Pathologic 2
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please do it
I love the game and the memes but I don't think it's gonna make it
it is a sad and painful truth, emshen
i hope IPL pulls through at least, they've been through similar shit
Sorry, I've bought one elephant (uno cлoн) already.
An e-celeb just dropped a video on it there's a ray of hope boys
I want to believe
while Mandalore is biggish he is not exactly huge
i hope it helps
especially that he was extremely positive in his review
Oh shit, Mandalore's review is up? Gonna go watch that then.
It's the first time he's ever directly encouraged his audience to buy a game so strongly.
Hope lives for Big Guys
Any cool new secrets found yet?
theres supposed to be a marble nest remake dlc coming out according to steamspy
i want this game to do well bros.. if only it was marketed better, i want all 3 routes to come out and at least be some-what well-known enough in the pc market for the devs to turn a profit..
also mandalore review came out, good shit
sorry, not steamspy, steamdb.
It looks like it's time for the 3rd playthrough.
Anyway, I can't explain it well but Dybowski reminds me a lot of of Yoko Taro. I hope he'll make breakthrough like Yoko Taro did since the only problem with IPL right now is their budget.
Is it going to be free? How will that work?
>Mandalore makes a video on Pathologic 2
>immediate Pathologic 2 shilling on Yea Forums
What's going on? What's with the weekend fans of this game suddenly appearing?
no one knows, but theres a 'pathologic 2: marble nest' it hasn't been formally announced yet.
i dont think ipls the type of studio to make something like that paid but patho 2 didnt sell very well and it might be a 'pay to support' thing, honestly who knows.
cant wait to play marble nest again, shit was kino.
You DID look to the future right bros? Fuck the kin.
Even if it was marketed better, Pathologic is anything but a game normalfags would like, especially getting punished for death.
We were simply waiting to rise up once again. Our time has come.
You just answered your own question dumbass.
>posts GAME JOURNALISM BAD for the first time to rile up the autistics enough into buying Pathologic 2
Is it possible to learn this power?
>Get to day 10
>Get second death
>Can't hug no more
>lmao okay whatever
>Day 11
>Can't hug Lara
Go back.
Game journalism is bad, fight me normalfag.
Where in the FUCK did he get a rifle?
>bachelor never ever
All I want is to post in Pathologic threads with 500+ replies again steppebros
we can still have that! we can still have that emshen, just believe.
normies may have let it die but we wont
You have to kill army men for it
i got one day 10-ish when a bandit killed a soldier
lucky find, but i never used it
The big name reviews for this game were unambiguously a fucking disgrace.
They obviously didn't play the game for more than two hours before giving up and writing a review.
This is why games shouldn't have easy modes.
You should not review games unless you have the fucking patience to actually fucking play them.
they both have the same kind of uncompromising stance on their games, where the gameplay is going to serve to illustrate the game's themes regardless of whether it's mechanically fun or not.
that was some shit right there, fuck you Mark you smug pompous ass. maddest I've been at video games in a long time but for once it was for all the right reasons.
Pathologic has had fans on Yea Forums at least since the remaster of the first game.
To be fair, retards like that could steer people away from something like this and for such supporters of the "Games are art" shit, they spit on actual art while celebrating Gone Home as some apex of video game storytelling. Pathologic 2 getting the other two characters is going to also depend on the game selling well so they have actual capital to work with.
bought both pathologic 2 and the void right now (had 1 already)
The comments are full of people saying "fuck game journos I'm buying it". He's tricking them into moving sales out of spite.
"The Slavic Specialty Dish"
>supreme atmosphere
>good grafix
>weird broken stuff
Cheeky bastard.
What did he mean by this?
I wish some big publisher like Microsoft bought IPL. Imagine full blown Cold...
Right, it's only fair for game journos to trick people into buying bad games.
Youtubers tricking people into buying good games is the worst.
And then they complain about hard games and demand developers to have an easy mode in every new game, game journalists are a bunch of faggots and their opinions should be ignored.
Sounds pretty based honestly
Of course, Mandalore's pretty niche so it only suffices that his fanbase would be the type to already hold journos in contempt. The issue is your usual Twitter using normie who may have liked Pathologic 2 if they tried it but only looked at an IGN review calling it "Soulsian Russian Skyrim" and deciding to toss out the notion of buying it. A lot of genres and games end up neglected despite being of high quality due to some people being too lazy to look into it themselves
to play some doubles' advocate here, game reviewing is often done on a tight schedule with little leeway for mistakes and false starts. I can very easily imagine having an entirely different experience with P2 if I was forced to play it on a time limit of like 2-3 days.
that said I entirely agree the big name reviews were a fucking disgrace, RPS in particular was galling with how hard they missed the point.
send out the review copies a week earlier, or god forbid post the review a week later. there's ways around this. but nope, it's gotta be FAST, it's gotta be BRIEF BUT QUOTABLE, and it's gotta distill the whole thing down to a number that barely even means anything since a score below 7/10 is considered trash these days.
>journos shit all over game for being too hard
>IPL caves and adds dozens of sliders for every difficulty option
>journos don't rereview the game or even acknowledge the patch happened
Around release of The Marble Nest they received an offer from Ubisoft at some expo but since Dybowski would lost his position as director he refused.
It's had a small, but dedicated following of anons since at least 09, as far as my memory serves me right.
All he did was retweet Mandalore's video on it.Surprised he made a video on vtmb and fable over pathologic desu.
>Yea Forums youtube man makes review
>4channers want to talk about it
At least we got the best playable character.
In spite of how weird it is, Pathologic doesn't typically lend itself very well to humor, which is what suits sseth's videos.
good on him, there's no point if he doesn't have full control.
bring back the old patron system for the arts, find some rich russkie to give IPL millions to do their thing.
It's possible to get one on Day 11 at the Army Camp, North West section of the map, near the bodies.
Only cost a spine
If you want to laugh, have a look at the dumpster fire of their Ion Maiden review.
Bachelor when? not buying the game until he is in
I want to hug Lara. And fug Yulia.
>IPL contacted him all the way back in December about giving feedback on early builds of 2
So that's why he was in the credits
Never ever since nobody is buying it anyway you fucking educated faggot.
If you don't buy the game he may never be in
I did because I still visit that site out of some long since faded goodwill from that original Pathologic review, and every time I do I'm reminded that none of them know how to play video games.
if you want recs for 2 hour long gay dating sims, holy shit, RPS is the site to visit, but god forbid you want a proper review of anything that requires more skill than "press left click to advance the text".
>im not buying this game that will only add new chapters if the company makes enough money to actually be able to add new chapters.
>sneaking Lawry and scissors into the reviews
I like it
>I want to hug Lara.
Stop dying, then.
t. Mark
>shilldalore gives the game a real positive shilling
>IPL doesn't immediately put the game on sale
this is your chance
>expecting TinyBuild to make a good marketing decision
>they still have to deliver two more routes
>for no additional cost
No really, how?
If they offer PoV Herb Bride facesitting DLC, I'd buy it, but IPL seems to thrive on making suicidal decisions while its fans scream
>I want bachelor before I buy the game
>wtf why did they not add bachelor hoe did they run out of money
>I'm not buying a game that isn't finished
>>weird broken stuff
thats OG pathologic
2 is surprisingly polished (in gameplay)
>>for no additional cost
They said they sell them as DLC if situation with money will be bad
>PoV Herb Bride facesitting DLC
You could just upend a flowerpot on your face for the same experience, and for way cheaper.
Backers get all three routes no matter what. However that depends on if they can get them done, TinyBuild helped them a bit but they did state a few times if the game doesn't do well enough they may need to charge for the other two characters at best or simply not be able to finish the game at worst. Ideally they want Pathologic 2 to be a complete package at a one time cost but they're in a pretty fucked spot right now
The game will never be finished then.
then don't as where Bachelor route, cause of you we won't gonna get it
Not really an argument for buying it since Ice Pick did promise all three characters to begin with.
I've yet to play the original (got the HD version, is that fine?) and Mandy's review makes me want to play Pathologic 2 so much.
I think I'll try it out the coming week.
Shut up Burakh
>making the village idiot the first route
>PoV Herb Bride facesitting DLC
You were saying something user?
Start with Pathologic 2 finish with Classic HD if you would like it
>Tincture seller, I'm going into the Tanners, and I need only your strongest tinctures.
Fuck you Emshen.
Yeah, if you backed the game on KS you'll get them. If the game sells well they'll be added free because they got fucked hard by an economy hit and needed a publisher JUST to get what they had done in any reasonable period of time. Not buying it now only adds to the chance of it either making you pay for the Bachelor and Changeling as DLC OR even worse than that, the game never getting them added.
Don't you go all bossy on me clever clogs
Well Bachelors not from the town so he can't technically be village idiot.
Artemy Vorakh?
Yeah, HD Classic one is the one you want.
You don't *have* to play that first, but it gives you the opportunity to play the outsider character first, and see the events of the game through the eyes of someone who has no idea what they're getting into. 2 puts you in as someone who's relatively familiar with most of the weirder shit, so you kinda lose a little something.
if you're an autist about getting the BEST POSSIBLE EXPERIENCE (TM) out of it, play HD Classic Bachelor first, then 2. if you're not, do whatever seems coolest.
I'm getting hope from this. I don't want to get hurt but it makes me believe.
Baniil Bankovsky
playing coy, are you?
Thanks for the replies.
My computer died and I need to get a new one, but okay I'll buy it ASAP, looks great.
>fingerless gloves
>strikes cool poses
>pretends to be a badass outlaw fighting the Man
>easily buys into Aglaya's bullshit about everyone being puppets
Is Grief a russian chuuni?
Tincture seller
>Bachelor of medicine
>Can't even remember his oath
Bet you’re fun at parties.
Be sure and buy the bull goyim. Don't want the kin to go hungry now do we?
Fucking hbomberguy now too
He's crossing political lines
>Forget that Pathologic 2 is coming out
>See that /ourguy/™ made a video on it
>Going to be without my gayming pc for a year in 5 days
>not enough time to play it
>He's crossing political lines
What do you mean?
Pretty sure Hbomberguy and Mandy are on good terms, I watched his livestream and they were talking together.
500 replies goal for this thread lads
I pronounce W as we, not as double you. Double you is too long, we is short and sweet. V is just vee.
is the money situation really that bad?
i think it looks like fun and i'd buy it if i wasnt broke as shit now
man the original translation has some weirdly great poetic bits mixed in with the complete jumblefuck the rest of it is. only in the early parts of Bachelor though, the other two are pure nonsense.
You did bury papa Isidor right?
What do you even do in this game
What happens if you don't go there? Does he just never get buried? More importantly you did save Grace right?
Please don't forget about buying Pathologic 2 Supporter Bundle™
Is there a secret ending if you save every character like there was in the first game?
Anyone got that fanart some Japanese guy made?
And I'm not talking about the yaoi stuff of the Bachelor
I don't think so
You just get to talk to them all
>like there was in the first game?
dont fucking do this to me, are you telling me there is a secret ending in the original? god fucking damn it, guess I have to redo it AGAIN
I buy games for gameplay and "Walking simulator made by russian artists" seems like it would not have good gameplay.
Is this an incorrect assumption?
>Come home to weird as fuck russian town in ass end of nowhere after spending 5 years studying to be surgeon
>Dad got murdered the night you arrived
>Plague hits town
>Try to surivie plague, keep important npcs and yourself alive
That's the basic gist of it. You do have a specifc group of characters that you are suppose to keep alive no matter what. The original has 3 characters each with their own "bound" but due to financial reasons they released one character, Haruspex first with the idea to release the others after, and his bound are the children who will go on to inherit the town. Game isn't selling well and the devs have gotten quiet so people are worried the other two might never come out.
shank muggers, cut out their organs, sell them on the black market
run out into the steppes and pick dank weeds to brew potions with
run around town like a madman trying to show your nuts to every little girl you can find
willingly trade ammo for food because the latter is far more important and valuable
try and fail to be a good steppedad and keep your kids alive
you could also hoard yourself a big pile of toast and sleep for a week and a half while the town burns around you, it's your call.
Buying the soundtrack and artbook later on would be the same, right?
Did you get a invite to the polyhedron and then the theatre? If so you didn't get everything.
It's better then the originals but it's still not great. Serviceable enough I wouldn't hold it that much against the game considering how good the rest is.
How often walking sims are criticized for brutal difficulty?
Are there explanations for what the black-hooded people are that appear in infected areas? I know the burlap colored ones are just infected people... but who are these ones?
It's got great gameplay that fits what the game is trying to do.
Whether you like that or not is subjective.
You aren't cub anymore BurAKH. Time to grow up.
>is the money situation really that bad?
it's dreadful
It should be. I bought it day one so I don't know.
What was his fucking problem?
An eceleb making a video on it might literally generate more money than launch day
user stop I already want to fly over and share a drink with the crew
After reading an article about one of the writers clipping out bits of newspapers where someone gets assaulted locally over a drunken fight about the real meaning of being loyal to their country, it's been on my bucket list for like a decade now!
>Is this an incorrect assumption?
Yes. It's not a walking simulator.
Have you seen the ending in the Theatre when you can see all three protagonists as the dolls?
There's the polyhedron ending with the sandbox and the super duper secret ending with the devs
>walking simulator
wish this fucking meme would die already
the core gameplay loop of trading, stabbing people, mixing tinctures, looting, and dialogue options is solid, but this is not a game with fun combat or combos or finishers or stuff you're probably thinking of.
the interesting part comes from moment to moment decisions about what you're going to do and how you're going to do it given limited time, resources, and health. choosing to abandon a quest that looks like it'll get you dead in a ditch, or choosing to lose a big chunk of your own resources saving someone else, are what makes this game stand out more than immediate fun in combat, assuming combat is what you meant by gameplay because that seems to be the case for most people.
You are GOING to get fucked by a dude with a knife (blocking won't stop you taking damage since he's just slashing up your arms, not shanking you), and taking on more then 2 people at once is a challenge without a gun, which even then can jam and ammo can get rare and expensive, assuming by gameplay you mean combat.
Black hooded? Do you mean the orderlies?
> it's still not great
it seems to be pretty great user
>the illegal organ market is doing really hot right now
I swear I recall some blogpost someone posted of a dude hanging out with the devs and drinking with them/
no, damn
The black hooded enemies appear in houses with the regular, mummified infected people. Sometimes they also walk the street. They look more necromantic than the usual rag people, they are at least darker colored. I see them only as I f lee from them lol
Rubin is an idiot.
found it, my dude
it's an amazing read, I'd love to share a bottle of good stuff with these people
is this like stalker?
We request you not to believe Snakeman's lies: neither kashks nor tan have ANYTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO with the bull. We don't produce them ourselves either.
I assume he was talking about combat.
I'm genuinely struggling to think of who you mean, except maybe the arsonist's? Then again I found I looted more in districts with the thugs hanging around rather then infected ones, I can just get a bandage if I get stabbed or beaten or sleep, instead of wasting immunity boosters when I have a better alternative to go to for looting since one small mistake and I could easily be infected.
Other then being made by slavs and atmospheric as fuck not really.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you stupid butcher? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in medical school, and I’ve been involved in numerous bar brawls and student protests in the capital, and I own over 300 microscopes. I am trained in the injection of antibiotics, and I’m the top practitioner in the entire Thanatica lab. You are nothing to me but just another test subject. You better run before I take out my scalpel, or you'll need a degree to understand what's happening to you, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit by sending me a letter at 10pm? Think again, cowfucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of drunks across the town and your hideout is being staked out right now so you better prepare for the storm, worm. The storm that makes the Sand Pest look like a light fever. You’re fucking dead, "oynon". I can get anywhere, slowly, and do whatever I want around here, since I'm the only one with a degree in this shithole of a town. I let the Plague infect over 700 people yesterday, just to study it, and the town rulers still gave me full authority and emergency powers. Not only am I extensively trained in the use of revolvers, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Griff's warehouses and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable backwater traditions off the face of the earth, you little primitive. If only you could have followed the lines to deduce what your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have stayed in the fucking abbatoir where you belong. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, and it's three times higher than yesterday. Medicum morbo adhibere. You’re fucking dead, emshen.
redditpill me on this BVLL meme pls im to lazy to search for it
Oh boy.
Another thread about this japanese shovel ware garbage walking sim.
1 was better btw.
>1 was better btw.
Is this actually in the game? Holy shit, it can't be.
How many shawoders do the kids leave you if you leave some shit in the boxes? A chick ran up to me with a note from her daughter, telling me they left some for me?
Stop replying to bait.
>I can get anywhere, slowly,
It's a magic bull, he talks wisdom, buy him
I'm almost 100% sure it's random
>I swear I recall some blogpost someone posted of a dude hanging out with the devs and drinking with them
Bull for sale
Very cheap
Buy it
It's called "influencer". They control people's attention and what they choose to focus on will have others follow.
Go to /vg/ then.
Well, you need to buy a bull if you want to make your own Tan.
You know about Tan, don't you?
It's a delicious drink that quenches both HUNGER AND THIRST!
Straight from the bull!
Plus Lara might like him
Shit, alright. I've been getting really bad rng with that shit, hardly any kids had any or staches I searched so I hope I get lucky. I have just enough to save the kids after the plague decided to fuck me but Maria and Georgiy were also infected and I'm pretty low on herbs.
ultra kekkers
it's like stalker and dead rising had a baby.
She's nuts, let RNJesus take her
Doe's not giving the leash to Lika ever have consequences? You get a leash either way since they just don't take back the one they asked you to give to him.
I thought the same with Anna desu, but she somehow managed to survive 2 nights, so I thought fuck it and gave her some meds.
>watch mandalore video
>Mentions consequences and shit
>Shows the herb bride holding a bull skull
>Cuts to a child at the same spot kneeling beside the skull
Wait, what? Is she the one you see get burned, or the one you find dead on the street that Griefs boys killed?
Maybe sseth could save it.
Anna is way more likeable this time around somehow, even if she's probably equally as fucked up as before.
The new designs look good but Anna Angel looks like an igloo
Think shes some metaphor for the shabnak.
I spotted her in some yard/alley after seeing a bunch of guys run away from the place.
Day later I see the same thing in a different place but with children running away.
Yes, I would love to buy the bull. If you say it talks, I believe you.
I thought it was just another example of the kids playing at adult games. You can find a couple kids pretending to burn a little girl at the same place they burn the herb bride on the first day, they say they're just playing.
Monkey see, monkey do.
When does he actually talk? I only talked to him on day 2, then noticed he was missing and he returned.
Thats a given, but does that explain the bride kissing the skull that everyone runs away from?
He did not talk to you?
Does he go away? I only noticed him change location around the building.
Make sure to keep talking to him over the days
I might have just not tried to talk to him the day he does talk.
I noticed him do that then around day 6-7 I realised I hadn't seen him for a few bit. Then around day 8-9 I came out of the workshop and he was there, and Artemy's dialogue was pretty much "Hey buddy, where have you been hiding?"
fucking hell. what are the chances civvie might make a video about it and about slav jank in general?
Wait what? What happens if you don't?
Mandalore made a video today that's actually generating a lot of interest. I think Civvie would be bored before the first day is over.
I unironically didn't know the game had even released until about 5 days after, when I came on Yea Forums and noticed a pathologic thread.
>games should be art!
>by the way this game that's artsy is too hard, no fun ):
Best track in the game.
>His Murky survived
>He didn't tell Klara to fuck off at every given opportunity
>you will never HOOK AND PULL THE LIES again
>ugh games should be art
>also I should get everything handed on a plate and get instant gratification
What I like about Pathologic is that its designed specifically with the atmosphere and the impression it gives.
But game journalists will dismiss this with their 1-dimensional analysis and compare it to Dark Souls if its hard.
Its as if games can only be “art” if its an interactive cinematic setting, instead of an entirely different medium.
>Not taking on the plague to save your autistic daughterfu
>mandalore hard shilling
Is it really doing that badly?
>devs dropping out
>new characters now a "maybe"
>IGN didn't bother to review it
He's the only thing that could save it now
The absolute state of game journalism
wait is he still alive?
>devs dropping out
I sometimes wish I was filthy rich like Notch.
I would secretly support my favourite struggling literal who devs, buying up thousands of keys and then just anonymously giving them away in threads on Yea Forums during easter and christmas.
Where did you get that information?
One of the writers supposedly left. Not him but haven't seen a sauce for this yet.
What’s Eva’s deal anyway?
Other than being the town bicycle that is.
What surprises me is that Yahtzee didn't jump on it. He gargles on games that use meta and janky conceptual silent hill games AND has been complaining about the summer drought for weeks.
Mandalore? Yeah, he fucked up his back for a while and couldn't do shit.
Me too nigga.
>devs dropping out
It was "only" one dev, Alphyna, lead translator/co-writer for Pathologic 2. It's a shame that she left because she was giving a lot of backstage info about IPL.
Any of you all read this yet?
I fail to see the point of the remaster, Classic HD was released fairly recently and runs perfectly fine on modern systems. I've owned it for a while but never fully dived in, I'm just going to play through that instead paying $35 for better graphics and 1/3 of the game
Now now discussing the game is all great and good but I'm going to need r34 of the witches or whatever the fuck they are called
It's not really a remaster. It's more like reimagining with better gameplay and some new story lines.
Yeah, our boy had an accident or somethin
It's not a remaster, more like weird remake/sequel thing. Some basic story and gameplay concepts are the same but everything else is different.
>he is a retard who let his steppekid die
>he didnt treat ''Klara'' differently depending on which one he was talking to
No no no user, you should save her and her husband, they are good people. And Grace needs loving surrogate parents.
You mean Katerina and Alexander Saburov?
>Dabskowski is mad af
>Alphyna bounced
>IPL haven't posted an official update of any kind in ages
>sales were pitiful
>they apparently don't even have the money to fulfill the physical backer items from Kickstarter, so any and all sales profit is going to that, first
I also want to believe, but I still have my head screwed on, guys.
>disappearing NPCs still haven't been patched
The shitbird that did the RPS review actually did a second review, after the ezmodo patch.
The tl;dr was "Yeah, this game is interesting, but it's too hard." Nothing functionally changed about his review.
the mental image of a pathologic game made by ubisoft is enough to make me sick
The credits was for backers. You know this was mostly funded by a Kickstarter campaign, right?
No that’s a separate special thanks section
Vorakh looks so depressed.
He's just got awful posture
She's a depressed arthoe.
To be clear: I don't know if that's IPL's intentions. But she's a ditzy blonde that's half-naked and talks unironically about stargazing.
She was constantly trying to fuck big-city dandy Chadchelor in the first game, too.
The bachelorfag in all it's retarded glory everyone...
Bachelor was so obnoxious she killed herself after a week
tbdesu I haven't paid attention to anything Yahtzee's done in years, he got stale
>/ourguy/ SulMatul
holy heckin based
There's already enough pandering to homosexuals in current year.
It's funny since the review of the first game that's hosted on RPS and was written somewhere around 2008 is probably the best review for Pathologic.
They're going for latin I think.
That's a big part of why everyone was so incensed by that specific review. It's a baffling about-face.
They have a funeral pyre I think I remember seeing a screenshot ages ago.
>she already has a new job
Th-this hurts.
God I was missing these threads. Also don't buy the bull it fucks Lara on day 8 if you do. She does it, as she thinks it helps her stay healthy despite the plague.
To be fair, tan is objectively the best probiotic in the game, and a direct GI infusion is the most efficient immunity booster out there.
I was almost able to save everyone on my first attempt, only one of architect brothers died on my watch. And only because I was a shmowder jew. Then I finished the game with like 6 shmowders still in my inventory and I felt bad for that guy.
I really do wish their publisher at least helped in any way to push pathologic 2. They should've marketed it as something like getting over it with great writing. Anything to get its name out there.
They're one of my favourite indie studios that consistently make games I enjoy. ;_;
So, uh, is the bull a good investment /biz/? I keep thinking it's bait.
Okay, but how many shmowders did you have in the waning hours of the day he died?
If that answer is greater than 0, you're a bad person.
>300 rapidly-deflating shekels
It doesn't matter. May as well buy it, anyways.
Guys can we talk about the most important thing about this game?
What did it all mean? What was your interpretation of the game? What does the town stand for, what does the Polyhydron stand for? Why is the game so meta and upfront about everything? What was it´s ultimate message ?
How did you get this good ?
Need to do a second run
It's a love story.
Life sucks but it has it's moments.
>having an ultimate meaning
lmao check out the artbook dude
>since the remaster of the first game
The steppe people are literal ant people, Boos Vlad did nothing wrong.
Hbomberguy is one of the biggest SJWs on youtube
And Mandy is fine with him from what I've seen on his livestreams.
I guess he isn't /yourguy/ anymore.
FUCK the Polyhedron
I was sitting on 4 schmowders, and I wanted to use on on him the next day as I was sure his district was going to get hit by plague at midnight again. He got killed by unlucky roll tho
I was hunting for kids to trade schmowders with like a wild animal. Even while I was moving from one quest location to another I was scavenging every single bin in search of tradable shit.
Also there's a metagame trick - you can reset kids around playgrounds if you go far away from it, and then come back. Do it enough times, and you will eventually start seeing kids carrying schmowders.
I think it’s more everyone in gayman YouTube respects Mandalore for being genuine and making videos on whatever he wants so they’re drawn to people like like and Sseth compared to lootbox shills
Why didn't you just reload the save? What in the actual fuck?
Well, I wanted to accept the consequences of my decisions. The game felt better that way. I remember other anons were playing it like that too. I took a risk and I paid the price. Moreover to save schmowders I risked with way more lives than just Stamatin's, and because I decided I won't be rolling back on my decisions every midnight felt really meaningful and stressful.
The void had a meaning. But Path 2 doesn't have a meaning, it has a question. It's essentially the question asked at the end of the theatre sequence at the end of the game but extended to the entire game.
end of the FIRST game
I meant to say
Why does Katerina get so shit on?
She's one of the most tortured people in the Town. That comment isn't just a quip.
Some of the shit you learn from touching items is pretty interesting.
Whats the question?
So why did time speed up when the inquisitor arrives?
Her hanging out in there all day (And I guess Grief as well) is fucking with it producing time.
I hate doomposting, but I dont know if we're gonna make it bros
Why do you want to play this?
But how does a Cathedral make time? Unless it's just a hint at the giant hour glass
end of day 3, fucking peter stamatin gets infected even though his meter was hella high; the chick avoided infection though. should i save scum? had a save an hour before midnight, just have to do that death house mission again
I'll buy it, but I'm pissed of about the first game. I wanted to finish it before I bought the sequel. After 50 hours I still haven't finished bachelor, it's interesting but is gonna take forever to finish all characters.
There's a structure right next to it that's defying gravity nigga, don't think too hard about it.
From what I've heard in previous threads, the rolls are actually determined much earlier, so you'll just get the same result.
Just get shmowders. Infected isn't dead.
>he didn't save murky, go home, drank the freshly baked panacea and dabbed on the palgue
>he didn't save all the children + childhood friends
You don't know the lines
Don't bother, I've been testing it and it seems for some characters it just doesn't matter what you do. It does change since when I first played Anna got infected but Peter didn't only for the opposite to happen next time, but whether it's set in stone from the beginning of a run or day I don't know. All I know is I tested it and
>Sometimes characters just don't get infected no matter what
>Sometimes giving them something for their immunity prevents it
>Sometimes that doesn't do shit and they get infected no matter what you do
I recall testing this once where no matter what Big Vlad always got infected on one day regardless of what I did.
>He didn't take a firebomb to the face on the way back and get cured
lol get on my level emshen
>not testing the panacea ASAP to laugh on the dumb plague's face the first chance you get
step it up oynon
That mechanic makes no sense. It has to be a bug.
Looks like comfy Pathologic threads are back on the menu.
>nothing makes sense
Don't try to understand, just cure plague.
I already had it on Steam. When I learned that the game isn't selling well I bought it again on gog. I love the series and want IPC to succeed. I hope they do well enough for a part 2.
The HD version of 1 is on sale on GOG, should i pull the trigger bros?
It's talking about the player, isn't it?
>nothing makes sense
Someone called in the Culters?
Sure. Pathologic [2] is far better though.
Got it backwards user
fair enough
Backwardsly backwards even.
>post-agalya conversations with grief
>Game wants you to care about a bunch of kids
>Actually makes the kids likable and makes you care about them
How many games do this? Not gonna lie talking to each kid after they got infected hit me in the feels.
Olon zuun jeley urda te'e hunde ubshen shulu'un de'egu'ur ebakha, you little Mara? I'll have you know I was made Menkhu of the Khantage™, and I've been involved in numerous quarantines in the Town-on-Ghorkon, and I have over 300 confirmed treatments. I am trained in the Lines and I'm the top Oynon in this entire place. You are nothing to me but just another body. I will empty you the fuck out with precision dissection the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about me over the Districts? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of butchers across the Termitary and your location is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and all it will cost me is a fingernail. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Bad Grief and I will use it to its full extent to hound your ass back to the Capital, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comments were about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn dandy. I will pour blood all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, Daniil.
Based and steppepilled
>telling NPCs that they aren't NPCs even though you know that the game is acknowledging them as NPCs because you're not sure how much you want to stay "in character" or whether "in character" means being Artemy or being the player
I just played it as Artemy not giving a shit with his whole "Any choice is right as long as it's willed" shit.
i was a wreck after seeing murky's dialogue..
god fucking damn it i want bachelor so hard
>put birbs on desk for a while
>come back
>they somehow started pathologic 2
what does it mean Yea Forumsros?
can Yea Forums redpill me? this game is my GOTY and ive known about it for a couple years, having played like half of bachelor's route beforehand, it was just so hard to follow all the themes and what was going on, i still have questions that i completely forgot the answer too like how it all started in the first place, why the kin were locked in, etc. etc.
but god dman, it was so FUCKING GOOD, i can twait for sul matul to make a video explaining everything so i can appreciate all the themes and messages and allegories better, cause im too autistic to get any of it right now, what the fuck do you mean by the cathedral produces time, georgiy? what the fuck?
I think pathologic devs think people are intelligent
Sliders aren't going to cut it, it's a fucking slider man, too difficult for normal people, it needs to be a binary option, and hell forbit it's too many binary options, some preset difficulties should have been done even, thinking on the most retarded possible guy as the easiest option
I think the devs don't understand why some people play survival games, it's back to dayz, it's not about survival at all, it's about looting some OP shit that will make 'seem' that you have an edge, and the gambling aspect that you may not get it at all and still win over someone who has the edge, that's the dopamine binge, there is actually a lot of different types of survival players, those who actually care about ironman tough decision survival stuff, others who just care about persistence, others who care about the dopamine binge from looting and the edge
I really enjoy the feeling of everything going to shit because of the plague but it's waay too highbrow for 99% of the people who play who are dumb as shit and don't even know where their satisfaction come from so if they feel the game is unfair their pain receptors activate in their brain because they don't realize it's a fucking video game done to make you feel in a certain way and become self-aware about that
A lightweight only-story mode should have been added for most people desu
You and your birbs have good taste.
>what the fuck do you mean by the cathedral produces time, georgiy? what the fuck?
im still too autistic
#1 steppedad is the way to play this
save the kids at all costs
friendly PSA since i dont see much chatter about it
the STEAMDB page for pathologic 2 suggests a marble nest remake coming soon-ish, with expanded features based on the current-engine
there hasnt been an offical announcement yet but stay tuned, im excited to play this kino 2 hour-long demo again.
An udurgh
An organism.
>it's back to dayz
The gunfights and looting is nice, but the survival and interactions are mandatory and might be the best thing in it.
I don't get the people only in it to loot n' shoot.
>what is a town?
A miserable pile of organs
I think they know that but they don't care. They're not making a game to give you a dopamine binge, they're making a game that stresses you out hard enough that you actually have to make some hard decisions, so that you can see for yourself the kind of person you'll be when you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. They don't give a fuck about how fun it is as long as it makes you feel something.
We already have enough games about giving you quick shots of feel-good. One or two games like this that don't are more than welcome in my eyes.
Well, we didn't deserve a game as good as this, so I'm happy they at least pulled through and gave us the Haruspex, plus I'm absolutely amazed at how well it turned out.
Blame the fucking casual shitters and garbage games journalists.
alright.. makes sense considering the abattoir, this part of the conversation i understood, i think.
There is a reason why the game is now gaining popularity again now that the gun mods appeared, the unlimited stamina and the traders came back in
don't get me wrong, i really like roguelike ironman games, and pathologic is even better because it puts some drama and context to all of it in a really good way, but most of the money would have come from people just trying a walking simulator enjoying the dialogue and the npc interaction in the first place not the hardcore ironman population
yes, like the polyhedron, or fucking with time, i guess
>Pathologic doesn't typically lend itself very well to humor
>unlimited stamina and the traders came back in
Yeah, every big streamer/youtuber I saw going back to it is playing with that stuff enabled.
Funny thing was when the unlimited stamina mod was broken, and meant you could do infinite stunlocks by spamming heavy melee attacks on others, and these idiots that don't even know how the different systems interact with each other and don't bother with vanilla to learn the ropes blamed it on the devs.
I hope they don't try to cater to that crowd, keep developing better modding tools for them sure, but make the vanilla game as harsh as possible.
>been excited for this game since it was announced
>played all characters in first game
>had it installed since release
>haven't played past day 2 the week of release
What is wrong with me
It's made explicit by the game. It's the entire reason the arsonists exist. the time a metaphor for the town degrading? because of the plague? why does it move faster then?
its not a bug its been in there since the first game, its why they're there in the first place, to burn out plague
>51 playing 25 min ago
>71 24-hour peak 1
do you people just shitpost about this game but not play it?
It took me 2 times to get into it enough to actually finish it. As much as I liked it I just wasn't really in the mood for a game like Pathologic at the time, so I just played other shit (Stalker, Rimworld, StarSector) until I was in the mood to come back to it.
>Go to check on Grace with Peter
>One of the options while talking to her is Artemy telling her once it's all over she can stay with him if she wants
>tfw actually really didn't like not being able to check on the kids myself when Khan won't let you up the polyhedron
This game did a great job making good child characters.
The cathedral is normally empty while it produces time. Then Algya comes into town and sets up shop in there, clearly fucking with the process somehow.
It's a single-player game with little replayability. Everyone interested played it to death week of release, which you would already know if you had paid attention to Pathologic 2 threads at the time, you catalog vermin.
Do you guys think the developers are really doing as bad as you guys are saying? I mean, the core fans probably bought the fucking game, right? That's at least 25000 or something sold. I have 50 hours in it.
Grace is a good girl and deserves all the headpats she can handle.
steamspy says anywhere between 20000-50000, thats not good. it probably isnt 50k, a lot of copies were discounted (pre order and for owning classic hd)
keep in mind kickstarter funding was around 300k plus more with publishing
>not really excited for this game
>didn't even finish the Bachelor in P1
>installed on release day with no intention of playing
>literally can't stop playing this fucking game. Currently doing fifth playthrough
What the fuck is wrong with me. This game is fucking addictive. I just want to stop. Fuck.
How the fuck do you change this at this point? I know casuals won't touch this shit but I've never expected that they will, I think there's plenty of boomers who'd enjoy a game that's both fair and challenging, not to mention interesting.
the core fans got a backer copy for free and they needed the money from the people who purchased the game to start working on the backer rewards
having only played the first half of bachelors run, 2 is infinitely better and ive beaten it twice, love it, cant wait for bachelor if it happens
i dont know, they didnt market it very well, i didnt see tinybuild pushing it that much, they sent it out to a few youtubers who played classic hd, gameranx even played it (but they're sort of like casuals, i will say they at least treated the game better than the journos did)
grimbeard and mandalore played classic hd so they naturally got copies, i didnt see much conversation stir from grimbeard but mandalore is pretty big, having some videos that have reached a million views, and it spawned this thread and now patho 2 is in (last time i checked today) page 3 of global top sellers? which is even better than launch.
but yeah, right now its kinda in the shitter for sales.
I'm Mandalore and if you don't like my threads then I'm going to be upset.
You deceiver injecting truths betwixt your lies to trick user
Plague, no plaguing!
Will do user. Will do.
You know that the game's a fucking GOTY if there are anons willing to shill it for free.
Does the game still run like total ass? I played the beta and it was really rough
Is it worth buying the revolver? is it viable to shiv that guy and take it since everyone already hates me? I don't recall it being in the first game but i played it years ago.
>we could get lunch
Not fucking likely.
Make your decisions. Stop trying to metagame on the first playthrough, you vermin.
>Make your decisions
Probably should, i was just curious if that was an option since i had to stop playing for the day.
Your rep will go back to normal after a bit but you'll still take the rep hit from anything you do during that time, so it's not worth it. The Revolver isn't really worth it imo, it's not great condition so it'll jam unless repair and you'll need ammo as is. It can take out someone in two shots or a headshot. Just use stealth (C by default iirc) and get up behind guys and beat the fuck out of them.
TL;DR save your money for more useful shit
agreed, you can go the entire game without a revolver, just get a knife and repair it and youre all good, in my two playthroughs i never got a gun, ever. i mean i got a rifle off a dead body but never even used it.
its really not necessary unless youre bandit-farming
No need to rush it user, the guy tells you he'll have it for two more days.
>tf2 no 300 iq autistic russian gf
inquisitor > plague-spreading dumbass
I did have the gun on my 2nd run and found it got me out of a few binds and was really useful for killing the 3 guys in Griefs place, and I got lucky anyway and one started attacking his own men for some reason.
>told her I wasn't fucking going because I wasn't abandoning the town
Dumbass bitch.
So wait, are the other 2 characters no uncertain? I thought Icepick was dedicated to releasing them. Did something happen?
oh that? i mean i just reloaded a save after they fucked me, i mean it was probably useful for that but i realized grief was a total bitch after he tricked me on day 6 i believe it was when he said we were gonna blow up the tracks, its not really too important to the quest
>I listen to the OST when I go running
I'm the most baste person in this thread. You have no idea how well it helps me embrace the misery of running in the hot sun.
>Did something happen?
game isnt selling well
What happened is that nothing happened. No announcements, no updates, The Dablord Himself is upset about the way things have gone, and /ourgirl/ left IPL.
It's all of the concerns from release, but amplified a hundredfold because NOTHING HAS HAPPENED AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH
I want a Big Vlad derivative. "You exist, that means you have huge ability to be exploited."
Which will we get first: Clara's campaign, or a public Bannerlord single-player early access / beta release?
gimme a background, I'll do it.
Be patinent user.
>/ourgirl/ left IPL
She left because there's probably everything written already.
But that's the hard part!
And it's a good thing, because she is an e-celeb trash caring more about her own exposure over the game. Good riddance.
fuck off, alphyna
>She left because there's probably everything written already.
Oh, you poor, delusional idiot.
Let me guess, you're probably lamenting that Meethos and SpaceLaika left too.
Don't even know who that is.
>concept artist
That would make sense.
Do people really only care about alphyna and no one else? Meethos is an art director and a concept designer, SpaceLaika is a concept artist.
My offer's still on the table. I'll check the thread out in a few hours, and you steppeniggers better give me a suitable screenshot by then.
Alphyna knows English and directly interacts with fans outside of whatever strange, murky places Russians hide. Meethos credits basically everything he does, so his name inevitably crops up.
It's she. She is a 40 y.o. jewess larping a bishounen on the internets. She is the deeper female voice here
I really shouldn't enjoy one song so much, but sweet fucking god its execution in the prologue was perfect.
Trying to talk down soldiers mass-executing infected civies in (you)r doomed town with DARKNESSS playing in the background shouldn't feel so thematically perfect
>Yea Forums is having chest pain
Is there any merch of the game
There was. Last I checked, stock was down to, like, a notebook and a sticker, something like that.
Oh fuck she has a blog.
Check out the boardgame if you actually have irl friends who can meet once every other week
Too late. They closed their doors this May.
Thanks for making me even sadder, asshole.
Is it essentially a tabletop RPG, with a long-running campaign?
I vaguely recall them leaving the doors open, saying they might, some day, restock, but that it was only tentatively dead.
that intro was kino, such an atmospheric opening + the train ride
To make you even sadder, nah, it's a one and done. From what I recall four players take the role of
>Sand Pest
and Protagonists try to protect their Bound from the Pest
That does make me wonder how a fucking Pathologic tRPG would even work out though
Boomers really be like
LOL!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!
Damn, I wonder what else they sold. Keyrings, pins or some meme stuff perhaps
My regular (2) friends don't have the IQ to play boardgames, and the ones that do are too annoying
Just don't reply, I can't even make out what the hell he's trying to say
you are 100% correct. I only played the original, but all you do is walk from person to person occasionally killing some ninjas so you can buy food/medicine.
post kino screenshots
I was waiting for it to come to ps4, but now I'm worried it's not gonna make it there
>low IQ
They don't need to play well, as long as you all play and have fun, that's all that matters! Brainlets stumble their way into effective strategies with enough time or a nudge anyway
can't imagine this game on consoles considering the game still has performance issues
It's fucking sold out everywhere, even in the russian stores
PROTIP: Invest in a gaming PC. It'll be the best vidjer-related decision you've ever made.
That's not kino.
Imagine frivolously bumping with an animefag reaction image to an imagined absurdity while shitposting.
Shame on you.
Imagine not wanting to bump one of the few threads on the board about videogames, and not even making the shitpost contextual
Go pick some herbs you whore, then get fucked up with the Stamatins before trying to work out a support structure for the next retarded building
enough with this embarrassing shilling, russian drumpftard
So who the fuck was this guy supposed to be or represent?
He's the Plague, when he wants to appear in cognito but still speak to people.
That was made obvious several times over.
nuh uh, he's Death itself
he mentions his work is in the line of collecting people, he runs the Dead item shop and expresses an interest in dead things, there's a line about infected people that says Death plays dice with their lives and the very first thing you do on meeting him is play dice, the train you're on with him is carrying nothing but a million coffins, etc. etc.
The Plague is that one executor that taunts you every once in a while, shows you the creepy vision of all your kids being hung, and comes to talk smack whenever you brew up potions.
So who is the rat prophet (the floating one with the glowing eyes, not the theater one) supposed to be then? Just a malevolent spirit?
i dont really have any context on the circumstances of this game's production but 35 USD for an unfinished game is chickenshit. Irrefutable.
Don't worry, user
Mandalore is here to save it
>comes out of a coffin
>wants to meet your father
>secret he shares with you is being afraid people will shun him and lock their doors
He's either another representation of the plague like the orderly is, or simple Death themselves.
It's still about 20-25 hours to finish the 1 of 3 characters that got released.
>$35 game
>for a 30 hour playthrough, not counting other playthroughs for the multitude of different choices and endings
They may have not launched the game with all the content they intended, but the content that's there is complete in its entirety and satisfying to play through.
Prove it Mandy
Wait, what? They left too?
>Go to sleep at around 100 replies
>Wake up to see the thread almost reaching 500
I should do another run but with bandit and soldier farming
Considering the previous game this one feels more fleshed out and complete despite only having the Haruspex available.
The game is complete from start to end and functionally works as its own game.
You’re treating it like its early access garbage, when its very clearly contains all the features they intended for this one character.
>in the Steppe, picking some herb
>turn around
>some woman in the fog chasing me
>jump and shout like a bitch
How do these fuckers always know where to find you?
They spawn around you out of thin air. Have had it happen to me with various messengers.
Its a complete experience
Video is on the front of the games ribbit. It might unironically be saved from this.
How do I get through this game? I really love the atmosphere and the story is interesting but its so hard to get money for basic shit you need like food. Like you have to know exactly what you are doing from day one and maximize every step you take along the way.
its too demanding in menial shit like having to look in evey trashcan you pass in order to accumulate trash to sell which takes away from the focus of the story and atmosphere.
This but unironically, I really want the other 2 routes.
There was one time a slender man wearing dark clothes started chasing me while I was in combat. I got out of the district and avoided the actual combatants, but didn't realize this guy, still chasing me, was just a messenger. Took a fingernail boat, hoping to despawn him before he could hit me.
Spawned next to me on landing. Damn near shit myself when the dialogue screen came up.
He still suffer if he sit trought, he mentioned it was hard as fuck even just sitting trought and finishing the video.
Honestly his luck on this was really abymisal.
>Muscles so tight they were about to hurt the vertebrae and the nerves.
>give him relaxant to prevent the damage
>they were so tight, they were blocking spinal fluit from leaking and found out he actually had a severe herniated disc.
Don't sell every item for money, focus more on barter (especially with kids) and "hobo economy".
There's your first problem. Barter is more important.
>its too demanding in menial shit like having to look in evey trashcan you pass in order to accumulate trash to sell which takes away from the focus of the story and atmosphere.
I'm going to let you in on a secret. Well, it isn't really a secret, NPCs constantly tell you this, as do the loading screens, the mindmap, the devs themselves, and literally everyone every time this point comes up.
You ready for the spicy non-secret?
That tension, and the decisions you make as a result of it, IS the "focus of the story and atmosphere". When you choose to avoid going through an infected district to immunize people because you'd run out of immunity boosters on the last in-danger NPC and don't want to risk getting infected, you are literally doing exactly what the game wants and expects you to do. When you skip an interesting quest because you're literally starving and need every last waking moment finding food, you are playing the game as intended.
If you absolutely must bitch out, use the difficulty sliders that were added post-launch. Just be aware that, if you lower the difficulty too much, you WILL ruin the game for yourself by making it into a brainless walking sim with performance issues and bugs. You will hate every minute of it and feel nothing for any of the characters, because why would you? The only effort you exerted was putting yourself through the tedium of walking from point A to B to C to etc.
I should write a copypasta making this argument.
>money for basic shit you need like food
Ideally you should never be buying food after the first day nor should you be selling trash. Each NPC type will trade certain useful items for certain trash items. For example, kids will trade food for nuts, which can be bought cheaply. Learn who trades what and you can survive without ever entering a store. Make sure to do the hospital quest everyday and keep your reputation high. The Town Hall fund will give you money and food at the end of every day.
Also, listen to .
When characters tell you to stop playing detective and do your job as a doctor, they're talking to the player as much as Burakh.
I just started playing this game, currently in day 2, and I was curious and nervous about a few things.
Does time progress in dialogue menus? I usually take my sweet time reading through what people are saying, and often re-reading it since I have slight OCD tendencies, but I'm always nervous I'm wasting valuable time doing so.
Similarly, does time progress when you hit escape and are in the options menu (but not main menu) Sometimes I'm thirsty or need to go to the bathroom but I'm paranoid I'm wasting the day doing so so I've been holding it in or parching myself so far.
This game is already making me a crazy person and the plague shit hasn't even gone down yet.
Time doesnt progress in menus or in dialogue, but it does when you’re looting.
So you better watch your back once the plague hits.
No. No.
Enjoy the ride.
Time also stops when interacting with your own inventory, but not when interacting with a container, IIRC. So plan your shit BEFORE you move things around.
Time only passes when looting. Talking, trading, and dissecting, esc, inventory pauses the game.
Yes. 3000 is not that much early on if you play your cards right and there's a way to be shitting out bullets without trading much for them. Hint: drink twyrine often and check children's caches, they often have fingernails and bullets.
>that hunger meter
Kino. I too almost died of hunger from listening to the longer theatre scenes.
Yeah I'm retarded as hell.
>Katerina screams at buildings from the inside
>Maria thinks certain buildings are retarded and wants them demolished for no reason other than "I don't like how this one looks", she's also a massive bitch
>Capella likes roleplaying as her mother
>you're hungry for stale bread, someone shanked you twice, and now you have to deal with this bullshit too
I forgot how the bachelors run was, but is Maria still a bitch after she falls in love with him?
She does? The last time I played Bachelor was like a year ago, and it honestly seemed more like she was manipulating him to create a better version of the town on the other side of the river.
I see. I can handle the exhaustion aspect of the game but the food part still sucks though.
just be glad food doesnt spoil as well
Just tested it again. Talked to someone, afk'd a bit and came back. Time didn't pass.
Food isn't even the biggest problem if you're not a brainlet, I was never in any danger of getting my hunger bar filled and I played through the game twice. The biggest issue is time and stamina management, and later on herb/tincture management for the potentially infected. If you don't want to fuck up hard later on, I suggest you stockpile and fill out as many water bottles as you possibly can, shit gets fucking hectic fast.
If you're running short on food you're probably not doing enough bartering or searching around. And if you're having issues with this, you'll get fucked over later once shit hits the fan hard.
literally me when i see my waifu Capella
How does it make you feel that Khan gets to bang this every night?
She's a fictional character so it doesn't really make me feel that much. There are women who look like her in Europe though, she's kinda realistic looking.
why can't I save her bros
Same reason you can't save real-life Marion Silver's.
harlots dont need salvation
She lives in Haruspex's route in P2 tho, unless you somehow got her ass infected and didn't cure her
He posted a screenshot of The OG Title, though.
She’s brain dead
She jumps because she's retarded, I've embraced the new slavic P2 hotness.
>only one sock
what a slut
Yeah, the sock is kinda weird, it's not really hot as much as modern socks are
Grace best kid
Cappela best girl
Bachelor best protag
They do have the same energy
>bought Pathologic HD a few months ago
>never got around to playing it
>now this came out
>no money, because poorfag
guess I'm finally start playing HD
Is there any way to disable the fire lighting? I play on a potato and wherever there's fire my framerate dies completely.
The abattoir was so unplayable I had to enable cheats or I couldn't fight at all. But when I went there on a dream (there were torches but their orangish light was disabled) it run "fine". I also have to flee from flamethrower people because every time they shoot I have time to go make some coffee.
>illicit gambling
>game runs fine in a dream
I don't know why I have the exact opposite problem. Which is a lie, of course, I have terrible performance everywhere, but five times worse in the dreams.
I watched a review of it and it looks even better than the first one.
>470 posts
It's been a pleasure acting together
>Listening to Katerina ever
Put your ear to some worn out sandals, and you'd have faster answers. She's old, incompetent, and doesn't actually have the sigh!
What a stupid actor
>agreed, you can go the entire game without a revolver, just get a knife and repair it
Just farm lockpicks nigga I had my closet full of twyre and lockpicks fuck knives.
Thank you Twitter drawfag
I bought the game and am installing it now, ganbatte Slavbros
Eyyy cyka
Hope lives
Do you play with everything on low like me? Maybe if not at low dreams have some fx or something.
For me it's just the fire. The rain lowers my framerate a little too but the fire makes it completely unplayable. It took me almost an hour with immortality and increased speed to complete the abattoir. My laptop was boiling.
he is literally re ddits new totalbiscuit.
Then we live another night
He said a lot of initial funding for IPL came from money he had lying around from playing poker, adding that he was very good at it and very glad he got out early
it won't. not with 200k views on a single video. you need a shit ton and I mean a shit ton of e-celeb vids with >200k views to generate a substantial amount of sales. most people watch these types of reviews for:
1. the entertainment value
2. in jokes in case they've played the game
barely anyone watching such videos is going to actually buy it, maybe like 1% or 2% of the viewers best case scenario, and after that you need to remember that some of them actually mean ill and will leave positive reviews, or won't like the game and refund it
t. game dev
Is that the full pic?
Sseth revived Starsector a few weeks ago with a ton of sales and this video has tons of comments of people saying they’re buying/bought it. I think it’s not going to top a chart but it’ll make a significant difference when their sales were so horrible.
Dunno, what's image search say?
>a ton of sales
[citation needed]
>tons of comments
1k comments out of 990k views is not a ton
>make a significant difference
it might help but it won't be a significant difference
You'll find that 1k is quite literally a ton.
StarSector is unknown, doesn't have the massive not-fun-to-play shackle IPL games have, and its sales aren't directly funding the games completion.
Also, your understanding of volume is laughable.
Which is the truth or lie i can never tell.
IPL is also Russian and their economy/wages are in the shitter. A new influx of foreign dollars even from a video a not giant eceleb made could fund some months of work.
not before every backer got the shit they were promised
U wot m8?
I respect that user
Remember Vlad?
Me neither...
But everyone are puppets
It's literally all lies, with an arguable exception for the bull. Did you even play the game?
Town is a process and so is a man as he said. Moving faster means it will die quicker
Nigger what. Mandalore is goon to the bone, you'd know it if you actually understood what I'm talking about
Nigger what. Mandalore is goon to the bone, you'd know it if you actually understood what I'm talking about
Hark! What villainy is this?
>tfw want to try the game, because of all the threads I see, but whenever I try to play it, I feel dumb as fuck and lost and confused
How does it feel knowing that ipl is pretty much done for?
At best we'll get the other 2 routes, but the chances of a brand new original game that's on the scale of pathologic/the void is almost 0
I hate this
That's the game doing what it's supposed to do. The situation is awful and chaotic and unpredictable, you're supposed to feel lost and confused.
It hurts, but I will persist.
Everything I love dies anyway.
we did it lads
You weren't joking. When the fuck did normies start watching mandalore?
>this retarded shut-in thinks Yea Forums's tangential e-celebs are even remotely underground
PROTIP: the reason Reddit gets so much attention here isn't because Reddit is popular, but because there is heavy comorbidity between Yea Forums and Reddit usage.
Do we make a new thread? I don't want it to end and this is also a peak time to generate more interest in our play.
I'm fine with that as long as I get the other two characters. I don't know enough about the cold to really be upset about it.
His most popular videos have over a million views, do you think those are all exclusively Yea Forums users?
Are you this much of an invertebrate without the guise of anonymity?
>there is heavy comorbidity between Yea Forums and Reddit usage
stop projecting
Had a quick look at the thread, mostly people saying the games good and shitting on the journos being mad that that the art game isn't easy as fuck or cinematic like God of war.