Why yes I love lolis in my games, how could you tell?

>Why yes I love lolis in my games, how could you tell?

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By posting and spreading this meme, you are literally the opposite of the meme.
A real chad wouldn't need a literal image to "validate" his personal tastes.

you have children's underwear on your head.

based cunnychad

>By posting and spreading this meme, you are literally the opposite of the meme.
>A real chad wouldn't need a literal image to "validate" his personal tastes.

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How do I make my cummies get out of my body so Jesus doesn't cry?

I tried not fapping, but then I had dream cummies and Jesus cried in my dreams.

Then I tried fapping nonstop and that made the cummies stop coming out for a bit, but it would just make more cummies the next day.

My mom has agreed to help me with all my boners, but I don't trust her because she doesn't even have a pee pee!

RE2 would be a legitimately better game if Leon was partnered up with Sherry instead and had to pretend to be a responsible authority figure despite barely being out of his teens and on his first day. It would be cute and heartwarming.

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Somebody has been watching Maxmoefoe, I see

No. Never heard of it.

haha, cant argue with them memes! i like to think like the memes do. i like it when they tell me what to think

>liking loli
>not shota

>being gay

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I'm a girl


sent ;)


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>liking one or the other
>not liking lolibaba x shota

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What the fuck is even the appeal

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Oh. He did that exact same joke with all the intricacies, too

>not liking both

Source on pic?

no clue, saved it today myself

Attached: 1560699051841.png (472x587, 278K)

looks like 774 House's style (the don't bully me nagatoro guy)