Kojima scattered our sorrow to the heartless sea Yea Forumsros

Kojima scattered our sorrow to the heartless sea Yea Forumsros..

Attached: metal-gear-solid-v-phantom-pain-screenshot-44-ps4-us-04mar15.jpg (1920x1080, 222K)

There was nothing wrong with the phantom pain.

Polite reminder to watch the GrateDebate's latest video about PT.

Except that the little story we got was pointless, in terms of relevant lore you could have avoided the entire game and just play the last mission and listen to the truth tapes. Not to mention the retarded twists that's basically Kojima spitting in the face of the fans.

Gameplay is more important than story in a videogame, and MGSV had the best gameplay the series has ever seen

>he trusted the westaboo hack

>MGSV literally explained nothing but why Big Boss was in Metal Gear 2 and retcons both MGS3 and MGS4

Epic. Kojima is a great writer.

2 days.

Yes it is, but since we are talking about MGS the story is as important

>long ass helicopter rides
>nothing to do in the open world
>outposts are a joke
>too many useless weapons
>no subsistence mode
>no hard mode for all missions
>no camo index
its got good mechanics but when the gameplay is shit, it doesnt matter

>has best gameplay in the series
>has the least replayability next to MGS4

>MGS3 had the best gameplay the series has ever seen

MGSV is finished. It just sucks.

Attached: When did Kojima stop calling him Big Boss.png (1379x71, 4K)

He made diamonds out of asses

>best gameplay
Choose one.

Attached: nu-stealth-short 2.webm (640x360, 1.45M)

>the story is important
It's all an excuse to essentially say "you control this guy named Snake and in TPP, yourself, but named Snake doing secret sneaky stuff while fucking around with your opponents with hand to hand combat. Snake represents either Solid Snake or Big Boss, but who the fuck cares."

>okay this dude is aiming at me
>but I forgot my glasses
>could be Pietrov too fucking around too
>wait a minute is that a horn?

>When did Kojima stop calling him Big Boss
The moment he decided to make Snake Eater.

fuck this gay game.

Attached: nu-stealth-short 2b.webm (640x360, 2.36M)

You thought we wouldn't notice did you, you shitter. Opinion discarded

No shot fired until the end, Kojima defender.

user Afganistan is a big place, if you got detected at that range you'd be the first one raging about it. This isn't a minimap based stealth game, impossible to control every enemy at that range in an open world.

The fact that you're using it means you don't know how to play the game. Means your opinion can be discarded

>it's okay that guards are totally blind
>because huge useless non-open map
>that you visit over and over and over again
>where these blind enemies respawn
>difficulty settings, who cares
>btw. I love nu-GTA and all that trash as well
>Plus I love Kojima-cock

Yeah user I bet it's really boring to play with tranq guns eh.

What makes you think this is my personal footage?
Haha, implying that I would have been stupid enough for fork cash over for this piece of shit.

>I didn't even play the game I'm complaining about
Well I'm sorry I take everything back, your opinion clearly should not be discarded

>I love playing this nu-MGS
>The old ones I hated because of this stealth shit
>The new ones are just like CoD
>And I love to shoot and action and shit
>I love dem explosions

Also, him calling Big Boss "Snake" is partly an excuse for how he loves Big Boss more than Solid Snake.

>I fucking hate Solid Snake, and I love Big Boss!
>In fact, Big Boss is the only Snake that matters! He's the true Snake! He has way more emotions than Solid Snake, and he's way more compelling to write, too. That's completely false, but I'll make it FACT and thus TRUE because I say so, since I am the creator of Metal Gear, and thus, I can do whatever I want!
>Sorry, Solid Snake, you came first, but you're a piece of shit compared to Big Boss!
>Fluff my pillows, Big Boss!
>Fire your weapons for me, Big Boss!
>Make me happy, Big Boss!
>Dress like a desperado and wear a ponytail for me, Big Boss!
>Make sure that monsters don't come in my bed, Big Boss, even though you're one too!
>Have sex with me, Big Boss!
>Be my penis, Big Boss!
>Watch Death Stranding with me, Big Boss!
-Hideo Kojima

I fell for this shit once - MGS4.
Which was shit already.
Fool me once, shame on you
But that shit Jap even dropping Hayter made me realize that it's going to be shit.
And wow, I was right.

>durr MGSV is great becus it's like COOOD shooty shooty rooty tooty
This is why the demon horn mechanic was necessary. MGSV is a stealth game, not a shooter.

>You must have paid for piece of shits so that you can judge them
>It's impossible to judge anything unless you own it personally and have recognized that it's shit
Yeah, no.
Also let's pretend I would have done so:
"I played 1 hour"
>muh 1 hour? So you haven't really played it
"I played 20 hours"
>muh 20 hours? So you must have loved it, who plays a game for 20 hours without loving it

>MGSV is a stealth game, not a shooter.

>yfw it's MGSVR

>it's stealth
>you get S ranks even after killing guards
Choose one


It's a stealth game.

Actions are not words. Action matter more than words.
MGSV acts more like a shooter than a stealth game. Hence, it's a shooter.

>ignores valid point of getting S ranks after killing guards
>IT'S STEALTH!!!!111
No, it isn't.
It was quite obviously designed for the CoD / "open world" / nu-GTA crowd in mind.
People said that it would be shit simply because of the shitty pseudo open world design, and they were right from the start.
It was not made for veterans of the series (also see Hayter removal and replaced with a wanna be an expensive C-grade "actor").

This game is a masterpiece. It made you hurt for what you once had, like a good story or interesting bosses. Just like the title’s namesake phenomenon

you mean MGSV:DE

Kiefer Sutherland's voice made me want to choke on Big Boss' dick.
He's that good.

Kojimmy is truly a modern day genius.

>It was quite obviously designed for the CoD / "open world" / nu-GTA crowd in mind.
Nah, it doesn't resemble either in any way. The game even has hard mode and subsistence mode, they're just not available from the start.

>The game even has hard mode
That's factually incorrect.
It got a few copy+paste missions.
That's not a hard mode difficulty setting.

Plus remember how many difficulty settings there were in 2+3?
And they even changed AI capability.
On the highest one you even got game over when spotted.
>it doesn't resemble either
I never said that.
I said it was made for those crowds.