>Tiger H is now 5.3
Ahahaha I'm gonna have fun dabbing on Sherman boys.
Tiger H is now 5.3
Other urls found in this thread:
>playing tanks
5.3? What does it mean? Also what gaem?
War Thunder, the 5.3 is the tank's matchmaking ranking. For reference Shermans and T-34s are around 4.0-5.0 and the matchmaking ranks you with any tanks up to 1 Battlerating(BR) above or below you, which means the Tiger now gets to go up against tanks that basically can't damage it
you're late as hell
they are deleting the panther II tiger 2 105, and the muas (and flackpanzer)
don't bother
The military vehicle grinding russian bias game
>playing WarBlunder post 2015
Man am I glad I don't play this trash anymore.
oh yeah
Based just woke up from coma poster
>can’t damage
Good thing most tiger players are brain dead and won’t bother to angle
What went wrong?
German tanks used to suck a few years later yeah?
They started focusing on tanks far more than planes and switched the progression from unlocking several planes at a certain levels to the research system where you only focus on one at a time that takes an immense amount of time and still requires an immense amount of lions, just to force more people into spending money on the game. Then tanks came out and they pissed all over the aerial game.
They got big and greedier as a result.
Groundforces introduced the new xp system, making the grind even grindier.
Ever since that they introduced new vehicles but never addressed the core issues, completely abandoning air battles too.
Their new clutch is the navy, but it's janky shit as expected.
they have ships now
>spend more lions=balance
I played this game a while ago.
Yeah, I know, but I'm not about to get back into a game with such a fucked progression system. They add cool new mechanics like helicopters and newer jets but then expect me to grind for years to use that shit. Ship's could be fun for all I know, but it would quickly turn frustrating as progression becomes more and more impossible. The old level based progression system worked well, research sucks ass.
Whats the best 60 dollars u can spend in war thunder right now
Never paid them anything got 200 hrs out of it so let's give them some thing
You can spend $60 on a better game
Don't waste your time on this sinking ship
>playing War Thunder
don't you fucking dare
They started focusing on P2W tanks and banning anyone who tried to call them out on it.
There were several big Warthunder youtubers who are straight-up banned from the game and legally threatened IRL because they tried to make videos on how Gaijin was just cashing in on the microtransaction/lootbox craze and will have completely killed the game if no one spoke out on it.
Basically fuck this game and the people who play it. Play IL2 if you want the plane bits, instead.
Please don't give them money.
Why did you have one landing gear out? Are you retarded?
Oh? So I don't get raped by t-34 85s on my tiger now? Finally now my heavy tank only gets raped by fireflies, m18s and comets now.
>t34-85 is 5.3
So nothing changed?
>unironically having trouble in a tiger
please uninstall the game and then your life.
fun fact: IL2 is getting a tank expansion called "Tank Crew" as a final "Fuck you" to Gaijin.
Buy Battle of Bodenplatte, you'll get more play time out of it.
every tech tree is missing somethingnot ussr tho and every new tree is half assed and not finished
>Play IL2 if you want the plane bits, instead
There's no arcade/RB mode in IL2 it's full sim, that's what I liked about it
It worked. My plane got repaired and I got back into the air.
M8 I'm having fun one shotting anything that moves on a tiger but my only gripe on the matchmaking is not feeling you're actually a heavy tank when your enemy can one shot you from the angled front too.
i'll check it out
>I should do retarded shit because I got lucky once
Now frankly you have to be brain damaged to play War Thunder, so I guess you're just following your instincts.
Went from humble WWII era plane enthusiasts to money-grubbing tank-only devs that outsource their 3D model labor and release almost nothing but tanks and helicopters, most of which are premium i.e. paying $30 - $60 for them.
>Play Air RB
>Germans almost always win with P2W bombers and airspawned Do-335
How the fuck do Allied players even cope
I remember playing this game during that april fools event.
You know, THAT one.
it was actually pretty good
>most of which are premium
All of them might aswell be as the helicopter and top tier tanks are unobtainable without premium time and sometimes even a premium vehicle. I double dare you to grind helicopters without a premium vehicle and time.
8 years I think
Man, what a shit decade its been
Wait till the next 50% off on premium vehicules, buy a high tier bomber and grind everything in that tree
I grinded like 4M SL and everything up to the ME262 C in the JU288
stop that
It's also worth mentioning that they released a "helpful tips" video where they were pretty much just saying...
>Research taking too long? Buy golden eagles!
>Tank or plane isn't performing to its full potential? Buy golden eagles!
>Need fire protection and parts? Buy golden eagles!
Watch them re-add it as a premium for like $100.
The same way axis players had to cope when put up against invincible B 18s that you wouldn't even dare to approach least you wanted to be put on fire by their lasers back then.
Bombers do jackshit in RB, base bombing is useless since by the time you're able to take out an airfield the enemy team already killed all of your team fighters, if you do low alt runs on vehicules youre gonna get killed by anything with 20mm
Or you could buy Boddenplatte and get an actual, simulated ME262.
need to make it into an premium/gift/exclusive tank so they can milk it for money
heatfs and apdsfs
not everyone wants a flight sim that simulates everything.
Man ED still exists?
Why are you so upset?
Remember when Gaijin made flags premium
I cannot think of War Thunder and War Thunder players without fucking fuming. You're fucking stupid of if you play the game, and you're extra fucking stupid if you can't play it even right, let alone well.
Remember when they promised that they were working on bomber cockpits back in '13?
I'm very sorry to hear that, user. Why don't you like the game?
>which means the Tiger now gets to go up against tanks that basically can't damage it
Maybe with the old armor penetration calculation formula for each round if you said a prayed to god and all the pagan deities you know you would bounce some shots. Im sure no gun will have much problem piercing the front armor and the russian 57 will go thru it like it wasnt there even when angled with the new formula.
One is not addressing gameplay issues, flat out denying they exist.
Other is gradual gimping of in-game economy to force people to shell out more cash.
Focus on endgame content 90% players will never see, because it's locked behind literal years of grind.
But the biggest one is infuriating incompetence, not even at technical stuff, just extremely stupid choices
honestly shit tunder is kinda fun but you redownload it, play 20 hours and uninstall it cause the grind is insufferable.
Last time I grinded both tigers and panthers and enjoyed bouncing shells left and rite and onehitting shit until you go against literal bullshit inpenetrable 900kph rooster shitheaps
Because it's a tailored unbalanced, grindy mess that works on a FOTM basis. It has developers that add deliberately broken vehicles and then "fixes" them later on when the money is made and releases another one. They've focused on top tier for years now, which is only playable by spending money on premium time and vehicles. The matchmaking is permafucked by compression, especially the higher you go, where a vehicle .3 above you out-everything's you. It's a conscious decision to make gameplay as punishing as possible to get you to spend money to play the game less, or atleast get to the top of the food chain. The truth is it never gets better, and the only way to enjoy the game is to spend money to play the absolutely broken shit they add and make the game worse for everyone. The 2600+ hours I put into this game is honestly the worst decision of my life.
I haven't played IL2 since 1946, but I remember the old game having some really granular difficulty/sim options, letting you turn on/off a whole bunch of features depending on how simmy you wanted it. IIRC you could literally turn off limited ammo and turn on God mode if you wanted.
Do the new IL2 games let you do that? If they have that still and are adding tanks I might be interested.
just don't rage once players kill your barrel and then your driver port
Yes you are stupid, you are supposed to play sim Air to enjoy the game, and ground it's just one match a day at most so you don't rage
>air sim
You mean the game mode they killed fucking years ago?
I think he meant EC
that is still a black hole
Yes, it's still better than air RB which is just trash all around
Everything. I started playing in 2012 after a Jingles video and I can't remember a single patch since then that actually made the game better. I stopped playing a year after they reworked how research worked because suddenly a single plane required as much research as 4-5 before
They finally released the boats? How bad they are?
Imagine tanks but with worse grind and even worse balance.
everything before dreadnoughts
sideways tech trees