Whats a good game to play when your high af

whats a good game to play when your high af

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russian roulette
fucking junkie scum

wtf? weed doesnt make you a jubkie

I like long RPGs when I'm toasted. It distorts your sense of time so even grinding doesn't weigh you down. Okage Shadow King is great when stoned thanks to humor and neat visuals. Bad translation though for English. Difficulty spikes out the ass too.

Sims 4 first person mode as the girl you've always wanted to be.




I hope you die fag


Just quit weed the other day what are some good games to play sober?

scrolling through your steam library

>Press the green button to continue

hylics or tf2

Announcing you smoke weed/drink/do other drugs is cringe.

I used to play DoA5 and Tekken I don't know why but I found those two games chill af


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Ive said this before and ill say it again
Literally any game with friends you can play on a couch
Fighting games
Racing games
Party games etc.
And if you dont have friends and smoke alone like a loser, play some games you can fuck off on, like GTA or TF2 (payload race or capture the flag)

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im rolling a joint right now

Why does everyone feel like they have to come into a thread about something they hate and cry memes over and over as if they are the most original and funny person on the internet?
A very very special kind of autism you only find on a website like this where 20 something sociopaths actively mingle with 14 year olds.


They lack mental maturity to keep it to themselves. No better than redditors that need to make every discussion about how much they care about causes and simultaneously admonish everyone else for not being the same insufferable attention seeking faggots like them

the 14 year olds are jealous that they can't get weed so they spam old memes to cope.


VR games.
Try something like Tetris Effect.

Only people underage or with that mentality smoke pot. Real adults do coke or speed so they can be more efficient at their work and play.

rpgs don't involve grinding

Hotline Miami

Gta V with hacks make a crew and spawn jets for all or start a convoy of pimped out g wagens


I love getting stoned and playing Pavlov. I get immersed af

every time you do a stimulant you're shaving a few hours off your life, it makes your heart work much harder than it's supposed to. and i prefer to be high on weed at work because it helps me come up with more creative solutions. you work slower but smarter.

Weed increases your heart rate too

for the first few minutes while it's entering your bloodstream but then it eases up. stims keep your heart beating fast for over an hour.

>whats a good game to play when your high af
the basic english learning game