Meanwhile, on Napoleonic-era Yea Forums
Meanwhile, on Napoleonic-era Yea Forums
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Why aren't you playing an English RPG?
>conscripted into army to march towards Russia
>Pierre broke my Chess Set Advance SP
Fucking A, what are some good games to play in this frozen hellscape?
give me the quick rundown on this napoleon guy
some gay french guy lamo
manlet on the loose
very smart manlet with a knack for world conquest and escaping prison
You ever played C.O.S.S.A.C.K. Shadow over Crimea?
Naval warfare balance patch when? We all know those English dandies could never win a land war like real men.
This nigga ain't even French
Buy Sega Master System
Hue hue hue hue
a angry manlet who brought down the rest of mainland europe so the mighty anglo had to destroy him.
french hitler
The lord himself did place the channel between us, if we were in need of a land army we would thrash you at that too!
napoleon never even existed
tiny man with big ambitions
Sell me on it user, is it as replayable as chess or draughts
Smartest military general of all times and emperor of the greatest empire in the world.
>be a French peasant
>depose the Ancien Regime for no reason after your bread root gets way out of hand
>try to decimalize the fucking calendar
>give up and let a Corsican with a funny accent call all the shots
Calling it now, there won't even be a France in ten years
>Smartest military general of all times
You mean the guy who tried to LARP as Alexander and got BTFO in Egypt?
>greatest empire in the world.
People actually believe this.
How will the Grande Armee nerf affect the upcoming Battle of the Nations tournament?
Best guy to ever live, even better than Caesar and Alexander and great reformer.
>another fr*nkoid chimpout
when do we genocide the bane of Europe?
I have an idea.
Just keep tossing land in the channel until you can walk over there.
Perfidious Albion will be absolutely destroyed.
>Napoleon better than Caesar and Alexander
*Allies with the Dutch and blocks your path*
>Dual wielding Puckle guns
>rof of 9 shots per mintue
>it's not broken it's just you
>only way to get it is with shilling out for corn boxes
>yeah fixed odds on corn boxes should be abolished
My enemies are many, my equals are none
In the shade of oli/v/e trees, they said It/a/ly could never be conquered
MyM enemene ara maam. MyM equqese ara noon. InI theht shaahs ofo olilo treeertsh, theht saas ItalatI couoc neven beeb conquqnoc. InI theht laal ofo pharorahp anna kinik, theht saas EgygE couoc neven beb hummuh. InI theht reaer ofo forerof ana snons, theht saas RussuR couoc neven beeb tamat. NooN, theht saas nothton. Theht feef mem, likil a forof ofo natan, a deed ini thunuth dnd de-ed. I saas, I ama NapoopaN! I ama EmpeepmE! BUUB ITI!
>allowed religion freedom
>legalized divorce
>legalized prostitution
>supported public education
>gave equal rights to jews
Napoleon was a liberal and that's a good thing
>Deposed the Ancient regime
What a brainlet tier post. The French Revolution was mainly a coup from the Parisian Elite. That's why it was almost only in Paris and the newly formed Republic had to supress revolts everywhere after.
Say it with me
Alexander only took what his father built and defeated an already crumbling empire.
He also died like a bitch before he could stabilize his conquests.
Ceasar was a pretty cool guy tho.
Augustus was still better.
The world’s only chad manlet
>tfw living in new grenada
enjoy dying for some faceless monarch peasants
>The French Revolution was mainly a coup from the Parisian Elite
yeah I'm sure if there was no elite in paris the poor wouldn't have cared that much that the price of food quintupled.
Napoleon was a turk
Napoleon was an anglo
actually he was bantu
Delet this
>t. Napoleon
heard he liked spending his vacations in tropical islands
>tfw no Napoopan 2
I am so sick of medieval, ancient or fantasy shit
WTF I dont want to be french
*teleports to my colonies*
Nice try, companheiro.
Why are women such whores?
Not as good as chess, a bit better than draughts. It involves vodka and lots of sausages.
Napoleon is average in height. Being manlet is just English propaganda. He is a cuck, though.
He basically overthrew French aristocracy for being stupid, selfish bastards, became ruler and so English, Russian and other monarchs/aristocrats didn't like him because they were what he fought against and didn't recognize his rule.
Napoleon didn't really attack other countries and most battles were defensive in nature, basically just wanted to be recognized as ruler and even befriended other smaller shits to ally with him (following The Prince)
Whatever modern rules/laws we have are basically lifted from his rule, so you can say that Napoleon was way ahead of his time.
Was this picture made recently, why is there a black there?
>not appreciating superior chocolate
>why yes I do want to destroy Europe, how could you tell?
This is so sad
Extremely based, the mere mention of his name makes the eternal *ngloid seethe.
It was made by a German painter in the XIX century
I didn't know Germans were cucked way back then.
he just wanted to show how shit frogs are nothing wrong with that
There's a special place in the vat for you
They're still cucks now
Napoleon guy is pretty cool but why make Duchy instead of Kingdom?
>Trafalgar, the greatest naval victory in history
B-but muh Red Cliff..
he did nothing wrong - the french shall inherit the earth one way or another
France isn't conquering anything, because they're getting conquered themselves.
>let me tell you about your own country
t. american chicano
lol just an awful video
The true winners are the mountain jews
>tfw the Second Polish War
We'll do it bros.
Did any of you already play Magnifique Vol d'Automobiles: Saint André? I hear you play as some senegalese criminal called "Charles Fils Dejohn" who returns to Orléans after spending time in New Amsterdam and finds that his gang has shrunk to almost nothing
One of your friends is called "Grand Fumée" who supposedly helped kill your mother and is working with the Gendarmerie
An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.
The Jacobins were terrorists and any man who has the misfortune of being the son of a Jacobin should blow their brains out, for blood washes out dishonor!
*retreats in your path*
>yfw you install a black powder charge under the wheel of a british stagecoach and watch the redcoats scramble for cover
Why did he invade Italy then?
FUCK you
Napoleon has invaded Russia?
Activate it
He did way more than that.
He founded modern justice/civil rights that's still in use today.
Told revolutionaries to fuck off and imposed metrics
He got so much shit done, modern politics can only dream to make 0.1% of the positive impact he had
I still think republics are a mistake and that the country has always been better under a king/emperor with full power.
Was Napoleon white?
>I still think republics are a mistake and that the country has always been better under a king/emperor with full power.
Based and redpilled
>anglos despise him and call him a warmonger
>anglos were the ones who declared war on him and remained the only ones at war throughout the entire period
what did the anglo mean by this?
They were still seething over the loss of America
It's probably better to be under a king/emperor because things are done swiftly rather than undergo the whole arduous process of bureaucracy. They say this whole democratic process is better for checks and balances and all that but everything is so slow, and it's not like the whole 'check and balances' even work out since everyone gets corrupted just the same.
>Activate plan Russian Winter-1812
the system we have set up now is also made so nobody can be blamed or pinpointed towards, faceless rulers that rule without consequnces "checks and balances" I don't even know how many millions of beaurocrats rule over me
He wasn't as great of a military commander or as based as Julius Caesar, a whole calendar month named after him and changed Rome's whole leadership for the centuries to come.
They do it with Hitler as well, anglos are utterly delusional.
Just like Hitler.
But they actively financed and encouraged others to join their coalition. Hitler sperged out on his own.
>It's probably better to be under a king/emperor because things are done swiftly rather than undergo the whole arduous process of bureaucracy
what the literal fuck am i reading
you fucking zoomers are going to be worse than boomers, and they're responsible for everything wrong with the world today.
Who is the jew who thought it was a good idea to send us into Spain, I just wanted to play vidya not fighting some spic peasants.
They wanted to retain the Empire's power and there's nothing wrong with that
It was Hitler's fault for being such a bland cuck and refusing to bomb the Allied powers. If he did then you would have a German Empire at its peak of power and Eastern Europe devoid of any slavshit like it should, but he didn't
Napoleon was a more chad version of Hitler especially since he wasn't a sperg
That and when you have half of the population not bothering to vote outside of referendums, it's reasonable to think people don't give much of a shit about who rules as long as they can live decent lives.
>anglos despise the Irish and view them as subhuman
>their best general in history and the one who defeated Napoleon was Irish
what did the anglo mean by this?
Not actually French funnily enough.
I heard the Duke of Wellington loved Fried Chicken
So retarded he lost an ez battle and got btfo.
greater than alexander and caesar
That was great, I get absorbed into these kind of summaries by anons here way more than the completely dry Wikipedia entries for military history.