Updated my journal

Updated my journal.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why did he look like that anyways?

He was one of the dead horse ghouls who saw Ulysses.

It's explained if you played the game.
Basically he's immortal and have died or anhero lots of times before.

when you've been reanimiated at least 5 times you tend to get a little gross

How did TNO grow an arm?

I couldn't carry any more so I had to drop it.



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His skin is merely scar tissue at this point.

Ironically I read the book but never played the game. Can't remember anything about the story.

That debate about Justice with Vhailor which can lead to his "death" is pure kino.

it's a shame he gets introduced so late into the game because he really is great

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I've only heard that the book is garbage.


Dak'kon is based and I'll hear no user trying to tell me he's boring


>Do you have a destiny? A purpose?
>Is Annah still wearing clothes?
Kek I never heard those ones

>Proficiency: Fists (Don't ask)

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QRD on this guy/game?

I really don't get the point of this guy or Ignus as party members, they offer so much less than the other characters

All of the infinity engine game novels were

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Planescape: Torment, cult classic CRPG with some of the best writing of any videogame. The protag is The Nameless One, an immortal who suffer memory loss upon death. It's a big quest around many planes of reality in which to attempt to find out who you are and why you cannot die.


The best party is easily

>Morte, Annah, Fall-from-Grace, Nordom, Vailor

Dakkon is great too but he has almost no interaction with other characters and once you go throw his story / the Way of Zerthimon once, (which is of course awesome) you don't really have to do it again.

Nordom is underrated as hell. He has easily the funniest dialogues with other characters.

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The best thing about PS:T wasn't even the story (which was great by itself) but the setting where different worlds (planes) are connected by portals. Now that I think Kingdom Hearts has it too and that's why I enjoyed it despite it's garbage story.

>Yea Forums hates movie games
>loves book games


based Yea Forums

>I think, therefore I am.
>I think.

because he's like a walking immortal corpse who has been alive for 1000 years already and who has seen so much battle and tragedy that you can only find it reasonable to look like that.

Dumb based poster

well, he's a shitty "muh Zen, muh inner peace" character. every other PC was more interesting imo.

your point?
movies aren't books.


man, if there's anything i *know*, it's that it must really suck to be that retarded.


like I care what some retard on Yea Forums says.

Books are fucking lame and outdated


Pretty much this. He may have a healing factor, but even those have their limits, at least in this universe.

I *know* you care enough to answer
You are flawed, cry more fag.

Annah was the best love interest.

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*know* that the backstory of Limbo and the Gith is cool as fuck

his personal backstory is great too, and "two deaths as one" is pure concentrated dialogue kino

anyone has the animation of the spell where its a "ghost hammer" that's swining left/right before hitting the target?

thats pretty much the only thing I remember from this game

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>mfw never finished the game because game breaking bug after I fought the angel

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I seriously hope you weren't serious while writing this : books will outlive you,me,everyone commenting or reading this...
Otherwise you clearly show your lack of culture.

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Only if you share that full Fio pic.

What bug was that?

Brother, is that you?

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crash to desk when I try to enter the mausoleum, which I had to do in order to progress



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The problem with most movie games is that they're often extremely linear, and thus have little replay value, with the exception of a few titles. And even then, those few exceptions usually aren't that well-written to begin with.

"Book games" as you call them, at least have hours of content to find if you take the time, and in most cases even have multiple solutions to every situation, which justifies multiple playthroughs.

Tell me about The Nameless One. Why does he wear the tattoos?

He do bad thing, try to make good, make worse, then you decide if he do good or bad in end.

>it would be extremely tormenting
>for you


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Has anyone played Tides of Numenera? Is it worth it?

>Yea Forums loves objectively good forms of literature
>Yea Forums dislikes objectively bad forms of literature
why is this bad?

garbage. It's like they made a game where the only things they took away from Planescape is


He didnt age well

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You updated your journal, and I don't like that kind of thing.

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you know the rules

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Yea, I played it. It's okay, some interesting things.

yeah but i cant ever not have my boy dakkon on any playthrough
>endure,in enduring,grow stronger

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I like her 90s comic book style outfit

>That cast
We will never see its like again.

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The worst IE game along with IWD2.

it ruined baldurs gate 1 for me. PST is just so amazing, BG feels so fucking boring by comparison

Except no.

>yfw youtube.com/watch?v=TlFc2TuA_FA

Fucking Vhailor is the greatest.
>If you convince him that the transcendent one has caused injustice to you, he buffs himself strong enough to 1v1 him

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I got a better idea. grab the game and play it from start to finish. it's such a spiritual experience to play it. I kinda wish I could play that for the first time again.

>Evil Mage run
>Have to 1v1 Vhailor in the final area

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I've heard that evil playthroughs in planescape are hard to do, both because of this but mainly it's not the fun kind of evil, you play a reprehensible monster.

what the fuck are you talking about,playing evil is the most fun way to play this game,you can be a manipulative lying piece of shit,but you can also play a brute IF you want

The cool thing about this is that, since you fight Vhailor instead of Ignus, you can say goodbye to Ignus like you can the other characters. While The Nameless One offers to teleport all the other characters back to Sigil, he offers to send Ignus to the Elemental Plane of Fire, where he can be at peace.

What's the point of this party member, he shows up for the last stretch of the game. Barely has any time to shine his judge Dredd personality

Looks like that zombie from Hocus Pocus.

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Bob form Reboot after becoming a zombie/malware


How do I play this game

I tend to think of him as a late game stat/allignment check. He has a very one-dimensional allignment so is likely to clash with your TNO unless you're playing with high WIS/CHA/INT as the game intends you to be by that point.

they really don't though, they have about the same amount of unique dialogue. and fighting Vhailor at the end if you're a bad guy is absolute kino

enhanceed edition on GoG or Steam

You click.

read, click on enemes to kill them, read some more, make some choices and read some more

talk to all named npcs, that's pretty much it

>play the game for the first time recently
>get to the end boss
>going through the tons of dialogue with him
>see the ultimate question What can change the nature of a man?
>decide I better save that for after talking about everything else
>get onto the topic of reviving my friends and revive Dakkon as a showing of my power
>Dakkon without warning just starts beating the shit out of the final boss
>kill the last boss
>get the achievement pop for the bad ending before reloading and getting the good ending
>everyone who looks at my achievements is going to think I'm a retard now

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Can you still reinstall the missing content like the original version?

>forced to choose mortality at the end
"""role""" playing game

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Probably where they got the inspiration.

there's 3 endings and only one of them involves regaining your mortality.

you can literally choose to kill yourself you zoomer retard

yeah, there's an updated version of unfinished business for the EE
SHS is down as always right now though

Why do boomers pretend to like this game?

looks like the dude from son of the mask lmao



The fuck are you on about? Nobody's pretending, and it's not a boomer game.

im 22 and i like this game, it's timeless and not even that clunky for how old it is

>not a boomer game
lmfao who the fuck plays it then

really dude?

the game was originally supposed to have 3 different endings

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>it is because I say so
Then explain how, retard. Christ, you little faggots and you're buzzwords that you just fling around like your shit.

But it does

Vhailor scared the shit out of me and I kicked him out of my party because I thought he might kill me.

The game has multiple endings. The "go to Hell" one isn't even the most positive one. With a VERY high Charisma character you can remain immortal, get rid of the curse AND keep your companions alive.

Those are still fairly different from what we got, especially the "Fuck accepting my mortality, but also fuck this war"

This is the one and only game where playing as an evil character made me uncomfortable, since it's not the "Darth Vader/Palpatine/Machiavelli" fun shades of evil. You are a true, very realistically portrayed, bastard, and you hurt people, abuse them, in many various ways.

Also, it doesn't really make sense to play evil, since the "Practical Incarnation" is much better at it, and you can never outdo him in his "Just as planned" style.

I always thought it was really weird how Nordom was voiced by Homer Simpson

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you still become mortal and "go to hell" in the charisma ending

user, I don't know how to say it to you... you didn't get the best ending. You can convince your mortality to go fuck off, resurrect your companions (they have unique dialogue at that point, especially Vhailor), kill your mortality together, and go on living your life (you can't go to Hell since you're immortal).

>being stuck with your curse is the best ending

Yea Forums doesn't love PS:T BECAUSE it's a book-game, it loves it in spite of it. If the game hadn't had its storyline, it would have been universally hated. The actual core gameplay mechanics are really shitty.

Not much of a curse if you avoid dying, since that was the reason your body was starting to get really fucky because it couldn't handle all the accumulative deaths.

Dan castellaneta has really good range though, I would never have guessed that Nordom was Homer if someone didn't point it out to me, and even then I can't hear it.

Yeah, a lot of the Simpsons cast had good range (I'm guess it played into why most of them voiced multiple characters)

You didn't play the game, did you? The entire premise of your story is that, several incarnations back, the Practical Incarnation performed a ritual which would stop you (him) from losing his memories after coming back to life. However, he discovered that the ritual would actually take effect three incarnations from his own, so he orchestrated the events where:
1. He would become trapped inside the Fortress of Regrets.
2. His "love" would die and her spirit would remain, serving as a guide and anchor.
3. He would assist his third incarnation (you), to reach him, where he would assert dominance and once again take control.

Once you remove the Mark of Torment, that's it. There is no curse.

user, you realize that killing your mortality also kills you, right ?

No, you are two separate entities. This is the whole point of the long-term effects of your immortality: you've become so disconnected from your mortality that it became conscious, and an entity of its own. Your mortality need YOU to exist, not the other way around.

For God's sake, play the game.

Never heard about this ending. As far as I knew, there are three endings: 1) Kill the Transcendent One which destroys you, and you resurrect in the Blood War, 2) Merge with the Transcendent One and resurrect your friends, or 3) Kill yourself using the Blade of Immortals. How do you get this ending?

>the Practical Incarnation performed a ritual which would stop you (him) from losing his memories after coming back to life.

I genuinely don't remember this part, I thought that you didn't lose memories by pure chance, since the amnesia happens by chance every time you die.

Nordom is based.

Yeah I've literally never heard of this ending and it's not written about anywhere. In every ending you either join the Blood War or Die.

That the dude from Gorillaz?

First of all, you got the endings wrong. It's:
1. Be destroyed before reaching the Fortress (there are several ways to do it).
2. Become the Silent King.
3. Merge with the Transcendent One, resurrect your companions, and go to Hell.
4. Kill yourself using the Blade of Immortals.
5. Kill the Transcendent One, with your companions being dead, and continue being immortal.
6. "Will" yourself out of existence.

The ending I'm talking about is this:
1. When talking to Transcendent One, convince him that the Shadows are escaping the Fortress (or something like that). He goes to investigate.
2. You resurrect your companions.
3. Together, you fight and kill the Transcendent One when he returns.
4. You continue being immortal.

There's a sounding horn hidden in the room where you fight Ignus/Vhailor. If you use it you can make the shadows flee the fortress. If you tell TTO about it he leaves to investigate and you can revive your whole party.

Not sure what that user is on about it being the best ending though, always seemed to me like it meant you died afterwards or are trapped in the Fortress since the game just ends abruptly after you defeat TTO. The "nature of a man" ending is obviously supposed to be the best one since it fulfills the themes of the game best and gives you a brief denouement.

Yep, it's easy to miss, but it's there. You not losing your memories is no coincidence, or sheer luck, or divine providence. It's the result of the Practical Incarnation's actions. Basically, if not for the fact that the ritual has a delayed effect, he would have won all by himself. And even then he managed to come up with a back-up plan.

>1. When talking to Transcendent One, convince him that the Shadows are escaping the Fortress (or something like that). He goes to investigate.
bull fucking shit.

This ending ends like the other ones, with TNO fighting in the Blood War

Just because it doesn't have a cinematic outro doesn't make it a "lesser" ending. It's basically the "best" ending if you're playing a selfish/Neutral/Evil character, without being a complete monster.

Pretty sure it was said that this memory-safeguard wouldn't last for long and eventually the Nameless One's body would end up a vegetable, unable to resurrect even a shred of consciousness, since TTO even mentions that he'll trap you in the fortress once you reach that state so he'll never have to worry about your braindead ass ever.

Play the game, instead of relying on wikis.

There is a variant of the ending where you don't go to Hell. It relies on your earlier dialogue choices, I think.

Not the best source but from a walkthrough on gamebanshee:

>Finally, if you picked up the Sounding Stone from the Trial of Impulse (#7), then you'll be able to send the Transcendent One on a wild goose chase looking for Greater Shadows. This will give you time to resurrect your entire party, minus Ignus or Vhailor if you killed them during the Trial of Impulse (#5).

I have no reason to doubt the validity of this but you're free to test it yourself because I can't be bothered.

man this game aged like a fine wine. Especially compared to Baldur's Gate. You walk so fucking slow in BG it's ridiculous

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TNO doesn't know about the ritual. He has no way of knowing. He operates under the misunderstanding that you're just another "generic" incarnation. Why wouldn't he? He's dealt with thousands of those before.

Huh, don't recall that. I may just be an old fool but are you sure it's not an Enhanced Edition thing?

I didn't say it was a lesser ending, I said it's not the best. I guess that's vague but what I meant was the "nature of a man" ending is the only one that resolves the philosophical themes of the game and where you get to say goodbye to your companions, while still being selfless and accepting responsibility for your actions. Which one you consider best, for a specific character or in general, is obviously subjective.

There is a tweak mod now that fixes that. Your party has permanent haste when not in combat.

I agree... if you are playing a Good character. Doing the same as Neutral or Evil makes no sense.

You don't need to go full dialogue.

The basic story and adventure is great on its own.

Which is why I said
>Which one you consider best, for a specific character or in general, is obviously subjective

By the way, according to Chris Avellone, the Practical Incarnation is Lawful Neutral. To anyone who played the game, this seems rather... odd.

>Play the game, instead of relying on wikis
user, to be fair, it's really easy to miss the sounding stone. You can't act like someone hasn't played the game because they aren't aware of it anymore than someone who missed that tiny ass treasure cache thing in that house in Carceri Curst.

Lawful Neutral sounds more like the canon alignment for the MC incarnation. Practical incarnation is closer to Chaotic Evil.

It makes sense when you think about it. In Planescape, Lawful Neutral simply means that you hold a strong set of beliefs, which you adhere to. You don't have to be "nice" or "good" or "righteous" to have strong beliefs. For example, a true racist, who 100% believes what he says, and doesn't base his actions/beliefs on emotion, is Lawful Neutral.

Eh, I don't think it's that weird. He's a dick but every shitty thing he does has a selfish reason behind it. He doesn't hurt people for the sake of it, he hurts them only because it's required to further his own goals.

A lot of people don't quite understand how DnD alignments work. One of the incarnations was Lawful Good, and yet tried to force Morte back into the pillar where he came from, as Lawful Good are basically boyscoouts who don't believe in their own personal justice, but a universal one that can't be argued against.

I fully understand why Ignus is Chaotic Neutral, instead of Chaotic Evil. The man is simply insane. After all, alignments are supposed to reflect BELIEFS, not ACTIONS.

>There is a variant of the ending where you don't go to Hell

No there isn't.

Play the game.

Well Planescape is also specifically about reexamining some of the associations people have with the various storytelling cliches, races and alignments in D&D. That was pretty much Avellone's MO when writing up the characters and is probably most apparent in the dichotomy between Annah and Grace.

I've listed several endings here In only one of them you go to Hell.

I'm pretty sure he's right cause I don't remember it either

Five out of six.

Yea Forums has never hated narrative games, they just hate bad ones like TLoU or Gone Homo.

Yea, but I'm talking about how people would get confused by Practical being Lawful Neutral when looking at so many of his actions, which can understandably be considered evil, but not necessarily be so in the guidelines of the DnD setup. The Lawful Good incarnation that tried to put Morte back could certainly be considered a bastard by some since he's basically deciding Morte's fate without considering his feelings, but he believes that his actions are just and the most sensible since "it's where he came from, and belongs"

The Last of Us and BioShock: Infinite are perhaps the two most over-praised pieces of shit, especially since the latter was turned into a completely different game a year before release.



Pure kino

You go to hell in ending 5 too since you don't "continue being immortal".

But I did, user.

TLOU didn't fare much better, not after it turned out the AI was so fucking retarded, even on the highest setting you can lose aggro by moving into certain spots, and shit that was hyped in the trailer like taking hostages to force attackers to stand down never became a thing.

Right, and I think that's an interesting twist considering most people just think of LG as the boyscout Superman alignment. But then again maybe there's not much difference between that and the paladin who kills every orc or goblin he sees out of obligation. I still the game highlights it for a reason though.



Pretty much. People would think Lawful Good would be Supes, but instead end up with Justice Lord Superman, who will crush heads if he feels it will solve an issue and prevent problems from getting worse.

>braided hair
dilate nameless tranny

The most important part of these alignments is the first L/N/C

Lawful Neutral would most certainly not kill on sight unless it was codified law or part of their guild doctrine.

I meant LG.

But you still end up going to hell by killing TTO, with or without companions, so what's the alignments got to do with it?

I still wish we got to hear more of what the original soundtrack was going to be like

wierd, I don't feel like most if not all of thsoe cinimetics were in the actual game

I wish they were!

they were not, though it could've just been promotional material.

>original soundtrack
Source? It doesn't sound very different to me, still heavy emphasis on tribal drums. Honestly that track in particular kind of reminds me of a more sinister up tempo Smoldering Corpse Bar theme.

Scar tissue from literally countless injuries over the course of his literally countless lives.

It reminds me of bg music even near the end where the tones slide in pitch

>selling your teammate into slavery
>being an asshole to that demon girl
>robbing every motherfucking store blind
>killing every motherfucker you meet

Does any other RPG give you as many (or more) options to be an evil character as this?

It was going to be composed by a industrial musician called lustmord he got dropped and recycled the unused music into an album called "metavoid"


what was his problem?

>reminds me of bg music
friendly reminder

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That's awesome, thanks for posting this user

It's not quite the same as Planescape:Torment. The characters aren't nearly as interesting. However, it does have a very fun setting. I appreciated it for the setting way more than for the characters. Story-wise it's pretty good.

Arcanum has lots of opportunities for roleplaying evil characters, but I don't think they're as bad as selling your teammate to slavery or returning Morte to the pillar of skulls.

>selling out Waromon and his tribe
>betraying Magnus
>killing everyone in Stillwater
>helping out Gilbert Bates' rival
>kill Nasrudin or K'an Hua regardless of how good or evil you are
>kill big bad and be a god

Mask of the Betrayer, The Age of Decadence and that's it I guess.

Party members are fucking shit. They're all just generic humans.

Plus they failed all the kickstarter promises.
>weird blob party member? no sorry we ran out of time
>2nd main hub in an underwater city? nah we couldn't be fucking bothered lmao

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>implying planescape has good party members

There is a weird blob party member though

It does

Favorite Plane?

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They added that later in patch after I stopped playing

Anyone planning to get the Switch version?
It can't be that bad, right?

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I liked. the character themes. They're so comfy.

Fallout 2

There's so much opportunities and gameplay gimmicks that could be derived here.
The only game that I know of that does something remotely similar is Tales of Eternia.



There is a switch version? What is the point?

Almost all infinity engine games got ported to console.

>What is the point?
money probably

I brought it on sale. Very cheap

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They're just attention-whoring hipsters
The writing is barely above average and the "gameplay" is atrocious

Probably one of the most overrated "games" of all time

Beamdog was a mistake

PSTEE is decent. Their real problem is how they're gonna keep afloat since they're not doing BG3, and without the goodwill of a sizable amount of DnD fans due to their OC.

oh yeah? trying having a game breaking bug as you ENCOUNTER THE LAST BOSS
I was so fucking mad I never played the game since

Name 1 better written game.


What party members should I use?

Good joke

Right now I'm in the catacombs where that zombie cult is. I can't figure out how to make that one guy leave as a favor for the skeleton priest guy so I can talk to their leader.

I’m pissed Planescape Torment was almost entirely just dicking around in Sigil.

It feels like there was more game planned that they just didn't get to, although apparently spending a bunch of time in sigil is (ironically) somewhat true to the tabletop because of how high level you need to be to travel the Planes.

morte is great because he can break every boss with his taunts
dakkon is just cool as hell
only take ignus if your TNO isn't a mage, you only need him to learn cloudkill to cheese some harder segments anyway
other than that use whoever, the game isn't that dard
just don't take more than 4 companions, xp gets split for each member and having more levels pays more dividends

i thought his background was OK, but once its revealed that your practical incarnation basically made his bible to trick him it gets so much more kino

I don't think most people would consider being damned to hell forever to be the best ending for their character.

>while still being selfless and accepting responsibility for your actions
The idea that evil overwhelms any good is ridiculous to me, as is the idea of infinite punishment for finite crimes.

I mean, someone who is racist can be lawful good. Thinking their race is better or some other race is inferior doesn't mean they do not value law and goodness, after all.

well it's either that or kys buddy

>relies on your earlier dialogue choices
Why would your dialogue choices somehow make killing your mortality not kill you? That's completely retarded and you're either full of shit or this whole thing is some extra content Beamdog added.

You can't say that when you don't even know what the crime was. It's implied that TNO might be a fallen god or other divine beings or responsible for the decay of the Planes, though Avellone will never confirm any of it. And that aside every time TNO died and was reborn someone else across the planes was sacrificed to do so, that's where the shadows come from. We're talking countless lifetimes over possibly thousands of years. You truly believe that TNO should just get off shot free cause he learned his lesson?
Also you're not necessarily damned forever in the 9 Hells, it's not exactly hell in the Christian sense. And Grace even says she'll look for TNO.

congratulations, you missed the entire point of the game

>Also you're not necessarily damned forever in the 9 Hells
Uh, yes you are. You don't know the tabletop lore, do you? Your soul is going to get tortured over centuries until it becomes a baby devil called a Larvae, which will someday become a Lemure. A Lemure maintains no memory or identity from life, it's just a useless ball of hatred and evil. From there, this Lemure will serve its masters over centuries, eons, maybe even eternity, until it gets picked out for advancement and turned into a higher kind of devil. Repeat forever, until maybe one day you get to be an Archdevil. But through all of that, you would almost certainly never regain your memories and identity from life, such instances being extremely rare.
You can get the point and disagree with the conclusion.

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>But through all of that, you would almost certainly never regain your memories and identity from life, such instances being extremely rare.
This is partly what I was referring to, when you become a petitioner you lose your memories and if you come back again as a fiend you are no longer even really you at all. Plus if you die away from the plane your soul is bound to as a petitioner you die for good anyway IIRC, happens to berks in the blood war all the time. It's not eternal torture like in Christian hell. And there are ways to escape.
Anyway my real point is that the nature of TNO's crime is unknown and again, regardless, he damned untold numbers of souls during his very long and unnatural life as an immortal. There comes a time where you ought to stop passing the buck.

It is eternal if said devil doesn't get itself killed in the Nine Hells, which is kind of beyond your control since your identity and memories are gone for good barring some divine intervention or a really, really lucky fluke that has only happened naturally like once or twice.

But you aren't you anymore. I mean its shit don't get me wrong but at least I'm not conscious of it because "I" no longer exist, what used to be me is just a vessel now.
Again point is that TNO himself damned countless others for a very long time and possibly even worse originally. "Best" ending is about accepting responsibility for that. Ultimate outcome of that acceptance is somewhat ambiguous for a reason. We dont need to know whether he became a lemure or not, the point is that he stopped passing the buck.

I wouldn't call it ambiguous, it's more or less certain unless some devil outright destroys your soul completely on a whim before it can be tortured into a larvae.

or you die on another plane

Dying on another plane just sends you back to the Nine Hells, typically as a Lemure or worse. To die you need to be killed in the Nine Hells, most likely during the Blood War.

Does it work different for the blood war or something? It's been so long since I looked at my books but I swear they talk about how petitioners die forever if they are killed outside their home plane which is why most dont want to leave. If your soul is bound to baator you just need to be killed on carceri or the gray waste or something. they can't recycle forever or there wouldn't be as pressing a need for fresh blood in the fight


I was disappointed it amounted to nothing though.

That part can be a little confusing and you can miss things very easy, here are the steps to resolve the main quest of this area.

-After you get captured talk to the dustman in front of you (Seogo i think)
-Go find and talk to the doubtless? skeleton (the one with doubts about life and seeking true death)
-Return to the dustman and tell him about the skeleton
-Wait until he is out of sight and search the tomb near where he was and read the diary
-Go to confront him and kill him
-Talk to the priest and tell him what happened
-Ask the priest to see the silent king becuase you need his permission to leave
-DO NOT ask him about a way to earn his trust yet
-Talk to the ghoul that teaches the skill to speak to the dead and ask her a way to see the silent king (the priest is a bust) if you have Cha16 (if mage use spell friends beforehand) she opens a portal to see the king
-Return to the priest and ask him a way to earn his trust, he send you to kill some rats, complete this and he gives you permission to leave
-Go to the ghoul again and enter the portal that she opened before (you have to walk close to it to open it and it is located in the top wall of the room)
-See the silent king

>Does it work different for the blood war or something?
No, it's just that this is the most likely way for you to get actually killed. Your devil superiors prefer Demotion to killing since you have more value that way than dead.
I meant mainly once the soul is a devil. Petitioners are much easier to get rid of.

I think the point is that Morte turns out to be a bro and it's really yourself you can't trust.

Never even met him

>Own the Enhanced Edition on Steam
>Feel like the achievements are as good of an excuse as any to experience the game in different ways
>Start a run to get all of the asshole-related achievements (getting an evil alignment, getting Dakkon's Kinstealer blade, Entering the Fortress of Regrets alone, killing your three incarnations instead of talking them out of it ect.
>Already feel like a total shitheel after I leave the mortuary
>Realize I have to be a monster to Grandpa Dakkon and a bunch of other characters I came to like

Its gonna be a long playthrough, bros.

Attached: pain.jpg (623x414, 31K)

>"Updated" my journal.

Played this game for the first time just a month or two ago. Played Mage and didn't figure out you could pause time until I was in the Modron cube.

>I may be bested in battle, but I shall never be defeated
Dakkon went from useless hybrid to meatgrinder in mid/late game. He was still kind of squishy though and he made me lose all my +con tattoos since he apparently drops those on death and I forgot to pick them up
>Transcendent One picked the same answer I personally did when asked the question
Thought that was neat even if the dialogue path has TNO argue against that answer.
>Kept sliding from Lawful Good to Neutral Good because I would pick non-serious answers from time to time
Only wanted the alignment to use the tears, but it was a legit grievance due to how hard it is to maintain and how few "lawful" options there are comparatively speaking
>Coaxmetal is extremely fucking cool despite basically being a walking apocalypse
Seriously that golem was badass and showed that even Chaotic Evil characters can be done rather well.

All in all I really liked it. I thought dying would have more of an impact though and almost rage quit for a bit trying to find a way to NOT die in TNO's tomb. I guess there's lore snippets explaining why you don't lose your memories but I barely remember coming across them in my playthrough.

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>I guess there's lore snippets explaining why you don't lose your memories but I barely remember coming across them in my playthrough.
You can find one of your old journals in the Civic Festhall that kinda explains why that is.

>everyone acts like Ignis is scary badass mother fucker
>is easily the shittiest companion since magic is shit in this game

>magic is shit
>he never played a mage character

my mage Nameless One was basically able to solo the last part of the game by himself while the rest of the part just hanged back, as they only got in his way.
>he doesn't know the classic blacksphere or cone of cold + fire and ice ball

Too many to choose one. Astral Plane for the sheer fuckery of the place.

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They'll be sucking dick for leads on the IWD II source code

>Balance In All Things
How the fuck do you manage that one?

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Planescape Torment is one of the few games that I think have pulled off romances very well.

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>tfw no DiTerlizzi tiefling gf

Attached: Tiefling.jpg (1088x1500, 607K)

>tfw my dad got Torment by mistake over 15 years ago in a Warcraft 2 (or 3, I forget) game case
>couldn't probably play it since none of the keybindings worked for whatever reason
>stopped playing and lost the disc
>only learned about what I missed after coming to Yea Forums these past couple years

To this day I feel really weird about it.

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I really do miss the old Tieflings.

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This is literally the worst Infinity Engine game. Why don't read a visual novel instead?

This is literally the worst opinion on Yea Forums. Why don't you just post on reddit instead?

You actually can lose XP if you die enough to simulate losing your memory.

>Romance featuring two sexy demon ladies and a character that looks like an old fucked up raisin of a ghoul who was ran through a cuisinart.
Is the amount of scars on your body proportional to the amount of game you have? Is this why Geralt just stumbles on pussy everywhere he goes?

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Chicks dig scars.

cast swam curse on him repeatedly and then just run away from him

All Witchers get a ton of pussy because they're all superhumans who can fuck for hours, never get you pregnant because they're all sterile, and are all vagrants so you know for certain that they won't stick around and cause any drama. They're basically walking dildos.

having scars while still being alive is literal proof that you are a badass. Makes sense that when literally your entire skin is 99% scars upon scars like the nameless one wom*n get wet the moment they see you

Except in Witcher 3, all the sluts hate you in that one outside of the two big time polyamorous whores that pass for 'waifus' in this series.

That's just because they wanted to force Geralt as a more loyal family man in his old age.

I love how the practical incarnation was both evil as hell and easily the most useful incarnation. He wasn't just evil for the lulz he had real motivations and goals that he wasn't going to let petty things like basic human decency get in the way of. You only beat the game because he was so diligent in ensuring that you'd have a way forward after he lost his memories but some of the shit he did was just cold blooded. Probably one of the most believably evil characters in video games.

Did the Enhanced Edition add any content like BG

I put down the ticket to the warehouse or sold it or something. Never gonna complete it now.

>Loyal family man
>When his two choices are the exact opposite of loyal or monogamous themselves
>And he's sterile

>In his old age
Nigga what.
Only two years passed in between witcher 1 and 3 and he's already almost a hundred years old by that point.

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no. avellone himself supervised and it's literally just the original game with some polish. Still follow this guide to restore some content and fix some other things like the banter rate




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What are some of the most memorable parts of the game for you? For me, there's two specific scenes: when \viewing Deionarra's sensory stone in the Sensate's hall of memory, the Nameless being emotionally torn apart from the inside with the realization of how the Practical Incarnation was leading the girl to her death and that he could do nothing to prevent it because it was only a memory; and the parting scene with Fall-From-Grace, which has stayed with me even after so many years after I played the game.

The Nameless One: FALL-FROM-GRACE.
Fall-From-Grace: Your voice - so you have found yourself at last?
Fall-From-Grace: The price of such thing is seldom measured in copper. Are you still...
Fall-From-Grace: No, that was not my fear.
Fall-From-Grace: That is not my wish. I *will* find you again, no matter where in Lower Planes you will be - just as you shall be able to find me.
Fall-From-Grace: No cage shall separate us, and no Plane shall divide us. Keep thinking of me, and we shall meet again.
Fall-From-Grace: Just do not forget me.
Fall-From-Grace: Time is not your enemy. Forever is.

Attached: fall_from_grace_by_jjhello-db58r4t.jpg (4098x6769, 2.7M)

The Practical Incarnation arranged for a ritual so that he wouldn't lose memories on death, it would only kick in some incarnations later though

Deinonarra's sensory stone legimentally is a fantastic piece of writing. Probably one of the most stirring moments in gaming IMO.
Other standout moments
>convincing Vaihlor to die
>when the Nameless One finally finds his name
>that scene where you kiss Annah

>Attention, Fall-From-Grace. I wish to address your body.
>I beg your pardon?
>Your body. Your form. Your reason for selecting it. Why?
>Why..? I suppose I find it comforting. Besides, I rather like the wings.
>It would be more practical for you to assume the form of a modron. It is 13.27% more efficient; give or take +5.2%.
>Why, Nordom... are you trying to court me?
>It was not my intention to initiate legal action against you.

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Anyone has the screencaps where Nameless mind-breaks her into his loveslave?

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I really don't think I've ever come across anything as impactful as this, not in video games at least.

Breaks who?

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That's some embarrassing writing.

>He matters MORE to me than life!

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>I cannot help BUT help you, my precious man... and that will always be true, no matter how many Ravels there be... on this, they will agree.

Attached: Ravel.png (272x441, 217K)

Annah. There's a series of dialogue where you realize she's emotionally starved for affection and force her into subservience by threatening to leave her, or something. Can't remember it too clearly.

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Jesus fucking Christ, if that's in the game, I don't want to see it.

Parting scene with Grace legit made me shed a tear. What a beautiful piece of writing

>convince the angel to leave peacefully
>and then he proceeds to tear his wings off his body
pretty cool fucking scene

You're no fun.

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it's okay, they recycled the PT plot a bit, you can skip 99% of the fights if you roll an INT character
and Rhin is fun to bully

Dak'kon is the best party member and that's a fact jack

I don't think you even get to the speech check if you have Vhailor with you. He just REEE's and start attacking him on sight

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The ost is amazing, the tavern theme is great
also Fall-from-Grace is best girl

Deionarra's theme is the one that hits all the right spots for me:

Attached: deionarra_by_fuzzytingletimes-d3gk8u5.png (1200x750, 1.24M)

Dakkons entire identity being centered around something the Practical Incantation made up, was pretty dark

No it's not. I did this too.

>Fall-from-grace can't use weapons because she hates the feel of metal
>Cant use wood
>Can't use fingernail
>Can't use leg

Can we talk about how awful the sensate hall soundtrack is

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Glad i'm not the only one that thought this, I actively avoided going there just to not hear it.

Surviving scars means we're tough and not someone to be messed around with. Of course scars is just one part of the whole equation. I mean, you don't see women going after MtF.

Huh, that's right isn't it? If it wasn't for the practical one, you'd be bumfuck nowhere, playing with your dick until your mind/body rots, whichever goes first.

They don't carry STDs either

>Deinonarra's sensory stone
Even while doing a good/lawful playthrough, just reading the sensory stone hints at how evil you could be/have been, and it's really painful to imagine what Deionarra went through for you.

That is highly unethical

>imagine seducing and having sex with Ravel

And yet, even with how evil the Practical Incarnation, the very First one was apparently even more evil, so much more that there was no get out of hell ticket for him except being unable to die.

I heard some user theorize that the first one started the whole plane war.

I heard a completely different theory, not sure where, might have been /tg/ years and years ago, about how the First Incarnation did something that set in motion the death of all the Planes. An irreversible death, no reincarnation, no second chance, permanent ending.

Right. I had to mute the game to not lose my mind. What an awful track.

Why was Morte so loyal anyway? is he somehow involved in the very first incantations crime?

When an eternal war in hell knocks on the door, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
Maybe she looked better when she was younger.

From what I remember, Morte feels like he owes TNO for saving him from the pillar of skulls. I think there was something in-game or some speculation that Morte was some guy who killed TNO and felt guilty about it so he's loyal to TNO.

Ravel/TNO dynamics is basically Baba Yaga/Koschei the Deathless so that might kinda click.

She probably looked worse. Hags have a reversed sense of beauty.

Yeah, that moment is fantastic, nearly moved me to tears.

IIRC he was partly responsible for TNO's first death. Meeting one of his incarnations later on felt like his chance to redeem himself, so he called out to TNO to take him out.

Ravel slowly removes your undergarments and discovers your, now erect, manliness. She grazes it with her tongue, and even with your heavily scarred body, you manage to feel her sandpapery tongue as she takes you whole in her mouth.

I manually fixed my teeth under double dose of DOB with Rahxephon OST in the background once, so that doesn't sound that scary or off-putting. Dunno about blowjobs though, never was a fan.

Both of you are wrong, and haven't played the game. The reason Morte ended up in the Pillar of Skulls is because he is a liar. He lied to the First Incarnation about the nature of the ritual Ravel performed on him, and what would happen after the First Incarnation died due to the ritual. That's why he is following every Incarnation around, even though he could just fuck off and live his life - he is tormented with guilt.

When writing my Master's Degree on translation study, I had some e-mail correspondence with Avellone (this was about 5-6 years ago). At the time of the writing of the game he did not have a specific thing in mind, but over time he grew to like the theory that the Nameless One's true name is [Adam]. And we all know what his crime was.

Pirate it if you're desperate for a weird setting, but other than that it isn't even close to PS:T let alone a good game, I would go into detail but almost every complaint I have will spoil the game.

I like it.

Wrong. The Practical Incarnation didn't make up the story/mythology of Zerthimon. He simply constructed the Endless Circle as a tool. This has been confirmed by Avellone on RPG Codex a long time ago.

>And we all know what his crime was.
Not killing Eve to punish her for listening to the serpent and then manipulating him into following her lead?

No. Putting pussy over God.

i went to bed qhen i first saw this thread cool that it is still up

Rude. The key points are pretty much the same, Morte screwed over TNO in his first incarnation and is now following him from guilt. I played the game like 10 years ago and the information about what happened is spread out in various events and dialogues, it's not like shit gets dumped on you together in a nice format in the tutorial.

I noticed that this thread as reached 300+ posts. Very unusual for PST threads. The other one died quick though.

If this were a Metal Gear thread, you'd have retards like Caramel already posting this is a sign of a new Planescape game coming.

Bonus from the scene is Grace embracing you as you wake up in tears

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poast moar all you have

>has an OP sword capable of destroying the universe
>only uses it to cut down fodders

Type like a human first.

> No staying awake all night keeping the thread up.


Is chris avellone a satanist? Is he a homo/bisexual?

Wasn't Avellone married at some point?

Why is his theme unused?

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None of those things sounds all that impressive, I've done worse shit in fucking Skyrim.

The setting was fantastic but the combat was easy to break. They did a good job of installing fear into you of the monster thats hunting you though.

"Homosexuals" all go both ways

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>skin a bitch alive
>poison a forest
>burn down another forest
>then burn down a grove with the same fire
>kill a doggo
You could be such a dick in the spirit forest. But it only gets better.
>lure a bunch of people to man-eaters, including a merchant with wife and kids and a mentally ill girl who just wanted to see her crush again
>eat a dude's mother's soul in front of him
>force the spirit eater to eat the soul of the woman he loved while he screams in horror and anguish


Loverslab mods don't count

>kill a woman in the middle of her wedding
>sacrifice your companions to Boethiah
>kill a guy and make it look like he was plotting to assassinate the Emperor
>kill Paarthurnax
All in vanilla Skyrim.

Why the fuck was he blue on the cover?

Blue looks nice with orange

If he was green he would die.

>he doesn't know about the blue incarnation

Imagine the tons of completely retarded incarnations that Morte had to deal with.

>he didn't play the pervy incarnation

how do i achieve nameless one level of shredded

1000 years of cycling death and rebirth

try flaying your skin off and letting it grow back a couple of dozen times or so


>tfw practical incarnation probably spent years lifting boulders and shit to get mires from ravel

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Just be yourself bro


Ever read fire punch?

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>20 hours ago

Holy shit

The nameless one's name is Adahn


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>my Planescape thread survived overnight
holy shit

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>this thread has achieved immortality

>The nameless one's name is Adahn
play the game


Once the angel gives you the portal key to escape the prison he's chilling in a room behind the portal, very easy to miss if you just go straight through

>Break your own fucking neck just to talk down a suicidal dipshit
This is great holy shit

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Did anyone else see Annah as kind of a way to either make up for or double down on what Mr. Practical did to Deionarra?

It really pays off to talk to everyone in this game. Unlike your average RPG game, talking to literal whos can be very useful. I remember my first playthrough and I was very confused why I'm unable to get to Pharod. Fucking Annah leads you to kys, and I remember the dusties in the bar weren't much help either.
It was a game that definitely made you think more than your usual RPG game.

nah, you have to fight trias either way IIRC but after you fight him you can spare him and tell him to go back to Celestia and beg forgiveness from his father. you actually get most of the conversation, he thanks you and is about to leave, then Vhailor chimps out and executes him

>According to Morte, after the Practical Incarnation died, there were others incarnations of the Nameless One, some of them mad, such as one that was so mad that when he returned from death, he believed Morte to be his own skull, thus chasing Morte around Sigil for days before being killed by a passing car



You know from what I heard regarding Nordom, him being a being of law being touched by chaos and voiced by homer simpson, I was expecting him to be a lolsorandum spork of doom tier character. Glad that they didn't go for that shit
Why are the companions in planescape so great?

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Good writing

Good writing, yet unfinished. How can one game be so kino.

Any good mods for a replay?

To celebrate this Planescape thread lasting so long I have created this shitpost

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Tome of cheats, unfinished business if you haven't already

Oh and Leprechaun Annah and Easter Egg Morte


I must say, this has become a really comfy thread.

There aren't any gameplay-changing mods. Only mods that enhance the experience like Unfinished Business and widescreen mods.

This is also the best of the Enhanced Edition s, since it contains additional writing corrections and additions by Avellone.

Vhailor is kino thoug. Is OP, but his own beliefs can give you a lot of headaches during your play

How many drugs was avellone on when he wrote this game


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What did she mean by this ?

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I'm glad you replied to this, because avellone was indeed on booze and was told by doctors he was in a life danger situation. It's no coincidence pst is all about mortality and confronting your sins.

Practical incarnation did nothing wrong.


Who's the neutral though?

Is he talking about his lifting journal?

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was meant to be lady of pain i think
or you

IWD2 would really benefit from a enhanced edition.

>shades of evil, of good and of neutrality
Ravel, Trias and Vhailor, Ravel being neutral, Vhailor being good and Trias being evil.

you literally meet 3 of your incarnations

I thought it was his 3 incarnations. The original, who is good, the crazy one, which is neutral, and the practical one, which is evil.


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U wot? He's Lawful Neutral.

Would make sense except they're not your enemies, well at least the good incarnation isn't.

Good ole' Pentar... coaxmetal made flesh

Can't. They lost the code.

>thread still up
It seems that this thread too, lost it's mortality.

I don't get it. Did Zerthimon cuck or not?

You dummy, if that were the case Ravel is evil, Vhailor is neutral, and Trias is good. But I don't think she meant Vhailor seeing as he can be an ally or be missed entirely.

It's a fake religion created by the Practical Prick to get obedient slaves.

I don't think it's the other incarnations. Good is good but Practical and the crazy one are lawful and chaotic neutral. And yeah the good one isn't your enemy.

The Practical is definitely evil. He manipulated and got people killed for his own benefit. That's the definition of evil.

Wasn't Practical LE? Pretty much everything ingame is some sort of neutral, I think he was Evil.

It baffles me that people actually think this. You can literally meet other Zerths and the religion/backstory existed in the TTRPG well before PST. Practical didn't invent the religion, he fabricated the circle and it twisted its teachings with a bent that would get Dakkon to obey him.

She says they are "shades," which is why I think it's the incarnations.

>no good fall from grace art


>be a wizard can can shoot a fucking cannon all the way from the plane of law at your enemy
>Dakkon dabs on me with his successive retard strength crits
That's game balance right there.

be a wizard that can shoot*

that's a fair point, someone should ask avellone

I'm rather fond of this one.

Do you have that quote? Because D&D has very clear alignments and doing shit like tricking Deionarra to fall in love with you only to let her die in Negative plane to serve as his eyes in the Fortress of Regret is 100^% evil.

TNO was responsible for Lorraine Williams taking over TSR

Fuck, forgot image.

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>when looking at so many of his actions
I don't know how shit works in the TTRPG but in the game lying shifts you towards chaos and that fucker lies more than politicians. If the cunt is playing by the rules of the game there's no fucking way he's lawful anything.

Ravel, Trias, Transcended One

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What a bitch.

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His name is William.

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>Do you have that quote?
I'd have to so some digging, it was awhile back
>Because D&D has very clear alignments
lol user people have been debating the boundaries of D&D alignment since before you or I were born, hence the various paladin paradoxes
>and doing shit like tricking Deionarra to fall in love with you only to let her die in Negative plane to serve as his eyes in the Fortress of Regret is 100^% evil
not necessarily. it's a means to a selfish end but he's not hurting her for the sake of it

IIRC he doesn't actually really lie to Deionarra in the sensory stone except that he loves her.

Just finished this the other day. Great game. Some questions.
>Was Zerthimon an Illithid secret agent or not?
>Who told Annah where to find TNO's body in the Alley of Lingering Sighs? This question was brought up in the journal but I didn't get a follow up. Not important?
>Who was that woman TNO met in a memory in the Lower Ward? I think it was related to the uprising that happened there once. Also not important?

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Alignment is governed by belief, not actions.

Hurting someone for selfish reasons is still evil, user.

>hence the various paladin paradoxes
quick rundown?

Don't know about the latter two but
Zerthimon doesn't exist he was made up by the practical incarnation to make Da'akon's blade keener by motivating him
>Though the teachings of zerthimon I grow stronger

If that were the case nobody would actually be evil because most evil characters don't consider their actions evil.

Zerthimon and the lore of Gith is real. The Practical Incarnation simply twisted some of the teachings written within Dakkon's circle to manipulate him into serving him.

Does this means that if TNO fucked Annah really hard she would turn into Ignus?

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Zerthimon was a real dude.

>Was Zerthimon an Illithid secret agent or not?
The Pronouncement of Two Skies came after the Illithid empire had been destroyed. Zerthimon just didn't want to genocide everything else in the multiverse.

Back in the day if a Paladin broke his code he became a fallen Paladin which is basically a shitty fighter. Paladins are often cunts so various dickhead DMs (like myself) would devise moral quandaries to put the Paladin into the position of breaking his oath. A classic is the case of the baby Orc. The party defeats a band of Orcs and finds a baby. The Paladin is sworn to uphold good and root out evil, so how is he to deal with the baby Orc who is of a race that is (or at least used to be back in the day) inherently evil? Does he kill the baby himself, leave him to die, or take him in and raise an evil creature? Any one of these might or might not constitute breaking the code and thus cause the paladin to fall depending on the DM's interpretation of the simultaneously vague and rigid rules of D&D's alignment and how they apply to the players, NPCs, and world in general.

I really liked the spells in this game. Gave a feel that you were on a total other level from even the greatest wizards in the prime material.

Gygax ruled over that shit. Killing Orc, Drow, Kobold, or Goblin babies isn't an evil act.

not necessarily, especially when you're actively being hunted by an enemy like TTO
I see you're unfamiliar with fiends

I believe they were inspired by final fantasy

They're a bit like summons so I could see that.

Gygax's rule aside it still changes from table to table. The point is that alignment has always been a hotly debated topic.


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See the thing is DnD rules aren't some rigid set in stone thing passed down by proclamation from the DnD pope

Yeah, retarded DMs will find any excuse to dump on players.

And retarded players will find any excuse to fuck with the DM

>planescape thread about to reach the bump limit

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Not relevant to anything.

Fluidity and interpretation in the rules is literally built into the game, my man. The whole point of table-top gaming is to give the players the ability to do whatever they want within the limits of their imagination. If you want a game where all you can do is part of a pre-determined ruleset, then you want a computer game. Flexibility and personal interpretation allows for much more creativity. Hell, you are in a thread for a game that itself played fast and loose with the official rules of DnD.

>implying the fuckery isn't often a symbiotic relationship
I fuck with the players who fuck with me

Funny anecdote: Ignus is the Practical Incarnation's successful apprentice. You meet the failed apprentice (Giscorl) in the Hive.

what happens when someone decapitates him, or chops off an arm, does it grow back


Yes. You find several of your own body parts.

It's inconsistent. You find your own arm at one point.

yeah, one of the woman in that underground settlement can hack off all your body parts and looks for trinkets and stuff inside. I'm pretty sure there's a gold ring hiding somewhere in your intestines that you can find.

>does it grow back
Now you know why the women want him.

>The whole point of table-top gaming is to give the players the ability to do whatever they want within the limits of their imagination
Until you arbitrarily decide that they've had enough fun and stuff a shit moral quandary into their adventure.

find another game or start your own then fagbaby

Limbs grow back. I don't know about his head but I imagine that one is probably tricky, I'm pretty sure it never happens in-game and I don't remember if they ever reference it happening to him in a previous incarnation. If I remember the game manual correctly, the kind of thing needed to permanently kill him is stuff like burning him to ash, etc.

Man, TNO really did get the shittiest form of immortality possible, huh

Yeah those are the only good ones. Already had both

I'd say you're a garbage DM, but it's doubtful you've ever played the tabletop.

What happened to Yea Forums? How did a PST thread survive for almost 24 hours? You guys are alright

and I'd say you're a shit and entitled player who has no respect for or experience with the craft and effort of DMing, and wouldn't want you in my game anyway

It's not a shit moral quandary, though. It's only that if you put it in the game just for the purpose of making the paladin fall. (And in later editions even fallen paladins have some interesting options open to them.) I would put it in the game not to make the paladin fall, but to see how the PLAYER was judging what "Lawful Good" meant to this paladin. I think that BOTH saving the baby and killing the baby can have MULTIPLE Lawful Good interpretations. Just off the top of my head:

1. Save the baby, because while orcs may be biased towards evil, alignment is not completely predetermined and with a proper upbringing the orc could become good
2. Save the baby, because although the orc has no chance of being anything other than evil, killing a defenseless babe is still evil. And raised, it can be contained and prevented from doing harm
3. Kill the baby, because the orcs are inherently evil and must be slaughtered down to the last, without mercy
4. Kill the baby, because while you may be ambivalent on how necessary it is, it IS after all likely to grow to be evil, and killing orcs is the law of the land

I would say all of these are possible reasonings compatible with a Lawful Good alignment

Are there any good Planescape tabletop campaigns streamed online? It's a super interesting setting but I don't have the nerd friends to play it myself, I'd love to watch a campaign.

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there is no whole point. tabletop is a cactus of points and you can add and remove many while it still being tabletop gaming. look at games like Paranoia where the whole concept is the players have extremely limited freedom and have to try and outwit the system to do anything engaging or die tring

>entitled player
Here's a protip if you ever actually want to be DM: You're there to facilitate the fun of the players. "You fall" situations aren't fun. You can have fun as a DM too, but it shouldn't ever trample the fun of the players.

Is the android version good?

It depends on how it's done. A campaign where a Paladin continually faces hard moral quandaries, until they find themselves growing more and more heartless and brutal until they fall, can be a fun one. Take the orc baby example. Say the LG paladin decides to save the orc baby and try to raise it to be good. But it escapes during orc puberty, and later on returns as an orc warlord - all the more dangerous because of its knowledge of human society - and slaughters thousands of humans. And as a result, the LG pally becomes more brutal, fanatically focused on the genocidal extermination of the orcs because of his guilt, until his methods go so far beyond the pale that he falls. It all depends on how these things are done.

>Citing the Culture series to advocate for your position when the entire point was how decadent and morally empty their society had become in its ennui

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That's not the situation I'm talking about, that's gradual development fully within the control of the player.

I had fun with it on my phone but I came across a bug which fucked me over. the portal to ravel dissappeard from my inventory

I don't think that was the point. I think the Culture series was more about how truly alien even a society that on the surface has a lot of compatibility with humanity would be once it had reached levels of technology that were post-scarcity and star-spanning.

I know you think you're being cute with this "lol you don't play" shtick but there is a clear give and take relationship between the players and the DM. There is no reason to either DM or play unless you're having fun and neither is there at the mercy of the other. That said, the initial anecdote was about fucking with players who deserve it, which I have never and will never feel bad about. Sometimes players have to learn the hard way to stop fucking everything up. Or do you handhold your players through everything and pull all the punches to avoid hurting their feefees?

But does it control well?

lol wut, I quit PST for the 2nd time, only finished it once, but never found vhaillor and the tv box party member. wtf is this. how good!

Is this game seriously that good? A lot of WRPGs just come off as wish fulfillment to me, where you're the only important character in the universe, and you don't have any companions. If you do, they basically are just a walking ball of stats with no actual impact on the story.
Is this really "one of the good ones?"

>Sometimes players have to learn the hard way to stop fucking everything up
That DM

I think it did had no problems at with UI the only one I had problems with was baudurs gate and that was because some items were to small to "click" with my fingers. Are you gonna pirate or pay? Because I'm sure last Christmas they went on sale at £1

Players will make their own mistakes. "Haha, you fall because I'm the DM" isn't a mistake of the player.

I'm gonna pirate it of course desu, thanks for sharing your experience

Only way to find out is to try it out yourself.
you're companions are related to you somehow and offer a glimpse into your past incarnations

It seems like a pretty big game. Which version of it is best, as there are a bunch of versions on steam. I'm assuming at this point none of the money I spend on it would go to the original devs, so should I just pirate it?

>there are a bunch of versions on steam
I thought there was only the enhanced edition? that only came out a few years ago and your money would go to the devs. But it is on GoG so you could also just pirate

If the money will go to the devs, I'll buy the EE. Cheers user.

user NO! don't give money to Beamdog. They didn't do that much with planescape but only polish it under avellones supervision!

>the devs
Black Isle is long gone. Now I'm not sure if Beamdog is giving Avellone some of that EE money.

Original devs are gone. You would only be giving money to Beamniggers, which should be punishable by law.

If the Paladin is constantly going around swinging his dick and justifying it with his own warped idea of Lawful Good, hampering the enjoyment of myself as well as the other players, I am well within my right to take advantage of it and fuck with him back. I've been DM'ing for over 20 years now, if I was actually That DM bad I think my players would have quit by now.

That was what Dakkon's doubt was, which was apparently enough to weaken the fortress enough to be destroyed.

yes but you should still go in with no lofty expectations

Who is the guy on the cover though?

If he's ruining everyone's enjoyment of the game then you take him aside and tell him that he's ruining everyone's enjoyment. The fuck preschool shit is that?

Guido henkel

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Have you never played with a group of actual close friends? This is the kind of shit that happens sometimes.

Even more reason to talk to him, what the fuck.

>page 8
I hope we get more threads like this. This Is one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had on Yea Forums

Maybe there will be a surge of people playing when the switch versions come out

was a good thread user, havent had this much PST discussion on Yea Forums for years

Brett gud thread. OP was not faggot this time, nor were anons. Pure succubus waifus for everyone.

would rather a fiendling but a succubus is fine

Ha. Its always the Nintendofags that stretch a thread. I hope they didn't pay too much for it and I hope they enjoyed it

was a pleasure talking to you all my fellow GAMERS