How do we fix WRPGs?

How do we fix WRPGs?

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Fuck off, cu͡mbrai̛n

let me guess, there's a giant smegma covered penis and wrinkly balls attached to her


>all that fucking armpit hair
That's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg

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By getting feminist ideologues the fuck out.

With armpit hair, and lots of it.

Came here to post this.

Collaborate with the Japanese artists.


We don't need to fix western RPGs. They are infinitely superiour to linear J""""RPGs""""" that weebs pretend are good

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Nope, but to be fair you would be right in every other circumstance


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Unironically by taking hints from porn RPGs.

What else even is there where dialogue is so thoroughly affected by your various stats to the extent of CoC and TiTS?

this nigga knows what's good.

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giv sauce


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jrpgs vs wrpgs

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this is a fucking horrendous art style, even if you discard all the low tier shit fetishes

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I love big lips and hairy armpit.

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Return to the roots

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Albatross made me stop fapping and looking at porn for like 4 straight weeks and just contemplate life
I haven't been that disgusted in such a long time

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thanks bros, didn't even need to ask for a source

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What? You don't like fat bimbos with unwashed penises?

what are some actually good western artists

I miss when he was more in the bimbo TF stuff, now it's all smegma and hyper foreskin.

Virtually all of them just post on Hentai-Foundry. Even then most of them are jank. I don't know what it is about western art education that makes it not normal for people to be able to draw sexually appealing images.

>tfw just drained my nuts to albatross so hard that it actually hurts


Just stop playing them.