What's the best Star Trek game available and why is it Star Trek 25th Anniversary?
What's the best Star Trek game available and why is it Star Trek 25th Anniversary?
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Worf looking pretty merry there.
Klingons are quite famous for being happy.
he is not a merry man!
>not a single star trek fps where you are the jem'hadar invading hundreds of gamma quadrant worlds
>not a single Star Trek TPS/FPS where you're a Hirogen traveling across all the Quadrants and hunting down various prey
>even unlock holodeck as you progress as in canon so you can replay old missions (thus the ability to perfect score them and add replayability) and it actually makes sense
hot damn son that'd be neat
It could work so perfectly, but I know it never will.
Help me perform the egh'bat user, I can't take this life anymore, there is no honor in living in a world with no good star trek games
Hirogen are basically the Predator equivalent in Star Trek, it's really weird how they never did anything more with them.
hirogen would have been so much better if the just wrote them in slower. make them not be able to be understood by universal translators, like they intentionally do things to obscure their communication to their prey. just bring them into the show more gradually and then do all the humanizing stuff later. they humanized the hirogen way too fast for them to be interesting and mysterious, although i do enjoy pretty much all the hirogen episodes.
Judgement Rites is better, but that's basically second half of 25th Anniversary
I can hear the music
There's not enough Gorns in Star Trek.
>posting that shit game
>not the genuine 10/10 trailer
Fuck that game. I just want to have my own starship and explore the galaxy to the fullest, while occasionally partaking in some pant-shitting action, not do that all the time.
All's I'm saying is more Gorns in Star Trek games would be great, that's all.
Star Citizen Origins is your best bet
Star Control* not citizen FUCK you brain
>tfw no anbo-jyutsu VR game
I'd rather have Pon Farr game
Man, it doesn't look like that Gorn has aged even a single day
How does he do it?
Superior lizard genetics
>constantly hint at pareezi squares game during tngs run
>supposed to be a dangerous but kino game
>never, not once, show what it is
I'm still mad they killed off Yar, she had fuckable body.
I thought it was the Trek equivalent of skateboarding.
I prefer Star Control 2.
Both are great, but Origins is much more newfag friendly and not as full blown crazy with ayylmao shit as 2 because it's a literal Origin story about how humanity started colonizing the stars.
Might as well be Star Trek: Enterprise's 5 year Mission: The Game.
>not playing the superior game
>it's a Nigger Episode
>it's a Troi is on her period episode
>it's a FUCKING WESLEY episode
TNG has so many bad episodes it's not even funny.
TOS was a lot more consistent and has much more memorable episodes.
I can scarcely remember most of TNG episodes because of how much of a generic sitcom blur they are.
TNG in general is too sitcom-y and lacks the edge of TOS, just because it has higher budget that doesn't make it better.
>it's a nigger episode
That's Discovery, all of it.
>But captain, if I keep throwing the discs in the hole I'll get a random roll for a .jpg of my anime wife
After watching DS9, I can't even stand TNG any more.
>Battlestar Galactica
>high tier
I vehemently disagree with that assessment. It's boring shit, filled with unlikeable characters, most prominently that annoying shit-tier scientist that kept getting away with making a mess of everything because of plot.
Can't judge DS9 because I'm currently on season 3 of TNG, started with Trek earlier this year.
Watched all of TOS, TAS, STC, Movies 1-6 and moved on to TNG.
TOS' 3rd season was definitely almost entirely miss rather than hit and some of the "it's a 20th century episode" episodes were real shit but it was mostly great and had shitload of memorable episodes.
I legit can't remember most TNG episodes already despite watching it at slower pace than I did TOS which I more or less binged.
So I've heard.
>Bones not in god tier
The fuck is this gay shit?
First two seasons of TNG are notoriously shit except for measure of a man
I am in the same boat. I put off watch DS9 for years, but when I finally did it. I never looked back. TNG has some fantastic episodes but theyre surrounded by other shitty episodes. DS9 is consistent with its content and the character ensemble is so much better than TNG's. Troi, dr crusher, jordi, GUINAN, and sometimes riker are just awful characters. And their actors hardly ever seem to try to deliver a line with compassion
Riker is too high for what is basically a poor man's imitation of Kirk with worse acting and less effort.
Bones and Scotty are too low, Scotty should be in high tier and Bones in God Tier.
Chekov should be in garbage tier.
Wesley needs to be put in his exclusive SHUT UP WESLEY super shit tier.
Fem-Bones aka Pulaski needs to be in High tier.
There were some good episodes and Pulaski is a MUCH better character than Wesley's ayylmao face bone structure soccer mom so it wasn't all shit but it definitely was more bad than good so far.
Problem is, I'm on Ep8 of S3 right now and it's still mostly bad so I don't see this fabled "quality bump" that I read about online.
You forgot the worst character aka Wesley.
This basically sums up all my issues with TNG perfectly.
Picard and the TNG crew in general are just shit compared to TOS.
I didn't include him because I always skip any episode he's in for more than 2 min
Anything Troi and Wesley-centric is utter trash. I don't mind everything else minus some of the S1 "isn't this culture/planet backward and wacky?" stuff.
I hate Nig and Nog (Geordi and Guinan) almost as much as I hate Wesley, his soccer mom and Troi.
I unironically liked Yar more than any of them.
And Pulaski was the single best character in TNG next to Data and they got rid of her because she had too much balls and felt like a TOS character (which she was) and brought back the shitty soccer mom.
I feel like everyone just remembers the Dominion War being one of the most solid blocks of Trek content ever, and they forget that a large chunk of earlier DS9 seasons were dull as shit.
You shut your frakkin' mouth
What's that? You're saying you didn't enjoy the nth-episode about Bajor's history while under the Occupation?
What is STC?
Only finished one season of DS9 so far but I understand that Bajorans are an angry, religious, ignorant populace that have no place in the wider galaxy.
Season 4 of TOS.
Perfect recreation of original set, the most Shatner actor you will ever find, quite high budget for semi-official production (has many Trek actors and production members on it and is officially sanctioned by Roddenberry Estate, but is not produced by or affiliated with CBS).
It's quite literally the perfect final season to TOS that it never got.
The only downside is that Spock and Bones aren't as good as originals but nobody can replace them, Shatner's replacement might as well be Shatner's clone though because he's that good. Same with Scotty, played by Scotty's son.
It looks and sounds exactly like TOS, even has the TMP composer contribute and has the blaster beam used in the finale.
>no Star Trek video game that lets you fuck alien women
Season 1 is weak, yeah. But it still has more redeemable episodes than TNG or VOY.
Season 2 is where it really picked up for me, I went from watching 1 to 2 episodes a night. To trying to squeeze in a episode any chance I got.
Odo and Quark carry the early seasons hard. But my man, Gul Dukat carries every other season except the last
Spoken like a true son of Cardassia.
and they never change. I think the Cardassians were on to something here. The bajorans are oddly similar to a certain hooked nose gremlin clan that inhabits earth
the first duty is a good wesley episode
>tfw you realize the insignia of the Cardassian Union is a vagina
Grant Imahara was wooden as shit every time I've seen him and I cannot conceive of him not being a sperg as Sulu.
I love TOS so much
Thus symbolizing the human desire to fuck every alien and the biological imperative to impregnate every single Cardassian female with our offspring.
>Star Trek Online happens
>Bajor has joined the Federation
>Bajorans acting as if Starfleet have occupied them the same way the Cardassians did
His Sulu is basically a match for Takei.
Also, episodes 1 and 2 have a bit shitty actor for Bones but they replace him with a much better one starting with Episode 3 and he's kept till the end.
He's the only actor they replaced for not being good enough.
Well, more like Season 6 if we consider TAS to be Season 4 and 25th Anniversary/Judgement Rites to be Season 5 but yeah. Definitely recommend it to TOS fans.
I do not believe you in the slightest user, but I'll give it a try.
I can't even remember the STD characters names but why is Titty and asian captain in Super Low and not garbage?
Alien Saru man is not garbage but he's not low-mid. Mirror captain is not Low-mid either.
Fuck STD was such a fucking waste of time, I know no Star trek series have had a good first season but STD took it to another level.
How do we feel about the Picard series
never fails to make me laugh
It's just Discovery again but trying to include Picard because nostalgia. The trailer was hideous.
>Not god tier
Ok nigger
TNG had god tier lighting and soundtrack-
The most telling thing about how Discovery is shit that no one really bothered to make these entertaining mems out of anything.
The trailer doesn't inspire me with confidence for the series. Some mystical female character that's the most important in the galaxy because of... yeah, I don't know why. This kind of shit isn't important for Star Trek. While there were prominent characters you would always view as important for your enjoyment, they were never put out there in your face as all important from the get go.
He's barely in it anyway, it focuses much more on Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty and the new ship's counselor.
First episode starts out extremely strong by the way, my only complaint is that Bones' actor is shit in Eps1 and 2 but even the studio agreed which is why he got fired and replaced in Ep3.
Klingon women are top tier
Shame what they did to the Klingons in Abrams' reboot.
post some Klingon males
Shame what they did to the Klingons in Discovery, too.
You just know Picard and Data are going to be pushed to side and "allowed" a few fanservice scenes at most. Maybe Picard will give a speech. Which'll be interrupted by an ensign that says,"bitchin captain, you got me inspired an shit. Im ready to kill some math"
I will never forgive them for taking Gowron from us.
>kill some math
Nostalgia-baiting of the highest order. Bringing back the Borg and 7 of 9 for no other reason than trying to pander to older Star Trek fans.
I'm almost certain they're going to use the series to destroy the prime universe and amalgamate it with JJtrek/STD
I want a fucking non-pozzed sequel to Star Fleet & Klingon Academy.
user. STD is already in the Prime Universe
Fun that they're finally moving the story forward.
However it looks nothing like Star Trek 'cept nostalgia baiting.
>I know no Star trek series have had a good first season
Trailer is just STD 2.0, but with Picard and Data shoehorned in for nostalgia bucks.
It will be utter shit.
How do you feel about tngedits?
>Rewatch DS9
>It's just as good as I remember it
Just got onto season 4, fuck I love this show.
No real Trek fan in their right mind could consider that shitshow canon
Gowron is a dumb nigger, Martok is the thinking man's choice.
TNG is the greatest.
Gowron was absolutely brilliant in TNG. In DS9 they just shat on his character all over for no particular reason than to have an antagonistic Klingon. They could have just used Dukat's Romulan half-brother instead.
I fucking love the one with Picard's painting
>Second officer's long, supplemental. I now realize my life aboard the Enterprise was a waste
>Deck 1 life support has been terminated
>gazorra edits
God, I miss him.
>Anything past TNG
The further we stray the better ENT becomes unironically.
Troi's mom, Luwaxanna?. Whatever, her episodes on TNG are the only tolerable troi episodes. And thats only because I am extremely attracted to her. I don't know why.
>geordi is thrown onto the bridge
>welcome to the bridge mr laforge
>captain, come look at this
thank you user, I needed that geniune laugh.
oh god this scene was cringy in french dub
> No space Dandy
Trash list.
what would sisko do?
Botf with the UDM mod and BC with the Kobayashi Maru mod are hands down the best games. Armada 2 Fleet Ops is also great considering the base game
I don't know what Sheridan-ripoff would do, but Sheridan would probably just blow them up with a nuke.
Compared to DS9, TNG doesn't have characters, it has robots. Everything is so professional and sanitary and just plain boring. Every other episode is a joke episode, I can't remember a single "good" episode from TNG, or even a likeable character. DS9 has Garak and Quark, who are the most loveable scamps, and each episode makes the character actually feel like real characters, not a bunch of tight-assed automatons.
Wesley was Roddenberry's self-insert.
birth of the federation. it's an older strategy game with all sorts of fleshed out bits about the major races. it has a nasty memory leak and the longer the game goes the longer it takes to turn over a turn. absolutely love the game.
( ceremonial chant in an unknown language )
Yesterday's Enterprise, All good things, best of both worlds, ground hog day shenanigans, all cardi episodes, the Edo and the space worm parasites episodes were great
without the dominion ds9 would have flopped like sg Atlantis. The decent cast isn't enough to carry the show
Lel, what a perfect description. The mod actually fixes some of the issues somehow
Je n'ai jamais regardé TNG en français.
Do you think he has Disco Vision?
The variety of levels you could make with this game is virtually unlimited. Each planet or asteroid or ship or whatever could have all
Ma mère regarde TNG en boucle
He was also used too often as an audience vehicle to simplify and explain technicalities and the quandary of the episode, by turning to Data and asking the obvious.
he'd start off mumbling to the aliens until they mentioned something about bajor, then he'd stand up and give his form of a picard speech but with a lot more yelling. Before telling odo to change into a enema and sneak on their ship to learn their secrets.
The episode ends with Sisko telling the alien he knows what theyre planning and that he's ready for whatever they got.
I can't believe they made an episode about Yea Forums
>Let's try again. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Clear your mind of everything in it......if there's anything there. Breathe. Breathe. Now......what do you see?
>The bar
>With my name on it
>The past, Rom, not the future
DS9 had kino scenes
They made a couple of 'em
The Borg were the scariest enemies in Star Trek games back then.
What about that episode where the hologram Nazis indoctrinate an alien race into their way of thinking?
I've been thinking about getting into Star Trek.
I got pretty interested hearing about it all the time on RLM, that and it's like all on Amazon Prime.
Watched about 5 episodes of TNG, it was pretty comfy, nothing blew me away but I had it on as background noise but found myself stopping what I was doing so I could watch it.
Should I stop before I get to far in and watch the original series first or am I alright?
I've been watching it sporadically as it comes on boomer TV, and I've only seen one episode that was pretty pointless so far (where Sisko dies and his son becomes and author, but that was an alternate reality). Also, the alternate reality episodes are pretty dumb, outside of sexy Kira.
>No star trek RPG with a Captain Okona rogue party member
What the FUCK man?
>it's a Bajorean provisional government episode
How the fuck does anyone rate Pulaski below Beverly?
Beverly is literally one of the most annoying characters in the show
Have they used the Borg at all in recent times in anything? I know in Star Trek Online it was the Iconians, then the Hur'q.
Did you see that the other day too?
t- boomer
Nazi fetishists are cancerous to games.
It doesn't really matter what order you watch them in, just know TOS is peak star trek, no other series comes close. DS9 does a little but DS9 is a very different trek show than TOS
None that I know of.
You know the videos on youtube that catalog Star Trek continuity? Like Worf being denied over and over again or Voyager's torpedo count. I want to see a video of every time somebody says the word Occupation in DS9
TOS, TNG, and DS9 are considered must watches. VOY, ENT and DIS are optional due to how inconsistent or sub-par in quality they are. Do start with either TOS or TNG as they show how the show was started and how the overall feel of the show came to be determined.
Shame. I really love the basic idea of the Borg, minus the Queen shit.
>its an O'brien episode
The Borg are literally ded after Voy
Kinda like the Klingons became a non threat after TOS
>space above and beyond
>below clone wars
>below old galactica
>on a level with blake and fucking animated
belongs at least 2 tiers higher, pleb
>Have a great job in the botany lab of the Federation flagship. Married to a guy whose job isn't too dangerous, and expecting your newborn child will have a diverse group of friends from all over the ship once she gets old enough.
>It's a wrecked alien space station with no amenities, a creepy ferengi runs the only restaurant left standing, and is a high value target after the discovery of a wormhole.
>No botany lab
>No hydroponics or airponics bay
>Nowhere for you to follow your career.
>No children Molly's age, so she probably won't have a great childhood.
>Fight with your husband. You know this posting is important to him and his career, but you are bored.
>Finally decide to stay with your husband for both his sake and your daughter's sake
>Finally figure out a way to use at least some of your knowledge, become a school teacher for the ten or so children on the station.
>Still not living up to your potential, but it's something, and you are helping.
>Backwards religious fuck heads demand you teach their religion in your classroom as fact.
>They eventually bomb your goddamn school so that some crusty bitch can gain more power in her fucking religion.
>You try to pick up the pieces, but only a handful of kids come back.
>Eventually give up the one thing you were doing
I was really impressed by The Expanse. I originally wrote it off after half an episode in season 1, but decided to give it another shot a couple months ago. What a good ride it has been. I'm really interested in what they have planned for season 4.
TOS Bones is a grumpy, belligerent B-lister.
Now movie Bones, that's god tier.
where is Gul Dukat? He is the best character to come out of DS9
pulaski being that low tells me this chart is garbage tier
I love Dukat but I think Garak is a much more entertaining character.
Keiko in the later seasons seemed like she was cheating on Miles. She was always on bajor researching "botany" for months at a time
>No Garek
he should be put in High-Mid at worst.
Garak isn't even on the tier list. Starting to feel like a bajoran made this list
It's sort of saddening that the parody homage from Seth McFarlane is a better show than DIS. What the hell happened?
As someone that started with Trek merely few months back myself, start with TOS.
Learn to look past the 60s budget/technology, because it has the most soul and the best cast.
Watching order here:
It's a bait list
STD is dumb action show, produced by a committee who has no idea what they're doing, masquerading as Trek.
The Orville is a loving homage (and self-insert) to actual Trek, but forced to make dick jokes now and then because McFarlane sold it to Fox as a comedy.
It's a damn good one, if it's a bait list. Most of the placements are pretty spot on.
I think Seth actually likes Star Trek and not making ridiculous amounts of money by having huge amounts of cgi in every episode along with stupid fucking jokes about le epic science XD to pull in the masses of nu males
Bones is ALWAYS grumpy, that's part of his character but he's the perfect balance to Spock's logic above all else autism balancing with his own compassion and second chance above all else autism.
TOS wouldn't be even 1/10 as enjoyable if Bones wasn't in it because he, Spock and Kirk form the perfect representation of the Triad of the Mind.
Problem with Orville is that it's basically TNG 2.0 complete with all of TNG's flaws and new shitty flaws in form of forced toilet humour and 4th wall breaking on top of TNG's baggage of shit.
People only review it more fondly because STD is just THAT bad.
>Now movie Bones, that's god tier.
TMP should've had Bones in his 70's orgy outfit and beard for the whole movie.
STC is pure TOS kino and you can't convince me otherwise.
I fully agree, actually. Don't even care for the Orville all that much, but STD is so bad it should tired as a warcrime to air that shit.
I was interested in Farscape, but I hear the first season is pretty garbage.
Warning to any and all Orville fans.
I'd like to remind all of you that due to Disney buyout of Fox and dissolution of it, Disney now OWNS Orville.
I would like that all of you take a moment to process this information and let it sink in.
I repeat, (((Didney))) owns Orville now.
Let. That. Sink. In. ... and ponder the future of the series going forward.
To any burgerfag in the thread, how is this allowed to happen? Don't you have some kind of anti-trust laws that don't let corporations monopolize so much?
They don't, also corporations literally own their senate.
90% of senators are also CEOs, executives and whatnot in various corporations.
It's why Disney already managed to extend the duration of copyright expiration date, TWICE.
its fuckin great you zoomer
Who's ready for round three?
Aren't they lobbying for third extension right now because some of their 1920s stuff is about to expire Soon(tm)?
"Dr. No"
All the human vs Romulan/Vulcan/Superhuman never made sense because, in terms of pure physics, Khan/Vulcans/Romulans could break the average human in half little effort.
I love OG Khan, fuck the Cucumbercunt """Khan""" in Jew Jew Abraham universe.
The Eugenic Wars were unironically a good thing
>Plastic toy
I always laugh so hard at this scene. TOS is kino
>Reminder, Andorians have a higher metabolism
the best thing about STD is that i can feel less bad about enjoying ENT
But user, that's an Orion.
Play baseball.
>gets stabbed in the side
>no blood on the knife
>no blood on the tunic
>no blood anywhere
Okay, for how bad Discovery is all around, can we at least agree that it's updated production values version of the Enterprise was actually pretty good and still accurate to the original series, unlike Abrams?
I legit like the new uniforms.
>that flying ass attack
What was with that double-fisted punch they always did, from the start of TOS right the way through to the end of the ENT?
Is it really that effective?
I wonder how many young nerds got the shit kicked out of them while trying to defend themselves with that move.
Aw. Okay.
You know it to be true.
>make a Klingon one of the main characters
>his sole purpose on the show is to get the shit kicked out of him
>and only receive promotions when someone else dies
Try punching down on whatever surface (for example a table) with a single fist of your dominant hand.
Then do it again with double-fist where your non-dominant hand reinforces the dominant one.
It does work.
The fact that these space clowns are able to storm the bridge of the Enterprise makes me question the security of the Federation.
>tfw there's not only a skellyton in me, but also in the Enterprise-D
spoopy shit, m8
Horrifically true. I watched ENT recently, meaning to have done so for years.
It was so much better than Discovery. It isn't even funny. All Discovery had going for it was special effects.
>tfw can't talk about STC with anyone because barely anybody on cuckchan watched it
Feels bad man.
>riker's epic maneuver
always makes me laugh.
It seems like it would restrict your range of motion too much for a fight. Good if you get your arms free while being grappled, I guess.
That's where the voice of the ships computer came from.
Obviously you don't really use it for frontal attack, that's just dumb.
A good use of it is when you're grappled as you say, or when you sneak up behind someone and do it on the back of their head for almost guaranteed knockout.
You now realize that Riker never sits down, he mounts.
It's a ship of exploration, not a warship. Feddies are peaceful people, they're not so good at the foightin and stuff.
>that obvious stunt double
What couldn't Shatner do his own stunts? They weren't dangerous in the slightest. Actors today will do most of their own stunts and fight scenes are incredibly demanding now.
This + the TNG Enterprise is meant to be actually behind technologically and in weapons because Romulans were dormant for a century and Klingons are part of Federation now so there was no real conflict for a century and made Feds go complacent.
Funny, I never noticed when I watched it first time, but now that you mentioned it I can't unsee it.
>What the hell happened?
Seth is a huge TNG fan. He also actually cares about his show, about what stories he wants to tell. Unlike STD where the actors and the crew shit on their audience on Twitter 24/7, MacFarlane retweets fans messages, answers questions about The Orville, etc. he even gave the green light to a game based on The Orville.
They gave up on genetic engineering too quickly. All they had to do was dial back some of the mental enhancements. It gets revealed that most other species genetically enchance their citizens, and are still allowed to serve in starfleet all the same.
star trek: starfleet academy starship bridge simulator
Commander Riker sitting down normally? We made this one up.
Why the fuck is there not a vr game of this shit yet?
Nah, Klingon Academy is a lot better.
because it would be a visual gimmick at best. without the pleasure enhancing properties like in TNG. You're just moving a circle into a tornado? funnel?
DS9 is absolutely not consistent. There is so much god damn filler in that series, way more than TNG.
>nobody is armed
>not a single weapon in sight
>no automated defenses
It really seems like you could beat the Federation by arming your ships primarily with anti-shield weapons, and then beaming over heavily armed boarding parties.
I'd like to remind you that the very first encounter with Borg in Q Who has them get boarded by two Borg and nobody has any weapons to take out the intruders, when they finally get one and attack the Borg, he has already gathered all the information they needed.
You can identify the filler pretty quickly and ignoring the episodes does no harm.
I skipped every episode with luwxanna. I skipped that one where the old man version of sisko's son was telling some reporter about how his dad died. Also, skipped every episode about the mirror universe. I know some people like it, but it's retarded.
It's good slice of life filler that carries on to future episodes though unlike TNG's filler which is are usually one off stories ripped from cheesy novels. Fucking Beverly's ghost alien romance episode gives me nightmares
>Also, skipped every episode about the mirror universe.
Imagine having a taste this shit.
Mr. Spock, the agony booth.
With all the CIVILIAN FAMILIES on the fucking Enterprise, the federation flagship, you would expect security to pick up their game.
The core problem is that TNG Enterprise is purely exploration and research focused unlike TOS Enterprise which was effectively a Space Man-o-War
The mirror universe episodes are worth watching if just for the sexiest version of Kira
DS9 gave them a teleporter so they could easily go back and forward between universes at will. That was far too dumb, for me. Something like that opens you up to refugees between alternate realities, and that is something Star Trek, the series that skips over the truth about the transporters, won't give the proper attention to.
>DS9 gave them a teleporter so they could easily go back and forward between universes at will.
That I didn't know, I'm still on TNG (I'm the user that only started with Trek earlier this year).
That does sound shitty.
>the series that skips over the truth about the transporters
Do you mean the fact that basically every time they use the transporter the original person is killed and their perfect clone is created at the destination point?
Was it, though? TNG Enterprise was involved in more diplomatic missions. It was always meeting up with angery aliens, escorting ships, transporting ambassadors and other potentially dangerous people.
TOS Enterprise was built during open war with not one but two major empires (Klingon and Romulan) in addition to all the other smaller warring factions.
TNG Enterprise was built during virtually complete peace time, with Klingons pacified and Romulans thought possibly extinct due to lack of contact for a century.
>tfw there will never be a Star Trek RPG (with actually good writing and characters) where you can design a character from a huge variety of races and be able to aid a variety if different factions
Just fucking make it happen. I wanna RP as a Cardie restoring the Union to its rightful glory.
Yes. One episode in TNG doubled Riker and happily glossed over that. There were more that would shyly question it but then quickly hush up and act like no-one said anything.
It would be fine if that was the point. That it really was true that it killed the original but starfleet covers that up and rolls out propaganda calling anyone who thinks like that a luddite.
Reminder that Riker's transporter-clone brother shows up in DS9 as a commander with the maquis.
Mass Effect 1 is closest you will ever get.
Allamarain count to four
Allamarain Kiras mom’s a whore
After the events of DS9, the old Cardassian empire will never return. Too much damage was done and the hoo-mon influence worms its way in while they're weak. The cardies would have joined the federation, no matter that STO says.
Again, dunno about DS9 since I'm mid through S3 of TNG for now, haven't had that Riker episode yet either.
But yeah in pure physics I always wondered why nobody mentions that transporters effectively are clone devices that kill the original.
in fact there was an episode in S1 or S2 where Picard gets atomized in space and they bring him back from like a 2 hour old backup copy in the transporter and obviously the restored copy isn't aware of what transpired in those 2 hours he was atomized but everyone acts like that's the real Picard and rolls with it and it's never brought up again.
I fugged Kira :DDDD
That trailer was the best trailer I've seen in years.
That was the klingon technique as shown in ds9. Knock out shields and beam over raiding parties.
TMP is a shit movie and basically "Where Nomad Has Gone Before" rehash, but the music is perfect.
That setting should have destroyed the building.
I'm so sick of seeing DS9 so high. It has some real highlights (mostly with the Cardassian stuff and some of Odo), but most of the show is just stupid QoL with Quark/Rom, Jake/Nog, and filler. Dax and Bashir are unlikable characters, the trill in general are a disgusting slave mentality concept that's never given a proper "Star Trek" evaluation of their society and what's wrong with the concept. O'Brien works out, but it's obvious they couldn't make characters of their own very likable so they needed a familiar face.
The ending is ridiculously bad after such a long build up too.
Proper qt.
No-one bats an eyelid at someone being disintegrated in front of them. They've been around transporters too long.
Everyone is use to weird bullshit.
This scene in STC is pure kino.
>that TMP/TNG theme cue as refit Enterprise model is shown
does anybody know where the fuck to get that ds9 game the fallen or whatever its called? i really want to play that
They do bring that up occasionally. There was that episode where Doctor Pulaski gets the aging disease due to some super clones having super airborne immuno defense systems.
They tried to use the teleporter to "reset" her back to a state before she was with the disease, but she never used the teleporters BECAUSE she felt like she'd just kill herself if she did. In the end, they manage to do just that and save Pulaski.
The political episodes are what made DS9 shine. It was a view of Star Trek from a different perspective.
An episode guide to skip filler would be good. Not sure if there is one for that particular season. It's been 20 years since it finished so there probably is.
The last season of ds9 got so annoying because the budget was worse than season 6 so they kept reusing battle footage.
Yeah I saw that episode, but that's not the explanation for why she hates transporters.
It was explicitly explained to be the same as Bones' phobia of them, namely afraid of transporter accident like in TMP where the people get melted into abominations.
I guess they eventually used that plot line with the Founders/Changeling in DS9
That image kek
Fuck kikes
She was old enough to remember all the transporter accidents in the news. Like the motion picture one.
>What we got back didn't live very long.
>dodging a phaser shot
H-he's fast!
>>What we got back didn't live very long.
Honestly it was the only good and bold scene in TMP.
Rest of the movie is a shittier version of the Nomad episode from TOS, but with pretty visuals and music.
There's a lot of anti-semitism in Star Trek, to be fair. Makes sense. Once the third world war wiped them all out, humanity was able to pull together into a utopian society and head straight out to the stars.
Really makes you think.
Wait, I think I have it.
Here we go.
>takes out a plate of perfect size
Computer, create a two-to-one scaled copy of Deanna Troi, including all normal life functions and otherwise identical to a normal person. Give this copy a severe lactose intolerance, and simulate her having eaten several extra large chocolate sundaes several hours prior. Create an ordinary chair, tall enough for her to be seated on, and replace the center of the seat with a face cutout fit to one Reginald Barclay. Lock Holodeck doors and disengage safety protocols.
I blame 2001 for that. Movie ruined space movies for a decade.
They really didn't, since Brazil is still a thing. At least on DS9, since the Defiant was called "USS São Paulo" in respect towards the "brave brazilian people"
TMP is the only space movie I can think of that suffered because of 2001
the only bad episodes of ds9 are dax episodes
everything else is at least watchable
Is there one for any of the other series?
That's because they all sucked and no one remembers.
I have Voyager, Enterprise and the first 2 seasons of the Orville saved.
What do jews have to do with brazil?
>Once the third world war wiped them all out
I assume Brazil counts as Third World.
I want one like this for all the series, post what you have
>american reading comprehension
Read the post again for the third time, CAREFULLY
My man Quark had his own show?
Oh, my bad.
I learned all my moves from spaghetti westerns like Trinity.
Why the fuck do you and germans always watch those shitty dubs? It's time to learn english user.
>third-world war
>third world-war
I supposed it's an easy mistake to make, especially if english isn't your first language.
But I should have said world war three or WW3.
Keep'em cummin'
I just want a space where you actually feel like you're commanding a huge vessel instead of just driving a space-truck. Most of the time, capital ships just play as "fighters, but bigger", which is a complete letdown.
Let me walk around the ship, or at the very least the bridge, talk to my crew, and then go back to take the helm. I want that comfy Star Trek experience.
You wouldn't know it to look at them, but the UK, France and Germany are extremely proud countries. A lot of misplaced pride.
That was the last one, unless you want the Orville one.
Here, I'll just post the Orville one.
Star Control 2 and Origins.
I watched everything Star Trek but Voyager.
8 decides if i bite the bullet.
You got your answer, fate demands it.
Also watch STC if you haven't.
>that last episode of Enterprise
Riker was an old man and for some reason he was still on the Enterprise D. It didn't make any sense because this episode was about 5 years after Nemesis, where even the Enterprise E was wrecked. How you were supposed to believe that this old man Riker and wrinkly Troi were from the normal TNG timeline, I don't know.
user, my friend, I have just the game for you. There's this really cool game called Star Citizen in development right now, that could really do with your personal financial investment to ensure the successful completion of this ambitious project, that would fill that desire of yours perfectly.
Oh you poor bastard.
Got one for Orville 2?
>the butt on that first attacker
Prepare some bloodwine and break out the synthale, it's gonna be a wild ride.
Sorry, user. That was the actual last one that I saved.
They were using special teleporters, though. Something about them going through subspace or some shit so it could get through shields and was undetectable and untraceable. Also severely poisoned the users.
rip, thanks anyway.
That was a tight butt, user. Nice catch.
Star Control 2 is some good shit, I should probably just go play that again. Is Origins any good? I haven't seen any good things posted about it.
This is one scam I won't fall for.
I'd rather kill myself than be subjected to shitty dubs in my own language.
>early access
No thanks. I buy completed games.
Data should have crushed that console with his retard strength.
Origins is great, the only shitposting was from blind fanboys of the 2 activision kikes that founded SC2 (but weren't the sole creators, just ideas guys).
Both companies resolved the suit amicably anyway and merged together so now Origins has full access to all the SC1/2 lore.
I sincerely recommend it, you can treat it as the beginning of Trek federation because for all intents and purposes it might as well be.
Watching season 3. So far the the episode that is most memorable is the one where the Enterprise enters an alternate timeline and they become a War ship. The ship is dark and moody, and the officers are called "troops". Starfleet is supposed to be an organization for peace and exploration, but this alternate universe Stafleet is an offensive military.
vulcan love slave 4 when?
Whoa, another user like me watching for first time and ALSO on S3? You seem 8 episodes ahead of me.
Rent free.
imagine being a writer and thinking this shit heap was good enough to air.
Isn't that the one where they were in full-scale war with the entire Klingon Empire, and losing? The people in that alternate version had to get serious.
Yep my first viewing. The trek threads on Yea Forums convinced me to start watching. I liked The Orville so i thought why not watch the original inspiration.
I'll stop when Americans stop dubbing Japanese video games
Yeah, they couldn't even have proper meals because all the power had to be saved, so they could only make "ration meals", which used the bare minimum amount of energy from the replicators.
You should really watch TOS, there's an episode with that concept done much better called "Mirror, Mirror".
This scene would have looked a lot better if you couldn't see them continue walking around on the other side of the door.
I mean a simple cut to show them all coming back in the second they disappeared would have made this scene make a whole lot more sense.
Watch TOS, thank me later, don't be a faggot.
See for order
Yesterday's Enterprise is legitimately great. You didn't like Q, Who (the one where they meet the Borg for the first time) or Measure of a Man (the one where Picard has to prove Data is sentient)? Those are two of my favorite episodes and they are both in season 2.
Just import it then. Or better yet, turn on jap audio.
Lwaxana is surprisingly good in DS9. I think it's because the humor comes less from her harassing Picard and more from harassing Odo
All the Q episodes are great, fuck plebs that don't like him and Trelane in TOS.
Also I headcanon Q as being an older Trelane.
I always thought she was creepy as fuck. Especially the episode where Troi is trapped in some nightmare where her mother is acting extra creepy. Fuck those huge black irises.
I wish we had a Fort Alamo episode in DS9.
Stuck in holosuit episodes are the best episodes.
In what dimension are you from where DS9 wasn't already airing by the time Sheridan became a character in Bablyon 5?
Star Trek Online made that connect to the Iconians somehow, IIRC.
Star Trek Online is shit. Hot, steamy shit.
>Trill parasites gone wrong.
Bumping with classic
>it's a titty monster episode
More like Thotswana. Remember that time she almost caused a diplomatic incident because she was in Betazoid heat and wouldn't stop trying to suck Picard's dick. And then she fell in love with a Hologram. Only incels like Geordi fall in love with holograms.
DS9 spoilers
Man, this is the reason why people watch and rewatch the old series while shit on stuff like Discovery.
Drama and character acting in a jail cell. No need for fancy camera angles, special effects, just good acting.
da fug
>it's all a hologram
How does this make sense
Wait whats wrong with Guinan and Riker? They are fine. The episode where Riker has to serve on the Klingon ship is great.
Hard light constructs.
Earth Prime, the dimension where Straczynski pitched his whole idea and background for Babylon 5 to the network, who promptly rejected it, and who would go on to (((create))) DS9. JMS couldn't rightly shittalk them at the time, as it would have blacklisted him for good, sad as it is.
Miles was the best.
I like how he moved his way up from teleporter guy to main role.
Old man Jake episode is actually pretty decent. As a character centered episode, at elast.
Guinan is "le wise magical negro" trope except worse because it's also a "sassy black woman" trope.
Riker is a poor man's Kirk that unironically can't act and couldn't show any more disdain for being on the set and general lack of giving a shit.
Anyone else felt hungry watching Riker going through all of this?
O'Brien is my favorite part of every TNG rewatch. Seeing him go from a nameless helmsman to security officer to transporter chief and small character to main character status in DS9
Old Man Jake episode won an award so it can't be that bad
It absolutely makes me a pleb but I unironically enjoyed STO. Getting to make your own crew and pick a starship and go on silly missions was actually quite fun.
Some of the player-created missions were well-written.
Ground combat was terrible but it had a certain charm when you went down there with your handcrafted senior crew.
It may make me a poor taste pleb but I'm willing to accept that.
Can't find my good STO pics so have this of the retarded Prometheus from Voyager, that you can actually fly in STO.
have fun, user!
Is this real life?
I think you are downplaying Guainam a little bit. She was much more subtle with her help than the usual "magic negro" trope characters. She gets to be a bit more ruthless when the Borg come around and she is super racist towards them and wants to just kill them all.
O'brien's actor also did a great job. He went from kind of awkward background extra to annoyed, yet competent main character.
I think there was a parizi squares game made for windows95
>that episode when Geordi met the real-life version of his holographic waifu and made weird awkward moves on her
>she was married
>she finds out about his holographic version of her
Painful episode. Hit too close to home.
I see you skipped the first season of B5.
>Riker is a poor man's Kirk
Go fuck yourself, manlet.
>TNG visual novel with Dr. Selar as a potential waifu
I would so play this.
This is that ship that splits into three parts like the Enterprise-D's Saucer Seperation, right?
Why the fuck does it look like there's literally no way to actually navigate between the three sections if it were assembled? I see nothing but outer hull plating everywhere. There's no reinforced bulkhead doors sealing off corridors, jeffries tubes, turbolift passages, nothing.
How do people get around on this ship? Site to site transporters?
>this hostile ad hominem response
You know I'm afraid, I don't give a shit that Shatner is a manlet, he's both a better actor and better character as Kirk.
Riker is so poor he can't stop giggling in many serious scenes because he just gives no fucks, his """stunts""" have 0 energy to them and generally he simply straight up shows you he's only there for the paycheck.
Incredibly good taste user
>he's only there for the paycheck.
He loved Star Trek. He directed episodes. Quite a few DS9 episodes were directed by him. He put his own money into producing post-TNG series.
>You know I'm afraid
I'm right*
I should go sleep instead of posting at 2AM after sleeping only 3 hours, my brain is melting.
>ferengi transport onto the bridge
>riker dives away for no reason
Then he's just a bad actor.
holy fuck lol
It's also plenty fun and lighthearted with thematic episodes.
It's lighthearted with serious scene at times,the complete opposite of today being serious business while some forced humor happening once in a while.
That's the same reason the last season of DS9 isn't that great,it needed to resolves the whole pag wraith and dominion war in a single season, leaving little room for fun.
PULSAR: Lost Colony is the closest to a real Star Trek game of anything I've played
FTL says hello
I would've done things to her that would've haunted that symboite for its next 7 lifetimes.
I guess Pulsar is sort of FTL except each character is controlled by a separate player
man i love star trek, but god damn do this hurt me
>dinner tonight?
>looks at neelix first
The Doctor was wasted on Voyager.
there are a few missions against borgs in STO, but most of the borgs are considered "liberated" aka not part of the collective and as such non-threatening
Wait, so did everyone wanna fuck the holographic doctor?
The EMH is basically day dreaming.
Of course, have you taken a look at him.
What a hunk.
>the ultimate evolution of martial arts is to swing sticks around on a round platform while blind
That's dumb as shit.
ya played yourself
>currently watching Trials and Tribble-lations
>mfw seeing the effects they pulled to blend in the actors into the past footage
>mfw TOS era costumes and props
Man, this is a great episode.
>they could have gone the extra mile and changed Michael Dorn's makeup to make him look like a Klingon of the time
>they opted for a dumb joke instead
Even great episodes have their bad points.
Did the Defiant had the facilities to conduct surgical alterations that extensive, though?
I'm glad Japan culture is alive and well after WW3, the eugenic wars and so on.
He ran the empire into the ground and died like a bitch.
>Urusei Yatsura
Someone was a closet Rumiko Takahashi fan.
>SS Buckaroo Bonzai on a mission to planet 10
Wh-what? Planet 10 as in Planet X, that theoretical super-earth out in the oort cloud?
>All the ships with japanese names are named after anime and manga titles
>This is Captain O'hare, from the USS Naruto, requesting permisison to land.
Is that Frasier in super low tier?
In France you have no choice, it's always dubbed. You have to wait for the DVDs or the BR to get access to the english audio tracks.
It's Dr Neelix from Star Trek Enterprise
Was that the Enterprise from the timeline where the Borg are destroying the federation and the Riker from that dimensions REFUSES to go back
>USS Yamato
>Takeya's whales
>Kei Yuri Dactei
Anime in general, not just Takahashi.
Yeah but that was the actress's choice. She later regretted it and wanted to come back so they brought her back to play a few characters through the seasons.
Thots on the Breen?
No, it was the Enterprise's sister ship Yamato.
The Okudas were the ones who made the LCARs if I'm not mistaken, since Enterprise ended they've been working for NASA.
hey Yea Forums
>The Expanse
>high mid tier
lol no, it's easily top tier and I've actually watched most of those shows on that list unlike you.
was this during Kelsey Grammer's time as a drunk?
Finally an excuse to post this image.
I doubt it, but that's not what I meant.
When the Klingons first appeared in the films and had a radically different appearance from the TV series, Roddenberry explained that "they always looked like that" and that they simply lacked the budget to make it happen on TV.
Fast forward to Trials and Tribble-lations. The coolest thing that they could have done here was change Michael Dorn's makeup to make Worf look like a Klingon of TOS for scenes taking place on the station, and have no one acknowledge it at all. Instead, they opted to ignore Roddenberry's word and make a joke out of the discrepancy by having Worf say that Klingons do not discuss it with outsiders.
That, of course, paved the way for dumb shit like Enterprise's explanation for why TOS Klingons looked more like Humans.
Well the episode was about him crashing into the Enterprise over and over again. So probably.
It's a great prop design. Even in the age of smartphones, it doesn't feel too dated since people nowadays watching the series would understand touchscreen technology.
I would've raped her too
>Quark & Odo have a message for the Discovery producer captain
>Put it on screen
>we live in the timeline where Rutger Hauer didn't play a recurring Andorian character in star Trek
What, you didn't like ENT having them muck about with khan's blood and accidentally their species into humans?
The Expanse was great. There's supposed to be another series in the works but I doubt that will go well. It would have to be set after they got access to that gate network with it's 1600 habitable planets.
The scope of that is too great without a massive time skip into the future, at which point it wouldn't be The Expanse anymore.
It was dumb.
>, it's easily top tier
Not with that garbage season 2 that nearly killed the series.
You're an awful person and have no business watching any of these shows, fuck off.
That's Netflix for you.
Last i heard they dropped it so it should be good again.
>Firing phasers during warp
Who knew there would be a show even dumber than ENT 10 years later.
What the fuck is going on
Voyager is considered one of the worst treks by many and it's hard to disagree...HOWEVER...despite this it has some of the VERY BEST episodes in all of Star Trek. Just prepare for long trudges through shit before you get to the gold. For instance the Robert Picardo (EMH) focused eps get really outstanding, like 90% of them are exceptional
Why does Yea Forums have so much better Star Trek threads than Yea Forums?
When they kept saying the hull plating is down to 20%, that's what I pictured.
Should’ve been the main villain of a post-DS9/VOY show
Time travel.
For the same reasons other boards have better game threads than Yea Forums: they haven't discussed them to death, the only thing left being shitposting.
Those are just the rules. If you want a good discussion about a topic, never post it on the related board.
What said. And newbies unfamiliar with the series but interested due to proxy threads about the subject may consider watching it after asking which is a good starting point and wanting to discuss a few points about the series after seeing an episode or two.
as someone who loves 2001 and TMP
fuck you
This is true and it's so fucked up
Toss me a download link and maybe I'll consider giving my money to them
This. They routinely questioned their orders from shapeshifter lady and seemed intelligent. They weren't chemically indoctrinated followers, they had their own motives, like how they struck a deal to undercut the Vorta out of Earth
One quick episode early on in VOY, with maybe a flashback to the Battle over Cardassia Prime showing the Lead Breen ship and a few others leaving the battle near the end.
>Syfy season 1 good
>Netflix season 2 garbage
>Amazon season 3 good
>Amazon season 4 in 4 months
Leave it to Netflix to produce pozzed garbage like discovery.
I'm sure amazon would have done better(not like it's hard)
>Star Trek 25th Anniversary
The only good one, I'm afraid
We. at Star Citizen HQ, realize $212 Million dollars is a lot of money, but we need more. So sign up now, pay $1.5k and you get a cool ship! $3k? A bigger ship!
Do you have either a gif or the webm of Animated Spock drawing a summoning circle and getting the devil to pop out?
Are those TWO coils of small intestines?
toss me a mega
>tfw DS9 remaster never ever
Garak or Dukat, who was the most kino Cardassian?
We're not shitting on 2001, we're shitting on TMP.
And TMP deserves being shit on, it has no redeeming qualities other than visuals and music.
Plot is "Where Nomad Has Gone Before" and main cast is completely out of character.
I haven't bought into that scam user. Just pirate it when it gets a "full" release
You forgot Judgement Rites
I'm currently lacking in things to do and I'm interested enough to want to pirate it now.
Garak for quick wit and great humour
Dukat for suave monologues and charisma
jaffa calling
>mfw someone says DS9 isnt top 3 trek
Damar, for his redemption arc, his rise as a rebel leader and love for kanar.
Higher res is always better, but the current quality is just fine and doesn't really beg for a remaster.
i love it desu
it all clicks cause its so far in the future after TOS desu
>when you fight a level 1 enemy
Nothing about it clicks, it's a shitpile with recycled story.
I love Holodeckposting
>fighting a pixie character as a big boy grappler
Always impressed at this guys green-screening and perfect lighting.
Where are the other power rangers?
Having a cig out back.
Is the there a john luck piccerd here?
>klingon opera
clicked for me dsu
>this entire fucking post
Barclay was a mistake.
>don't really enjoy enterprise at all (season 4 is ok though)
>still thinking about rewatching it for that sweet, sweet post 9/11 nostalgia and early 00's sci-fi aesthetic
That's actually not bad, but it definitely needs some per-scene touch ups. The space scenes especially could use a noise filter.
I did like that in the future with alien races you still have the regular guy who wants to have a beer after work before going home to his wife that he loves but complains about her cooking
Are there more holodeck posts besides the one you posted and ?
I look at this shit and remembers that the madmen at HardLight Ported All of FS2 BSG into the new Freespace2Open Code
>that moment where ds9 comes into frame and the title appears
This shit is top kino
Do copyright patents still exist within the federation?
It better not be.
Disney is desperate because Trump, Wallstreet, the Banks and mainly the DoJ had enough of them and all of California and Washington state Evading Taxes, hence why they are desperate to paint him as "orange man bad".
If he gets a second mandate, the black box will be open, ironically they are failing hard because people had enough of their fabricated bullshit.
Also Disney is sinking a lot of Money trying to make star wars, marvel and their failure of streaming service being relevant, while paying for the Fox acquisition, which the Mogul Rupert Murdoch amde sure to be UTTERLY Fucked up so Disney will pay THRICE for the damage control of their movies, series and even Fox News.
Even ESPN is being buttfucked up in the ass and losing money.
Sell me on DS9, what the fuck is the appeal of the entire series being in a single place, namely that station?
Where's the variety of going to different planets and shit?
I think there was a Voyager episode about something like that
I still think Disney is "too big to fail", I wish I could be as optimistic as you.
The Vortex son.
Plus they get a ship later on.
I love Dukat but Garak just had too many kino moments to not give it to him.
I have no idea what Vortex is, explain.
Daily reminder that Kirk-Fu saves lives
Well for one thing, they do go off on plenty of adventures. But most of the appeal is in it being the first Trek series to really have a continuous plot from start to finish. In TNG, it's basically only the Borg and Q plot lines that remain relevant to the end. In DS9 it's much more.
an open door to a new unexplored quadrant
Bonus for the Bones-Fu
The series is about seeing the Federation through alien eyes. Also it has the best characters in all of Star Trek, by a god damn mile.
That's nice but how many of the episodes happen on the same fucking boring ass gay station?
Also I heard like 60% of the show is those gay ass holodeck episodes