Last on died and I want to have another Morrowind thread.
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All Morrowind quests are just endless errands about killing a motionless npc
How do you pronounce his name?
Kay-us Ko-sades
>mfw Nwahs ITT
saids or saudies?
Kye-us not kay-us
A-Asian Gorl!
berenziah!? What happened to you??
>C/A and noise
I've never played it. Is OpenMW fine? I just want high res support and bug fixes.
Kinda makes you think the zoomers that play Morrowind on aren't actually that into the game, since these threads die with zero to little content...
kay-us is more correct than kye-us
it's like saying aluminum
kye-us is just completely wrong
OpenMW is good for a first tine playthrough with minimal mod support. A lot of moddrra haven't migrated their scripts to OpenMW so there is a richer often more buggier world to explore in classic morrowind.exe but openmw is much more stable
Kie-us Koh-suh-des that's the correct pronunciation
found the brit
you're not roman by the way
It runs better on modern hardware but has a bunch of optimization issues and is lacking a lot of features, it also has lots of minor bugs, things like scripts not running properly. It only really has multiplayer over the original codebase, that's about it.
Moon sugar addict waste of imperial life.
user, don't
Will items eventually disappear if I drop them or store them in an unused container?
True, i am the ultimate anglo. I am part nordic, germanic, celtic, latin, french, breton, pictish, irish, spanish and dutch.
No. They'll remain forever.
Do stores ever fucking restock? I'm tired of trying to look everywhere for restore magicka potions.
Nothing respawns, except plants. So you can just dump your stuff on the ground and months later it still will be there. You can also use permanent corpses as a stash (placed corpses who died before you started the game).
They stay there forever, I once dropped some heavy loot in a random cave, eventually came back to it during another quest and picked it up.
Once a week i think. At least their money gets replendished by then
>When you're considering just buying a physical version for the map so you don't have to constantly open the map to check when you're given directions.
Like everyone else said there's no time limit after which things get deleted but there is a limit on the number of objects allowed in a cell so drop too many things and they start getting dumped into special container objects instead of being where you put them.
Fucking S'wit, so that's where all my fucking Kwama eggs go. You fat sack of shit, I would demand monetary compensation, but luckily I'm House Telvanni so I can just Lightning Ball you out of existence.
Kai-us Ko-Sah-Deys
WTF is wrong with that Dobson guy?
What's a decent build for a first timer?
Pretty cool that there were plumbata in the game, but there aren't Imperial units that are wholly dedicated dart throwers right?
It's not the Roman Empire you dingus.
Caius Cosades
It's easy, my burger friend
>Ca i us Co sa des
>Ca i us Co sa des
>Ca i us Co sa des
>Ca i us Co sa des
I just cant have genuine fun with Morrowind anymore.
Is there anything else to like in this game? I get the setting is interesting visually and the lore is engaging to read but everyone is boring, the quests are generic, the combat is shit, and the dialogue is cookie cutter fantasy bullshit.
Came with every physical copy. GOTY included the expansion areas, too.
I used to be able to read all the daedric, it’s just the english alphabet with different symbols. They’re weird about “i”s ending words, though; the cover art has all six houses on it but Telvani is spelt “Telvan”.
It helps if you can get into the roleplaying and ignore minmaxing
kay-uhs koh-sah-desu
Lore is interesting.
Vivec's a pretty cool guy, let's people fly around in his city just for a potion offering.
Kai-us Co-sides
He also makes them drown in his sewers and drink his shit and piss which is also magical enough to heal them as part of a masturbatory pilgrimage.
No shit dumbass
And 100% gay.
Kai-us Caw-say-deez
The game is consistently crashing for me whenever I open Pilgrim's Path from my inventory. Any ideas as to what the cause is? I have to drop it every time I want to read it so it's annoying. Doesn't happen with any other books that I have.
Anyone got some more Morrowind ESL art?
Redoran best house. I also like skyrim's bonemold.
Sounds japanese like that.
I used to stick pins in that map to mark my location and locations of interesting things.
Those were the days. *sip*
Kai-us Koss-aids.
Let me guess one of MKs additions to Morrowind?
I am amazed there are people who want him back. I get it I was 13 once and had an edgy phase but at some point you gotta grow up.
Just use the code patch and MGE XE. That's all you need.
Puzzle Canal, temple pilgrims have to basically go around the palace's sewers killing rats until they find the center where they have to drown themselves in the sewer water (which heals them at the edge of death) to make a barrier drop and spawn a bridge to the shrine where they give a nonhostile dremora a silver sword as a reenactment of one of Vivec's feats.
>Let me guess one of MKs additions to Morrowind?
If it involves shit , jizz ,or piss it was MK.
Say everything you want about ESO, but their update on the Vvardenfel Daedric Armor is great.
also the fact that Fyr and Seht were real Bros and this was the last time that both saw each other again
But that new design is shit?
They made Fyr look like an angry white maintenance guy named Chuck
ESL has a better Divayth Fyr
It was a long time ago. He's had a lot of jobs. He's done a lot of things. Most of those things being his daughters, but still.
I always find this way of transcribing pronunciation sad and funny. Literally worthless.
Learn something:
god you people are retarded
Here's a high-res version. 512x512 is pathetic.
That's what you get for following FALSE GODS
Kai-us Co-say-deez-nuts
Oblivion is better xox
how do I achieve caius-mode?
Skooma. It's a hell of a drug.
Serve the empire. Oh, and skooma. Lots of skooma.
>shirtless old man natty
Only partitioners of CHIM can achieve this level
Skooma is essentially heroin in liquid form (as moon sugar is heroin/opiod crystals).
So in reality, Skooma is just cough syrup / purple drank.
Moon sugar is a stimulant though, wouldn't it be more like crack or meth
this n'wah
user that looks like fucking cardboard garbage
all books are just endless readings of letters
Did any of you grow up playing the Xbox version of Morrowind? I did and I only ever played it vanilla. And I like it.
Kah-yuss Koss-ah-des
Any good all-in-one graphical overhauls? Would like to spice things up visually, but suffering from mod installation fatigue from my recent play through of Oblivion.
Honestly this, I don't mind English but it is a bit retarded in pronunciation. Everything just sounds like it's being said by a clueless tourist.
Literally worst house you could possibly choose. What the fuck.
>too retarded to read without special needs help
The patrician choice over jewlaalu but for brainlets who cant into Telvanni.
The best house is house dres. You can fly a giant wasp and whip argonian and khajit niggers as you please. Too bad those good days are gone.
>"The Sixth House is risen and lord Dagoth is its glory!"
The House Unmourned openMW DLC when
They gave up the slave trade sometime in the 5 year period between Morrowind and Oblivion, so they ended up becoming lowly saltrice farmers, subservient to Hlaalu.
Holy fuck I thought the I was a L this whole fucking time
Good thing its still covered.
Also, grain and chromatic aberration...why are people doing that? In fucking 2D art.
I store much of my shit in unorganized heaps on the floor of my stolen house. The rest of it is in that dead guy's pockets.
yuu are g-aye
that's because english is retarded and inconsistent. british empire was a mistake