So i recently moved from Canada to the uk and holly shit how i miss americans. Euros have like zero banter, arent funny, arent having fun, take the game as seriously as they take SOCCER and any deviation from chat about the game and you're told to be quiet. Brits arent bad but there isnt many online. Just hordes of stinky euro trash
>putting europe under one umbrella And this is how I know how stupid you are.
Carter Gonzalez
>Amerinigger thinks Europe is a country lol
Colton Davis
Cooper Hall
Americlaps are the worst people to play with.
So i recently moved from uk to the united states and holly shit how i miss brits. americlaps have like zero banter, arent funny, arent having fun, take the game as seriously as they take school shootings and any deviation from chat about the game and you're told to be quiet. canadians arent bad but there isnt many online. Just hordes of stinky americlap trash
Jackson Johnson
Do you want some Euros to stick up for themselves so you can can turn around and say "see, you can't take the banter"?
>from Canada to the uk Lmao Canada is more Europe than UK is at this point
Henry Peterson
It's one umbrella because the whole region plays together online which sadly even includes Russians most of the time. I don't know why the other posters in this thread are taking such huge offense because I fully agree with the OP. In the past decade with every retard in the world getting on the Internet and matchmaking replacing servers it has become really common to play with trash that doesn't even speak English. There's almost no fun to be had in chat or voice compared to playing in the US regions most of the time.
>UK Talk to me again when you talk and play with actual Europeans.
Gavin Evans
Canadians might as well be Americans
Mason Miller
Then learn another language dumb fuck.
Parker Diaz
Did you even read his post?
Ryder Robinson
this but not ironic
Mason Nguyen
yeah i'm a brit and if possible, like an MMORPG, i'll play on NA servers.
the thing you'll hear most from euros other than silence is just "SHAD AP PLEAZ" when you try to communicate.
Ryder Morgan
I speak 3 languages thank you. Even if I were to repeat everything I say in French and German that still leaves half the server unable to understand because they are from some southern or eastern European shithole.
Nolan Thompson
it's hard to take someone with a British accent seriously
Xavier Peterson
As a Brit I approve, fuck off Europe, leave us alone.
Mason Richardson
The stop playing f2p garbage
Lucas Thomas
Yeah, the EU.
Ryder Hughes
>*forms the european union* >"wtf why are people grouping us together"
Xavier Foster
>soccer OK, retard.
Connor Sanchez
No one gives a shit aboot your wanking shithole island
Jaxson James
Isn’t that their aim though?
Brayden Gutierrez
*trade embargoes you" woopsie but you didn't want to play with us
Isaac Peterson
time to pay dues then, UK member states cannot leave, and if they do they're fucked because in those cases the EU claims subsidies back enjoy your "independence"!
Jaxon Phillips
Yeah euros are awful. I've always rolled on NA if it's possible because ~120 ping is usually fine outside of fps and you don't have to deal with insufferable mongoloids who can't speak english.
Nolan Martin
Then you played with cucks. Im a EU fag and ive played a lot with racists and redpilled people from all the part of the world and we had all fun shouting offensive stuff to eachothers.
Liam Lopez
Don't throw all of us in the same bag. I hate most of these faggots too. They speak little to no english and when they do it's to call you a dog. Also they have an collected IQ of 20.
except Americans usually talk about things other than the game, and the ones who take it very seriously are often made fun of.
Ian Carter
Problem these days is many americans no habla ingles too
Juan Collins
Your issue is that americans are extremely superficial. Ask an American how he's doing and he won't even consider it a question, just part of the greeting. Ask an Euro how he's doing and he'll actually consider the question and give you a proper response.
This makes Americans easy to talk to if you don't know them, which applies to randomly matched games.
This isn't a good thing.
Isaiah Smith
But canada is europe but with more chinks and poos
Jaxon Morris
Don't forget obese retarded turks and other kinds of muslim trash
>join yank server >everyone debating politics >everyone theory crafting which parts of the game show support for Trump
Charles Jenkins
>things that don't happen Notice how it is the EUfag that brought up trump first in this thread
Brody Lee
play on NA servers then just like anyone else who doesn't like EU servers you fucking faggot
Adam Stewart
lmao i'm not going to learn some forgotten retard language just because others can't learn english. I'm czech yet i don't speak fucking czech in games.
>imagine learning english in this day and age, a language with no future, instead of glorious mandarin truly laughable
Jeremiah Ramirez
whats this
Bentley Walker
To be honest I haven't noticed that many on NA servers, it's nowhere near as bad as the fucking Turks or Arabs (who aren't even in Europe but shit up EU games with ~500 ping). The only downside on NA is chinese who all flood NA around nighttime GMT and tend to be raging assholes
Lucas Watson
i'd rather play on american servers to avoid the French and Russians
Anthony Price
Europeans have no personality
Brandon Wilson
fuck off we are full
Jacob Nguyen
Don't reply to me when you're talking to yourself
Gabriel Peterson
Relearn english you dropout zoomer
Carson Mitchell
Not him but if that went over your head then nigga you dumb
Jackson Gray
>le bantz >as in behaving like you're on Yea Forums in games
yep, americans fuck off with your le bantz
Ethan Thomas
I prefer japanese servers konnichiwa mr roboto ^_^
Leo Barnes
I've noticed in tf2 that euros play much more cautiously
Nicholas Turner
"How are you doing" is a stock greeting, you're not meant to answer it seriously. The brits have a very similar thing.
Imagine being so retarded you actually respond to this piss poor bait
Luke Perry
Depends on the game, sometimes I play on american servers as a yuropoor because americans tend to talk a lot more and tryhard less.
Alexander Hernandez
I don't know mate, out of the continentals Germans are usually decent lads online, same with Scandis. French "people" never speak a lick of English and Russians are (not really European) shitters, though. I don't know where Iberians go to play their games but they never seem to have much presence online, unless they along with the Italians just try to blend in more I can't think of any I've seen in a long time.
Jack Morales
>Ask an Euro how he's doing and he'll actually consider the question and give you a proper response. Wrong. They will consider the question then get insulted that a stranger thinks he has the right to know how he is actually doing.
Adam Phillips
iberians and italians prefer to play with vulvas
Joseph Thomas
Germans are OK but no joke I joined a German guild once and it was me, one German and like 10 Turks.
Adrian Barnes
The EU isn't a country, a culture or an identity, you absolute retards. There is no federal power coming from Brussels.
>form economic union based on free trade and movement of citizens of the member states >HUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR IT CUNTRY NOW
Camden Turner
Epic argument
Sebastian Lee
It's downright painful how in denial you are.
Nicholas Foster
>Brit would rather be assfucked by Pajeet and Achmed than be in a trade union with white people
EU is great because it allows for really good goalpost moving. It allows one person in the EU to take credit for the accomplishments of other nations, but when the EU is brought up negatively then you can pretend to be separate from it and the criticism doesn't apply to your country.
Cameron Flores
Its part of the plan, A grand scheme to rule the world
I lived in the UK and it was the worst country I've been to, no joke.
Lucas Green
When people say "EU servers" or "EU players", they're not referring to the european union you fucking retard, they're referring to Europe. There are plenty of european countries that aren't in the union.
Juan Turner
after noticing a massive decline in Yea Forums when euros come online I'm starting to think this is true
Jose Moore
Eu is trying to do what the us was supposed to do. Be a loose collection of states united in a few common goals. Both have been twisted. Enjoy the erasure of your identity, except maybe the v4 countries.
Dylan Hall
you do realize it's 4:30 pm in europe right now and this is not "when euros come online" right?
Zachary Morales
plenty is a bit of a stretch
Gabriel Parker
That's around the time they get back from school and work.
Charles Rivera
Jack Watson
I'm sure the shitty european countries would love to be "erased" in that common pool
Austin Torres
>So i recently moved from Canada no you didn't, kys
Luke Perez
Euros always get mad at this even though you fuckers tend to always have the same stupid, smug responses to everything regardless of which European country you are from
Adam Cooper
Pretty sure that, unlike cosmopolitan mutts such as burgers and leafs, most EU nationals have very strong national identity, belong to their own ethnicities. Why would an italian take credit for what a czech person achieved? Are you fucking retarded?
Assmad burger or leaf who can't stand different white countries banding together instead of falling victim for divide and conquer jewish tricks. Also that's not how the EU works, the EU doesn't even directly dictate the laws of a member-state.
Nathaniel Cooper
uh, but it is? its 7am in NA. this is euro hours and there are absolutely a lot of euros on right now
Germans are cheating tryhard autists on all the games I played.
The best nationalities for having fun in Europe (my experiences on CSGO): - one half of Brit lobbies (generally laid back with exception for those cocky extremely annoying soloQ players that think they're hot shit) - one in eight russian lobbies (either really toxic or really laid back, laid back an eighth of the time) - I'm tempted to say some Finnish lobbies, but generally the nordics are overall tryhard cheating trash - Frenchies are perhaps rarely fun but I can never understand a word
Owen Adams
It's Saturday, dipshit.
James Foster
Anyone with half a brain knows it's on track to federalisation, the German defence minister was talking it up, it's a passive political attempt to rule Europe, because the last 3 times they've got fucked militarily
Xavier Bell
there are 28 countries in the EU and at least 12 that are not in europe.
Carson Bailey
>Americans >banter
Is OP's post bizzaro land? Just play bongs then. Its probably just the Spanish you are talking about. >get hate mail from a player from Spain >"LMAO nice scrub shit trash u fuk u die. How you going to make that shit??" >sorry wot i dont understand your question >"shut fuk up little shit i eat u"
William Taylor
There are plenty of threads about "EU makes better games than the US", even though it's literally on Britain and some slavs that have made good games. But now when someone says playing with the EU is cancer, it doesn't apply to them.
James Edwards
He was clearly talking about in general and not specifically today dumb fuck.
Landon Lee
>all this eurotrash butthurt itt
most bongs i've met are cool but the rest of you fags suck lmao
Jacob Martin
Michael Hill
it's been euro hours for 7 hours
Jonathan Gutierrez
This is a prime example of what I was talking about. Look at the level of unfun assmad in this post. This is why people left for the New World. With this kind of person around, can we blame them?
Dylan White
Australians and Americans are the only people worth playing with
Jackson White
Where you from?
Levi Reyes
euros are npcs
Ryan Nguyen
No he fucking wasn't retard
Brody Sanchez
>implying America isn't literally lining up to trade with us >implying we're actually better off sending £170m pounds every week rather than actually improving the NHS with that money
Jonathan Sanders
>shitty European countries
Which one? All European countries are in pretty good shape right now with booming economies, even Greece recovered. It's not 1995 anymore.
Wyatt Gonzalez
>a country so fucked up even Brits want to leave it
Or you're just saying that because you're seething and you expect us to care?
Jacob Brown
>america lined up to trade with the UK >but only on american terms >america is practicing something akin to mercantilism under trump yeah good luck with that, probably going to be real beneficial to the UK.
Ryder Cook
>you do realize it's 4:30 pm in europe right now >right now
Tyler Parker
poland, the balkan sand turks, baltics etc.
Adam Torres
>even Greece recovered doubt
Brandon Gray
>all amerimutts are the same Ask me how I know you're la criatura.
Nolan Turner
Germany's economy is in decline
Luke Long
ITT obnoxious smelly Europeans too retarded to understand that OP is saying all their countries are full of retards but since most don't have a highschool education they argue semantics instead. Completely missing the point.
Eurofags can't handle bants but can handle muhammad fucking their wives.
brainlet euros are more reserved but much more vicious if provoked just start talking about some recent event and watch the mayhem
Alexander Murphy
I know, I responded to the guy (you, maybe) who was against the EU by accident. I meant to respond to the guy who was trying to make out the EU to be some white union.
Hunter Nguyen
>shilling for the EU this hard It's funny because I know your government really doesn't want us to leave, and things are going so uphill for us lately in regards to Brexit, because unlike May, Boris won't suck your dick for a deal, if he doesn't get one he'll just give you the middle finger and just leave anyway
Austin Nelson
>he believes the 170m pounds a week meme >he really believe post brexit there will be a £170m investment in the NHS >meanwhile your country is flooded by absolute human trash from bingbongladesh, Poojeetstan and Rapestan taking over your council housing, leeching your benefits and fucking up your NHS with their inbred retarded babies