How would you rank the flagships?
Monster Hunter Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Gore > Everyone else
Jin > Daora > Naruga > rest
Post your:
>First game
>Favorite monster(s)
>Favorite weapon(s)
>Favorite armor set(s)
Everyone else > Kushala >>>>> Dogshit >>>>>>> Rathalos
Non bingshit > bingshit
Nergigante is fun
>Lance and HH
>Nargacuga/The Magalas
>Barioth X
>Yian Garuga, Chameleos, Gore Magala, Odogaron, and Vaal Hazak
>Hunting Horn
>Gobul X, Nerscylla X, and Malfestio for form, Ceanataur for function
>Whatever works
I will never understand why they gave him paw pads.
Furfag appeal
Jokes aside probably because he's partially inspired by a bear or some shit
All I know is it makes me laugh more than it should. Fuckin' Elder Dragon that casually fucks up other elders and eats them, but turn him over and surprise! Kitten mittens.
His mannerisms out of combat are very cat-like too, wish i had the webm
hi i was asleep did i miss any other leaks after the brachydios screenshot
Nope. Some text leak BS but no more screenshots.
screenshot deconfirmed
>Khezufags AND Seregiosfags get BTFO
>They completely disappear
It’s time for NibelsnarfChads to rise
He's got a cat face. Just look at him.
Why dont you post in your general?
a what now
>Gore, Garuga, Tigrex
>Hammer (Gun Hammer), LS
>Too hard
I'd imagine it's because /mhg/ has reached that boiling point that everything on /vg/ aspires to where the locals have become so entrenched in their own autism that outsiders can't get any discussion going between the circlejerking and internal memes
/xivg/ for instance reached that point ages ago, that's why there's always a thread on Yea Forums and jannies tolerate their presence
Where are the leaks today? Come on dude. Just leak everything
Leaks when ?? ?
>tfw Ancient Leshen
Who cares about leaks. I'm just going to bury my head in my character's ass for the next 5 months and not get spoiled.
You didnt hear this from me:
Velkhana actually has a crush on the hunter and kidnaps him during a fight to let him impregnate her and make half elder dragon babies, while the Handler kills herself
Seriously, these threads should be fucking purged. They feel exactly like /vg/ threads. A new one gets made as soon as the old dies and they're always populated by the same recurring autistic posters talking about the exact same shit and posting the same images.
first time on Yea Forums?
Leave then.
>/vg/ should stay and Yea Forums and drown out normal discussion with their autism
No. Fuck off retard.
>/vg/ autism vs basedjak threads
That's too good to be true. Is Velkhana a male if you roll a female character?
They are both bad, but vg already has its quarantine zone
I'm sorry this MH thread killed a thread about Tifa's tits or some shitty /pol/bait about muh sjws ruining gaming
Yea Forums is litered with literally several smash bros threads a day, retards talking about how big a video game bitch's tits should be, /pol/ shit, or just straight porn when jannies are gone. mon hun thread a day are adding to this shit board's quality if anything
Dude chill, it will be over some weeks after IB is out.
They are not gonna stay around, like fuckin Smash threads for example.
Best Gen 1 and 2 games?
Everything before it is shit
Freedom Unite. It essentially obsoletes all of Gen 1 and the rest of Gen 2. It’s only real downside is being a handheld game as opposed to being on a proper console, but otherwise it includes everything from Gen 1 and Gen 2 in one package.
Will AT fights be harder than iceborne? Ignoring the equipment powercreep I mean in general
I haven't played any other MH to compare
Why dont you add quality to your consolewars genwun board instead?
They’re more bullshit, that’s for sure. The jump from High Rank to G Rank is a bit harder than the initial jump from Low Rank to High Rank, but the end of G Rank will probably have AT equivalents. The majority of Master Rank will be easier than ATs assuming you go into each fight with the recommended defense and DPS.
im too lazy to lurk the general so i come to these threads instead
can you link them pls?
>Big ice thing
Top Tier
>Gore Magala
Hi Tier
Mid Tier
>the raven thing whose name escapes me right now for whatever reason
Low Tier
Bottom Tier
Nothing against Gammoth, just not a super interesting fight. Also sick of having 20 Raths that are all equally annoying. It's a chore desu
G Rank stuff does more damage, has new moves and way more health so obviously if you don’t upgrade to G Rank weapons and armour they’ll be way harder than ATs, but if you do use G Rank gear then it’ll be harder than High Rank but not as hard as the ATs in High Rank gear. ATs and their equivalents in older games (Hypers and Apexes) are usually the peak of difficulty regardless of Rank when fought with level appropriate gear.
i can, he reproduces asexually so he doesn't have a penis or a vagina
nergigiante is the representation of trannys taking over culture/the elders recess
Trannies wish they could reproduce like a virus
I hope Master rank teo spams Long range nukes like he does in 140gqs. He charges at you so fucking much as an AT monster it's not even fair or funny. You have explosive powder, USE IT!
I don't believe 40% of all nergigantes end up killing themselves?
>sony vs nintendo vs pc
>mhgu vs mhw
Just because Nergi can make clones of himself with his spikes, doesnt mean he doesnt have a penis or capability of sexual reproduction in general
Starfish can reproduce both sexually and asexualy
Nooo! Worldsperms are mad! Muh superior nintendobaby roster! MH should've neverleft psp!
MHW lost its "soul", its casualused garbage
Soul is a buzzword used to describe the feeling of Nostalgia, so it doesnt mean anything. Also 13 million
I wonder if it's to late to abort you
As a tribab, I'd say Tigrex is the worst, but the best when fighting his subspecies.
Fuck normal tiggy.
Typical. FU fans are so annoying.
Play the original PS2 games. They're fantastic and not casual garbage like the PSP games.
Fuck Tigrex and Nigres, Molten Tigrex is based
He's here again Jesus christ I'm leaving these threads until an actual leak shows up. University starting in 2 days.
Nigres is punchy and impactful, fun to fight with SnS, much better than turbotrain Tigrex since he fucking stops to roar
Let's see how much you love your monster,
If your favorite monster got in Iceborne, yet he will lose all it's unique weapons (replaced by glued skin weapons), would you still want him in?
MH Freedom 2
Cera symmetry (Or King Attilart for FU fags)
White Fatalis armor (MHFU version)
Gore > Lagiacrus > Brachydios > everyone else > Nergigante
>Shagaru, Ivory Lagi, and Ash Kecha
>Purple Ludroth G Rank
Here's your retard bro
>no Gran Shamshir
That would be awful, but Chameleos fight itself is so unique it deserves to be in
yes because Gobul's weapons weren't that great to begin with
Who is?
>People actually talking about video games instead of some "personalities", the epic store, or how big the tits are on some character model
>Waaa stop making these threads
Dodoshitter, the useless wyvern
You have general for those talks, you are like indian who poops on street instead of toilet.
And justifies this buy "buuut other do it to!"
>do not talk about videogames on the videogame board
Who are your top 5 most fought monsters in World? Mine are:
Great Jagras - 176
Deviljho - 138
Lavasioth - 135
Teostra - 112
Lunastra - 110
>vg is not about games
In an instant. Monsters are more important.
>Too hard to pick a single one
Pretty much
No idea about exact numbers but they're very high. Odo mostly because I went on a big gem farming spree and he was oddly stingy.
>nargacuga, barioth, lagi (land)
>bow, swaxe
>stygian zinogre gunner
Nergigante - 575
Pukei - 532
Kulu - 456
Paolumu - 279
Tzi - 204
You think a Dodogoma could fit inside Tetsucabra's mouth?
No, too morbidly obese
I'm not a fan of generals on Yea Forums, but when Yea Forums is full of nothing but off topic retard fuel and off topic waifufaggotry threads, then this is fine.
Tri is peak MH and I played it for the first time last year. Nostalgia has nothing to do with it.
>Mizutsune, Arzuros, Zinogre
>way too many
They're all terrible because none of them have best weapon Hunting Horn on the cover.
I miss Barioth's chink eyes, wish they never had him fully open them at night
>MH1 demo disc/3U
>Seregios, Mizutsune, Gore, Abyssal Lagi
>Soul Seer, Rath Soul Z, Relic Dalamadur
How can it be peak when P3rd is superior in every way?
He still squints them in the sun
Only because of his regeneration, if he wasn't regenerating so good he'd easily kill himself.
>did you just throw a motherfucking flashbomb?
>I miss Barioth's chink eyes, wish they never had him fully open them at night
what did he mean by this?
>no water
>no Cha-Cha
>introduced Nibblesnarf
>easiest game excluding world
>introduced zinogre, bringing with it all the disgusting furfags.
please tell me you're not serious
>no water
>no Cha-Cha
>introduced Nibblesnarf
okay fair enough fuck that guy
>easiest game excluding world
all mh is easy
>introduced zinogre, bringing with it all the disgusting furfags.
how do furfags affect your personal play time?
>no water
>no Cha-Cha
>easiest game excluding world
muh mlg difficulty
>letting other people determine whether you like something or not
zinogre's not great but in no way worse than shit like kirin or kushala
and nibelsnarf is offset by the wealth of other things it adds over barebones tri
Niblesnarf is one of the best monsters in 3rd gen (to be fair all 3rd gen are good), but there's like zero reasons to hunt it, ever.
Duramboros on the other hand is absolute peak design.
Speaking of 3rd Gen, how is Tri not absolutely shitted on at every ocasion for only having 18 monsters and actually REMOVING weapons?
Because it was the first MH a lot of people played since fucking everyone had a Wii and FU had gotten the series some word of mouth noteriety already
it was at the time, but its online section has yet to be bettered in monster hunter
Nostalgia and muh Barroth
There will never be a better monster than Duramboros.
because tribabs will still defend it
Everyone hated Tri when it came out. Fugly bloom everywhere, gimmick water battles that controlled like ass, terrible lack of content, came out on the objectively worst console on the market, you literally needed to buy an extra controller for it to be playable.
It's just that it was a lot of people's first MH (including mine) because it was the big return of the series to home console after being on handheld for a long time. In short, nostalgiafags.
Pleb detected
I miss her bros...
what did she mean by calling the player "doodle"
its Gobul but with extra cephadrome, you'd have to actively try and make something worse than niblesnarf
The sns with spikes that popped out of the shield when you blocked? The hammer that is now pukei pukeis?
I cant believe capcom made that fanfic, where she gets fucked by Brachydios and then explodes from inside out, canon
And boy they did try. Because we now have dogshit like Glavenus and Valstrax.
Becuase despite the roster size, the roster was extremely varied and wasn't borderline copy pastes like World and Gen. Also it didn't remove that many weapons and the weapons that got removed were garbage anyway.
Because it was on a Nintendo console.
>Haven't fought him
>Haven't fought him
>Haven't fought him
>Haven't fought him
>Haven't fought him
3U is unironically worse than Tri for a variety of reasons. Tri+P3rd is better than just playing 3U.
>Soul is a buzzword
Unironically based
>Tri but not absolute fucking dogshit
>worse than Tri
Tribabs are all retarded, your garbage game almost killed the series with it's atrocious sales
>best online
>best music
>swimming was great and was a bonefied shitter filter
>small roster is neutralized by how varied the roster is
>best aesthetics
>Loc Lac
>had nice dialogue and casts without having to shove cutscenes down your throat unlike the cringe shit in 4 and the hours long boring movies in World
>best girl
I shit on Tri every chance I get, but I'm a gen 1 god. This board is full of tribabs.
No it's not, the only things Tri got better was the difficulty of LR/HR and the online hub, 3U was just the superior version in every other way.
3 Ultimate is a 3DS game. This 3DS game ended up getting ported to the Wii U and I will list a few reason why it's objectively worse than Tri.
>can no longer change the garbage swimming controls that you could change in Tri because the 3DS didn't have 4 shoulder buttons, and the half assed Wii U port didn't take the console controller into consideration
>got ported to newer consoles but looks worse than Tri did on the Wii. Even Generations on the 3DS looks better when upscaled to a similar resolution
>camera sensitivity is supposedly tied to framerate and the developers did not take this into consideration for better hardware, so the camera sensitivity, on console at least, is far too high. A lot higher than it logically needs to be and it's far less stable than Tri
>50 free bonus naked defense for the western release because lmao why not
>took all the nerfed monsters from P3rd and didn't edit them in any way, making the game easier than P3rd already was
>got rid of Tri's good online system for some reason and replaced it with a shitty lobby system
>most of its "new" content was actually just lifted from P3rd
# Ultimate is, for all intents and purposes, a half assed 3DS port with objectively worse aspects than Tri. Just playing P3rd is better than playing 3 Ultimate. At least in P3rd you don't have to deal with the shit swimming that the game has. I'm not surprised that people think Tri has garbage swimming if 3 ultimate is how they got introduced to it. 3U ruined it. The only positive that 3U has over Tri is the framerate and the more monsters, but almost all those monsters were lifted from P3rd and the higher FPS, due to being a lazy port, actually ruins the camera controls.
tl:dr: Tri > 3 Ultimate
It’s literally just because it was on a Nintendo console and many kids first MH game. No other reason.
Shut up, grandpa.
>The only positive that 3U has over Tri is the framerate and the more monsters
but mhg told me that the more monsters the betterer the game is
>giving a fuck about what that shitheap says
>easier than P3rd
P3rd doesn't give the hunters 50 free bonus naked defense at the start of the game, so yes.
What is this 50 defense everyone is talking about?
Event Stygian proof?
It should have. MH fucking died after Gen 3. Gen 4 was atrocious and 5 is off to a bad start.
No. This is my series, you're just renting it.
As if an extra 50 defence is even remotely impressive outside of LR.
You know how hunters have a defense stat with armor? Under normal circumstances, with no armor the player's hunter would have 0 defense, but in 3 Ultimate it's 50. That's higher than a lot of level 1 and level 2 gear.
After gen 2* If you're going to say shit like that then you can't draw the line at 3.
But its only useful for beginners at the start of the game, it has no big implications for the end game. Its good to make the game easier to get more people to play it and then make it difficult when most people are past the tutorial
Hunters have doodle dicks compared to Brachy
>Monster Hunter (PS2)
>Gore, Zinogre, Qurupeco, Narg
>Hammer, GL, IG
>Zinogre Z
She's a massive Fujoshit and doodles your character having sex with Brachydios a lot
Why do people bitch so much about the 50 extra defense that the non JP version of 3U had? I never got to play 3U but on a game where you can end up with 600-700+ defense, 50 extra defense hardly seems to be that big of a deal. Yeah, it's kind of stupid that it exists, but some people talk about it like it changed the whole game.
It removed 4 whole weapons though.
How is that excusable?
It's useful throughout the entire game because it never goes away. Barioth S Armor in 3U is 250 Defense with the entire set but goe sup to 300 with the 50 free defense. That's a 20% increase in defense just for existing. If you think a 20% increase in armor is worthless outside of LR then you're just dumb. That's useful in any situation.
Straw grasping
Some early monsters in P3rd can hit extremely hard if you aren't constantly updating your armor sets in LR (like Rathalos) which meant P3rd had a weird difficulty curve. The 50 extra defense was most likely to smooth that out.
It sucks that they got cut but it isn't the end of the world. A Negative aspect for sure, but I hardly see how it ruins the entire game. I also never gave a fuck about any of those weapons so it wasn't a big deal to me, personally.
I'm getting sick of this meme.
>main a weapon
>it's fucking gone from the game for absolutely no reason when it already has basically no content
>"i don't see how it ruins the entire game"
Maybe you should keep reading. Also pick a different weapon.
>Thread filled with literal faggot monster fuckers
See you when the trailer drops you disgusting fucks
>lmao sorry dude how about you just pick a different weapon we just removed it for no reason dude it's no biggie if you mained it lmao
Tribabs should be shot
The bow is rendered obsolete by the existence of the Bowgun. Cha-Cha is essentislly a portable Hunting Horn. So all that logically leaves is the Dual Blades and Gunlance. Go main a real weapon, retard. No one gives a fuck about your worthless "funlance". You do nothing but drag down the rest of the hunting party.
>I'm a casual who has never made it to G rank in any MH so I've only ever farmed armor for stats
Dual Blades has been in since Monster Hunter 1.
How do they remove a weapon like that?
What is the actual reason behind that?
Wiimote controls. Underwater.
No one knows the answer.
I think it's unfortunate that tri didn't have DB, GL, or HH, even though I don't play them. As a ranged weapon, bow can go though.
>muh wiimote
>muh water
Wii had a regular controller and sword and shield still exists, so that can't be it.
Sort of. They weren't there in the initial Japanese release and were added for the international release as a sword and shield branch.
When do the leaks start?
I remember reading that was the official excuse Capcom gave. Anyway Tri was more of a prototype for the future of the series.
Gen 3 taught them a lot of lessons. Never remove weapons, base armour sucks and swimming was a stupid idea.
Will we ever get baby monsters in game or would that make hunting the parents feel way too cruel?
Swimming was great. Shut up.
Swimming I think is still a good idea they just need to not make it feel like ass to play. There’s a ton of potential there that they just missed entirely with how they chose to make it play.
The bow can get axed for all I care.
>add MBG in tri
>don't do add it to p3rd or even 3U
>First game
freedom unite
>Favorite monster(s)
>Favorite weapon(s)
>Favorite armor set(s)
garuga/barioth x/teo grank/kecha/gigginox grank
People were too dumb to utilize the modular bowgun, so Capcom removed it from the series.
Pack monsters
Rath egg
We've been killing kids all this time. No need to depress me with more like that narga comic though
Nah Swimming was awful I'm glad it's gone and I hope it never comes back.
Same to your favourite weapon unless it's the lance in which case fuck you because that's my weapon.
Wouldn't know, I don't gun.
The way they did it was awful but the concept itself has plenty of potential.
Lance main, lol. Get fucked. Bow can go.
New leak guys, Iceborne has monsters in it. Don’t tell Ryozo I told you.
No thanks. Alternate control schemes are never a good idea.
I've never even played bow, but no weapon should be removed.
Also Giggi
>giving a fuck about baby virtual monsters
The bow is unironically obsolete. The SnS, outside of its gimmick of being able to use items without sheathing, is also borderline obsolete. The worst part is the SnS gimmick is now on all weapons in Iceborne, so its basically worthless now.
>Charge Blade
>Blademaster Seltas X, G-Rank Wroggi
They don’t even need to change stuff that much, just adding a third axis of movement is enough.
In 15 years, capcom has proven that they can't balance monsters for both melee and ranged. The series would unironically improve by removing ranged, but it won't ever happen, so it's a pointless hypothetical.
but they did or is zorah so bad you blocked from your mind
Tri already had alternate control schemes for swimming, and the alt scheme actually made the swimming tolerable.
Only SnS can still use items all the time, what's new is everyone being able to use the slinger
That’s only the slinger, SnS is still the only one that can use items without having to sheathe.
>YOOOOOOOOOO starts playing
Also Zamites and Uroktors
Generally speaking it seems we're only allowed to kill infants that spawn by the dozens and parents do not care about
Basarios is kinda weird in that regard because Gravios does not seem to reproduce at a particular high rate and Basarios it's not particularly dangerous like Gore Magala. Maybe the Guild also finds the Gravios experience awful
shit opinion, I played SnS in the beta, it's the most fun it's ever been. The shoryuken clutch claw is A+. Also SnS is the only one who can shotgun slinger without being in a combo of sort
I think the reason they don't send you to hunt baby Rathaloses and shiet is simply because they're not a threat and have no reason to be hunted, Basarios while being a baby can still be incredibly dangerous to people
Lance can shotgun slinger too, oddly.
leaks... doko...
My point is that having 1/5th of the game play differently is shit. Also underwater is the worst part of every single game.
That's not sewer levels, even without swimming.
Not trying to argue but I actually liked Sekiro’s implementation of underwater. It’s mainly exploration based and the few fights that take place underwater are more like puzzles. Obviously that wouldn’t work in Monster Hunter but when I replay Sekiro I actually look forward to the water levels, something I can’t say about any other game.
Sewer isn't as bad as underwater.
I disagree. It's less awful than it usually is, but I didn't do any of the optional underwater fights.
There’s only like 3 of them except for the random fish all throughout the world.
The headless weren't a puzzle at all what are you talking about
My ryozo works at Gobul and he said blonde Kojima is in.
>The Hunter's Guild is also well-known for preventing poaching. Poaching is illegal to the Hunter's Guild. Poaching can lead to a multitude of punishments, but most commonly death at the hand of a Guild Knight
>The main job of a Guild Knight is to hunt down poachers or other illegal hunters, and wanted murderers, before killing them. This also applies to hunters that break the rules of the Hunter's Guild.
>The fate of a captured monster depends on the reason for its capture. Usually when a monster is captured, it is torn apart in its sleep with ease by the corporation that requested it. This is due to said corporation wanting to research the body parts and organs of said monster, allowing them to better understand a certain species.
>Only on some rare occasions, the monster is tamed and becomes a person's pet.
>In Astera, on the other hand, a captured monster may have a few parts taken from it if necessary, but typically it is studied alive for a period, then released. There was however at least one indecent where an Odogaron was taken as a pet by a researcher
>Most people become hunters so they can gain wealth, fame, a better living, or other reasons. Some even become hunters to sneak out of crimes they've done. Some hunters are even criminals or ex-criminals-- this exception causes some places to disagree with the ways of the Hunter's Guild. Though the Hunter's Guild is nearly all over the world, it is actually illegal in the places that disagree with their ways. This is partially due to not taking blame for hunters of the organization
There is a lot of dark shit that is never brought up in monhun. And not even dark fantasy style of Fatalis melting hunters to form his armor - just hunters acting like they are in a Witcher universe.
Killing poachers by the thousands is anything but dark, it's justice
damn...and they say MH is for kids
I know, I tried the headless like twice realized I hated it then moved on.
>In Astera, on the other hand, a captured monster may have a few parts taken from it if necessary, but typically it is studied alive for a period, then released
Or they put it in an arena and fire Dragonators at it
Somehow Headless manage to be less cancerous underwater than on land. They still aren’t particularly fun either way but I’m impressed with the restraint From showed with the underwater Headless.
It's way worse in the Witcher, at least people won't hire hunters to work for them only to try and murder them once the job is done, nor do the hunters have to be taken from their families and injected with the fantasy equivalent of Krokodil and hope they survive
The MH world has always struck me as a very ‘realistic’ place when you ignore the dragons and monsters. Human nature is human nature and people are gonna be cunts, but that’s not the focus of the game so there’s no need to depict it.
It's surely different from the avarage Fantasy World in the way it handles monsters like real animals instead of the physical manifestation of butthurt rage or some other stupid shit, besides like the real world it's shades of light and dark, not monotone
>No actual "YOOOOOOOOOO" in its theme
Who said that? What, because most of the games were on Nintendo consoles?
That was a fucking joke you asshat
Maybe Ryozo actually had a different vision for monhun as something with more lore and story elements in gen 1 and 2. Then it shifted into complete gameplay focus and some carefree aesthetic silliness. Here we have poaching, vivisection, murderers and psychopaths working for the guild, free to commit morbid shit as they see fit, rich faggots who order a Rajang ass cheeks for their new outfit. And the next door are dancing felynes, silly weapons, emotes, cartoonish animations, dancing idol catgirls and crossovers.
Crimson Fatty for that sweet adrenaline
What if it was just written by two guys
Monster Hunter balances itself with pure grimdark and dancing Idol cats
>Got nothing to do right now
>The next two months I have so much to do at my work that I arrive home too tired to even play games
Thank you Capcom
I wonder, are hunters canonically unkillable?
I clearly remember some monsters eating a hunter whole, or obliterating them so much their bodies get disintegrated.
How does this work canonically? Do the cart cats just pile up food on the cart and the hunter's body reforms in that pile or something? I knows hunters are supposed to be ascended superhumans, but still, do they have the power to reincarnate?
No, there's a huntress that supposedly got fucking stabbed in the heart by a Monoblos
In "lore" the cats just drag you off before the monster can finish you off, the reason why the quest fails at 3 carts is because you're clearly not competent enough to kill the monster if you fail 3 times and thus would probably get killed
>rich faggots who order a Rajang ass cheeks for their new outfit
Don't forget monsterophiliac kings.
The being eaten whole or being obliterated probably came from Frontier's OHKO attacks. Which even those you can come back from with the skill of the Felyne medics. How is another question entirely but who cares.
As for your question specifically, I don't think their unkillable at all. Just that it's not something that's ever going to come up in the game so it doesn't really need to be answered.
220 hours into GU and I haven't even fought Fatalis or Alatreon. Was too busy grinding G4 and EX
>he expects effort out of a port
It only exists for the online aspect and everybody knows this. Personally I didn't even notice more than half the shit you listed and if I were to play the game again right now I still wouldn't. Also you forgot the charm table fuck up.
>stabbed in the heart by a Monoblos
Jesus, I can only imagine how easy it can be to experience terrible and painful deaths against specific monsters.
The description of Unknown Skulls back in 2nd gen mentioned fallen hunters, and is also what the Skull Visage pretty much was if we go off that. Their remains may as well be Mystery Bones.
Regardless, don't think too much about MH lore.
Let's be real, Deviljho probably killed thousands of newbie hunters who were just minding their own business harvesting Jaggi parts and Rajang likely mauls people for their Kirin materials
There's also the Seregios outbreak, which didin't make things any better
All humans of monhun are descendants of some ancient ubersoldiers which were composed by alchemy specifically to ride undead golem dragons. They are more resilient than average fantasy humans, but can be killed and they are killed.
Some of these quest descriptions are great.
In your first encounter with Diablos, Handler warns you to upgrade your armor because his attacks "will gore you".
Literally just an asshurt hunter
I cant blame you on the fight bcs she is so slow but atleast give her points for the music and the facts its a fucking mammoth towering over you on the icy map, t the very least its an awsome vibe
It's very quick and easy there's no reason not to do them.
All Gammoths in the game are female yes
I unironically like the damage numbers implementation solely because it helps me with ease of mind in terms of making sets. Before World I had to assume I'm doing better with a new set or depend on Brazilian mathematics to figure it out. Plus the training pole makes this even easier. Now if only the game gives us visual cues so that we don't depend on them and can safely turn off damage numbers
Well they do live in a world with enormous and dangerous wildlife, poaching can and WILL end up creating a pissed off rathalos that wants to burn houses. Humans and other human flavors aren't that much of a top dog in MH remember that the player is the exception during the games, so pissing off the wild when your neighbor is a fucking elephant at the smallest is a bad idea.
Those fucking monsters are smart too, like that one pukei. No reason to aggressively take more than you need from them. Even the cats count as monsters but they're partners. Also in most games the most hunted monsters are always the aggressive invasive assholes that have no reason to be there.
In Tri the MC almost had his hunter license revoked for disobeying a direct order to GTFO of the village and let Ceadeus do his thing until a proper group comes in. Xeno being KILL ON SITE in World is pretty obvious too.
I started Frontier and the early monsters are pretty great, they'll be right at home in mainline monhu games.
The human population isn't that big at all, why do you think there's only one "big" town in the series?
Most humans live in small villages, and depend on their respective village hunter to protect them.
That's pretty much the plot of every game except for 4U and World, you get tasked to protect X village because the old hunter is getting old.
I don't think the stork brings in baby monsters in the MH universe.
She draws porn of you taking it from various monsters
>Crushed by X large monster
>Ear bleeding and deafness
>Brachydios slime
>Impaled by a digging blos
>Eaten by a nibelsnarf
>Trampled by an uragaan Or more
>Trampled by an agnaktor ON SOLID ROCK
>Mauled by a fuckton of preyggis
>Fried by a zinogre
>Mangled by a zinogre
>Paralyzed by a vespoid
>Swarmed by vespoid
>Sliced in two by glavenus
>Sudden chameleos
>Gore magala kills you from five miles away
>Surprise plesioth during fishing
>Surprise gobul during fishing
>Surprise lagiacrus during fishing
>Having a single wound inside the rotten vale
>Khezu chestbuster
>Gigginox vore
>Gigginox poison
>Gigginox paralysis
>Gigginox anything
I want damage numbers to be a skill.
Even could be the freebie "autoguard" talisman that you get.
That way people could still easily learn the math behind their hits no matter how much I personally believe that it's not really that important to know exactly how much you do per hit but then also make it so that players have to give it up to make the most out of their sets, which in turn will not give the dev team excuses to make pathetic on-hit effects again.
I want my damn blood back.
>cut finger in the vale
>die immediatley
Lazy faggot here
Which weapons got improved the most by the clutch claws, what are the best weapons now
Hammer, GS
First game
Counter strike world
First monster
Uraban guerrilla
First weapon
Tactical knife and shield
Favorite armor set
Rathalos kevlar
You know hunters are made of ridiculously strong stuff because they don't spend the entire incursion dry-heaving. The smell must be rancid.
Yeah! Hammerchads united
I never actually played hammer.
>HBG and GL
>Don't have any
They even eat meals down there without a care in the world. They're nutcases.
>only one "big" town
Minegarde? Dundorma? Loc Lac? Port Tanzia?
I never understood how the handler could set up an oven and cook fresh food right next to the odogaron den without puking to death or luring half of the vale into the camp
Bing bing games sure
Design and concept:
Fight and powerlevel
Can't rate Velk because it's game isn't out yet.
World has the best rendition of it yet.
why did you guys lie to me?
i was told brave ls is ez mode in mhgu, but its not.
the counter timing is tight as fuck and i actually have to learn the monsters.
liars, i just wanted to breeze through the game real quick before iceborne and now i struggle with g4 valstrax.
Yeah, the only weapon of Amatsu's I always use is the switch anyway
Adept LBG/HBG/Bow
It gives you a way to dodge by holding a button and skip out many weapon charges. It's not very compatible with some weapons, but HBG, LS, and CB gets overpowered by Valor/brave style.
Maybe I should give it a try with IB.
Sounds like you're the one lying
Lagiacrus was the last good flagship.
Everything else looks like Sentai, DBZ over designed BS.
I mean look at this shit? Fucking awful
>the counter timing is tight as fuck and i actually have to learn the monsters.
are you 60 years old or something? I fucking reached from LR to G4 in less than 80 hours because of Valor LS
There's something of a difficulty spike when you hit HR5. Outside of the Supremacy repels, the key quests from there are all Frontier G stuff which is where 'old Frontier' pretty much ends. You get welfare equipment to deal with them, though. What server are you playing on?
wtf Moot.
im not, last time i played mhgen was like 2016/2017, i just got a switch with mhgu and wanted to get to endgame as fast as possible and everyone says brave ls is EZ mode, so i picked it up.
EZ mode for me is something you dont need to learn and can use pretty well from the get go, but brave ls isnt that.
That's just you then. 90% of GU lobbies is full of Valor LS users. The parry is fucked up OP, being able to dodge freely without needing to time it is broken and cuts out half the reason to pay attention, and you dont need to build spirit gauge so you can just go straight to full
Sounds like you're just bad. I have to actively not use brave LS because it just trivializes so many monsters.
The game is clearly rushed as fuck
i havent played old style mh for 3 years or something.
EZ mode for me is something i dont have to learn at all, but for brave ls you have to learn the monsters at least a little, unlike adept ls in mhgen back then.
The skill floor isn't even that high
Just fuck around with the timings and you'll get it down much faster and you'll demolish shit with ease and ez gauges
>huge MV counter
>generous timings without a prerequisite attack before executing
>quick transition to spirit
The monsters feeds off rotten meat in the Vale, it's more likely the smell of freshly-cooked food will drive them away
YES I AM BAD. i havent played this shit in a long ass time, thats why i wanted to play through it in EZ mode, WITHOUT learning.
no doubt that it can be op, but i just wanted to sail through the game easily without doing much.
It is extremely easy modo because you need little attention at all. Imagine all the practice people need to go through to learn what, when, and how to dodge everything on a single monster (and then do it to almost the entire roster) only to be completely nullified by just holding a button as soon as you see a tell. That single mechanic is how you break balance
I remember any charges or anything with more than a second of recovery is free counter opportunities
Makes tailcutting a lot easier even though i did grow dependent on it
Any word on changes to KO/part break scaling in online? Honestly my biggest problem with World as it is right now.
It's my first fucking MH game and I went through it well because of Valor, how bad are you?
also, unlike the other retards, half the fun is knowing everything about the monster. Don't lean on a crutch like that, pick something else that isn't Valor
Bing games are basically recicled psp games tho. If anything kids are the ones that need to be impressed with prettier graphics and turn down games justbcs of how they look
you started in low rank and got to learn the game.
i started in g1 and rushed through it.
i just wanted to get to endgame as fast as possible.
obviously it would be easier if i took the time to learn it.
but as i said, i just wanted to rush to endgame. is that so hard to understand?
If you're trying to rush it solo, you're gonna have a bad time no matter what
>If anything kids are the ones that need to be impressed with prettier graphics
Sounds just right
sadly i have no friends to play with, they only play world and/or dont have a switch.
We still defend the Gen 1 and 2 games so it evens out.
just join turn lobbies?
>Dual Blades has been in since Monster Hunter 1.
Uh oh. Someone is a casual and didn't play the Japanese version of 1 at launch.
Bings defend anything and everything. Just look at the recent yt music thing.
I completely forgot that Gamescom (and Brachy trailer) is in 2 days because of all the leak commotion
the last two turn rooms ended with me doing quests for the others and then everybody leaving.
but i may try again, i guess.
>I know, I tried the headless like twice realized I hated it then moved on.
Damn, MH fans really are casual.
I think I'd like World's graphical style if they got rid of all the motion blur and the particle effects on stuff like the GS charge.
It just makes things look bad in my opinion.
That's why everyone is so thirsty for any kind of news.
PC exclusive, baybay
The same reason wild animals don't hang out at your campfire user. It's a fucking fire
Just like 2020 is a pc exclusive
the funny thing is, they reveal the last trailer before the E3 , so we can only hope that they do the same now
>because most of the games were on Nintendo consoles?
Actually, it was the PSP games that did it.
In Japan, Monster Hunter is mostly played by children. The games you guys struggle with are made for children.
Just think about that next time you think you're hardcore for playing Freedom Unite.
Fire repels effluvia. You can see it yourself if you shoot a torch pod on the ground, makes a nice little ring of safety.
>particle effects on stuff like the GS charge
Those were even worse on the Nintendo games
Absolutely agree. Half my screenshots are covered by the anime slash effects, and those I can't get rid of
I'm curious what percent of the playerbase just goes through the village and maybe a little online and then decides they're done
>fucking reached from LR to G4 in less than 80 hours
Is that meant to be impressive?
You could get to the end of g rank in every game in under 50 hours if you're competent enough
A small effect around the hunter is worse than the hunter being coated in glowing red particles?
Personally I disagree.
>Charge Blade/ Greatsword
Fucking delete this
Most people make it to like 4 star then quit
>I'm curious what percent of the playerbase just goes through the village and maybe a little online and then decides they're done
Can't we look at trophies now to find out?
I will stand my ground.
I don’t mind the particle effects, but motion blur looks bad in literally every single game it’s ever been implemented in. I have no idea why devs keep fucking putting it in their games when it looks fucking awful and it’s more taxing on the system than just not having it in the first place.
Yeah but village and online aren't really separate anymore so
Looks like on Steam 59% of people who own the game have at least gotten past Zorah, 45% got past Xeno
>check compatibility with Yuzu for MHGU
>not tested
>might have to settle with CITRA for the 3DS version
Has anyone personally tried it yet? How is it on CITRA?
Can you stop samefagging responses? I have 700 hours into the game. There is way too many particles, especially every time you hit its a particle shower. Let's not even talk about MMO-tier particles from hunter arts
Go back to /vg/ and stop shitposting about GU.
Leave Ruiner Nergigante to me
Shagaru, Ukanlos and Khezu unironically
LBG, Lance, Hammer
Kushala X, Barroth.
Don't worry, he'll be taken care of
He's a falseflagger that is downplaying the game every time. He single-handedly killed any discussion about MHGen and GU because of his obsession with world. Can't even get a decent discussion about GU without him going on the fritz
you could start by not replying to him like everyone else did. It's just you biting
it's good, barring the shitty textures of course
You have been given Brachydios, what more do you want
Sounds based. Put tendies in their place.
I hope they don't fuck up Chadlatreon's theme
Glavenus sounded great so no worries on my side. I'd worry more about whether or not he's in
Here is your leak bro.
*unzips penis*
It ain't gonna leak itself.
I see you have a small plumbing issue
>Mention I don't like World's effects
>Oh my god there are already too many and Hunter Arts
>Didn't talk about GU
>Posted a picture of 3U (or Tri, can't really tell the difference right now) and World
I don't like that either. Gen and GU had elemental effects that stayed on screen for far too long for one big annoying bit.
So you can stop being a kneejerk first responder. I just want simple, but informative effects that also keep everything sharp. So no blur or no particle coatings. Gen and GU don't do the former, but do the latter at least. World doesn't do either one.
Also bring back the damn wind clouds to show windpress ranges again god damn. That shit's been gone since 2nd gen and it's annoying as fuck that it isn't back.
>Join SOS "Capture Rathalos"
>Hosting player name is Steve
Wait until painting 2.0
The point is that World's particles are miles better than the previous. I'd say that's an improvement, not a degradation Looking on the bright side rather than negative all the time
Lubricated for you pleasure.
>So you can stop being a kneejerk first responder
irony coming from you spamming comparison pics
And you're welcome to that opinion.
I disagree is all.
It's not that bad. If you're talking about how it compares to the switch version, I guess the textures look a little worse, but you can unlock the 30 fps cap with Citra, so there's that.
If you're talking about how well it emulates, as long as you have a decent PC, you should have no issue running it, as long as you're using an unofficial build for MH specifically.
What build would you recommend?
Just because the actual particle effects are higher quality on virtue of being on a superior hardware it doesn't meant that they don't look fucking atrocious
So user, won't you help him?
Didn't know you can unlocked the fps cap, that's pretty cool
This one is probably the best one you'll find for both XX and 4U:
If you want to, you can use cheat codes to remove some stuff, like dithering and the fps cap:
Khezu is the most boring fight ever as a gunner.
Why do fags want him back?
I want an actual sauropod monster class at some point, this body type seems like it’d have some potential for cool fights.
Nice falseflag listfag ,trying to create a division narrative
Why do you need to name him? nobody cares
Technically, if you can cut its tail, you can cut its head. An original way to shorten the fight.
Nice falseflag GU autist, resorting to subversion tactics.
>giant sauropod monster
>it gets staggered and falls over if you kick it
That'll never not crack me up
Say something nice about a monster you hate
I can't fucking wait until someone (re)invents Surface-to-air missiles in MH universe.
yo, that is be my screenshot
I unironically can't find anything positive
I just dont think GU was straigh up garbage , is such a crime
Contrarianism, that's it
Even hardcore Nostalgiafags despise him
Ceadeus, Valstrax, Brachydios, Lagiacrus
Hammer, Dual Swords, World's Gunlance
Ceadeus, Valstrax, Lagi X
>Any simian monsters
I'm up for it but I'm worried that it would have the same issues as Gammoth if it's too big and lumbering.
Lorefags want blind cave monsters to be in to go muh dark creepy areas
It might be cool to see Khezu in World HD
They want to see how new players react to a penis monster
God bless, user.
I'm pretty sure lorefags would want Wyvern Rex
Loc Lac
Is us, MH chads who like Khezu because it showed us the real meaning of MH.
Tribabies and the like cannot comprehend the importance of Khezu on the story and development of MH, is far deeper than you think.
Khezu is one of the easiest monster of the entire franchise once you find out thay there is a button to roll/hop backwards.
Oldfags only want him back because it was the very first shitter filter they knew about, thinking that beating it made them decent players.
>If Khezu comes back it would be the same as Generation's Khezu where it can spot you
This annoys me the most.
A theme would be fine since pure silence the entire fight is dull, but having to fight a monster that doesn't technically spot you was a neat little mechanic since suddenly you don't get access to things like the superman dive.
Khezu was just a lesson in patience, or just bring a fucking Lance or Gun
And now that we've got LBGs that can rapid fire on the run he'll be an even bigger joke
Why don't YOU Smashtrannies and SMM2trannies do that first? We have rosterfaggotry threads and post-your-map threads 24/7 on Yea Forums and yet MH thread is not okay? This board is Yea Forums, not your NintendoGA/v/ safe space.
Ryozo-dono has sent me here to monitor this thread
Rajang doesn't do that
He should tho
The only monkey monster that farts and throws shit is Congalala
Have you brought news from Ryozo-dono?
Teostra has a nice HH but his faggot ass should be retired.
Yes. We have successfully assassinated leakers who were in the middle of uploading Gamescom footage earlier than expect.
Yes he says Fuck bings and fuck pkeks
Leaker here
Pelagus is in
>trailer still isn't here
ryozo... please...
..are those brains?
Lagi> all others
Obviously glands.
more like lagayacrus
khezu deserves to go and stay go
giggi gang rise up
>Looks like on Steam 59% of people who own the game have at least gotten past Zorah, 45% got past Xeno
Hard to say just how accurate these numbers are with people cheating on PC, but it's interesting nonetheless.
look at those biceps
>appears on your Jewtube recommended
Whats with all the bing hate in this thread
*Khezu is the most boring fight ever
Old monsters mostly suck and aren't worth bringing back
I just realized but behemoth is actually a pretty cool fight when you're doing it with competent people
>doesnt click on the video
get fucking dodged, fag
GU went apeshit on particle effects, no one's denying that. Hell I kind of wish it was back to how things were in Freedom Unite. Not exactly a fan World's glow shit personally.
>he doesn't want an LBG that looks like a syringe wrapped in foreskin
Behemoth really isn't that hard once you realise how to counter what he does
Hell, Charybdis is entirely negated by someone getting the aggro
You can have weapons of monsters not appearing in the game 4U style
From the thumbnail I thought it was a monster's dick.
Is something wrong with me?
comfy MH hunting with friends
I would pay it zero mind since the idiot who has been replying to any Gen 3/4 positive posts with “bing” or “wahoo” also suggested at one point yesterday that P3rd/Zinogre are bing stuff. It’s shitposting, simple as that.
You can probably get similar stats of PSN I just don't know where to look for that.
Also I'm actually not sure if Steam global achievement stats count people who own the games, or just people who have started it up at least once. 95% of people at least got past the intro which, oddly, is pretty high for a Steam game.
I hope we get Lucent Narga or a new variant. normal Narg is too easy even in G-rank
man the lack of leaks make people really hatefull
Gacuga Blanco
Are there even any somewhat decent MH youtubers?
Whenever i wanted to check out good DB gameplay so i could get better, Itd always just give fucking arekks and other shitty subhuman destiny youtubers.
It’s also getting to be the time of the morning when the quality of these threads normally nosedives right into the shitcan.
>Este es el fin, el grande cazador.
it shows users of the site by default, hover over the % to see overall.
Monhun isn't really a game most people randomly buy to play some day, they buy it because their friends pressured them into playing with them. So it wouldn't surprise me if a higher than usual percentage of people have started it up?
Arkkeks is basically a second tutorial, you don't really need anyone else to find out how to play a weapon
Yeah I first tried it despite never fighting it in another monhun and being pretty mediocre at GS. Tigrex on the other hand I timed out two or three times before deciding to save it for release.
Not that far off from the Steam statistics overall, looks like
I've played 500 hours and haven't bothered making a steak on the BBQ spit yet
>You can have weapons of monsters not appearing in the game 4U style
And I'd want that because? I love the way Khezu's HBG looks. It fits the aesthetic of the LR/HR armor where you more or less look like a doctor or nurse. If anything I want them to change Khezu's G Rank because I'm not a fan of the drastic shift in theme.
If you skip the first minute of Arekks' bullshit when he's just babbling about shit no one cares about he's bearable, I don't bother much with youtuber anything though
Khezu's LBG*
Canta is good.
It's absolutely fascinating to me how little cooking meat matters in World, even for that first portion of the game. Have so many other ways to maintain or gain stamina so that the spit is almost useless.
And to be frank that's alright considering the abomination of the new cooking theme.
I love Motivated Nargacuga. Foolishness Hunter, foolishness.
Probably just watch the speedrun youtubers like Canta
That and being able to just throw shit at Handler for her to cook some rations almost immediately
Steaks would probably matter more early on if rations weren't something you can stockpile now
Speaking of, I should probably stock up on a gorillion rations and whetfish before Iceborne is out
Threadly reminder that Capcom wasted time on developing specific mount themes better than their originals that will never actually be heard for more than 15 seconds
>The filename for this picture when it was first posted on /vg/ was literally something along the lines of CAPCOM GAMESCOM EXTENDED TRAILER
>We haven't gotten a single extra image from said trailer afterward
Sloppy job Ryozo
>wasted time
They just slapped some drums, recorded it and plastered it onto the music
Some of them are alright but it's literally just adding a bongo beat like you're riding Yoshi or some shit
Vaal's mount theme is terrible though.
Amazing how the addition of drums can massively improve the soundtrack
These SMW Yoshi remixes are hit or miss.
This, I like a lot of them but Vaal's doesn't work at all.
Eh mostly, some don't need them
Most mount themes are pretty good but Vaal's is probably the worst. It just sounds so chaotic and messy. Teo's is probably my favorite with the clapping.
Because it's fake.
Newfag here. What are the hardest monsters to fight in GU? Want to prepare myself whenever I reach G-rank
Pretty much all tracks use drums, the mount theme just adds a prominent drum layer.
Redhelm Arzuros
Boltreaver Astalos
Bloodbath Diablos
Elderfrost Gammoth (melee)
Hyper Lagiacrus (melee)
Hyper Metal Raths
GU has plenty of hard monsters to test your mettle as a true hunter
How would you go about faking that
Wait till you meet fatalis ,you are in for a treat nergifag
>GU has plenty of hard monsters to test your mettle as a true hunter
*laughs in adept*
Same way you always fake it.
Use PC to replicate the scene. Take an old Brachy, touch it up slightly, then use blur tools to erase any obvious mistakes.
It's been a whole month since we got anything of substance, no wonder we're so desperate
I can feel the days getting longer
3 days away
>tfw january
We're literally 2 days away till Gamescom. Can you fucks wait a little bit longer?
Tigrex > Narg > Gore > Lagi > POWER GAP > Zinogre > Glavenus > Kushala > Seregios > Valstrax > Velkhana > Nerg > Brachydios > Raths
Brachydios is fun to fight but definitely the dumbest looking flagship
Adept and brave are really cheap shit but deviants and hypers specially g rank are so pumped up it feels insane to solo them on higher ticket levels
best fated four theme
Oh great, now we're vulnerable to all shitposting
I wouldn't be surprised if its that autist DDoSing the servers just so he could continue shitposting
You're giving him too much credit, he's not that powerful yet
Fireden's such a piece of shit archive yet its the only one with reverse search and a search bar. It keeps getting taken down twice per week
At least I saved the Pukei Pukei copypasta before it went down.
>Abyss Lagiacrus set
From what I've gathered on /qa/, the admins are having issues archiving /vg/ and Yea Forums because they're the most popular boards on Yea Forums. They didn't even archive /pol/ because of the popularity but now they have a bigger fish that they couldn't hold on
Right now the talks is that either they're gonna be a slow board archive site or just make a new site dedicated to the fast and popular boards. Nothing is solid yet
>we were the monsters all along
I don't mind it if they stop archiving new posts but come on, please leave the old archives up
Check your Optional Quest list
Reminder that nobody's canonically survived a Fatalis attack and everyone who dies to it gets melted and added to it's scales, being made into armor.
Fatalis don't fuck around.
Another leaker has been taken down. Better report this to Ryozo-dono.
What it say?
Sending this thread off with Steve.
Nothing important. Just another LARPer.
Anyone know if there's a way to mod the font size up on pc? The large size font from the options menu is a bit smaller than I'd like.
I'm not even upset about the wait, but about everything getting spoiled again. Playing on launch together with everyone is just too much to ask, fuck Capcom and their Snoy timed deals.
What if they're telling the truth? The investigations bit seems specific.
Really? Being able to find Monster investigations in World is specific?
Don't trust any leaks until given proof
you're free to believe every low effort "leak" you read user
No I mean it sounds like he's saying they can usually only be found in the guiding land, though if you get investigations you can hunt them elsewhere.
the only bird wyvern that deserves to get in is peco
i met fatty before probably you even played mh my first monhun was mh1 im an ancientfag, i remember the meta way to fight him back then was bowgun and cluster 2 ammo. and lance was the most op weapon because of headlocking
>displeased handler.png
I'm sorry man
>divebombs u
Val's divebomb is easy to avoid since it has a minute long tell, a sound que, and doesn't spam it
Zinogre is in. There is a thunder weapon that requires a bug to forge
you guys may wanna check /mhg/ right now
Yep, that’s something alright.