>PC gaming
PC gaming
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Pretty based, huh?
>jealous consolecuck
what game?
can't you read the filename??
Was expecting her to get brutally ravaged desu
Seems based to me, what game?
PC always wins, baybee
Fuck I need this
do actual girls move like that?
for instance, your mom had the funny walk after last night
I just came twice today in VR
What game, faggots?
Boku no Doom
Well the girl is Marie from DoA. So let's start there. Probably a DoA VR game.
Dead on arrival, these games are shit and the girls model suck.
She's not and it's not a DoA game.
Holy shit i would have stopped my car and beaten the shit out of that faggot for ruining it with whatever the fuck he shoots
>when the shitty vr meme game has better graphics than everything released on console x to this date
makes you think doesnt it
fucking cringe
Cпacибo, дoк.
Based but bluepilled
Holy fucking retardation
Dead or Jai-Alaive
Can see that ending like that new Black Mirror episode.
Is it more intense than looking at a regular screen?
Yes she is.
Look at those giant, floppy tits.
Don't make me turn this thread into Marie posting.
your mom have loppy lips
That is literally not Marie you fucking idiot
I know she has bigger tits but you can chalk that up to mods. The face, hairstyle, body and body language are all Marie.
gracias doctor licenciado
No, it isn't
Yeah she is.
you cant read it either
what are those velcro ball + paddle things called i want to get some of those
I agree but
>that waist-to-Hip ratio
My dick.
DOAfags sure are insecure about their waifus
Wrong. It’s a legally-distinct character named Marine from the new Dead on Arrival: Expert Sand Bashball series
Hitomi is my favorite but this guy is probably baiting.
I'm more inclined to believe this is the next Sexy Beach game and the girl is Esk.
Based nips RICING nordic gals in gaming while Yea Forumstards SEETH
>Sand Bashball
Should've been valleyball
what compels a man to play games like this?
Sexie womenz
I can't wait to play VR Honey Select when my Index arrives.
No, genuinely believe OP girl is Marie.
Did you order the whole kit?
sexual stimuli
Of course.
But her tits are literally too big
Is Illusion even alive anymore after their flop Koikatsu?
>the calculations posted in the comments
Does it really require that much effort to build a minigame like this?
people dont "play" it you just check it out for 10-15 minutes then never touch it again
hench the whole vr is a meme thing
My legs got amputated in a sexdoll accident, so it's the only way for me to go to the beach and have normal fun with girls.
It's sold better than any of their other games purely because of the version on steam. They're swimming in money
Will you even use it for honey select? Because it seems a little bit useless to me, I'd probably get the headset only.
So what's their next game on the horizon? I recall some VR game but only that.
how can real life thots even compete?
I said I would.
I'm also using it for Beat Saber, H3VR and some other cool VR games.
>VR gulrs
>competiting to real life
lmao incel
The Garden of Earthly Delights. The whole piece is wild
3d is gross
>can't you read the filename??
This was better than 98% of the shit you see in YLYL threads. Got me.
They already have another game out after Koikatsu, called Emotion Creators. And another upcoming game called AI Shoujo, which looks like it's going to be their continuation to the AG series.
Top kek
cringe as fuck
She has a horse face and fake tits, she's a disgusting russian whore.
that looks stupid
horse pussy > your mom
japs don't know shit about human interaction and base everything on post nuclear kabuki and anime trope feedback loops.
>ripping off Marie
Top fucking kek it really is bootleg Marie.
Why do whites love imagining their women fucking dogs and horses?
It's an Illusion game. They don't have to rip off anyone, you dumb fuck.
Because girls who fuck dogs are fucking hot.
>Look at their other games
>Literally Koikatsu
that is one expensive horse
>those red eyes by the exit pipe
It's literally Marie but bewbs. Sounds like a ripoff to me.
>Adventure Games
>all these idiots that don't realize petite/blonde/twin-tails/playful personality girls exist in every fucking sex-fueled nipponese game/anime made since 1992. Because they are always the fan favorite.
yes and?
IVR is Illusion's VR-only side studio.
Are there mods to have sex with her?
And than she took the nigger dick ~the end~
This just makes me want a VR wrestling game.
Yes it literally feels like the person is standing in front of you
ha ha sure you would
you would have just kept driving with your head down like that pussy did, whimpering "don't flip my car, don't flip my car, please please please don't flip my car"
*the dog dick
Would insurance cover that?
There's other games for that. OP's game seems to be heavily delayed. I've had it wishlisted since last year.
like this you turbo/v/incel
what is this
That seems like an inefficient way to cook a horse.
>more 3DPD
Normalnigger post of the week
2d fapping is forever ruined after vr fapping once
don't do it unless you have enough money to buy your own vr setup
This WEBM doesn't show the new features with clothes ripping and pulling. It's coming along nicely.
What's wrong with her body? It's like it's compressed or something
OMG it's just like Idiocracy
My favorite part is you can get right in their face and feels like you're looking into their eyes from 5 inches away. It's a very intimate feeling that you can't get from putting your face up to the TV screen.
Holy fuck. If I invested the money to build a system that could handle this stuff, my life would just fall apart. Give me the strength to finish my degree before succumbing to this shit.
That looked kinda neat desu
I have a question for you, will the index be good for com3d2 and other games like that?
Can someone explain how to use virt a mate? Why does it feel like a tech demo? I can just grab the girls body parts and move them around, i dont know how to load other models in or anything. I tried watching a tutorial and i was missing some of the options so I just have up
making a vr ready system isn't that expensive
That webm also doesn't show how the game runs at 15 fps on a 2080 ti and a 9900k
>mom said its my turn to destroy machine lifeforms
I've never played the VR mode. I have Samsung Odessey+ but it really doesn't see much use. I have a wife and kid so my oppurtinities to be completely, safely undistrurbed aren't all that great.
Can't really deal with porn games because for some fucking reason either WMR or Steam VR is always hellbent on mirroring the VR image to my fucking 70" TV and I'm always paranoid that it's going to do it and I will be able to tell because I have a mask on my face.
But only one guy can have her at any moment and the more men she has the less desirable she becomes.
this is a classic "outfit is more interesting than the person itself"
I made widowmaker give me lap dance and I nearly passed out from cumming too hard
I’m super poor right now, which I think is a blessing in disguise.
how does a girls ass smell like anyways? i imagine some flowery scent?
Absolute bullshit. I have a 1080ti and 8700k and it's 60fps no problem. Check your system and drivers. You have something interfering with the experience.
This game needs little girl mods.
>Ho ho ho, mom said it was my turn to play with the VR headset on the PC!
Yup, that girl in the webm with the red shirt - it was the fastest I'd ever came in 20 years just by staring into her eyes. She was completely clothed the whole time. That was my first VR experience.
My ass, there is no way that it's that taxing based on the visuals, you're just bullshitting.
We truly are entering a golden age. Women should be terrified.
>Why does it feel like a tech demo?
Because it's not remotely finished. It's a Patreon product that's been going on for a while and they're making consistent progress. You're playing an early beta that is not user friendly. It has a steep learning curve because of that. The interface and features aren't well-explained or intuitive.
But how are you supposed to fap if both hands are in use?
Are ya winning son?
Use your third, idiot
Just like guys
Never stand behind a horse, she was lucky the horse didn't randomly kick here
>fucks vampires
0/10 wouldn't bang
Horses are dumb assholes I was expecting it to either bite her hand or get aggressive towards the balloon.
If they polished this up just a little bit more, I wouldn’t even last 5 seconds.
Oh come on, you don't believe that at all, no one does, if anything men become more desirable to women the more validation they get from other women.
You have definitely never pleasured a horse sexually
thats godlike, i need this
Yes. Horses kick completely at random, she has clearly never done that before and has no idea what she's doing.
What women think is irrelevant. But men hate other men who successfully sleeps around. A few frat bros might respect it, but actual men refuse to trust "players"
whatever developer thatcombines this with boneworks tech and some sort of ona hole attachment successfully is going to become the richest man on the planet, and 3DPD will be a thing of the past.
like whatever soap they used
or it smells like your ass if they don't wash
Honestly between this and VR shooters I'm glad I got to experience the wild west of VR before everything gets banned
Who'd you rather trust? user who clearly knows his shit? Or some random woman applying makeup on horses?
Like shit, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Looks gross and stupid
ah well, you'll get there someday. and when you do the shit's gonna be so much better
>Or some random woman applying makeup on horses?
I mean if you put it like that...
I'm going to trust the nameless man on the Vietnamese basketweaving forum.
Nips already created robotic onahole frames that work with one of the Illusion games. Also the chinks have that sperm donation machine that definitely did not start development as medical equipment.
He's obviously exaggerating dumbass but it's unoptimized as fuck
>But men hate other men who successfully sleeps around.
What? In what world does that happen outside narcissistic psychos like Elliot Rodger?
Why would a guy give a shit about how many women another guy has slept with when dealing with everyday shit?
Ask me how I now you came here after the US Election
what about some kemogirls vr?
Is there a mod where I can play catch with my dad?
i don't know man, you just see all those BRAAP memes and sniffing images around here, makes me think of a nice smell
Only actual cucks tolerate the presence of a soiled man. If you have a gf/wife/sister/daughter you would not accept him near your family and have minimal reason to accept him.
That said, i'm sure in third world shitholes where chimp culture like Spain, France, Italy, latin countries etc actually respect whores of both genders.
I remember playing with those when I was younger. Those still exist? cool.
They had a Frisbee like that, too.
You don't even have a virtual dad Jamal.
I cant believe spindlerman is fucking dead
>draw 12 year old
>call her 18
Wtf Japan?
You're a fucking idiot
Don't get meme'd retard
I believe the japs already have something like that
Wow, that's really well animated
Tits 2 small
Best package deal i ever bought
>skin coloured legging
They made the right choice
How much was the doll
Jesus christ she CUTE
'bout 1200 USD. That includes heatable skeleton, extra heads/wigs and cosplay clothing
Maybe if they spray their ass with perfume, but otherwise women are human just like you and me
>That fucking Jay Leno Jawline
>women are human just like you and me
I don't believe you
I wasn't asking you, tranny.
absolutely disgusting
is that wild life? whats new?
>heatable skeleton
Are you implying my mother is a nigger?
Try not to cum too hard m8
Well you're just setting yourself up for disappointment, user
thank you for your service
You have to be some special type to grope a loli doll in public like that
>heatable skeleton
H-Heh...that’s not terrifying.
>Loli doll
She's almost as tall as the nips in the back
legalese in brief: "It is illegal to spread recordings of this game's footage or story"
>spazzes out realizing he's doing exactly that
It's what the doll is designed for are you retarded?
>Bayonetta the lifeguard
This is the second time I've seen a game on Steam steal Marie's face.
>emotion creator is a new game
they released koikatsu twice
God fordid you ever go to a sex convention. You'll drop your pants and start trying all the dildos
On the rock? Yes, miss Rouge.
I'm already too embarassed to enter a massage parlor, so a sex convention...
PC gaming is the future and there is nothing you can do about it
Who would win in a fight? Barcutter or Oniondestroyer?
those are darts from the gun
I'd rather do that than whatever the fuck this is
If they let me? Not sure what the sex conventions are where you live but over here we can touch things.
Most impressive part about this is how this dude's eyes have not to turned to mush.
Where is it Illusion? Stop blue balling!
Not being able to tell the difference between animated faces is a symptom of autism. Autistic people are known to rely on hair style and hair color to differentiate between cartoons and only check faces as a last resort. Google it.
god i wish that were me
What was this called again?
It would take me like 5 minutes to draw a schematic for the a diamond shape in CAD and then 3D print a tray to freeze ice in that shape. This is stupid and inefficient.
Enji doesn't count as real.
When is this getting Part 3?
After it gets part 2, probably.
Wasn't the bus stop part 2?
I didn't now jai alai was a beach sport now.
Yeah, but can you do it with a knife?
Is this Summer Vacation, too? It's weird there's no fucking title in the video.
Why would part 1 be part 2?
whats this?
Koikatsu VR is amazing, just sayin
I'm not taking that at face value. Show proof.
funny ass interaction my nigga.
But yea anonyou're dumb there's no part 2. Stop watching cut up parts on pornhub giving people clips
the doa girls need the 2b treatment.
"muh dick" has literally started insurrections.
A good bartender don't keep patrons waiting, My method is more efficient so I win.
>meanwhile in reality
What the hell is he wearing?
This is obviously not your street-corner bartender you mong. It's one of those fancy pants who throw the shakers in the air, fertilize your women and catch it while you didn't notice a thing.
reminder that before believable AI becomes a thing, outsourcing the control of the mute fuckdoll's basic reactions to a fat tranny or a lowly paid paki will be the more reasonable option
>isolated starts playing
Mirrin that bod. 10/10 physique.
But the face is the same and the hair style and colour are different.
Why do they always make this type of strange admixture between White and Asian for 3D hentai porn?
Why not just White or just Asian?
A good bartender is not only here to serve patrons, but also entertain them.
If you get special services like that, you feel special, and you come back to spend more. On the other hand, if you get the special diamond shaped ice cubes right from the fridge, it's lame, and you won't feel cared for.
>white pcfags are wasting time in VR
>the girls they like are doing this
holy fuckin lmao
you can't make this shit up
it's all so tiresome
penis sock
we aren't that far from decent AI, 5 years tops
we won't have sex dolls that are decent before that
Not a cock sock?
No motivation to pursue real women due to current social trends, so they cope with digital women, who unlike real women, are funny, pretty and submissively feminine.
feminists and roasties are gonna be doing everything in their power to have sexbots banned
>that girl on the left clearly agitated and jealous, unsure what to do
makes my pp the big pp
>while millennials and zoomers are wasting time in VR
>boomers are...
He's a good lookin', guy, though. Most importantly, look at his body language. His facial expressions. Where he's looking. He's not acting like some ghetto gangbanger. He looks like he's just having a laugh, for whatever reason. My racism exists based on culture. And he doesn't appear to be a part of that culture I hate so much. So whatever. Good for him.
>proved his point flawlessly.
>Steam steal Marie's face
user, that girl you're referring to (Esk) was created back in 2002.
And here we see a future single mother.
based user. I agree.
Shes got a fat ass. Look at all that cellulite.
I too like a nice glass of onions before going on my favorite website, blacked.com
white women fuck all kind of animals so who cares
they won't actually make sex dolls user
no one will be able to afford them
>sperm donation machine
Brb going to Japan to donate some of my seed.
You don't get it.
The type of men who play VR waifu games... what they want is a wife. They want sex too, but that's secondary.
The woman in your webm is a whore who have already beem penetrated by other men.
She's a cum dumbster. No man in his sane mind would marry her.
VR girls make for a nice replacement in the short term for the extremely rare virgin traditional woman who wants to be a housewife.
white girls fuck dogs
What's the chick's name?
Me on the right.
IIRC that's some art performance thing.
played it and its really boring, barely any customization and only 20 sex animations
enjoy all that bacteria roastie
dog spit is anti-bacterial
WTF Nosferatu is doing here?
Brasilian here. This guy is a brazilian negro, judging by his phenotype, a bahiano.
White girls cannot resist the exotic bahiano BBC. Shame on you, white "men"
1st gen iterations are almost always stupid expensive, it's when it becomes more mainstream and common place where it begins to become affordable. not saying it's gonna happen soon but if there's one thing that keeps technology improving it's porn and money
Wasnt this swedish sloot raped, murdered and stuffed between some rocks by some nigger?
Newest vid I've seen was a black girl getting mounted by labrador and by a pig in another video
Rose the Roastie
You use your wall-mounted onahole.
Because I don't hate skin color alone? It's not my nasty ass chubby thot that's groping all over him. Why should I give a fuck? And why should he be deprived of fun when he's clearly not a nigger?
no, but amerimutts make shit up to COPE with being incels
they will literally never be cheap enough
even a second hand decent one will cost more than a new car
No its not retard. The bacteria in it is harmless to humans normally.
That looks way too easy. I hope the difficulty ramps up a bit.
EA is making a new The Sims?
I think the biggest hurdle will be one of reliability. Human bodies can repair themselves. How are these $20,000+ robots going to hold up to 2 years of sexual abuse? If I bought a $1500 sex roll right now, the last thing I'd want to do is actually have sex with it because it would drastically decrease it's service life over time. I'd just use to dress up and cuddle with.
>even a second hand decent one will cost more than a new car
that's actually cheap for an autonomous sentient AI sexbot. you have any idea how much betas burn on ethots? you seriously underestimate how thirsty some single men with disposable incomes can get.
>making games
HA! Good one.
Pretty sure that's Hitman's Agent 47 in the red island shirt.
>Human bodies can repair themselves. How are these $20,000+ robots going to hold up to 2 years of sexual abuse?
artificial lab grown skin a futuristic high priced android isn't gonna have fucking silicone as skin
>heatable skeleton
>user's charred corpse has been found dead under the still glowing bones of his waifu, traces of semen were also found
It wants to die so badly...
I would hope so. I don't think anyone on the planet is cringe enough to do that shit in public unironically.
I'm pretty sure that's one of the dead or alive girls so that would be a good place to start.
My wife? Mine? My wife. Mine.
Be with her. Be happy. Everything will be perfect. Finally happy. Free. Happy at last.
Just bidding his time.
skin is repaired by a mind-boggling complex system of production and delivery of chemicals and nutrients from all parts of the body, created by a mix of dozens of organs. Fucking fake skin is 100+ years away from replicating anything like that. At least. I'd say more like 200.
Jesus fuck its like she wants to be kicked and break her ribs
Dont stand behind a fucking horse, those fuckers kick.
Nigger have you ever worked with horses? I have, those beasts kick when you piss them off and you are not going to be happy when they do so
If she knew what she was doing she would NOT stand behind the damned thing especially when she is fucking around with its tail
>that singular guy in the background not even looking at the girl on stage
So ... suicide?
it's a fucking WOLF
amazing, wish I was a billionaire...I would pay her to dance like that while I play video games.
nigger we have those now, were not talking bout living tissue like a terminator geezus
that is pretty hot
Ever heard of jokes you fucking retards?
This would be a lot more sensual at 3/4 speed.
Gave me a little chuckle there, m8.
And, you know, it doesn't even matter who you are or the level of trust. My dad had been brushing the same horse in the same way for 7 years and one day it just kicked him right in the ribs. We had always assumed it was like a dog - where with enough trust, you can lay your face next to theirs and look into their eyes with no worry of them snapping at you. Not so much.
Can't catch a venereal disease from 2D, but you'd certainly pick up a few from this disgusting slut
it uses the models from daz, so you can make little girls easily
>Heatable skeleton
I'll take 10 please. You can keep the fleshy bits
The point is it can't repair itself. Which goes back to original point of durability. If it can't self-repair, it better have a really fucking good warranty for me to drop 20k+ on a AI waifu..
Is there even anything new coming up as far as 3d h-games?
>They want sex too, but that's secondary.
Speak for yourself homo
I thought he was gonna start playing stop hitting yourself.
>The point is it can't repair itself.
we had prototypes since 2013. what in the fuck kind of shit are you planning that's gonna damage the skin that much? in all likelihood sexbots are gonna have insurance same with cars since banks are gonna be likely financing purchases like with cars
that's funhaus...
Just give me a good ol' 2D fullFlap game
is she ok
>Have you ever had sex with one?
>I don't want to talk about that!
This dude has 100% been fucked in the ass at least once.
While 2d is nice, sometimes it's nice to explore other mediums. Hell I remember back in the day going trough a ton of 3d h-games they made back then and having a blast. They don't do that so much anymore.
I require a VR game where you can be a woman and get gangbanged by futa.
>How are these $20,000+ robots going to hold up to 2 years of sexual abuse?
they're gonna cost way more than that when they first hit the market, hell fucking high end sexdolls already cost 5-10k on their own
what's so funny you fucks?
not a lot
World of Warcraft Classic
I'm impressed, how is the animation of catching the ball made?
Are you a 12 year old that thinks sex is loving and gentle?
I thought I understood after FEAR, but now, at last I truly see the full glory of lighting engines.
a man of taste i see
>Are you a 12 year old that thinks sex is loving and gentle?
>implying that sexbot creators aren't gonna take shit like this into account.
you sounded like you were gonna be burning cigarettes on the thing
Yeah, she's just a little steamed.
nigga wtf
hu ho, don't let /pol/ see that
very nice
>all that smoke coming from the nostrils
so cool
too big
Does this post violate US law?
if you have to ask, then yes
Virt-A-Mate. But it's more of a sandbox animation/posing game with scripting than a ready to fap porn game. The learning curve is huge but you can download scenes made by other people.
hell yeah
>too big
Dublin pls
>He can't read the filename
Steam have fallen...
female ferals were MADE for human cock
>tfw a dog is more valuable than me
>My legs got amputated in a sexdoll accident
please, tell us more
>so it's the only way for me to go to the beach and have normal fun with girls.
doesn't sound like, you had any before
Just filter adult only games. 90% of Weeb trash disappears.
You can buy those for like a buck off aliexpress. They don't look as good as this guy's though. Wanna know why? Because ice in molds doesn't freeze clear. You can get ice to freeze clear but it's a pain in the ass. Best thing to do is buy ice in giant clear block and carve it up how you want it. This way you give your idiot patrons something to record and post on instagram and give you free publicity.
Nice talking out of your ass. CM3D2 still outsold it based on legacy sales alone. Koikatsu still didn't outsell Honey Select too. Both Honey Select and It's shitty unlimited reason on steam sold better than Koikatsu.
That user was from the future.
>no cubbed girl
nice try
So, I hear a lot about Custom Maid, but what about the translation ? Is it machine translated garbage, or did someone take the time to translate everything ?
is this too big? you fucking homo
So having a hairstyle similar to Marie's is ripping her off now? Should we mention that Premium Play Darkness and Mesumakeup had a default character that had this same design? If they wanted to rip Marie they would have just given her Marie's body type. What could DOA's company do about it?
why shoop perfection
>there's a video
Emotion Creators is a new game though, moron. It's literally a VN creator and that's it. It has none of Koikatsu's stuff, only it's character creator.
lovely planet 2 looking promising
thanks doc.
You can get clear ice when using a mold but the problem is that you need to freeze a shit ton of extra ice with it and then cut the mold out of it
Hey Davecat
Same, watching this .webm just gives me the uncontrollable urge to powerbomb her through a coffee table or something.
imagine having one of those full body suits from ready player one, the hikki population would explode
10/10 reply
the game wasn't good for anything besides it's character creator and poser, they sold it twice but gave you the option of using their own VN maker that's worse than Renpy. so not only are you paying for koikatsu again you're also getting a bootleg renpy. i havent seen this kind of denial ever since koikatsu insisted their game had more character interaction than aa2 and it was actually the spiritual successor.
>Mario FPS
I'm too old for appreciating this dumb shit.
Is this what zoomers like these days?
Fucking normies.
Since this is now a doll thread, what's on your wish list. If I ever get a real job and can move out, I'm getting the marie with the big boobies. I already have the money, but no room for a second doll.
no idea, it's some sort of taboo-thing, I guess
Haha, I remembered I have to watch this.
cute, what's the cost?
A little under 3000, but that's the standard price for silicon.
way too big
>never had a chance to play this ball and stick game at the beach
>always saw other kids and families playing with it
>now I can finally experience this feel
VR gaming man.
Reminds me of this dog, trash had a fun time with it
>they won't actually make sex dolls user
>no one will be able to afford them
dude, you are aware that sex-dolls are already a thing
and even "affordable" (if you spent some money)
I was wondering when someone would make a web slinging vr. It really seems like it would be the perfect fit.
damn, that's a lot. My bank account is ok but I can't justify spending 3k on basically a fleshlight but with a face and some tits. Not much difference
>guy acting like a faggot
Unfortunately with modern art you are correct
last time i fucked a ho she tried to sue me for the medical bills when i penetrated her vaginal walls into her asshole so i could get anal and vaginal at the same time but the judge threw it out when i mentioned that only 12 year olds think sex is gentle
just like my vietnamese sex cartoons
Too bad she looks soulless and looks like something coming out of one of the million of Russian Western Porn game made with the same assets
is there more
Are you implying you fuck 12 year olds?
>he didn't order the combat version with anti PTSD features
for that amount of money you can buy a real asian girl
Are you implying you don't? Weirdo
Woo boy. Does this let me live out my choking fetish?
I suppose the maintenance costs are lower with dolls, than real ones...
It's better starting with something cheap to see if you even like having doll. They're really heavy.
Well sure, but how much for a human girl.
Asian or not, all girls suck
>have to feed them
>have to train them
>does the opposite of her teachings if she thinks you aren't watching
>illegal to punish in any meaningful way
Are you sure it's the choking fetish you wish for?
no one's gonna care if you burn cigarettes on your sexdoll user
Not if the asian girl can't speak english
I can't imagine buying one. Not because of the price but imagine the maintenance times and the effort. Just not worth it.
>All those deleted posts
What the fuck happened? What triggered that torrent?
it all looks the same anyways
>he didn't see
You're lucky you missed it.
What's so bad about the zoo? Most treat their animals actually pretty good.
It was a dog fucking a niggress, from several angles.
I don't see how animal on animal sex is violating any law.
They can be a real pain in the ass.
Asian women will literally follow you to the end of the earth as long as you have money, they're basically prostitutes
No, i mean the general /pol/ chimpout and Yea Forums posting. I don't see anything that should trigger those faggots in the thread
she must fuck like a fighter jet
>Zoophilia is illegal in only about half of the states
probably not a pedo
I wonder if her pussy is steaming too haha
There's an option to buy EC separate or paired with Koikatsu, unlike Honey Select's expansion forcing you to pay full price for it. EC by itself doesn't come with the main Koikatsu game, only it's creator menus. Yes, it's a new "game" because it's an entirely different thing being sold. A better argument would be whether or not EC itself is even a game, which it certainly isn't. It's just RPG maker for 3D VNs.
Why is he scratching her neck?
>he doesn't know
Secret Second G-Spot nigga
If you pull them off would you die?
t. Nodev
It looks like a generic Lowee map in a Neptunia game but unironically trying to be Nintendo.
It's great seeing discussions about VR and integration in the lives of people. It'll probably end with a mainstream source of sex dolls to AI dolls and perfect vr synergies that go with them. Maybe even for research or therapies that ultimately become beneficial. Hopefully in a way that it isn't heavily regulated or banned.
Marie is flat
This guy gets it. Otaku and weebs are, fundamentally, just lonely people. They want a gf and a wife, not a trophy whore.
It's fun, faggot. Cope.
Expected Gaben commentary.
look up jet island
That's not Marie. Tits are too big. A Marie lookalike, sure.
>Go look in a mirror, and i'll tell you who is creepy.
>rubbing a girl through DENIM
Well that gets you pretty close. No thrower thing in those images though; just the Velcro catchers.
Then it's her but better
is that where hamburger helper works now?
>try to view the deleted posts ITT
>board not selected
>fireden dropped Yea Forums and a bunch of other boards
we are archiveless once more
Because they're trying to imitate japanese hentai games but can't pull it off since they're not japanese. It's the same reason why manga drawn by westerners looks weird.
>all these talk about sexbots
>none of them look like robots
The future is grim for us robophiles
all are welcome to the future brother
Seshi Knight Millcream by MiMiA Cute
>someone posted the cute bot webm
Why must we suffer in this life, knowing such things exists and we will never obtain them?
How do the eyes move?
It unnerves me
>Milks Titty
Ahh yes, makes sense.
thanks doc
I had those velcro pads as a kid but not the thrower thingie. I didn't even know such a thing existed.
Why not just play catch, what's with all the extra equipment
It means your parent(s) didn't love you.
iirc it's an optical illusion that has something to do with the lenses in the eyes
n-no ;_;
is this the one where he pulls a magic arrow out of his butthole?
Oh cool, surprised more cosplayers don't do that
Seems based to me
so lewd
Reminds me of Dead or Alive.
>this is what a fighting series will be known for
>No, i mean the general /pol/ chimpout and Yea Forums posting.
business as Yea Forumssual
>this thing exists and I don't like it, so we need to take it down
She'd be right at home here.
Part 4 when
Makes me want to set her up for the DDT
This kid is going places
This used to be one of my favorite things to do as a kid. Kinda appealing desu but probably has no merits past the first few minutes.
based. all these literal zoomers don't know anything
But she's not a weed
>mfw this game still has a better story and plot than doa5 and 6
>It's a budget porn game by some japs in a garage
Tell me why itagaki getting metoo'd was a good thing again?
I only recently figured out that Dead or Alive was a fighting series. I thought it was a series of beach mini-games involving attractive females.
Just hire a prostitute if sex is your top priority