Why does the west hate Dragon Quest?
Why does the west hate Dragon Quest?
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I love pits, ima gonna CUM so hard with my PENIS hahah. Im gonna JACK off so GOOD to her PITS. My DICK is gonna feel GOOD.
Because it’s objectively trash
I don't hate it, but I find it to be one of the less interesting jrpgs series. My one genuine complaint is the music is fucking awful.
Why does OP always ask retarded questions?
This but unironically
They don't this is just your way of trying to make a porn thread
Why do they have to randomly change all their names
so dumb going to be even more annoying replaying in jp audio
I love my wife Martina!
I don't
How much?
>Master Pang
I love it, fuck what others think.
>the music is fucking awful.
dragon quest has some of the best music in video games
Why does Sugiyama hate the west?
It's a very embarrassing series for a heterosexual player, 11 even has a prancing homo parade
>saving random nigger hands
Yeah, until after 8. Then they gave up.
Are you trying to upset me? Good luck, I love animals
Because America is a complete shit hole that needs to start again
Give sauce at least you fucking faggot.
Ahhhhhhhhh HahAaAaaaaaAAA
it's not hate, we just don't have the nostalgia for it because they didn't release the old games, we don't have an appreciation for it because we got better RPGs by the time it came over and we just don't like it because most of the games never came out
Stupid wojack poster
Why did this post give me a semi?
Pretty sure it the same artist but here pixiv.net
DQ XI was one of the most boring games I've played. Completely overmemed by Yea Forums. Had to force myself through the last ten hours leading up to the "final boss fight" and then I discovered that I didn't TRULY beat the game, I had to grind a fuckton in post to beat the REAL ULTIMATE final boss and I promptly dropped the game and never picked it back up again.
No it doesn't. I could easily name several composers that dumpster this shitter.
I love Dragon Quest but you stopped giving me the monsters games.
Too bad the homo is actually a likeable character unlike homos in western games
What the fuck are you talking about, America got every single mainline one except 10
And I find these way more enjoyable than any other jrpg
>grind a fuckton
30 mins of metal slimes is a lot?
Personally, it gave me a sedan
>posts reddit letter media image
>Yea Forums hates DQXI now Switch is getting the definitive version
like clockwork
The only mainline DQ games that didn't come out in America were 5 and 6. Also back then it was called "Dragon Warrior" here.
It's never given me & players in general a reason to try it, every trailer is like:
>Shit music & if it can be heard, mediocre unevolved sound design
>Toriyama's horrendous human Art
>Areas shown are usually the likes of Grasslands, Castles and other very generic areas
The games may be good but Square Enix sure as hell has no idea how to market them.
cause you wanna jerk it to martina pits too
More important question. When is the demo for 11S? They announced that its getting a demo but never gave a date
>I could easily name several composers that dumpster this shitter.
If it's so easy then do it.
is not hate, is ust that the games doesn't stand up to anything beyond some entries, they are as average as you can say and they are boring in that matter.
For good or for bad they should atleast shake the formula in atleast one entry wouldn't harm the brand too bad and would make it a bit interesting, of curse I know that it will never happen.
That's why weste "hates" it.
it gave me a semi as well
t. Durr hurrr hhaa
I for one hate it because it's boring, predictable, uninteresting, slow, piss easy. When it comes to XI I hated it even more because of forced faggot character, every other character was unlikeable, and shit sounding music.
See, this is the difference between a big budget soulless piece of shit production like Dragon Quest XI and some soulful smaller JRPGs like Atelier or Neptunia which are made with passion, I liked both much more than DQXI, especially Atelier Rorona DX because that game was genuinely cute and funny, had depth, and most importantly had soul. Also the music was much better than the bombastic compressed ear-rape that was in DQXI.
Fuck this series and everyone who plays it unironically, it's complete trash and you should feel bad.
He's one of the ones that dumpster him. Their work culture just worships old fucks. Mitsuda and Hamauzu are two more.
Now this is a solid 8/10 bait
> Atelier or Neptunia
You just want 'cute anime girls doing cute thing's' because it's the only thing you can wrap your head around.
Because if you compare it to Final Fantasy it's fuck-boring and bland with the only thing saving it being Akira Toriyama's art
You sound like a bigot and you need to shut your mouth
Normie zoomie who only plays mainstream jrpgs spotted. I bet you liked Persona 5.
That's still far, far better than having to deal with a flaming fucking faggot for an 80 hours game. And you have good music to soothe your ears, in DQXI the music is even worse than the squealing of the characters.
I bet you like trash like xc2
probably because in nearly all their games the monsters are the same just slightly better graphics each time. Also silent protagonists need to stop, unless you can customise how the character looks a self insert should not be needed in modern games.
>doubling down on the autistic cringe
Nice touch but needs more wojacks
Imagine being a pedo.
Actually I have it in my backlog but I would bet it's far better than DQXI in every single aspect and that it doesn't contain any forced homo shit.
Why do all those guys in the background look like they have down's syndrome?
I'll make an actual serious reply, here goes:
First off, lets address the exposure of dragon quest. The last major DQ to come out in the west before DQ11, DQ8. Hold the phone before you flip about 9, I'll be getting to that.
DQ8 came out in November 2004, to compete with a plethora of stuff taking other peoples attention from World of Warcraft, to Vampire Masquerade, Gran Turismo 4, blah blah. It did well but let me iterate people were highly distracted at its release and after.
Then comes DQ9, its handheld only. This is where things start going wrong. New generations of RPG gamers appear, and these gamers grow up on totally diff titles that are not named dragon quest. They are console players and either don't own a handheld or go to it only for big things like pokemon. So DQ9 gets played by people who love the series and others who know its good through the grapevine, but ignored by a new generation of maturing gamers.
DQ10 gets skipped.
DQ11 arrives in 2018. Twenty fucking 18. It has been fourteen years since a DQ game has garnered the attention of a console player base. There are people posting on this fucking sight who were too young to know about DQ8 and touched jack shit of it until now. Fuck sake some of these people too young to have been exposed to it back then are graduating from college by now.
They retained old fans and had a terrible growth for new ones. In those 14 years entire IP's arrived and fell, and were even replaced. In those 14 years people began to see turn based as terrible (not my opinion), and weeb RPG's as uninteresting.
Top it off with the other stuff that is often easily assumed, JP's go apeshit over Akira Toriyama style art while westerners as a whole find it childish looking/boring and cheap compared to more contemporary art styles.
I knew before DQ11 came out that it would suffer incredibly, all the signs were there. Its what happens when you assume everyone knows about your product.
Because they represent the players who unironically play this trash.
Nah, that's the XB2 audience lmao
DQXI is cringeworthy every time the faggot character has a dubbed line. It's genuinely infuriating. I could let it slide if only the rest of the game wasn't the most boring tripe ever with literally zero likeable characters.
XB2: cute and funny
DQXI: cringe and gay
The West has shit taste.
Why don’t you just admit you care more about anime girl weebshit than playing good JRPGs?
How can DQXI be considered good when 99% of the gameplay consists of selecting "Attack" in a menu and the rest is selecting "Heal" in a menu? It doesn't even have fanservice, unless you're literally a fag.
Because it's a bad series like all JRPGs.
Because he is a 90 y/o Japanese man. Trannys in the west expecting a 90 year Japanese man to abide by their ideals and modern sense of morals must be clinically retarded. They are being extremely disingenuous and would likely unironically say "Trump is literally Hitler! ".
I know FPS games are just as bad all you do is point and click at enemies for 99% of the gameplay.
It's how the simple act of clicking on enemies is spiced up that makes a game fun. DQXI is not fun because selecting "Attack" in a menu is literally all it has going for it.
The music is shit
The characters are unlikeable (especially the screeching fag)
The story is predictable and boring
The overworld is boring
The towns are shit
The enemies start getting recolored like 2 areas in
The music is grating, bombastic earrape
And so on.
The name sounds like a generic f2p title
Sometime in September. Please be excited.
imagine the smelle and warmth
They don't hate it, it just gets overshadowed by final fantasy, this was becoming especially true with the fall of wow leading to the rise of xiv
Hero in smash and the big advertising push for xi definitive edition should get it a lot of extra popularity
The only thing about DQ I care about is the Doujins.
I appreciate your attempt at actual discussion and agree with your post user. Having these long stretches of time with no mainline console release has hurt the series in the West as far back as the SNES era when DQV and VI were not localized.
How much more content with switch have
Mediocre gameplay, mediocre story and mediocre music.
>The characters are unlikeable (especially the screeching fag)
Yeah, you should know it too well.
>the music is fucking awful
Maybe try playing more than one DQ
DQ games are made to be completed even by absolute monkeys.
I've played about 4 of them and the music wasn't good once.
I would make sooo many Homs.
Shit taste.
This is the side of the world who is obsessed with bang bang kaboom, handegg, divegrass and trannies.
>mediocre music
shit music
Hell yeah!
not everyone likes cute and funny, user
some of us prefer pure and sassy
Being old is no excuse for being a racist bigot that actively tries to erase history.
Oh no the Chims have started a union!
Dude I don't care about his personal life. The issue is that his music sucks ass.
Because it's boring and has shit music.
It always goes down to "I have better taste", muh boring or muh "The guy who does the music is a xenophobe" and it usually the samefags that keep coming into these and say play a better RPG like xenoblade or persona
Because it's not aesthetically appealing and repetitive.
because they look like this
But Xenoblade's gameplay is way better than Dragon Quest. Environments are better too.
My favourite series is SaGa, I still enjoy DQ it's just not my top 3.
I want to marry Jade and make her a mommy.
Not enough exposure
But I like both.
Stop being a faggot.
Dragon Quest is too wholesome for trannies.
It's the only game that the whole family can enjoy without you feeling like a degenerate piece of shit.
SaGa is sadly too good for the west.
Probably one of the best JRPG series but those retarded ass reviewer faggots killed it here with their hatred for Unlimited.
The west wants story over gameplay, and Final Fantasy got more popular and mainstreamed for story focus first.
Let's not pretend it's just reviewers. The series is too hardcore for Yea Forums as well.
I really, REALLY don't like toriyama's artstyle
americans only like the toei artstyle when everyone is a beef cake
he's right
Dragon Quest is a mass produced adventure game for salarymen who eat that shit up without question
Never once discussed it on this board in the century I have been here except people complaining about unlimited and a few Minestrel Song threads .
But yeah it's a nich series that got shit canned by the "thinking heads".
That's Atelier and cunny games, user
Salary men are the lifeblood of the world, tranny.
the opposite, the Arland games target a very distinguished audience, while DQ is for the lowest common denominator
I've been in at least a dozen threads. Usually about frontier minstrel or TLR. And it's always full of plebs whining about being filtered. /vr/ has some SaGa fans but they're smarter on average than Yea Forums.
>very distinguished audience
Yeah, the lowest kind of otaku losers
more like high power level, you sheep
I skipped them because they look gay as fuck.
in contrast to DQ which is exactly as gay as it looks, Atelier games are extremely deep and open ended despite the looks, with dozens of endings and highly complex crafting system being the lifeblood of it
Rorona for example has a total of 14 endings. 6 character specific endings, 4 normal, and 4 special endings.
Compared to the side obsessed with tentacles,schoolgirls,fireballs,giant robot armors,overwork & whale hunting?...
(every side has its dis/advantages)
Look at that gay character you posted. I'm not playing as that thing.
It feels like Square has always been over confident and self assured of DQ's success, and never learns when it underperforms overseas. Some would say that they just don't care, but that'd be pretty silly to say of a business like SE, that's just how they act when DQ fails to be a big hit internationally. Now they've finally made a smart marketing decision with Hero in Smash, and I am pretty sure DQXIS is going to be the most successful international release to date because of it.
>obese otaku defends his cunny simulator as deep
Atelier is not gay you flaming homo. The thing that comes the closest to gay is probably Astrid in Rorona because she likes cute girls after getting bored with knight dick.
I haven't played DQ11, swing and a miss. Look at that gay looking character you posted further up. That's not main character material.
Still deeper than your press X to select "Attack" simulator to win. I'm not even going to compare the crafting between the two games because that wouldn't be fair at all.
For what? Cunny fluids from your underage waifu? LOL
Cute girls are great main characters though, much better than gay swordsmen.
Because you faggots skip over the good questions to mock op for the retarded ones.
Stop responding to it, and it would stop working, you filthy degenerates.
It's the Japan Call of Duty
That's Pokemon
>dq is mediocre
says the board known for shit taste in everything, i'm going to play as much DQ as i can now
Nah, they're for being your third party member and healing, or for being an innkeeper or something.
"y'all have terrible taste, I'm going to eat this giant bowl of shit now, suckers lol"
>main character material
other rpg protagonist are fire emblem tier pretty boys that belong in yaoi porn, you don't know shit
He wasn't talking about Atelier, bro
Chronological Japanese releases:
- Dragon Quest: May 1986
- Dragon Quest II: January 1987
- Final Fantasy: December 1987
- Dragon Quest III: February 1988
- Final Fantasy II: December 1988
- Dragon Quest IV: February 1990
- Final Fantasy III: April 1990
- Final Fantasy IV: July 1991
- Dragon Quest V: September 1992
- Final Fantasy V: December 1992
- Final Fantasy VI: April 1994
- Dragon Quest VI: December 1995
- Final Fantasy VII: January 1997
- Final Fantasy VIII: February 1999
- Dragon Quest VII: August 2000
- Final Fantasy IX: July 2000
- Final Fantasy X: July 2001
Chronological US releases:
- Dragon Quest: August 1989 (three years later)
- Final Fantasy: May 1990 (three years later)
- Dragon Quest II: September 1990 (three years later)
- Final Fantasy IV: November 1991 (same year)
- Dragon Quest III: March 1992 (four years later)
- Dragon Quest IV: October 1992 (two years later)
- Final Fantasy VI: October 1994 (same year)
- Final Fantasy VII: September 1997 (same year)
- Final Fantasy VIII: September 1999 (same year)
- Final Fantasy IX: November 2000 (same year)
- Dragon Quest VII: October 2001 (one year later)
- Final Fantasy X: December 2001 (same year)
By the time Dragon Quest II, III and IV came out in the States, Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy IV had already made them obsolete. By the time Dragon Quest VII arrived, the States got an uninterrupted run of four Final Fantasy titles, including Final Fantasy IX which released later than DQVII in Japan.
Dragon Quest never stood a chance against Final Fantasy in the US.
And I should add, the first four Dragon Quest games (and Final Fantasy) looked horribly outdated when they got to the States. Meanwhile, Final Fantasy IV released just months after it was released in Japan, and released one year before Dragon Quest III and IV.
In other words, DQ was dead on arrival, but Square pulled Final Fantasy through because every Final Fantasy released from IV and on (excluding V, which was not released) was released on the same year the game got its official Japanese release.
>solid gameplay
>doesn't pretend to be anything else than a game
it's that simple
rent free
FPS are fun because they rely on reaction and the ability to git gud.
There's no gitting gud when the turn-based combat is so barebones and easy there's no point in gitting gud.
>not just tuning music to 0 and playing your own music in the background
>competitive git gud reflexes
That’s why I play fighting games and not point and click shit made for twelve year old faggots
>Resorts to the "The whole game is just pressing X" argument
Yawn. Ask me how I know you either didn't play the game, or didn't play it on hard mode.
I don't play fighting games because I think they are boring, but you do you user.
t. twelve year old faggot
do we have any idea if the qol changes are coming to the ps4 version
i don't give a shit about any of the additions besides speeding up combat because that's why i dropped the game
That that fat demon guy actually fuck her or are people just memeing
Honestly, I get the complaints about music. I didn't actually find myself enjoying the music other than 1 or 2 pieces until I got all the way to five, then it started to slowly sink in how good the pieces are all together, even the more jarring ones that are less about creating a catchy melody and creating a very rude cacophony to perfectly capture a sound feel.
Once you get past that though, you start to really appreciate it.
>there are hot female bosses that use charm moves
>you can end up with a game over where your own male party members kill your female party members for the hot female boss
>not one fucking doujin about this
Because I'm an xbox fag, and they keep skipping me.
I have Blue Dragon on xbone and DQ8 on 3DS, and I plan on getting 11 in Switch, but I would rather have it kn xbox.
probably, but you use time shenanigans to make sure that never happens and her virginity is intact for your hero's sword
>tfw going on date with big tiddy brunette tomorrow
Wish me luck anons
You’re a pussy, played through all of eleven with my GF and the parade was dope. Sylvando is a great character.
I'm 43, but you will probably claim you are 50 and call me a zoomer.
God this guy sucks.
I really love Dragon Quest, like honestly I do, and I'd maybe put it as one of my top 10 RPG series, but anyone who would put it above their Top 3 or even as their number one are inherently boring people. Even Dragon Quest clones generally do Dragon Quest better than Dragon Quest does.
>I’m 43 and play shorty shoot and shit post on nip cartoon image boards
Dragon Quest is the most by the number JRPG franchise in existence. If you've seen one of them then you've seen all of them. The setting, plot points, characters, music, landscapes, they never change. The Japanese tend to like repetitiveness and reoccurring themes, but over in the west (when it comes to rpgs) it's not liked so much.
Please post the webm of her stretching her legs
>FF failed so badly Square had to crawl to Enix for a merge
DQ always wins
>It doesn't even have fanservice
Damn you have shit taste if it revolves around having fan service.
God I wish I were Robert.
So you dropped the game after beating it?
Not even him but you talk like a 10 year old girl user
The PS4 version of Heroes II didn't even get Ragnar from the Switch version added in. So no.
We've had it ingrained in our minds that when a game is placed in a midievil fantasy world the devs didn't have enough creative ideas also the 11 protagonist is one of the ugliest characters designs I've seen
The West likes Gimmicks and Gwaficks. Final Fantasy.
>SE is so far up its own ass with FF that only DQ has some semblance of quality
strange times we live in
My son loves first person shooters and I enjoy watching him play whenever he is around from college.
You should try bonding with your father as well.
because it still plays like a game from the Nes era in a world where Fortnite is the most popular game on the planet.
Fighting games are just people putting in passwords over and over...
Game got stuck in time.And they will keep making the same shit and the Japs will keep buying it
well i guess i'm just never going to play the game then, I'm not buying it a second time for something like that that should have been in the base game
Because the west needs a game to have huge flashing lights and cinematic cutscenes to keep their attention.
This makes my sword the greatsword
t. Triggered shooty nigger
That’s not what a password is dumb esl nigger...
its sexist
>But thou must!
If you aren't free to choose evil, you aren't free to choose at all.
The actual dumb nigger who doesn’t know what a password is
Literal my wife’s son games cuck
How can XB2 be considered good when 99% of the gameplay consists of mashing A to attack and the rest is rolling gachashit in a menu? It doesn't even have good writing, unless you're literally retarded.