>Each decade has fewer characters than the last
When will we reach zero?
Each decade has fewer characters than the last
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Who are you quoting?
Most of the characters in the 10’s should never have been added, strange that decade has most of the hated characters
>Nintendo stopped innovating after the 90s
the shock
I never really realized that until this post, but most of the bad additions to Smash are 10s characters. It should really just be Inkling Isabelle and maybe Shulk
Inkling, Shulk and Joker are all ok in my book. SMT/Persona is actually relevant to gaming history unlike Casual Crossing.
>yoshi and any hero in Smash from the 80s
spot the retard
into the trash it goes
Erdrick is 1988.
Fucking dumbass.
Braindead retarded fuckhead take. For the time it released, the original Animal Crossing was a much more interesting kind of game than a typical braindead turn-based RPG with a self insert protag that's 50% harem shit.
>most of 00s character are shit
>all 10s characters are shit
Boomers were right all along.
sorry I didn't know Japan got DQ3 4 years before the US.
I'm still right about Yoshi
Robin, Shulk, Inkling, Isabelle, and Joker are fine
yeah whatever virgin
Shulk, Inkling, and Robin are great choices. And no matter how you feel about them Pokemon reps are a kind of given though I wish they would branch into things that aren't starters. Joker you can debate thanks to his SMT connection. Everyone else kind of just falls into the you should have been a voiced pallet swap or the why are you here? categories.
>7 animes who look exactly alike
this is the problem. i don't mind anime - i like anime. i like when anime has something to like about it, though.
that's 7 fucking spiky haired cunts. if i had to pick one out of a lineup of spiky haired cunts, i'd be completely incapable. link? boom, that's link. samus? that's samus - no mistaking that. ken and ryu? yeah, i can see them. that's them, right? i never played those fucking games, but i still know who they are.
it's not because it's anime, it's because it's trash character design.
if you want faggot ass anime characters, at least pick good ones. like jp from redline. saitama. fucking, kenshiro. something GOOD. a character that is recognizable, likable, and not a faggot ass spiky haired edgelord twink.
Wow its almost like characters with actual legacies take priority over new, fotm characters! Shocker!
>Joker you can debate thanks to his SMT connection
I'd argue that, even though Persona itself is connected to SMT, absolutely nothing Joker actually brought to Smash is (in fact it's barely connected to Persona as a whole, it's almost entirely 5).
Maybe if Joker had brought SMT references, then sure. But he didn't, so he shouldn't be in.
I'm not even a Nintendo faggot but dude clearly Animal Crossing is relevant to gaming history, what the fuck.
never, in fact I can think of more characters to add from the 10s than 00s
Fair, though personally I don't mind him. Plus he gave us this so I can't really complain.
>SMT/Persona is actually relevant to gaming history unlike Animal Crossing.
what does anime actually look like
Sequels, user. Doesn't mean creativity is lost, just means that it's being put into sequels using old characters.
Seriously, Shulk, Robin, and Joker are the only generally well received characters in there.
And that's why we have Villager.
Isabelle is a failed shill attempt that went over so poorly Animal Crossing Switch got delayed to overwrite her major role.
Rosterfags are not the majority of the smash audience.
What do you expect people bitch like hell that Nintendo rehashes over and over but when they make a game with an entirely different setting and style they still get bashed for making a uninspired "X clone" of there popular franchises.
Its not like other companies don't get this stick aswell but since Nintendo has dabbled in virtually every single genre they can't escape it.