no method that is not free or overly complicated.

and yeah, i know... autism and all dat, but still. maybe that can help actual programmers to actually make a MGS VR maker or something.

the floor shadows dont have a grid texture, the floor itself has a grid texture, the shadow just makes it much easier to see

A new YugiOh game literally just came out.

well are you ready for the sequel?

Kill yourself

The real announcement has already been leaked you retards.
Pic related. Stefanie is flying to Gamescom because they're gonna announce MGS6 and it'll be about Venom again. Quiet will be back too.

Attached: 1566070708942.jpg (1242x1859, 1.47M)

if you mean my pic? yeah that was the idea i tried, but it was wrong.

this image is a shadow texture from the game files, as you can see, the texture is already there.

Attached: VR2_Shmap5.png (128x384, 3K)

>The real announcement has already been leaked you retards.
4k pics of joosts feet if you pre-order?

>MGS HD Collection including MGS1 for Switch, PC and PS4
Oh God please let this happen

MGSV remade for pachislot machines

Laminated poster, yes.

I think that in order to have MGS4 on other platforms they will need to develop the game from scratch.
There are a shit-ton of licensed shit and it doesn't help that Sony paid for the engine.

How did you extract models/textures from the game?

look up Solidus, its an old tool but it works fine for the PC version of MGS2.

Personally, I'm hoping for an Aliens HD remaster.

Attached: Lost-in-the-Arcade-Konami-Games-2b.gif (640x498, 78K)

tried it, any model I tried to extract came out fucked up

Is it me or is Gamescom 100x more hype than E3 for games. All we really get at E3 anymore are trailers and "gamplay footage" for games that won't release for 3 years, where as with Gamescom its pretty tangible

Gamescom is for games, E3 is for shilling the latest shit or announcing the possibility that maybe someday a game might be made in the near future

if you mean the whole lines thing, just ignore them, if you try to render the model in any software as solid , it should look solid by default, also, the textures should look proper assuming you exported them.

the only recommendations i can give are:

1,- dont use concatenate textures.
2.- muse a expĆ³rt scale of 1.000

Funnilly enough I was just thinking about how I wanted to replay MGS soon but don't feel like hooking up my PS3

Since you are clearly a 100% real employee and leaker get them to make Twin Snakes as an option too. I never got to try it

She's gonna confront Kojimbo about not calling her back

I remember when Soul Calibur 6 was rumored for PS4, PC, Switch but not Xbone.
Always believe the rumors.

>tfw she will strangle him on stage and then set herself on fire, trying to reenact the hospital scene

here is how i know this is all bullshit.
mgs can't be ported over.
because how the fuck are you going to do the whole press button gently shit, when all modern controllers are no longer analog.

Everyone else itt is lying, here are the actual leaks.

>Silent Hill Homecoming Remaster
>Ape Escape Mobile
>Metal Gear Solid teams for Pro Evolution Soccer

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>Kojima's gonna fuck her footpussy on stage

Attached: 1512143943837.jpg (352x404, 33K)

the REAL leak is the MGS ape escape crossover game

Also Devil May Cry 5 was rumored to be PS4 timed exclusive with PC release at later date and no Xbone release.
Founds out it was Microsoft with the marketing deal.