She was kicked out from the Ginyu force due to her bad poses.
DBZ Kakarot will have a new character named Bonyu who has very big tits
Other urls found in this thread:
Expecting Japanese “humor” cringe from this gal while waifufafs will defend her heart and soul
Silicon tits don't belong in vidya
Have sex
yes they do
>Her tits are too big to pose properly
Epic Japanese humour
Pics or its fake
calm down, ma'am.
Based Ginyu, her pose ain't up to snuff she is nothing more than a mating press
>kicked out for bad poses
the best part of her character bio
Leaks from V-Jump.
Can’t find any pics yet.
The game will also have Goku+Piccolo trying get their drivers licenses.
I will now buy your game.
I'm suddenly interested in this game.
Well, toryama did say he had some involvement with the game and that it will have new things.
I'm expecting it to be the asura wrath of dbz games. But I'm fine with that. I love the dbz story.
>from the same planet as Jeice
Space Australia?
This game looks so fucking shit. It literally looks like an early PS3 game
>very big tits
The art direction has gone downhill
>The game will also have Goku+Piccolo trying get their drivers licenses.
don't tease me that way, user
So? If it's fun, who cares?
All they had to do was make Raging Blast
Instead we get 5 years of Xenoverse 2 DLC
*Budokai Tenkaichi 3
Probably because of cyberconnect
It look good for a dbz game. Not fighter z good but still a lot better than xenoverse.
google what a real ps3 dbz game looks like and apologise
>she has a large bust
But what about the Buu arc?
Man the English dub of goku is getting worse.
But the dub of Freeza is getting more and more better
she'll make an appearance...r..right?
>big titty Australian alien girl
The game does all of dbz. From raditz to buu.
I'll believe it when I see it. All Toriyama girls have the same body type which includes bust size. Even Krillin's GF Marron, who was supposed to be some exceptionally curvy woman, was just a Bulma clone.
When will we get DLC that includes Broly and A13 campaigns
I heard it only stops at the Frieza arc.
Marron is krillin daughter user...
I doubt the old broly will be included now there's a new one...
>removed from the Ginyu Force due to her pose not being up to par
this is exactly the level of dumb bullshit I love about the Ginyu Force
I hope she's stronger than all of them (except maybe the captain) just to get the joke across even better
>passing up on milking Broly
SSJ4 Majin Broly from heroes would like a word with you
It stops at the end of Buu.
Buu saga was never confirmed yet, we just got confirmation of the Cell games being in.
i'll fucking milk Broly's tits alright
Gee, would be nice if we had launch
Would fug anyway. She's 19 in gt.
The dub voice actor confirmed it some week ago.
She might be in it if android 8 is in.
cute. wouldn't fug but would hug
>Female Jeice
so this is a plus for me
Where the hell did this idea come from
Be careful not to hug her in front of her Mother.
am I retarded or am I hearing DBZ Abridged voices
looks like bonyu means breast milk in japanese.
big retarded
Would make no sense for her to be stronger, otherwise Ginyu would have stolen her body. If he couldn't do that, she would be Captain instead. The poses are only there because Captain Ginyu likes them.
Am I the only one who hs zero hype for this due to the animation quality?
Cyberconnect 2 sucks at gameplay. Their only saving grave is their insane over the top animation skills and cel shading, see pic; which honestly is only rivalled by arcsys. A CC2 DBZ game could work great, but none of their trademark insane batshit animation has been seen in any trailer yet, AFAIK
damn, bonyu looks like THAT?
Resetera will go full retard by this if its real.
Wasn't she named after Krillin's gf?
fuck that i'd rather have female Burter with fat tits
female Jeice with big tits
>want Resetera to fucking die with another scandal like NeoGaf
>If Resetera dies there goes another containment site for those retards
It's a complicated feeling
Don't play with my heart like that, user, I'd play a very long game of nothing but King Kai driving-tier filler.
>already assblasted for tits he haven't seen yet
Trannys, everyone.
this website looks like it's from 2004
I think it's more likely they kicked her out for not having a penis to suck.
>ANOTHER bamco kusoge being "hyped" by morons on Yea Forums
I remember the previous 10, which also were shit
But please keep posting, I want to see the big bonobos
Dragon Ball could use more females on the battlefield. There's like 4 that are of any relevance in the series now, only 1 of which can do any fighting at the current level.
There was some. Of it against Freeza. But they probably are keeping the best.
I have faith with cc2 like they did with asura's wrath.
>very big tits
already stop reading there and already bought the game
>Already getting triggered at the mere possibility of a sexy fictional character
Fucking hell.
>Krillin named his daughter after his ex girlfriend that looked like Bulma one to one
Krillin you motherfucker...
That's genderswapped Jeice fan art
just imagine jeice with a big bust
>Would make no sense for her to be stronger, otherwise Ginyu would have stolen her body.
>Stolen a body that sucks at doing good pose gesture
Based retard. Someone doesn't get Ginyu. But I doubt she's stronger either way.
Galaxy brain here, Goku is getting worse in general
Holy.. fucking shit aiI IIN NENEEED AAAAAAAAAAAA
The games just have worse directing that makes all of the anime voices sound shitty. I’ll watch the anime dub but I hate the game’s dubs so much that grandma goku is more pleasant to listen to.
What type of dairy product is she named after?
>big tits
Didn't need anymore than that, consider the game pre-ordered.
He didn't actually. His gf was anime filler.
Bonyu means milk in Scottish...
already started
>trans in bio
Of fucking course
Thank you.
There's nothing i've seen in any footage of this that's close to what you see in almost every cutscene of Asura's Wrath, though
reddit's that way.
I'd literally kill you for erotic cartoon images.
not shown yet, dummy
>doesn't have a nose as a leetle girl
Oh God, imagine how jealous Krillin must have been when her nose started to grow in.
>Same planet as Jeice
>being aroused is bad
>if you're a man of course
>no open world Asura's Wrath
Still mad
woah, a weakling joke character that can't impact anything of value in the plot, THRILLING
Pretty sure this is satire
They should bring back the girl ginyu force from Dragon Ball Fusions
>kicked out from the Ginyu force due to her bad poses
Didn't they mean lewd poses???
>publicly claim you're horny for Goku's giant gorilla cock
>damn people for liking big titties
Dokkan Battle pics have been leaked.
Only a matter of time before new big tiddy girl.
I think that it's more that the character promotes that in the design? It's not like Goku has a huge codpiece.
well he should
>Boxing buddha statue
top fucking notch
I always thought Zarbon was pretty.
I love giant titties.
and yet you fucking post a female version, get out the closet already
>will feature the driving license episode
Twitter is a very interesting place
are those additions canon?
Canon and dbz don't mix
I’m hyped for the porn
Sounds to me like an excuse to draw some titties and get some followers
The explosions and ki effects are top tier though. Great ape gohan shooting that mouth beam at Piccolo was perfection. Best 3D blast effects dbz ever had (2nd place being ultimate tenkaichi imo).
What if the game référence picolo being a doctor ?
>Bulma fucking her own child
yeah like the giant fucking trannyflag wasn't enough
More canon than GT, less canon than that one user's Xenoverse OC roster that included Blue Beetle and Booster Gold.
What if you can't pose with her body? That would be reason enough for him not to want it
>it's okay when japan does it
What's okay when Japan does it?
>Only new content to a story done multiple times is just making a character for some filler villian team
Just make new stuff with the story like Xenoverse or Heroes already does instead of trying to scrap the barrel to add something new
>someone saved my webm
im ready for the lewds when the character reveals
>Team Jutsu is just Hashirama's jutsu buffed up with with the rest of the Hokages' chakra.
They could have done better than that.
>5 hokage
>there are clearly 6
I have that pad too but I just can't draw without paper and pencil, how do I get used to digital
Nobody care's about Tobirama.
freeza dub is still bad. Goku voice is god tier but the writing is the bottleneck. "FREEZ IM GETTING MAD" lol. Also krillin voice was eldar god tier someone give him a raise.
sounds like something a dirty Uchiha would say. You're not a filthy scum-sucking Uchiha, are you, user?
I hope not. What an awful fucking antagonist. Worse than the generic ayy lmao even.
>Goku voice is god tier
Imagine being this much of a nostalgia nigger you think this
>more canon
>less canon
Its either canon or it isn't, there's no sliding scale
>Goku voice is god tier
Fuck off, Sean. Nobody likes your half-assed voice work.
I just practice. Same thing happen to me. now i feel wierd when i go back to paper
True. The Akatsuki where the only ones that did actual good team Jutsu together.
>Fuck, our game is getting negative press
>Let's shoehorn a waifu in the story, that'll get 'em back on our side!
Wait what happened?
Like that's a bad thing? The more DBZ waifus the better in my opinion.
>filler villian
Fuck off
Gameplay comes first. So far, this game is falling into the exact same problems the six-gen Dragon Ball games had.
>Same story
>Same monotonous gameplay
>Same lack of polish overall
Xenoverse wasn't and isn't anything to talk of, but at least there's something original, even if it falls short.
who cares.
big titty alien fan art is gonna be awesome
No the Ginyu Force is gay. That is why she wouldn't have fit in.
Go jerk off, user. This mystery character is literally R63 Jheese and there's at least thirty or so pics you can find alone based on my research back in 2011.
>hear countless rumors about a new db arpg
>found legacy of goku series to be insane fun on the gameboy
>think its finally time it gets the game it deserves
>its this crap
its not fair bros
How can everyone in the Ginyu force be based except for Ginyu himself?
t. kumbrain
>Buffed as fuck
>Quick as hell
>Elastic as shit
> n o a s s
Why are Japanese so sexist?
>Freiza is put off by how aggressively gay Ginyu is but he's also the most loyal minion he has so he just does his best to stomach it
Porn on the internet is older than you. It's never going to go away.
i hope she has a pixie cut
He had to burn it off so he could do that split.
>Hurr same story
The last few Dragon Ball games had original stories. Why are people pretending to be retarded and ignoring this?
Let's pray that Bonyu wasn't designed by Toyotaro.
what is this called
Since when did people promote their ERP shit on twitter, just have it on your f-list like a normal person geez.
His dapper cane was nice
Probably. Sentai poses are a scared thing, you shouldn't slut them up.
Bonyu means "Breat milk" in japanese.
I have never seen DB make name references in other languages than english
what is this supposed to be
The fact the Cell Saga is confirmed the bigger news though, retard.
Nothing happened, some people just don't like the fact the story is not other Time Patrol Xenoverse shenanigans, or were pissed thinking Goku would be the only playable character, now at least 5 different characters are confirmed to be playable.
More like Bonkyubon amirite
>but at least there's something original,
Xenoverse fans really their heads up their asses, Xenoverse's new story is 70% about revisiting old events with an OC. At least talk about the fanficton given life that is Dragon Ball Heroes when you talk about "something original".
Main antagonist of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission. He was the first Time Patroller but loli Kai locked him away because he was going full Zamasu with his justice bullshit.
tell me how do i master the power posing arts i want to join the ginyu force so bad
I she still short
waifu baiting isnt new for the Dragon Ball franchise.
I bet the detestable pose is pic related
Every artist ever get the melons ready
>DBZ Kakarot adapts DBZ plus filler plus some new content
>will go past Namek as many had feared it would only go up to Goku vs Frieza
This game sounds great. The gameplay looks fun too.
It's not canon it's a spin off and Japan makes it fun and non political
Will Postboy be making a return?
the big bust part was very important piece of info.
Begging all of ya to have sex. A virgin is blind to anything other than a sexy body. That is why you orbit women and let them get away with egregious acts, cause youre hypnotized by the tingle of pussy. An absolutely cringe personality and every moment she’s on screen will be horrible but it’s okay cause webs like you will buy another dbz action game.
Join the 40%
Theoretically large breasts threaten this person. Screen cap this.
*Some random comment trash talking*
Who else but Japan does it these days? Of course it would be ok if everyone still did it, the west actually created walking pair of breasts as characters in the nineties as well. Lara Croft was unabashedly promoted over her sexual appeal back then, even of damn car commercials, now it is all about her being a capable woman with a "realistic" body, sexuality is problematic.
It was getting negative press because journos thought it would only go up to Frieza. News of Cell Saga and side quests based on filler means this game is like Legacy of Goku.
Shut up normal f*g You might have lost your virginity and felt many big boobs yourself but for this 28 year old incel oldfag living in his mom's house and is a high school dropout who hasn't had a job or studied anything for over a decade this is the closest I can get, please respect that
is he just supposed to be one of frieza's race? looks almost like a frieza-saiyan hybrid to me with the weird fleshy hair-like stuff on his head
You're the one getting assblasted over a character no one's even seen yet.
Spend some time outside.
>no tobi
I don't think it ever mentions what race he's supposed to be, but his body armor shit definitely makes him look Cooler-ish. Wouldn't surprise me if he later got retconned into being one of them, if only to provide more character creation options for them in XV3 or whatever.
>this game is like Legacy of Goku.
The first Legacy of Goku only went up to Freeza though, so even this new game only went up to that point, it still would be akin to what Legacy of Goku was, not it is at least like Legacy of Goku I and II put together, I won't be surprised if the Buu Saga also gets confirmed later and people stop bitching about it.
When was the last time you had sex user?
He was a "new" member, that was the old and full Akatsuki line-up.
>sasori puppet form when literally nobody had ever seen it
>no orochimaru
You damn right it is right next to her being an space Australian
>no orochimaru
You blind?
Not him but why do think sex is so important it doesn't change you as a person at all
I am. I thought that was kakuzu in the middle there.
>sasori puppet rather than his previous puppet.
Keep drawing buff girls senpai
>I have made a mistake killing all the saiyans and Freeza and Freeza force
When will they use the Super DBs and get the saiyans back along the Ginyu Force?
>Hit's face stuck in Cooler's body
Kek. Fucking Toyo
DBZ is the Star Wars of anime. They try to keep selling, re-selling and selling again by just recycling shit over and over and over and over and you just have to consume. Consume it and fuck you if you don't like you fucking faggot, consume it. Consume more DBZ you fucking cunt, consume all of it and every bit of it.
Shit just slap tits on Jeice and I’m good.
Nah I just wanted xeno3 with animal people new moves and ability to learn dbz characters regular fighting combos not just there super moves.
Oh and a butt and breast slider I mean come on its 2019
You got a site user? I'd like to follow your buff girls.
And ask you about inking techniques. All my stuff looks like shit and I've had to resort to using textured brushes to hide the fact my lines are shit
>Bone you with large breasts
Lmao fake af
>DBZ is the Star Wars of anime.
Must have missed the time Dragonball became a gateway for political and ideological messages and the fans killing themselves on twitter because of that.
>forming any opinions on dubbed trailers
>go to pull pasta off fireden of Xenoverse 3 and the Goku Room
>The entire fucking Yea Forums archive is gone
What the fuck? Where did it go?
>Another Dragon Ball OC coming to a game
Where have we seen this before and it didn't work well???????
Got deleted off fireden. Like all Yea Forums archives before it. Probably due to it being too big.
If he r posing is THAT terrible then no one will like her. Not even the waifufag.
Majin Ozotto in that arcade-only game in the 90s? Besides him, most game OCs have been pretty well received.
No he's right, bug fake tits don't belong in vidya. Now large natural ones with some sag, that's what we need more of
Is Toriyama the only creator out there who remains uncucked?
again, reddit's that way.
>bug tits
Ginyu didn't steal Cell's body because it reminded him of a frog. He'd probably refuse to take it for any other silly reason like maybe her obtrusive tits mean he can't bend all the way down to do his pose correctly.
But there was so much good shit on there. Can it be recovered if (yet a fucking nother) new site picks it up?
Ozotto in the fucking nineties? Recent OCs have been well recieved, Android 21 was getting praised all over the place.
He wears baggy weighted pants.
Tell us more Buzzfeed
Dunno dude. There's
Her getting shammed for her big tits would be funny
Fu is legitimately one of the better characters in 21st century dragon ball. Though Heroes fucked up hard by changing his character into an evil villain and not just a curious dork that wants to see cool What-If scenarios
>pose not being up to par
Ginyu is too fucking based.
>inb4 alternative wife options
Pull the trigger you fucking cowards.
Let me have Goku leave Chi-Chi and marry Bulma’s mother.
>Make a game that's a love song to the original classic anime and it's fan.
Add OC that equates to being the same faggot xenoverse/heroes/super/whatever bullshit fan fiction is consider dragon ball Canon.
Why did they chose to ruin the love song?
>Goku never marries Chi chi
>Gohan is still born and grow up like usual
I want to FUCK Lurantis, bacon pants and all.
I just hate how they marketed this game as being OG DBZ and decided to cuck super. But now it's literally the same tier as super/heroes/xeno by adding its own OC.
>Annnnnnd in the trash it goes with the rest of the blue and red hair faggotry and whatever retcons.
Even though I know it's true I am not a fan of this "theory"
Because a love song is three to five fucking minutes and can be consumed in a short timeframe whenever you wish with minimal commitment.
If a love song took a hundred goddamned hours to listen to nobody would want to hear it all the time on the radio, so you change it up and add something fresh on replays of the song.
*not true
>Zoomer core dragon ball destroying a perfect franchise.
Nothing to see here, par for the course.
Why do Zoomers insist on rebooting, remaking, and retconning everything near and dear to boomers. Why are you so obsessed with us and our popculture? Go make a donation to a stream you zoomer faggots.
DBZ is a millennial thing, not a boomer thing
whats the name of the pad user pls
Nothing is being retconned or remade here. It's just a new character being added to this game to spice shit up a bit. We don't need another 1:1 retelling of DBZ in video game form. If you don't like new things being added to the lore, you can just stick to the old PS2 games and pretend Super doesn't exist instead of whining.
>Why do buzzwords insist on buzzwording, buzzwording, and buzzwording everything near and dear to buzzwords. Why are you so obsessed with us and our buzzwords? Go buzzword to a buzzword you buzzword faggots.
This is basically Legacy of Goku but in 3D huh
They are all shitposting newfags from reddit that never even played the Legacy of Goku games, could you not tell by them using the zoomer/boomer shit that literally came off a subreddit?
>chill character, tries to make jokes, interesting moveset, likes to fight because it is fun
>another one of those characters like Piccolo eternally benched until some special guest appearance
>get a main character instead that is getting more retarded with time and another one that is still tsundere as hell
Meh. I would like 2 or 3 episodes with him hanging around with Krillin, Piccolo and revived 16(Super Dragon Balls are a thing, bring him back) while travelling in a van getting rare animals.
New character and backstories is from Toriyama
>get a main character instead that is getting more retarded with time
What the fuck happened to Toriyama to make Goku behave like he does in Super?
DBZ Abridged Goku is less retarded than Super's somehow and it's supposed to be a parody.
Sounds good to me. LoG2 and Buu's Fury are still the best DBZ games ever made.
Not really Toriyama's fault. DBS aired on Sundays morning in Japan, so Goku made more childish to appeal to Japanese school kids. Goku's less retarded in the manga and in DBS: Broly since they aren't primarily aimed at Japanese kids.
>not knowing the difference between the dubs
>Being this normal
>inb4 Jeice is actually a ftm tranny meaning him and bonyu are the same nigga
If you are lying. I will find you.
spotted the woman/gay
What, they have a Majin Broly? I need to move to Japan.
Super aired in kids slot, which is why no blood. But current japan also likes mcs acting retarded like that, sort like Luffy but even Luffy isnt that retard and can get serious pretty easily. Hell, even kid Goku wasnt the way Super Goku is, he was naive because mountain boy but not a complete retard
>100 tranniebucks have been deposited into your account
>First Hokage's Jutsu
>Just the character is the Third Hokage
Why do gamers always use "hurr fictional character!!!" as an argument?
You guys are the ones wanting fictional characters to jerk off to?
If this game has Goku/Piccolo checkpoint races where you drive through the rings I'll be happy. I unironically love those types of missions despite everyone thinking that they are bland.
Which game is that from?
>Future Gohan will undoubtedly still have both arms
Silicon and silicone aren't the same thing, kid.
Which db girl has canonically the largest bust size?
Dilate, and then have sex you seething incel tranny.
>tfw you accidentally google for marron r34 instead of marion r34
Leave him alone. Fighterz already pissed me off when they killed him IN 3 DIFFERENT STORYLINES and then arcsys nerfed him hard with later updates
Fighterz. In the story mode if you choose certain characters into the team they will interact before fighting
>More Forced OCs that'll likely be main villains
>huge tits jeice
Why fuck with 16, he had a perfect little story in DBZ and his Satan toss to Gohan was pure kino.
I miss yamcha, the over confident dude getting screwed over because of his ego, showing off or pure bad luck was always based. Shame he stopped being a thing after the androids.
Annin. Or Maron
If canon it has to be Bulma or blonde Launch. If Super counts, then definitely Ribrianne
>no mention of 16 ever again
>not even when 17 gets back as a pork ranger
>not even Adult Gohan does a mention
Even Guldo is a little lame in retrospect. Never cared much for Jeice but he was a cool partner to Burter... who was only cool for his speed... which was quickly overshadowed... Recoome's alright I guess.
Fuck I had forgot about her
I agree, they're always cute as heck. I just wish more of them had fighter bodies rather than noodle appendages.
I'm liking that Cauliflower
I can't go back to paper, screw buying supplies and it feels a lot better.
Why blonde launch specifically?
d-do her titties expand when she changes?
Boing Boing!
Her butt attack from the anime is not a super move in Xeno so fucking mad.
Wanted to give that move to a hot majin girl
a goku/piccolo driving minigame or something would be fucking incredible
especially if you can wear their outfits outside of the race
>driving school
I really hope so
i wish i were ribrianne chair....
She and Annin can be giants, so throw a coin.
Those that dont remember Annin, she was that guardian of the Dark World filler where Goku & Chichi go to at the end of DB. And Grandpa Gohan eats that every day for all eternity
They do a bit. They are pretty obvious when she starts shooting Goku and the others on underwear
Me too, user!
That burter looks like some fucking Teletubbies shit, damn nightmare fuel.
Me too my friend, me too....
Yeah she was protecting the fire of the spirit world or something like that, right? Would be cool if she was playable even being giant shouldn't be hard because I think xenoverse did that for the namekians.
>still no big milky leaks
>not playing it in sub
>That projection
I feel indifferent about her. But it amazes me that some people get actually upset when there _might_ be a character in a game with big breasts or skimpy clothing. As if the poor woman is living creature that's being exploited.
first post worst post
Man, I would kill for an anime that unironically sexualized only males. Not for the sake of comedy/cringe but to appeal 13 to 19 yo white or asian girls
Dangerous Bikini when?
Having more of the driving stuff? That's good
Wow, she's cool looking.
That part was pretty good, as the fillers before were pretty comfy. But that part starts with Goku fighting some warriors from another world and then it leads to that girl with Gohan.
I hope I can play this in Japanese.
She's already a fat bodysuit alien magical girl with lewd poses. That would be blatant fetish pandering.
>She’s a busty female character who supposedly left the Ginyu Force because she didn’t like their poses.
OP will never not be a lying dickbag who misquotes articles intentionally for whatever dumbass reason.
>trailer spoils the entire story
why do they do this
Thanks. I knew it meant something boob related but my moonspeak is very poor and couldn't figure it out.
Cho-Bakunyuu when?
Her Literal Immortal Mother went up to Cosplay King from the King of Fighters and Art of Fighting user.
+Guess I'm buying the game now.
give me the health care and education to be a normal person and i will
not him, looks like one of those smaller wacom tablets.
I would like to know more about space Australia
for me, it's space france
also apparently salza and jeice are the same species according to the db wiki, makes sense i guess
no, not really, complete different color skin.
Who is the space jew of DBZ?
Read the OP dumbass.
There’s two different translations of the leaks out right now.
Earth has dog people.
fuck off fightfags
>The game will also have Goku+Piccolo trying get their drivers licenses.
If you are going to go that far you may as well just start from the start instead of z
I'm glad furries were gone in Z but then they bring them back in Super
Fifty years from now I'll be on my death bed and still wondering what absolute fucking troglodyte thought it was a good idea to make an adventure RPG with DB but not use the Kid Goku era. And I'll still be stewing over it.
don't fightfags have FighterZ to play?
Fucking this. Something like dragon ball origins on the ds but with higher production values.
Yeah what the fuck happened to all the dogs in the crowds in z.
jizzbrains BTFO and seething
it's wasn't just dog people, there were Pandas, bears, tiger people.
Not to worry, since nobody is interested in doing anything new and are happy to recycle nostalgia titles, by sheer random chance you'll eventually get Dragon Ball RPG.
Probably after Bulma Teaches Typing and Future Gohan vs. Zombies Modern Warfare.
Imagine being Oolong.
I'm far more angry at how retarded the entire concept is than the fact that we'll never get a real DB game.
>hurr u only hate manchild goku because u like superman goku
fucking DIE
Goku in naive. NAIVE. There's a difference between that and being a glorified 6 year old at the age of 40something.
You're the same idiots latching on to Dragon Ball Z Abridged memes about how gokus a terrible dad, completely ignoring every serious moment he's ever had
I always like Krillin's American VA, and US Yamcha is good (but I don't like his husky Vegeta) as well as US Raditz, who is my favourite out of the American voices.
Man, Dragon Ball is so weird before Saiyans.
gotta be honest , this game looks like shit
This is another cashgrab like the last one piece game
I'll pick the Jap dub>French dub>English dub
how the fuck did she find out about Not-Bulma?
Krillin might as well been writing his own death warrant if he ever it slip that their daughter was BASICALLY named after a one night stand.
The trailer with Frieza and Goku where he punches him in the gut then Frieza spits white/grey transparent gushy stuff, instead of what should be blood.
It's a telling sign that they clearly still want to market to children so they can sell the toys, but decapitation would also bring the ratings up to 'Mature' so I'm curious how they will handle Frieza getting pizza'd part.
every fucking time
Keep Saying it Dunkey you permacuck
Not so fast
indeed, c*mbrains will be seething
>avoiding filters to use his reddit buzzword
Blue was so cool. Best gayman.
>If Super counts
It's going to make people mad but it will always count.
Super is canon, so it counts. In fact, the only canon is DB manga, DBZ manga, and DBS manga, and the Broly movie, which is specifically stated to be canon. Anything else doesn't count for shit.
To ruin the surprise on purpose
p. based for a fag
>big tits
>toriyama art
toriyama can't draw attractive females anymore not even he could at his prime.
her chest will be average at best but game will call it big.
Modern men no longer desire big breasts
day one purchase unironically
What if Frieza were female?
>all that baddass shit
>it cuts to just them standing in eachothers face normally
DB Era Bulma had big fucking mammaries.
She got nerfed in DBZ for some reason
yes, is a wacom intuos tablet
very cheap and work wonders, already have a year with it, using it almost daily and never had any problem with it
here have another
launch was in the demo area
Because Toriyama wanted the scantly-clad loli lusting after Goku's dick to be the love interest.
Sacrifices had to be made, user.
Toriyama draws the world's best waifus so yes we will defend her with all our being
Line work is a struggle. How do I get gud? Tried for a long time but still awful.
>Toriyama drew that anime cel
>they hated him because he told the truth
Based, kumbrain weebs btfo
Frieza isn't female?
>Future Trunks
>Same planet as Jeice
So she's a sheila?
That doesnt explain why her tits were nerfed at all user
This but ironically
For all the problems Super had little moments like this made it all worthwhile.
Has there ever been a case where adding a new female character to a story gone well? Whenever Japan does it they're always fucking obnoxious.
Has anyone ever cropped Marrons face here?
Deborah in Dragon Quest V. Entirely optional.
You people are gay
why does every tranny on twitter act like this AND why the fuck are you tards getting caught by this bait everytime?
I can't wait for twitter to die.
>DB Era Bulma had big fucking mammaries.
Guess we’ll see how much of a fit Sony will throw.
>Why can't stop sucking dicks and forcing my shitty meme
Silicon chips deserve silicon tits!
because peoples lives are so pathetic and complacent that only anger from nothing makes them feel anything. worse than the snowflakes they complain about.
is she gonna have an cartoonish strayan accent?
Space Brisbane, to be more exact. Go Space Broncos!
>toriyama doing anything right
He had a moment of brilliance with 21, but that's about it.
nice data mining 3 letter faggot.
Everytime they make a new db character its terrible
Gohan literally never even met16 until the ssj2 speech.
>Her husband and daughter will die of old age while she will keep living on
Hopefully she'll use the drangon balls to become older
best squid
The DBZ mmo took place hundreds of years after Z, right? Did 17/18 ever make an appearance in that?
he said silicon note silicone.
>don't creep on fictional women, incels!
this is a troll right?
>we live in a time were a female character must be described as "big busted" first and foremost or else she's deemed a shit character or "SJW propaganda"
Gamers were a mistake...
ironic shit posting is still shitposting
Luffy canonically pretends to be retarded.
Why do you retards act like this game and it's sequel didn't exist?
>speaks for all men
I want all tards like you to get culled
Straight up, the Abridged version of his speech is infinitely better than the original. The whole "pls be a hero, don't hold back, you are strong" should fall completely flat, not to mention it shouldn't elicit any real response from someone who literally never even interacted with 16. The real talk smackdown that starts immediately with "Gohan, grow up." after the boy is already in tears is so, so, so much better.
scans when
>Your Trainer
The fight is sex.
The training is also sex.
I liked the Abridged speech too. Especially the bit about how Trunks has it infinitely worse than anyone else present but is still trying his best to make something happen.
That's how Vegeta reached Super Saiyan isn't it?
Frieza? His people? Though, he's said to be inspired by Japan's real estate speculators of the time.
...We never really see the money part of his empire, do we? Just "He's a evil overlord" stuff (or i don't remember seeing his interactions with money)
Linking the Original speech and the DBZA speech
An Original version (not sure which dub this is)
Abridged -
>An Original version (not sure which dub this is)
Judging by the music that must be the original US dub, no?
And, god, you reminded me of Gohan's awful fucking inner monologue that they replaced Day of Fate with. Travesty.
President Blue Dog was in DBZ
But fuck that, Dragon Ball had cute little weird towns, like cowboy and indian towns and sorts of goofy shit like that. Then it all just became these boring normal cities.
>I am a head
>Then maybe you should quit while you are
No way.
>look up on Google with multiple iterations of Japanese
>all results are hentai-related
This word is pretty explicit no matter the context. They wouldn’t allow it on a children’s show.
I mean a major villain of the original show was slang for titties so maybe they're getting back to basics.
Kai aside, wasn't there a few multiple different english dubs? I assumed they used the same music. Or did the funimation dub that aired on Toonami the only english dub that actually crossed the finish line?
Honestly, looking at them both, the DBZA one wins. It was definitely more memorable of the two, or at least leaves a stronger impact.
TFS has the advantage of hindsight and the ability to build everything together to be a cohesive whole from the very beginning, and I bet the staff making the DBZ anime didn't. Also, TFS had the advantage of time. That "finale" took about a whole year to do, while all the people creating the series probably had a few days at best, both manga and anime.
(Oh, by the way, calling it now, Heat-tap is connected to Babidi. Screencap this.
I know, I missed that too. Then again, it became that because exploring the world was no longer the focus, and the cities made decent battlescapes (with a lot of background footage that could be reused over and over with nobody noticing)
Girl Jeice
They just get lazier and lazier. Oh well...Goku in a car.
Honestly that sounds quite doable. Here's hoping its Xenoverse Cell.
Advantage of time definitely gets them a huge plus, they've been going for, what, 10 years now? And yeah, the amount of effort they put into 60 is amazing. If they can keep this level of quality up, I'll be dead before they're done with Z, but goddamn it will be good shit.
Certainly better than Super, at least.
And good catch. I still wonder what HeTap would even taste like. I imagine it's just Monster.
>"I would hug you if that was a thing I did!"
I hit the fucking jackpot.
>user is eaten by a dinosaur after being abandoned in the wilderness after being beaten senseless by Piccolo
>Yamcha wins the fight due to no contest
>A stiff breeze would then claim his life.
>Bonyu means "Breat milk" in japanese.
She better be a cow monstergirl
How about you play video games instead?
Seriously I wish he got stick around like Frieza did eventually. Anytime he shows up outside the normal Cell Saga is great.
They, surprisingly, put a lot more effort into writing than you'd think. They don't just go for an adaptation or lolwackyhumour, they have concepts for the characters, which they demonstrated with Frieza and Cell. Frieza was based around utterly hating Goku because everything he has ever done just doesn't work on him. He can't intimidate him because he doesn't care, he can't overpower him because he can actually match up to him, he can't talk smack because Goku is too dumb and doesn't get it. Goku is turning his entire world view, his sense of self on its head and he fucking despises that.
Cell, on the other hand, LOVES Goku. He is a fightsexual just like him. And not just Goku, he likes and respects everyone of the squad. He is, along with Goku, the only one who is actually nice and supportive to Yamcha. The only one, the SINGLE person in the universe he hates is Gohan because of his cowardice. They did everything they could to distinguish the characters from each other, so that in the end it's more than just a power lvl struggle.
They can also do foreshadowing where there wasn't any, add details, plan which moments need more impact or rewrites. Makes you wonder what another remake of Z with the same comparative level of time and budget behind it could do.
Cell is doomed to only appear in video games for eternity, I fear. I dunno if that's even true, but people keep mentioning how his pattern is a nightmare for artists, especially for 2D animation. Obviously that's less of an issue with 3D animation for vidya.
I think they'd have to add some layers on him if they wanted to keep him around. From what I've seen in canon, he's kinda just... generic-ly evil?
I mean, first thing he'd do is try to kill more people. What other goals does he have? To theorize, if he came back and realizes just how weak he is now compared to the crew and that his "perfection" ain't worth squat, he might change in interesting ways...
Frieza on the other hand at least wants to conquer the universe again and defeat Goku, who is standing in his way of universe domination. He at least can do things other then "I'm gonna kill everyone."
Though, I mean if he's not gonna adapt to not being a evil overlord he's gonna cause a situation that'll get him killed by Goku a third time. Unless somehow he truly does become a cartman-like character and never get comeuppances for his crimes (and South park gets away with this by nature of it being a comedy)
Who else remember this?
Or better yet, get Bulma to use Goku and Begetas DNA to reverse engineer new Sayains
I'm watching the original dragonball (at episode 46) and I just feel really bad for Yamcha
>be a badass thief in the desert, got a cool wolf fist style because wolves are cool
>Has one fatal weakness, finds out he has a shot of magically wishing it a way
>(assumed) years of experience, training and his special technique undermined by 12 year old playing rock paper scissors
>heroically saves the party's ass, joins in for the ride
>doesnt get his wish but all the good boy points he earns with bulma lets him get a shot at her
>even if she's kind of a terrible person he knows she's the best he could get so he plays the good boy and settles down with her in the city
I thought their ending in the 1st arc was kind of heartwarming, they both got their wish, but then...
>Bulma makes him cut his cool hair into some basic shit
>gets knocked out 1st round by getting breathed on by old man
>makes himself feel like an ass for wrongfully (rightfully) accusing Chun of being Roshi when Roshi couldve just told him what he told to Nam
>fast forward a while, goku comes back from snow land
>Bulma and him are having a fight because he's too popular
>despite everyone telling him to dump that bitch, is still acting like a good boyfriend and cant bring himself to get mad at her
>master thief starts exploiting his weakness to steal dragon balls
>Bulma doesnt look into this at all and just throws heavy wooden furniture at him, letting her get away
>Leaves with Goku saying she'll ask the dragon balls to find a better boyfriend and she hates him
>Goku tries to find words to console him but can't cuz he's literally an ape
>fast forward to Z
>Bulma dumps him for some reason I forget
>first Z warrior to die
>King Kai's training effectively does nothing for him, doesnt learn kaioken
>In the Cell arc, where almost everyone gets a time to shine, does nothing but get strangled by an old man and almost die again
>Retires from fighting because all the bad guys are level-scaling to goku
Next week
Marron a best
>everyone voiced by Chris Sabat
>okay we finally got dragon ball z to be mainstream again, lets fuck it up by pandering to horny losers who only play gacha
can't wait to BE broly
Japanese Goku was always better
>Trained by Cell to fight Caulifla
Oh no...
Nuts to that, Bulma should start making new Saiyans the old fashioned way.
That would involve animating Cell.
Omega Shenron
how fucked am I folks?
Oda has stated that he's literally incapable of internalizing his own thoughts. Hell, a recent chapter he got his shit slapped because of it.
Piccolo vs tien
heroic, manly and based fight to the death
>that Day of Fate cover
Still get chills
Fpbp, just look at the incel replies holy fuck
Chi-chi was a major villain?
And she won in the end, people really don't give credit to how subversive the original Dragon Ball was.
Also Pai-Pai.
>trained by Ginyu
>fighting the Para Bros.
This is so bizarre...
I'll rape her.
Videl is still superhuman you know
>Every new DBZ game is adding an original alien slut for people to lewd
When did we step into the best timeline?
I'll rape her really hard.
>YOSHA as a mentor
>OHOHOHO as my opponent
I may have a chance
>tfw watching DBS now that faggots have calmed down about it since it came out
>Finished the Black/Zamas arc just now
Is it weird that I'm enjoying it more than DBZ? Even with Goku being a certified retard, Gohan being basically written out and Piccoro becoming a comic relief character.
I can't decide if it's because I don't know what's gonna happen next unlike Z or the God tier Mexican dub (Get fucked amerilards).
I still think Naruto was better though.
Kumbrain Force Assemble
>be bro no homo team
>some thot tries to ruin the bond
i don't get it, what's wrong with this, they didn't want a roastie thot to ruin the dude broness they had going
god this looks so fucking nasty and cheap compared to DBFZ
>trained by Chi-Chi
>to fight Gohan
>to the death
what the fuck
>no homo
The little green guy was probably the only one not a fag from the team, thats why they didnt cared much when Vegeta killed him
Now I care
But for real the teaser show until now are only to freezer saga, is very unlikely that every part will have the amount of content of the first 2
fucking based
Roshi have 300years
Even krill can outlive his daughter
>Chad Vegito
>General Tao Tao
>then Frieza spits white/grey transparent gushy stuff, instead of what should be blood.
It was always saliva
the anime changed it to blood for some reason
she doesn't look like that in the manga
Yeay, that's gonna be a based from me. Look at all the mad soibois lmao