I just installed Daggerfall unity, and holy fuck the first dungeon is pushing my shit in

I just installed Daggerfall unity, and holy fuck the first dungeon is pushing my shit in.
Despite choosing Restoration as a primary skill and having 60 INT, I can't heal myself in any way, and there are no healing items.
I also have Destruction as major skill, yet I can't cast any spells because all of them cost more than my max mp. The tutorial even tells me to use magic, heh, funny guy, I guess they forgot to account for a brand new character with decent INT is literally incapable of doing that?
At the first door there is an imp that can't be damaged in any way by my character. If I skip that door, and continue on, it becomes a complete 50/50 gamble if I can progress or a monster decides to randomly kill me becasue I can't heal.

Why do people like this game again? I may be casual as fuck, but in that case explain to me how literally anything here is my fault.
inb4 git good

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>Why do people like this game again
Nostaligafags, there is literally nothing special about it that yout don't see in any game made in the past 10 years

how in the fuck did you have that image ready and saved

Go to the first room you started in to rest to heal .

Oh so you can rest inside the dungeon and should be spamming that?
I got further ahead, now I quicksaved at a place where an archer just appears and buttfucks me because it takes 1 hit to kill me at that point due to all the damage, and it takes me 4-5.
I wonder why the "tutorial" thought it should handhold me about looting and saving the game, but neglect mentioning that if you are not resting you will not be finishing this fucking dungeon, ever.
So far this feels like a waste of time.

You need 3x INT magery to actually be able to cast spells.

You can run through the dungeon and just skip it all

The what now.

Knowing the layout of the dungeon and where enemies spawn makes it a whole lot easier. And you can run past enemies if they're too hard to defeat.

You made a mage but didn't give yourself any magicka? That is ill-advised. That's like not picking mage/apprentice/atronach signs in Morrowind. Sure you can make it work if you try really damn hard and make the cheapest spells possible until you unlock the enchanter and make some items to increase your magicka pool, but for all that effort and with how early it is you're much better off just remaking your character with more magicka.

Custom Class. 3x Magery.

>You made a mage but didn't give yourself any magicka?
How do I give myself "magicka"? I'd love to know what the fuck you are even talking about. The only stat I saw related to magic was INT and I made sure I got a decent one. Saw no reference to "magicka" and how the fuck I was supposed to be able to "give myself" some.
I made a custom class, I have no idea what you are talking about.

You missed the right side of the screen in the class creator. Check again and you'll understand.

Fucking toddler needs to be spoonfed info like a good goy cause he couldn’t be bothered to look in the bottom right corn of his screen when rolling, then immediately comes to Yea Forums to trash the game when everything points to him being at fault

>60 INT
>incapable of casting Shock
Motherfucker did you not take improved magery as a class trait? You literally cannot be a mage without it. You only have 1/6 of your potential spell points. Remake your character, take improved magery x3. It'll give you spell points equal to your Intelligence X 3, as opposed to the default, which is Intelligence X .5

But, for an overarching bit of advice, literally git gud.

How in the everloving niggerfucking assfuck was I supposed to figure it out that in order to do something as fucking basic as fucking casting a fucking spell, you have to dig deep into a hidden motherfucking menu buried under 10 hundred thousand trillions of fucking sub menus and chose some obscure ass option because otherwise you are fucked?
Is this qualifies as good design for boomers? Are you being fucking serious with me?

"add advantages" in the character creation menu. Add some disadvantages to balance it up

You could have read the manual

Boomers are just accustomed to bad design. Devs were just figuring out some of the shit you take for granted now and not all devs were brilliant.

This is actually one of those games where referring to the manual or a guide is essential to understanding how the game works...

But yeah....not casual friendly.

>have 60 INT
>don't bring any curatives to a dangerous dungeon
Something doesn't add up.

You're the fucker that tried to make a custom class without knowing how the fucking game worked.

>there is literally nothing special about it
>what is the banking system

>I'm going to play this game I know nothing about
>Cool, have these prefab classes
>no way, I'm making my own
>And I also won't pay attention to what I'm doing
>Oh no, I screwed myself up, how is this possible? Shit game, it doesn't hold my hand and bend over backwards to let me win
Truly the face of 60 INT

>accustomed to bad design
Having to use your brain instead of having everything marked with quest arrows and shiny perk systems that don't allow for failure is not bad design, Todd.