anybody have it? found a deal for 200 for the whole thing w move controllers on craigslist. should i buy it?

Attached: pissvr.jpg (1790x1119, 136K)

yes and yes

It’s really fun, but if you don’t have a ton of open space it’s a real bitch to use. I just moved into a new apartment with even less gaming space and it’s basically unusable now for games that require more than just sitting and looking around with a controller. When they can make a decent wireless version that’s less bulky, VR is going to explode.

it's a good entry-level VR headset
although mine just broke less than a year from purchase and i had to send it in for repairs - the thing would turn on and off randomly and the power button stopped working

basically, if you don't have a VR capable PC go for it, there are plenty of good exclusives and multiplats on PSVR

I had it at one point.

If you don’t mind the wires then sure give it a shot.

In britbongland they sell it at CEX for about 120 britbongdollarydoos.

Yup. It's not the greatest VR, but the exclusives are absolutely the best VR stuff out there right now. Astro Bot is an absolute must buy.

Try to get the second version if possible. Less fucky wire and it doesn't mess up HDR if you've got an HDR TV.

Wait, what, when did they release a second version?

like 2 years ago

I believe the first ones to hit stores were packed with Astro Bot/Moss but they are also available alone.

The biggest difference is that all the controls/plugs are on the headset itself without any dangly shit like the first version.

I haven't used it personally, but it must be nice. I hate the dangly shit.

it's a refreshed unit, simplifies cables a bit and adds proper HDR

thanks everyone i will buy it today. excited for skyrim, no man's sky, and dirt rally

its on the gimmick level of cardboard VR except cardboard is $10. it doesn't have the resolution, refresh rate or FPS to be anything more than a 10 minute blast and then you come out feeling sick. you are also stuck on a console platform which means overpaying massively for software.

it does feel really cool in a game like Resident Evil, but yeah its blurry and dark and not really suited to real gaming sessions.

dirt rally is great, also don't listen to shitty reviewers and get driveclub, specially if you have a steering wheel

doom vfr with the dualshock makes for a kickass first vr experience, just so you would consider it

Ignore what the others are saying. The resolution is dog shit and not worth it.

It's what I used to first get into VR before investing in PCVR. I still have my PSVR boxed up but no PS4 anymore. Wipeout is a damn good VR game with the controller but all the other PSVR games that use the move controllers feel lacking due to having no analog movement.

Driveclub servers are shutting down in March next year.

Try gran turismo.

If you can buy it cheap, and I mean 4 bucks or less cheap, try to get Battlefront 2015 just for that 30 minute VR mission, it'll make you depressed that there's no Rogue Squadron VR game.

who cares? you still have the singleplayer campaign with actual races unlike GT's shitty 1v1s

oh shut the fuck up, it's not the highest but absolutely fine, i used it for a year before switching to PC VR and had zero issues with PSVR
GT:S VR mode is so basic and worthless that it isn't really worth mentioning

VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over. Hard pass on VR hardware.

Attached: badly drawn gio.jpg (194x259, 9K)

You have never played Driveclub, it has a good amount of offline content, way more than GT Sport

Just buy a Quest desu senpai.

Attached: 1558512731868.jpg (950x534, 75K)

why the fuck did they decide to use Snapdragon 835 to power this thing?
That WAS the top-end mobile chipset - TWO YEARS AGO. Why didn't they go with 855?

Cheaper to produce and with overclocking and active cooling they get a 30+ % performance increase out of the 835.

Attached: questcooling.png (1024x558, 235K)

99% of the content in Gran Turismo Sport isn't available in VR.

I can't believe they sold that shit in a VR bundle. It's such a joke.

A steeper price point would have been favorable compared to outdated chipset with lower performance and worse energy efficiency
I guess i'm going to wait for the second generation

Sure, but to be fair their store curation is pretty good and pretty much all apps run very well. 400$ is pretty essential to be possibily a mass market entertainment product and they are very likely already selling at close to production value.

Attached: quest-roborecall-juggle.webm (800x800, 2.93M)