If you think waifu games are a "fad" you are in for a rude awakening. Waifu games are the future...

If you think waifu games are a "fad" you are in for a rude awakening. Waifu games are the future, they will only grow bigger.
Deal w/ it.

Attached: YoungMenSex.png (1046x758, 209K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw 27 years old virgin

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>27 year old also
>Have had sex with several women

Trust me, you getting laid won't fix anything... it doesn't fix anything for me. There is something wrong with us, maybe we are depressed... who the fuck knows? You could get laid tomorrow, user, and you'd stop giving a shit the day after and go back to your depressive self.

woah dude I didn't ask you to rub salt in my wounds

It's ok buddy, 30 years here

38 yrs, still waiting for wizard powers

Ooo, a wizard. Congrats nerd.

The reason you faggots are still depressed is because there's something missing in your lives or can't get over something, maybe you don't have a job?, a gf?, don't eat well?, or have problems with certain people or even in your house?, you can't forget your past with your ex?, etc. It's a great step if you can overcome one of your problems but at the same time, if you fix one of them the other problems of yours will pull you back to your depression so, if you want my advice, try to know what's wrong with you and try to fix that shit and of course, give yourself another opportunity to live a happy life. Step by step you'll eventually reach a good life.

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Whoa thanks I'm cured

25. But i dont mind. Its not about me getting laid but about laying the hottest bitch my dick could take. So far none met my criteria

This is the gay

what happen in 2008 that made everyone FUCK


high hope their tits grow bigger as well

>Comes to complain about their shitty life
>Try to help him
>Nigger literally thought he'll get rid of his depression by just reading a post
No wonder why you're still a faggot.

I highly disbelieve that almost 30% didnt sex. Im a virgin too however

Women demand more than in the past and they can easily fuck chads because of online ero date sites. This is main reason, waifu games and porn too but much less.

Now spread those damn legs because here comes your favority juicy cock you little slut.

It's much easier for women to have sex. Men's standards have never been lower than they are now, while women's have only risen. If a woman is thirsty for some dick, there are thousands willing in a 10 mile radius in any direction

What a loser

Why should I consider waifu games to be good? Because they're popular? There isn't even a single good game reliant on waifus. Every one out there has major problems and is blatantly terrible, only liked because of said waifus.

They didnt sex in a year, not ever

>Not just using your imagination to jack off.
I'm so so worried about porn being banned when I just can just imagine it.

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>Men's standards have never been lower than they are now
Not really, especiall looking what this site considered palatable

No, you're assuming too much. At this point in my life I think some people are just born with mental health issues.

Example, people would kill to be where I am in life, but I still feel depressed.

>Young Firefighter
>Beautiful fiance
>No dept and money

It doesn't matter what I do, I can't escape this... none of us can. There is a reason why we turn to video games, we are trying to shut this fucking world out. This whole fucking bullshit of "maybe if you just change something" will fix it... it doesn't.

I'm fine with not having sex because I'm a schizoid so having people in my life just gets in the way of being who I want to be. I do hate seeing statistics like this because of how dramatic things are changing and what that implies about the Western world in general.

Sex in last year is an almost perfect proxy for virginity.
Also men have a very strong sex drive, having had sex once 10 years ago doesn't change much if you're de facto incel now.

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>why are men such assholes
>why are men so creepy
>why are men being gentlemen when I just want to fuck
There isn't a single good lewd video game with actual gameplay. The ones with decent visuals are all trash.

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>what happen in 2008 that made everyone FUCK

Well then, I find it hard to believe that every 4th guy is an incel too.

I can accept this; if sexless men aren't placated somehow (vidya/sexbots/etc), they'd lash out against society and that is worse than increased waifufagging

How is it hard to believe at all? That's probably around the unemployment rate for men at that age and having sex without a job is much harder unless you're a nigger selling drugs or whatever.

>get blown a few times by my cousin when i was 14, she was 12
>30 now, haven't touched a woman since
feels weird

I'm surprised people haven't blamed Trump for the lack of sex then.
They have for everything else.

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That's because the concept of incel has been demonized to a set of ideals instead of factually just being someone who isn't having sex. There's nothing wrong with not fucking anything willing if you don't think it's the right person.

There are 75-years-old men in Vatican City that are virgins too.

Nah that seems about right, all my high school friends are still virgins. The only reason I’m not is because I got lucky one night one some guy’s wife

>exposed to something like that at a young age
>your entire reference for relationships is completely fucked for the rest of your life
Happens more often than you think.

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>tfw 28 and a virgin
>tfw my brother at 17 already got laid and has a girlfriend he's probably going to marry/seems like his perfect match
>tfw my sister at 20 has found her perfect match
>tfw have only had a half decent relationship once in my life for like 3 months
>tfw my parents don't even jokingly ask me to give them grandkids anymore
>mfw no face

at least your one experience was hot perverted underage incest and not some vanilla bullshit

Well, you're right about some people being born with some mental health issues because this is true but, I disagree with the rest of your post. I think every person could be happy even the ones who has some issues no matter if they have mental health issues or physical issues. I think it's a matter of giving yourself another opportunity to be happy again. I assume the problem with people like you is that the more you think about how hopeless you would be, the more deep you'll fall into that black hole. I don't know who are you or what are your problems so I don't want to give you any vague advice but, running away from your sadness won't fix anything (that's for sure and that's why you keep doing it) because what's the point on doing it?, why do you do it?, do you get any personal benefit from that?.
>none of us can
Talk about yourself, don't generalize because that sounded like what a 14 years old teenager girl would say.

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No, people who aren't having sex, and people who can't attract anyone are two totally separate things, and it's super obvious to almost everyone the difference. You can meet someone and know whether their abstinence is voluntary or not.

Is there a huge physical difference between you and your brother or did you just turn out a sperg?

>tfw only had one girlfriend
>tfw she was a slut befor-

wait a minute this isn't video games.

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user some peoples brains are literally broken and incapable of feeling properly happy. deal with it.

I know that feel, it’s fucking awful.
>18yr old brother has already had 3 gf’s
>21 and only had one relationship that only lasted a fucking week cause she went back to her ex

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>got raped as a kid
>parents keep asking me if I'm gay
I mean looking at statistics for kids that were abused, it's just a harmless question. But fuck, I don't bother responding anymore.

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>all these normalfags who wish they had a GF

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Hey me too in 24 days

im 18 and ive only had sex with one girl and that mightve been a fluke relationship so im not sure
ill wait and see if i can fuck this other girl and surely if i can get 2 girls im not an incel right
will update my blog in the coming months

Physically we both did sports/ are active. He runs, I swim. He's more outgoing and social though, I was very much a socially withdrawn person with only a few close friends in comparison. He did social clubs and hazing shit while I was just partaking in weebshit and vidya at his age.

>you're right about some people being born with some mental health issues because this is true
I know and i said it, but i'm talking about people who think they are hopeless and the only solution for them is by running away from their problems.

Hang on.
Why is there a disparity between # of men getting laid and # of women getting laid?
Do the women fuck men over the age of 30?
Or are they becoming lesbians?

>tell teens stop having sex
>some of them start to listen
Shocking results really

>Do the women fuck men over the age of 30?

I can't believe there are people so fucking ignorant out there
Just nuke society it's filled with people who will never know what they step into anyway, people keep living for ideals that don't even exist, the very fact that we have a society filled with wagecucks and it's a functional one is a fucking miracle at this point

28 and im only not a virgin cause I've paid for escorts

according to Yea Forums guys over 30 get way more pussy

they all fuck the same alpha chads
we're literally devolving back to tribal mating strategies

@everyone in this thread
have sex

We've had an idea implanted in us at a young age, that for every man there's a woman, with the 50:50 gender split and all, but the reality is that probably more men died without ever having children than there were those that procreated. Meanwhile almost all women that could've had children, probably did, since they're not as expendable as men.

Men have not been in control of sex since they made rape illegal. Just saying.

Global recession lead to lots of women trying to get pregnant so that they could go on maternity leave instead of being fired

Spotted the discord tranny.

Skeleton high five

Yea Forums incels are not representative of the entire gender, being 0.01% of the population and all

Dang, chalk another one up for the "introverted hobbies will ruin you socially" crowd

how does it feel, to see everyone around you be normal and you having to pay for sex?
>inb4 ask yourself

>I do hate seeing statistics like this because of how dramatic things are changing and what that implies about the Western world in general.
If you were a schizoid you wouldn't care about this

The only thing that's missing from their lives is Jesus. He is the only one who can fulfill them.


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>people have more sex during economic recessions

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or, just adress the problem at hand and get them to have sex.

Ah, it's not that complex.
Most people with the incel disease just never learned how to practice their emotions, so their conscious mind is basically led around on a leash by their feelings rather than the other way around.
Just practice feeling happy and calm even when you're sitting on your own and just thinking. All you need are 30mins, 3 times a week, manually and consciously being happy.
Like couch to 5k but for your feelings instead of your legs. It works.

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Must be nice that they can get it for free. That's pretty much the extent of my feelings

I gave in to the whole sex meme two years ago, 29 now and just masturbating to hentai has given me better climax than sex. I still got occasional herpes ever since I tried the whole frenchkissing thing. Fuck. You also have to clean up and change sheets after you fuck. Fuck that.

It's mostly the fault of women for not wanting substandard males when they can do better. I don't blame them; when you're at the grocers, do you purposely go out of your way to pick the bruised apples?


modern /r9k/ is more sexually successful than Yea Forums

>There is a reason why we turn to video games, we are trying to shut this fucking world out.
If the problem is in your brain chemistry then videogames won't work.
If the problem is in your mindset then escapism won't work.
What you need to do is, even if you fucking hate your life, find something that you'd hate yourself even more if you left that something un-answered.
It's okay to hate your life. Not everyone can be happy. But even if you're not happy, there's gotta be something else you're pissed at, otherwise you would have just ragequit IRL entirely.
So on your path out of IRL, as fast or as slow as it may be, find something else you'd like to take down with you.

I'm catholic but I think i've overcome some problems thanks to other guys and i don't like the idea of people to really get into a religion because they might become like a frenetic fanatic like almost every muslim. I'm not saying religion is bad, the problem is the people who get too paranoid about it.

Absolutely this and thank you for bringing this up. Most people don't talk to themselves and don't even know how to identify their problems because they give all their attention to the outer world instead of their inner world.

It's literally the opposite though, the effect is more long-term. Think about it, at least a year since the beginning of the crisis must pass before people start reporting they haven't had sex in a year.

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Nope, but I do pick out the cheapest apples, they're not bad, and good in a vacuum. Both men and women share equal blame for this (((epidemic))), men due to a lack of effort and for raising one incompetent, self-unaware, and self-inefficient generation after another, and women for reasons that don't need to be spelt out.

>I know and i said it, but i'm talking about people who think they are hopeless and the only solution for them is by running away from their problems.
The problem usually isn't the fact that they are lazy, but that they have put themselves in an endless spiral of bad emotions and self doubt. 90% of the time they will need the help of someone else, probably to the point of that someone else trying their absolute hardest to help the person that is stuck. Just saying ''keep trying!'' or ''chin up, champ!'' will never actually fix the problem and might actually make it worse for whoever is struggeling with negative emotions since they are just more likely to hit a sang in their way towards ''improvement'' and end up doubting themselves even more.

It's a simple issue really. Too many people were sheltered as young children and experienced failure when dealing with others in social situations so they retreated from society with the convenience of the internet and video games to avoid others as adults. People who are social succeed at being social and being social is the only way others can know you exist or show interest. Just do anything with others and don't be a creep. You might not get a girlfriend but you'll feel a hell of a lot better about the world.

If you've picked the right fictional character, they'll slap some sense into feelings, and tell your feelings to stop being such a burden and slave.

23, still don't know if it's permanent

I think my parents are just happy for every year that I go by without landing in jail.

>It's okay to hate your life. Not everyone can be happy. But even if you're not happy, there's gotta be something else you're pissed at, otherwise you would have just ragequit IRL entirely.
>So on your path out of IRL, as fast or as slow as it may be, find something else you'd like to take down with you.
Bro that's how you get mass murderers

Indeed, i've been there before and i guess i'm still there because i still have my problems, i'm not perfect but i'm that 10% left who didn't need help for somebody else (because i guess i'm an introvert faggot therefore i don't like talking about my problems to other people) to fix my shit. Actually, telling other people all that stuff like "lol everything will be right broo" is pointless, no doubt on that and it was never my point, what i tried to say is that knowing what's wrong with you, learning to manage your emotions and learning to get some self confidence would really help. Of course we are not the same, some people will have more struggle with their problems as others won't but still, there will be always a spark of hope for those people (including myself).

I love my waifu!

>out of 10 people from a very selected group we made this chart
Never trust statistics.

>Bro that's how you get mass murderers
Yes, and?
Be nice if we got a real one for a change.

Being social is a bit of an uphill battle though since you tend to make more enemies than friends.
In general it's not a good idea to make an enemy if you don't have a plan to deal with them.
I get what you're saying but there's a lot of prep work that goes into being social, it's not as easy as you make it out to be.

If it's any consolation, I lost mine at 25 to some equally autistic girl