Video games as art

Well, Yea Forums? Can video games be an art form on par with other media?

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I don't give a shit. It's completely irrelevant.

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You see whether video games are art or not is truly clear. The reason is as follows:
>arbitrary bullshit definition of "art" that I just made up
>arbitrary bullshit definition of "game" that I just made up
Here, from these two premises we can draw an easy conclusion.

If you think otherwise, you're an idiot!

It seems like it should be trivially obvious at this point that the answer is yes. People get all shitty about “what the Citizen Kane of vidya” is or whatever but as a medium of expression it’s existed for 30 fucking years. That’s nothing. How many years did paint exist before the fucking Mona Lisa happened?

There’s nothing inherent to the medium of video games that makes them any less qualifying as an art form. That we don’t have any pieces that some random assortment of art history majors would call “important” in the broader spectrum of the fine arts doesn’t mean shit.


He's right though. None of those examples of movies or genre fiction are particularly amazing, and the best video games have already surpassed them.


I thought we only like that series ironically?

You might change your mind after the government starts regulating video game content because pussies like you rolled over and said "it's not art", and therefore not legally protected.

>that Grievous save
What an absolute fucking lad.

At some point, also, for some reason a weird idea began to spread:
"bad art is not art".
Which is bullshit. Bad art is art.
Bad songs, bad paintings, bad movies are still art.
Art is not inherently and only successful, sincere, and good.

>The games they cite as surpassing even great literary works are all atrociously written games
Why am I not surprised?

Debating the qualification under US law and debating the concept in abstract are two different discussions.

>putting herbert's masterwork on the same level as derivative garbage like star wars

>Final Fantasy IX
>Chrono Cross
>Silent Hill 2
>Metal Gear Solid 2
All these "games" have shit gameplay. If vidya is to be art, it should be based on the merit of their interactive qualities.

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Video games are not art because gameplay is not art, that's why every time some retard tries to argue video games are art they pick the latest "cinematic experience" or visual novel as examples instead of tetris. Or worse, they try to dismiss art as a whole by saying "well everything can be art lol xd" just to feel like they aren't wasting they entire life on virtual toys for children.

>Zero Escape, Nier Automata and Steins;Gate are better sci-fi story than Dune
yep ok, this guys is a retard

cutscaene game, cutscene game, cutscne game? you literally watch small movei clips in betweenthem there's 0 interactivity in those clips this is absolutely retarded

>Games are not art
>You play Day One patch/DLC microtransaction ridden 60$+ AAA Shovelware
>Games are now considered to be art
>You STILL play Day One patch/DLC microtransaction ridden 60$+ AAA Shovelware
Why even bother with this shit?

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>If vidya is to be art, it should be based on the merit of their interactive qualities.
fucking this
too bad games are either story-focused or gameplay-focused. There's not a single game that can be considered the best of both worlds.

Reminder that taking a shit on the corner of the street is considered art if you argue it correctly. Art is just forms of human expression that generate reactions, and doesn't imply any inherent quality.


>too bad games are either story-focused or gameplay-focused. There's not a single game that can be considered the best of both worlds.

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Shadow of Collosus, Ghost Trick, TWEWY, Undertale
Gameplay integrates tothe story, and the stories are good, no side overstays its welcome more than it should.

>Ghost Trick and Danganronpa are better mystery stories than any Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie story
I should kick this nigger's ass and force read him Ten little niggers goddamn.


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In the context of law, it's art. I will argue that it's art until I'm blue in the face.
In the context of "muh culture" and other vapid shit discussed by literally whos on the dregs of the internet, I couldn't care less.